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July 20, 2015 at 3:36 pm #80143
ParticipantI met a guy back in 2003 who (to me), was the most beatiful thing I had ever seen. We dated for 7 years, the majority of this time he was a student and I waited and waited for him to get a job so we could start a proper life together but when he did, he moved to the other side of the country and then told me it was over. Things were not perfect at all but I felt heartbroken and it made me ill I was so upset. I since met someone else and he is by far a better partner in many ways but I
Still have pangs over my ex and I still miss him badly. He is with someone new and we had a definite break at the time so have not been in contact. Is this normal? How can I stop feeling this way?July 20, 2015 at 10:57 pm #80167Anonymous
InactiveGood evening Spider,
After a break-up it’s good to stay away for at least 1 year in order to grow and also to take a good look at ourselves to see what we need improvement on, not from just 1 person but both partners. Sometimes a year apart can be good and there are people who get back together and their relationship is stronger & 100% better than it was while they were together. It all just depends on where both people are at in their lives. Also, if 1 person is willing to communicate and the other isn’t than it’s just time to close that chapter in your life. Can’t make someone communicate with you if their heart isn’t in it 100% or they just don’t want to for that matter. Some people have really big ego’s and are proud and feel that they don’t want to be the one to initiate contact, so the relationship just ends in all regards. S
Personally I haven’t dated anyone since my break-up in order to focus on myself and love myself, which I have successfully done for the past year since my break-up in July of 2014. Luckily you’re not a lesbian because if I’m in pictures with another female, people automatically think I’m dating – Wrong! I’m a lesbian who’s allowed to have female friends that I’m not interested in, in a romantic way for that matter, assumptions gets people in trouble every single time. I always tell people, just because a lesbian is attractive doesn’t make her a PLAYER or a cheater, not all of us anyway. People who don’t know me well have these ridiculous ideas about me because of the way I look, so I just stay away from people like that because I don’t have time for judgmental/negative people in my life. I am picky and I morals about who I share my body with and who I’m intimate with. Anyway, nothing wrong with wanting to stay friends with an ex because I’ve stayed friends with my ex’s.
I don’t know how to stop feelings unfortunately but what you can try to do is reach out through text message and see if you two can meet for lunch to see how you feel. Or you can just try to forget about your ex through meditation or therapy and focus on your new & current relationship. I don’t believe I could be dating anyone else if I’m still having feelings for my ex, in the end it’s just not going to work with the current person you are with because your mind is elsewhere thinking of the ex. That’s just me anyway. I respect everybody is different so the choice is yours my dear buddha friend. Maybe you’re meant to be back with your ex and maybe not, maybe things will work out with the new relationship but that is something you will personally have to decide for yourself. Only you know in your heart what you truly want.
I send you a bunch of love, positivity & light during this time.
July 21, 2015 at 5:14 am #80169Inky
ParticipantHi spider29578,
We may be the minority, but grieving for several years isn’t UN-normal. I think many people feel this way for an ex but would never admit it years after the fact! Again, pride.
I’m glad you recognize that your current partner is way better than the ex. Your heart, though, isn’t “done” with the ex.
What helped me WAS seeing him years and years later. Then you really have perspective smacked over your head. Instead of a gorgeous boy you see a balding guy. The quirks that made him adorable at 20 are intolerable at 30. You grew. He hasn’t.
In these days of social media I’m surprised he hasn’t “Friended” you or you can’t see what he looks like or what he is up to online. (If you can’t find any trace of him online, it’s just as well, actually.)
If you really want closure/”closure” one day, find out what event/place he’s most likely to be at. Then observe him like a ghost. If he looks good and normal after all this time, THEN go up to him, looking sparkling, “Hey stranger! What are you doing here!?” Otherwise if you call him to meet up for lunch/coffee he might have days to dread the meet up. This way he’s caught off guard and you look happy and fabulous.
July 21, 2015 at 6:19 am #80170Anonymous
InactiveI disagree with you Inky because that kind of attitude is negative. That’s like me saying that I hope my ex looks like shit now, in order to make myself feel better about myself and that I’m far above her. That is not a healthy attitude to have if someone is thinking about re-connecting with an ex because if that’s the attitude an ex wants to give off, then there is no reason to even have any type of contact what so-ever.
