
Reply To: Am I codependent? I feel awful

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No problem!

They are legally separated and have been going through the divorce process for the past 2 years.  Apparently his attorney told him yesterday she was ready to quit?  Sounds to me like he and his ex are both being difficult and not agreeing on anything.  My father told me yesterday that most men tend to not admit to wrong doing or contributing to divorce in relationships.  (I think that is true for a large percentage?) and also can be for women too (maybe less than men?)

He stated to me this morning that he was still a bit bummed since yesterday. “I always get like this after skiing.  All of the adrenaline and having fun. Glad it’s the weekend.”

In my opinion he may have done more that just pot and xanax while skiing.  We both know doing any type of drug especially in excess can interfere with anti-depressants, anxiety meds, etc.  At this point he is not my husband and I don’t live with him.  He makes sure he is not high around me (from pot).  He takes it at night mostly he says.  So really that’s not my concern at this point.

Personally many people feel that pot is not a drug.  I think it is-but so is xanax, alcohol, etc.

I think I am making a big deal about little things sometimes.  I tell myself his bad mood as nothing to do with me and it does not.  He mentioned maybe getting together over the weekend b/c we will not see each other for about 2 weeks.

I like planning ahead and really want to ask him about this weekend but I know that may not be the route to take at this point.  He might have to hire a sitter.  My brain is kind of beat but I will have the weekend to myself.
