Posts tagged with “forgiving”
Love Challenge #95: Don’t Dwell, Let Go
What are you carrying around that’s weighing you down?
(This challenge comes from the upcoming book Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges. Pre-order before October 6th and get $300+ in free bonus gifts!)
Love Challenge #99: Responding to Other People’s Mistakes
How do you respond when a child makes a mistake? Do you respond differently when it’s an adult?
(This challenge comes from the upcoming book Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges. Pre-order before October 6th and get $300+ in free bonus gifts!)
Forgiving In a Situation That Feels Unjust
“When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.” ~Unknown
There I was: numb from a conclusion of a dismissal based on a finding that there was “no reasonable prospect of success.”
Harassed, bullied, victimized, stalked both in-person and online, the Human Rights Tribunal tossed me into another discarded pile of victims to be ignored by the courts because a group of goons were cleaver enough to hide the body of proof.
My assailants comprised of four individuals. One was a divorced teacher …
Dealing with Painful Memories to Find Peace in the Present
“The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” ~Marianne Williamson
I awoke early one morning, the cries and pleas of my dreams slowly dissipating, and though I could no longer hear or see what was happening, it stayed with me as I drifted back to the real world. I knew this story; I had dreamed a memory, and the remains of it stayed with me in my body.
Like a dark cloud it made me pull my knees into my chest, and it forced salty tears from my closed eyes. I had dreamed …