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- This topic has 24 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 2 months ago by
September 28, 2014 at 5:46 pm #65711
ParticipantHello, I understand how you feel. I’m going through the same at this time. I applied the 60 day no contact and decided to work on some of my issues when it comes to relationships. I’m 62 when it comes to dating I feel like I’m 16. Most of our contact went to e-mailing, red flag. Can’t believe I actually put up with that. Deep inside we want to feel loved. Be patient with yourself, just do little things to help you move on. If you like walking, play some music, nothing that reminds you of him. Feel your feelings, and they eventually start hurting less. Ask yourself what lesson you learned, that will help you to have a better relationship the next time. Don’t settle for less, you deserve better.
December 9, 2014 at 2:11 am #68961Strad McNight
ParticipantThe “30-day No Contact Rule” is one of the most-misunderstood and over-hyped “gimmicks” that the lovelorn use to accomplish what many times should not even be attempted: reestablish a toxic relationship.
While it does serve a very useful purpose, even several–regaining one’s self-respect, automony, and the setting of personal boundaries–there is no empiracle proof…zero, that it can reliably rekindle feelings of affection or desire in someone who has kicked a partner to the curb.
Again, to withdraw–either by tapering or cold turkey from a relationship that has ultimately become a source of significant emotional distress–“no contact” is powerful medicine and like many cures it comes with considerable distres itself but it is self limited. Studies in neuropsychology have indicated that if something happened three months ago or longer,it has very little impact on our happiness, unless we interfere with the brain’s powerful capacity to heal from the psychic trauma.
Therefore, at a minimium, no-contact should be maintained for 90 days. But exactly what is “no contact”. One can choose to dispassionately RESPOND or NOT respond to a call, text, or message but one cannot, under any circumstance, initiate contact.
Ideally, one should committ to being in a responsive mode only. “I’m doing great. Thanks. Hope all is well with you,too.”
If you choose to respond to a call, keep it short–and wait until the next day. Either respond with a text or a VERY short call. “Hi, saw you called. Was really busy and I can’t really talk now. But thnks for the well wishes.” If the person tries to talk about the relationship, just say, “I really don’t care to discusss that now. Got to run, but wanted to say, Hi.”The idea is that you begin to lay out the rules of engagement. YOU decide if you’ll respond, when, and how. You will discover that if you use “no contact” like this while admitting your only mistake was making a bad choice to be involved with that person at this time in your life, in three months you may wonder what all the fuss was about.
December 9, 2014 at 4:02 pm #69000Yue
ParticipantHi Jan,
It’s a tough cookie. Having been on the recieving end of a break up more than a few times, I understand that feeling of wondering whether if there is something you can do to make it right. Maybe a text, an email, a letter, a phone call, an apology….basically anything to let the other person knows how much you missed them. The sad truth is that there is nothing you can do to make someone love you and as the saying goes, if they are meant to be in your life, let them go and they will come back to you anyway. The more you give in to your urges to make contact, the crappier you will feel about yourself when they don’t respond until you realise your happiness is entirely dependant on how they interract with you. Looking at it from the other side of the fence, if you decide to break up with someone but they continue to contact you regularly and try to win you back by buying you little gifts, will that make you want them more or less?
When I had my break up earlier this year, I thought to myself that wow, so this is rock bottom. The decision I had to make at the time was should I try to win her back or should I use this opportunity to make some long overdue changes? I decided on the later because even if by some mircale that I won her back, we are still the same people and as Einstein once said, the definition of insanity is trying the same thing but expect different outcomes. So I stopped drinking for 3 months, started meditation and yoga, changed jobs, went overseas for 3 months and moved somewhere else when I returned. In the begining, I thought that perhaps if I improved myself, maybe she will come back and that kept me going for a while. However, while I was travelling in South America, I realised that I can be happy on my own and instead of focusing on the other person, working on myself is for myself is far more important. Afterall, the only person that I can be certain of spending the rest of my life with is me and if I don’t take care of myself, why should anyone?
Once I’ve returned, I ran into the ex and she asked if I wanted to hang out again as we have a lot in common. We gave the whole thing another try but found that we are no longer compatible because I will no longer put up with certain things. That’s ok though becasue the improvements I’ve made are still there but I would probably feel a lot worst if I’ve spent the year trying to win her affection.
December 10, 2014 at 5:12 am #69049Jeroen
ParticipantAfter a breakup allot of people, usually the dumped, still has hope it will all work out.