Also, if an ex is going to even dread meeting up for lunch/coffee then that’s just downright being insecure and a clear sign that the ex can’t even act like a grown adult. If someone has to dread seeing/meeting up with an ex, then there is NO POINT in even contacting each other with that kind of an attitude to begin with. I’m sorry but I wouldn’t even dread the opportunity if it was given to me, I would actually be happy & confident that things would go well during lunch/coffee because I believe in the positivity of making things better. Or maybe it’s because I know well enough that my ex and I would act immature about meeting up.
” A broken relationship becomes fixable once you both begin to realize that the past doesn’t have to equal the future.” – Trent Shelton
Regardless of what happens or what you decide to do Spider, I believe everything will work out for you either way. I sent you a bunch of positive energy your way. <3
Elle Tinker.
July 21, 2015 at 12:59 pm #80183pink24
ParticipantHi Spider 29378,
Sounds like you may have some unfinished business with your ex.
I dated someone for three years, we broke up five years ago, and I tell you literally the day after we broke up I felt like a huge weight had been lifted and I knew I never wanted to see him again. I just knew it was over. So I say all this to say that maybe there’s some part of you that does, as Inky said, need to see him. For whatever reason. I guess that’s what they mean by ‘closure’.
I don’t think there’s a rulebook for breakups. Every breakup is different, just like every relationship is different. So if you still think about this guy, even though you’re dating someone infinitely better, then I think it’s worth finding out why you’re thinking about him. It’s been five years already. Whatever you’re doing isn’t turning your ex into a faint memory. So maybe something does need to be done about this…
Good luck!
Pink 🙂
July 21, 2015 at 4:15 pm #80189Inky
ParticipantJust To Clarify:
When my old boyfriends would contact me, I WOULD dread the cold call “coffee date” offer. And no, there was no negativity or immaturity about it! I would truthfully get that “I REALLY don’t want to do this” feeling. My DH had a “coffee date” query from an old GF and he had that “Dread” feeling too. The hardest part was saying “No” to them gently. Our rule is to NEVER do something that feels “Off”.
Now, if I ran into them, that would be a different story! That is more natural, and then it would more easily feel like old times. So if Spider could “orchestrate” that and make it look like an accident, that would give her more traction SOLELY based on my experience! What would be better of course, is to let The Universe do its magic and their paths DO cross again on its own!
And the “I look fabulous, he looks shlubby” is for her TO get some perspective. People age. People change. The thought you have of the beloved in your mind is often NOT what that person is like years later.
This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by
July 21, 2015 at 5:09 pm #80191pink24
ParticipantI agree with Inky. There’s nothing negative about feeling more fabulous than your ex. Sometimes that’s all it takes to get over someone.
July 22, 2015 at 7:13 am #80220Paul
ParticipantI disagree with Inky. Trying to set up a fake chance meeting could easily backfire. There are many ways he might find out. Most importantly his sixth sense might spot your deception. Then you will feel awful and foolish.
July 22, 2015 at 9:15 pm #80287pink24
ParticipantWanting to feel more fabulous than your ex, and creating the situation to make that happen, is really no big deal. So what if you feel awful and foolish by the end of it? It’s better to walk away knowing that you obsessed over your ex for five years for no reason (worse case scenario) than to keep obsessing, no? And who cares if he finds out? It’s not about him, it’s about you. If he feels the same way, he’d be into it; if he doesn’t, ok (again, who cares?) I always think when it comes to relationships to try and get your answers. When the relationship or the memory of that relationship no longer serves you, YOU KNOW.
Good luck Spider. You sparked a debate! 🙂
May 26, 2016 at 11:32 pm #105769frank
ParticipantHey Spider,
I realize this thread is about a year old… but I’ll throw in on it.
I can relate first off – I’m a guy, 32 years old. I dated a girl back when I was 18 for about 2 years – we broke up when she went to a different college, I joined the military – we stayed friends, dated again when I got out. We broke up after about 2 more years. We weren’t seeing eachother a lot, with work / school – she got a second boyfriend on the side, then I became the second boyfriend on the side.
She eventually moved across the state, changed her phone number, doesn’t have a facebook. I’m married now, its about 8 years later. My wife is amazing, way hotter, way more educated, beyond loyal and for some reason loves me beyond all hell.
