Posts tagged with “inspiring”

The Collaboration Project: What Do You Love?
The people at JacksGap asked their audience to send video messages via Skype answering the question “What do you love?”
After receiving over 2,500 responses from twenty different countries, they created this touching short video that reminds us there’s so much beauty in the world, so much that we can all appreciate, regardless of our differences. What do you love?

Breakfast, Lunch, and Hugs
This is so many levels of beautiful and inspiring! Tim Harris has Down Syndrome, but that didn’t stop him from opening his own restaurant, Tim’s Place, which serves breakfast, lunch, and hugs.
Everyone who enters his Albuquerque establishment gets a big serving of his joy and love before they even take a look at the menu. Though the food may be delicious, I have a feeling this is what keeps them coming back: Tim’ infectious passion, gratitude, and kindness.
You can learn more about Tim’s Place here.

Children’s Hospital Performs Katy Perry’s Roar
In this inspiring, heartwarming video, children and staff members at Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock let out their inner lion and perform Katy Perry’s Roar.
You can make a donation to support the kids of CHaD here, and you can learn more at and

The Importance of Kindness (an Animated Video)
Adapted from a graduation speech by George Saunders in 2013, this powerful little video reminds us that the only act of kindness we come to regret is the one we did not commit.

Touching Strangers: Humanity As It Could Be
We all have a certain level of comfort with our friends and family that we may assume we could never feel with a total stranger. Photographer Richard Renaldi wanted to see what would happen if he created unlikely pairings and positioned them in intimate poses. The result was far from awkward and surprisingly touching.