
Reply To: Am I codependent? I feel awful

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Good point regarding my friend.  No he is not attractive.  He talks constantly about other women and….goes to their house for a little bit and leaves after getting his needs met.  But here is the thing-I have no proof that he actually does any of these things that he talks all the time about.  And he has a girlfriend that he lives with.

Now someone said on social media that you should not take advice from someone who is not in a healthy relationship or treats their partner fairly.  So has he been correct in the past about men I’ve dated?  Yes. But does that mean he will be right every time?  I just don’t know.  I’m trying to take one day at a time.  I’m making a list of what I should and should not do.  I’m trying not to have expectations and create sceneros in my head.  I just want something to go right for me even if it doesn’t work out.  I want to be happy with my decision.

