
A sad demise to a potentially promising relationship

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    Just had a short 3/4 month relationship come to an end and this one as you’ll see really hurts because of my history and lack of success in this area.  I recently turned 41 and she’s 33, both Christians and we met online and even during our text conversations, I could feel such a spark and connection like I’ve not felt before. We’re in different cities so we knew this would be a long distance relationship if it was to head that way.

    The first meeting went really well and for the next two months or so we met a handful of times, texted every day when not seeing each other and overall I felt happy and this was the most promising dating situation I’ve had in many years. There were a few doubts even early on, on my part, like I wasn’t all that sure how well we really got on and whether the connection/spark was more of a physical attraction because that definitely was there!  Even so, I thought we get on so well, we had a shared faith and values, she told me she felt so comfortable with me, quicker than it usually takes for her and felt secure and safe. I felt like this was going to lead to something serious.

    Anyway, about 6 weeks ago now, we opened up about each others pasts. I was ready to accept whatever her sexual history was. However, what I was not expecting was to tell me that she had genital herpes.  This totally shook me and caught me off guard as I went through this exact same situation almost 10 years ago with a different woman who had it as well.   But with that girl, things ended for different reasons but initially I had done a runner on her.  So I didn’t want to do the same with this one!  Despite trying to stay calm about it, my initial reaction to this current girl was I found out later, not what she was expecting even though she did say herself for me to take my time to process it and if that changes things, then it’s ok.  I felt so sad in that moment and clearly she could read me and the next day sensed that something was up as I didn’t feel myself either.

    Now for the next 2 weeks, I admit my feelings towards her did change as I was processing through the issue and she again I think picked this up.  We did see each other one more time in-person after the revelation and I mentioned how I have been feeling about everything and was honest in my concerns. She said she had been a feeling a little unsettled with me for the first time since she shared but wanted me not to be anxious and worry about this.  I remember I did express I wanted to continue and see where things went because I do like her and see great qualities in her and see a potential future with her.

    Then I went on an overseas work trip shortly after and everything was fine until the last few days of that trip when I started to notice her being very cold and distant with her texts.  She said she felt disconnected for many reasons.

    Ever since she told me about her herpes, she has been looking for signs of acceptance from me and she feels that there was a shift in communication from my end. I wasn’t as complimentary and affectionate etc. over text and we didn’t call as often. Some of this is true, there was a shift on my part because I guess I was still trying to process her having herpes and the long term impact that it could have. I was going through a wave of emotions myself trying to deal with it. She felt something had changed for me and I had taken a step back. Looking back on this now, I do think I was focusing more on myself and my feelings rather than hers and that was my mistake.

    She did mention she had serious doubts about our spiritual compatibility too and the fact that we could be different in these areas.

    After I got back, we met in-person and talked it through and the thought of losing her shook me up again and I realise I didn’t want to lose her. From that moment I wanted to make this work.

    After that I didn’t see her for two weeks but in that time she continued to be distant and cold with me consistently, despite the fact that I made a huge effort to show her that I do want to commit to her and make things work and what I think of her. I noticed our phone calls, she was almost annoyed, fault finding over trivial issues.  I sent her chocolates once, made an effort to call her, checked in with her, told her how I felt, not every day but enough to make her aware that I was serious about her.  But I just wasn’t getting anything back from her and her compliments towards me which were daily before, were now non existent. Her texts which were affectionate and long were now cold and short. I sensed the end was coming but in my mind if I saw her in person things could be different. So I held onto some hope.

    Not to be. Fast forward to yesterday I travelled to see her and we brought things to an end.

    She said she hasn’t changed her position, she’s still feeling disconnected despite trying to get back to where we were, she just can’t.

    We barely talked about the herpes but instead she brought up the compatibility issues, how we aren’t similar on certain things etc kind of vague. Now annoyingly she said she didn’t plan to have this conversation but just hang out and see how things go today which seems contradictory, because in person things might be different!  So, if I hadn’t brought up all this, we may well still be together. But in truth, she wasn’t going to switch back just like that and I couldn’t pretend that nothing was wrong because clearly that’s not the case as she was being so cold and distant the moment we met yesterday.

    At one point I just asked her straight out do you want to continue, just be honest and say if you don’t want this. She said she wasn’t sure and that we can put a pause on things. Basically it seems she just isn’t sure.

    However we then went for a walk, had a pizza before I got my train home later in the evening. Those few hours we just chatted and caught up and it was nice I thought. I should have just left but I thought if I hang out with her a bit longer then maybe she can reconnect even in that short time. When it was time to say goodbye, I asked her again, what do you want to do… She said I don’t think it’s right to continue and that she’s sorry. And that was it. We hugged, said goodbye and went our separate ways. So it’s definitely the end. I won’t be texting her or contacting her again, perhaps a Christmas message later in the year but that’s it.