I still miss my ex.. allllllll the time.
I took some psychology classes in college, also studied up on buddhism.
I’ve got a couple theories. So psychology first : people who aren’t happy in life, tend to lean on their partner for happiness – it’s unhealthy but it’s what people tend to do. I guess when I’m not feeling happy, I kind of revert back to times in the past I’ve stored in my brain as “happy” – which a lot of those times were with my ex. We look to our exes like an escape from whatever crap we’re dealing with – associating them with a better / easier time. It’s unhealthy, mentally speaking.
theory #2, buddhism derived : So one of the pillars of buddhism is the concept that everything good is temporary. A nice vase on a shelf, you can look at it and appreciate it – but it’s not wise to fear when it breaks, because eventually it’s going to break. Like dreading Monday all day Sunday – good things come to an end, enjoy them while you can – that whole concept is what I think we fail at when we miss our exes. We look at it like we “had” something we really liked / loved and now it’s gone so we dwell on the fact we don’t have it any more. Which is suuuuper against basic buddhism.
Best we can do is look at our exes, even if they were 10/10 perfect (which usually isn’t the case), and appreciate the good (just like a steak dinner), be thankful that we experienced those moments in our life – but accept that they’re gone. Know that even the relationships we’re in now will end some day, so enjoy them while we can.
July 11, 2018 at 7:54 am #216221Satsok
ParticipantI am in the same situation. The thoughts about her keep coming over and over again. It has been 10 years since I met her. She ‘rocked my world’. But we were too young for our times and had different lives, huge geographical distance between us. We wouldn’t see each other in weeks or months, but everyday chat for hours on the net. Like this we would separate over and over again- every time we would get together for a few days, it was with a deadline. This distance brought frustration, sadness and in the end stupid things broke us up. What a tragedy indeed. A tragedy of choices in life. I would do it so much differently now. I am not happy though successful in life. Who cares about the PhD or the good job, if the soul is not calm. I told her once a story about a couple that got separated for some unfortunate reason in life and then years passed and found each other again when they were old. What a sad story. What a sad life. I really hope she doesn’t feel the same as me anymore, cause it’s really hard to live like this. Now I haven’t seen a photo of her, haven’t heard of her in years – she has disappeared from the net completely! A common old friend told me she is still where I left her and she is doing ok. I really hope so. As for me, now I’m looking for her or anyone like her. I made a huge mistake back then. It was a tough lesson of life and a result of the goals and difficulties I had then. But nobody managed to touch my soul like she did. I haven’t let anybody- I cannot. I wish I could see her. I wish I would wake up from my dreams and have her next to me. I wish reality would become the dream instead. Those keys I dropped.. But as a researcher, I tried to rationalize this, I tried to think of those things that let us broke up (the real reasons), and I tried to understand if I miss her or maybe an image my mind made of her or the life I had during that time or specifically the feelings I felt with her. I tried to think that now it’s not her anymore. Like I am not that me anymore. I tried to convince myself that me and her back then belong to that time and are now dead. Our very own cells have changed, our metabolism and microbiom in our body is different and our experiences have shaped us differently. So do I miss her, or my old self with her and her aura influencing mine, during those years? But I cannot rationalise any of this. Every time I try, the thoughts come back more persistently. It’s easier to dip myself into agony and then wrap it up and put it in a box in my mind and hide it for the next few days or weeks. But it keeps coming back. A closure seems will never come. Do not think I haven’t moved on as she did. I have, but what move on means? It has many faces and many wrinkles. The story of her made me understand that life happens once. Moments in life are unique and are not to be taken lightly. Appreciating such moments can make you a happy person. Later it’s too late. I have tried…I went to her, but she wouldn’t see me. I cannot blame her. The thing is that I now have a little ‘mental cancer’ that wont go away it seems. It is a part of me now. I just wish I would be free of those chains earlier on time. And for her, I wish she has met someone that completely truly replaced me so she doesn’t need to go through this. Evolution or Oblivion are the solutions; if you cannot evolve, then better forget or die.
September 29, 2018 at 4:09 pm #228153Debra
ParticipantUgh. This cut like a knife. I know exactly how you feel.
This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by