Or people are in pain and try to get over their ex-loved one.
No-Contact rule is a great solution for both scenarios. Even when you have hope, you doubt the outcome will be what you have been dreaming about all this time. But your also moving on.
By the time the NC rule is over, you’ll be a completely different person. Able to see what you really want, not clouded by heavy emotions like 90 days earlier.
NC makes moving on, and loosing hope better to handle.
Its not easy, most certaintly not. But its something allot of people get strength from. Which is exactly what they need in their time of pain and sorrow.August 30, 2015 at 4:02 am #82577Rachelle
ParticipantThis thread was obviously a year ago, I’m curious at to whether or not anyone has been successful in this?
September 4, 2015 at 11:40 am #82856Mark
ParticipantI have had experience of being dumped and leaving things three months before contacting a ;long time ago ,my ex (girlfriend) after a few days of texting we did in fact arrange what she called a first date. It never happened in the end because after more thought I decided at the time it was better to move forward with my life.
I guess its a case of (if you want to) opening the door to them after all the initial negativity has worn off , they may respond they may not but sometimes its worth finding out.
By coincidence its happened again to me this time after I really though i’d found the one as they say , its been a difficult month where I have kept the lines of communication open but its been soul destroying at times , now its time to start NC .. as much for myself as anything else , Perhaps she will miss me perhaps not , I think if the love true;y was deep enough and there was no adverse behaviour in the relationship there is always a chance but either way NC although hard is the best medicine for me and on the bad days I will say to myself ‘if I loved her that much I loved her enough to set her free’ .. a free songbird can fly back if it wants to.January 8, 2016 at 9:49 am #91784Molly
ParticipantI just thought I’d chime in. I did try this and it did work for me. We had only dated for a few months and he dumped me abruptly claiming his ex girlfriend came back and he though he should give it another try. (Read on, that was a lie) So, I just wished him well and didn’t contact him again for a month. I did so via txt and he replied instantly. From time to time he would txt me and I would respond casually. Sometimes I wouldn’t respond if the txt wasn’t a question. Well, we only txted a couple times in the next year and meanwhile he wasn’t back with his ex…he had met another girl while we were dating and started dating her and 6 months later they got engaged and moved in together. So it was all over, right? Nope, a year after we broke up he got in touch with me again, said he’d made a huge mistake and we started dating. Whirlwind romance, he was madly in love with me this time and talked about getting married and wanted me to move in with him. He saw me every weekend and never let me sit home while he went out with friends. Not once. So, great story, huh? Well, not exactly…this serial dater was just that. He wants to marry every girl he meets. He is the type of guy who can’t be alone…then after a while he gets bored and breaks up…in a fairly dramatic way…blaming them for the break up. When he talked about his exes, all were dramatic break ups…all not his fault…all were super serious relationships and all one right after the other with barely a long weekend in between…. Well, you guessed it, we got in a fight, he made a dramatic scene, said he hated me, said some pretty horrible stuff, ruined a lot of my clothes by throwing them outside in the rain and that’s it…we broke up. Another dramatic break up for him to share with his next ‘love of his life’ SO…I instituted the no contact rule again. Blocked him from my phone and facebook…Not to get him back, but to get him out of my life. So, I guess this NC thing works…but I’d say be careful what you wish for.
January 8, 2016 at 10:20 am #91786Anonymous
GuestDear Molly:
What a well written, powerful testimony of a real life story, so simply told. Excellent! So simple… your understanding of this guy. His predictability. Makes you want to tattoo a warning somewhere on his body for the next woman to see…
anitaJanuary 9, 2016 at 5:24 am #91874jim
ParticipantI never herd of that 30 rule? its been a little over 30 for me! and I have the same feelings! Can’t sleep, eat, work, all I do is think about her want to call her, text her, email her! But, exactly what your going through, I don’t want go through! Her not responding! and the makes me feel desperate! There is nothing worse than a broken heart! maybe you should back off from him? if he’s see your calling and texting, emailing. He might think, she’s not going anywhere! that you will always be there! give it a try? what do you have to lose? all your contacting him is not working! Good Luck!
January 9, 2016 at 7:59 am #91875jim
ParticipantTell me about this 30 day rule please! is it supposed to get easier if you make it to 30 days without contacting them? it’s been a little over 30 days for me but, seems like it’s getting worse! missing her horribly!