    She said herself I did nothing wrong the entire time we were together. And maybe that’s why she was conflicted and unsure herself about ending it. I do think these compatibility issues are valid, sure but I do genuinely think once someone really likes you then surely they will do whatever they can to make things work and try to look past them. It’s not as if I said I’m not going to church anymore or I don’t read my bible etc. The differences she brought up were important to her though, so what can I do. I believe I did everything I could from treating her as well as I could to deciding to commit to her after that period and showing her my intentions and being patient as I could. But it wasn’t enough and ultimately her reactions, the physical distance between us, the advice she was perhaps receiving from friends or whoever were all out of my control.  I do wonder though, whether this other stuff only came up because of the herpes revelation? This was the catalyst and from there she started thinking about all the other issues. Guess will never know.

    I realise this wasn’t very long at all but for me to experience someone who was into me, so affectionate, I was even in her dreams at night, to suddenly shut down those feelings literally overnight, that hurts. This is the first time since like perhaps 2009 that I’ve been with a girl who has shown me this level of affection and attention. That’s like 15 years! I know it was genuine and real from her and maybe I took it for granted slightly thinking this could be it, this is going to last and she’ll be here because of how strongly she felt.

    It’s difficult enough to meet someone who I deeply connect with, find attractive. I have waited years for this. I was extremely down about not meeting someone before her, and then I met her and for a brief moment, there was hope and I dared to finally believe that this could actually work. But it’s ended like every other promising situation and now I’m back to where I was. And now I’m going to think with the next girl, I fear the same outcome after a promising start. I wish I could just give up sometimes and at 41, it may not be too late but time is not on my side.

    Sorry this is so long and appreciate if you’ve made it this far.


    Dear tryingto settle

    I am sorry that your relationship hit a road block.  When she first told you about her medical condition did you immediately say that you had encountered this issue previously? With your previous girlfriend did you do any research into how genital herpes is managed and if it effects conception & pregnancy?  She was very brave to talk to you and probably felt that this had the potential of a long term committed relationship which of course would mean that one of you would have to relocate to allow the relationship to grow especially if the pair of you wanted a family.

    As for time not being on your side men have a much bigger window to become a father, so do not give up on having a loving & fulfilling relationship.



    Hi Tryingtosettle

    Genital herpes is a fairly common and manageable condition these days. It’s not her fault she had it and you initially judged her for it. She will have experienced this kind of judgement and stigma from other people and will have no tolerance for people who will not be accepting.

    It is unfortunate that you took some time to accept it and realise her inherent worthiness. I’m sorry it hurts, but it is what it is.

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Dear Trying to settle:

    I was not expecting was to tell me that she had genital herpes. This totally shook me“- you are not at all guilty for how you felt about her herpes. We don’t choose our emotionally reactions to unexpected situations.

    Despite trying to stay calm about it, my initial reaction to this current girl was I found out later, not what she was expecting even though she did say herself for me to take my time to process it“- I hope that she didn’t reveal her condition to you in-person. I hope she did it through a written/ typed message, asking you to read it when away from her presence, because if I was in her place, I wouldn’t want to put you in this awkward position (in-person) where your emotional reactions register on your face, in your voice, in initial choice of words before you even know it.

    You should have been given the time to process it privately, figure out how you feel about it, asking yourself questions, such  as how to react to the news in a thoughtful way that takes into account your emotions and her emotions. What do you think?



    Thanks for the responses.

    Even during that period where I was processing the herpes, I was still in touch with her, I didn’t do a runner and in the one time I saw her in person before I went overseas and before this all went south, we spent a nice weekend together and I expressed physically how I valued her (kissing, hugging etc). But I did bring it up and asked a few more questions about it. I simply wanted to know more about how it could potentially affect me and a future with her which is reasonable.

    I don’t want beat myself up over this and think if only I had done xyz because she knows how I felt towards her these last two weeks. But no matter what I did or said, she wasn’t shifting.

    I suppose I can console myself knowing that after she backed away, I tried my best to assure her that her herpes was not an issue and I wanted to commit to her and showed her that in the past two weeks.


    Dear Trying to settle:

    You are welcome.

    I don’t want beat myself up over this“- no reason or purpose in beating yourself up! Instead learn all that you can learn from this, and from previous relationships, so to maximize your chances for a healthy future relationship.

    I tried my best“- trying one’s best is the best you can do, well done!




    Sorry I didn’t see your other message where you’ve actually asked some key questions.

