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Hi Anita
i am having major trust issues. I feel like I only trust husband only 85%. I saw his new passcode when he was getting into his phone. I know the code to his Apple Watch. And I go into that daily while he’s sleeping. Some of his numbers don’t have names and I ask him about those and he tells me they are guys which happens to be true because he will call them and his friends answer. The other morning I came across a number I didn’t recognize on his watch. I screen shot it with my phone along with the texts that were in Turkish. There was an instagram photo of a woman that was sent my husband. There was no mention of the woman in the conversation. I translated every thing via google translate. So I called the number later during the day and a man answered. Why a picture of this woman was sent, I have no idea. I confronted my husband last week about who’s numbers are those etc. he told me he is not cheating cause he doesn’t want problems or drama and he loves me too much cause he respects me and I’m his wife etc, and for me not to question him again.
So this morning I went on his watch again . On his fb messenger I found a msg from December. He msg some girl over his country “Hi”. She didn’t respond. I went on her fb page and she is single. Why he would do that I don’t know and I’m so suspicious now of everything. While he was sleeping I went into his phone and deleted her and blocked her from messenger and Facebook. Why is he doing this? He tells me I’m his everything, his best friend, his love . I went as far as looking at his contacts. I know people delete conversations so I have no clue if there is anyone else. How do I approach this to him ? He will get upset if I ask him again . He always tells me he doesn’t like secrets……. But yet why was there a msg there to this woman ? He doesn’t like it when I keep things from him and he always asks who calls me or texts me all the time. I don’t know what to do!