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Dear Anita,
“Anxiety is fear connections in the brain. What happens is that that fear is not one connection that can be disconnected and problem solved. Fear is connected in many places in the brain, and different individuals, different connections.” This makes sense. So technically we can’t unplug them all at once, but rather we have to work on one at a time, otherwise I fear I would not be doing an adequate job.
“Right this moment, as I am sitting on this chair, I felt anxiety, became mindful that I am feeling anxious. Maybe it is that I overate a bit, being bloated makes me anxious (Neural Connection: bloated/fear) Also i am sitting by the wood stove and feeling warm (Neural connection: too hot/ fear). I know I need to go to the mat, away from the wood stove, yet I am sitting by the computer and feeling too warm.” I liked your descriptions. Not as a basis for comparison, but rather just to get insight as to how it works for you.
“An hour and forty minutes later and I am back. What I did was decided to do a brisk walk in the cold enough air outside, about three miles, fifty minutes or so, then completed the 5 kg (light) weight lifting I do every other day, followed with crunches (core work) on the mat, some stretches following the two and then a short hot bath. I let the fire die in the wood stove and am wearing lighter clothes so I am not uncomfortably warm.” I like your routine, sounds very calming.
“Take care and find comfort in your loving and lovable dog!” I will. I’ll admit that he calms me down. Whenever I am zoned out and distracted by things, or overwhelmed with the mountains of homework I have, he distracts me.