    You are not at all guilty for how you felt about her herpes. We don’t choose our emotionally reactions to unexpected situations.

    Yes that’s right, like I said in my OP as well, I couldn’t help but react that way at the time and then later on too. I was trying to process everything.

     Hope that she didn’t reveal her condition to you in-person.

    Ah here’s the thing – she did reveal in-person when we were spending a nice day together and then we started talking about our pasts.  And crucially, she also built up to it and I could sense anxiety and tension within her as she was about to say what it was.  In my mind I was like, I’ll accept whatever it was as I did really like her. When she mentioned it was herpes, obviously I was taken back but was gentle and tried to be understanding. She said it’s fine if that changes things, she’ll understand and also whether I now see her differently… And guess what happened, those two things did happen in the next coming days. Almost like a self fulfilling prophecy.

    I knew about herpes and I know it’s not life threatening and a fairly harmless skin condition but other factors were at play too…like my image of her as this super feminine, traditional woman was kind of shattered and I know that’s awful way to think but that’s how I thought about it.

    In 2-3 weeks after she told me I think she may have expected me to actually express my feelings about it or provide some kind of “update” on my “progress.”  Because I didn’t, she took that to mean I wasn’t happy and was struggling with the whole issue. And eventually she went a step further I guess, and thought I may never get over it and so shut down her feelings and checked out.  I just wish she had raised her concerns before she did this, not when it was basically too late.




    And guess what happened, those two things did happen in the next coming days. Almost like a self fulfilling prophecy.  So I did end up seeing her differently and I suppose it did change things.


    Hi Tryingtosettle

    Beating yourself up is not the purpose. Learning from the situation and trying not to reject potential partners in the future because of making inappropriate judgments about them is the purpose.

    She was not any less feminine. She was not any less traditional because she got genital herpes from one person.

    She didn’t owe you anything after you treat her differently for 2 weeks over a common minor condition. She mentioned how people commonly treat her with stigma that day and you did the same thing that many people have done to her before. It caused her pain which is why she pulled back.

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Dear Trying to settle: I’ll reply in about 12 hours from now.




    There were a few other issues which she brought up like the spiritual compatibility and other vague stuff like how much we actually have in common and so on but I wonder if that was only triggered by this herpes issue. If I hadn’t reacted the way I did then perhaps these other unrelated areas would not have been addressed until much later. And who knows perhaps we would have found out that we were not right for each other anyway.

    But yes the regret over how I reacted at the time is really what is keeping me up at night. I couldn’t help it at the time and I got stressed out.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>@anita</p>
    Also worth noting that after the day she told me about her herpes, I saw her the very next day which probably wasn’t the best idea but we had plans and clearly she could tell I was in a difficult place with what she just told me. Like you said perhaps not finding out in person or even over the phone would have been better but anyway, she doesn’t owe me anything and of course it took courage to say what she said.

    I’m at the point where I’m thinking about reaching out to her again and telling her how sorry I am about the way I reacted etc and I want to make this work but it’s all in vain as she has just moved on and checked out.


    Hi Tryingtosettle

    You are a good person. A lot of people cannot admit their mistakes. I can tell that you feel guilty about the whole thing. I’m sorry to hear that it has to been keeping you up at night. The truth is that everyone makes mistakes. After processing you did come to the conclusion that she was special, so you managed to overcome your initial judgements. A different person may have forgiven you and given you a chance. But she was not that person.

    You are right. The whole incident highlighted your incompatibility for each other. In a way not wasting time and finding that out later on is a blessing.

    It is a shame that it didn’t work out for you with the most promising person in a while. I hope that you do find someone lovely who you are compatible with. I think what I have learned about dating is that finding someone who is willing to try is important. No one is perfect, everyone has problems. But are they willing to work on them for the good of the relationship?

    It is up to you whether you wish to send her an apology. That apology still exists regardless. Not everything has to be said to another person. If it you believe that it would help you and her to move on, go ahead.

    You are a special person. ❤️

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Dear Trying to settle:

    I knew about herpes and I know it’s not life threatening and a fairly harmless skin condition but other factors were at play too…like my image of her as this super feminine, traditional woman was kind of shattered and I know that’s awful way to think but that’s how I thought about it“- at that time you knew her for a very short time, didn’t meet her in-person more than 10 times or so, I am guessing, so you had an image of her, you didn’t yet know the whole person. The herpes shattered the image you had of her.

    She did the right thing to tell you about the herpes because you had the right to know, the right to make an informed decision: to proceed with the beginning-relationship, or not.

    How does a bad person react to such revelation? Answers that come to mind: ghosting her, accusing her of promiscuity, and/ or advertising her condition online.

    You didn’t do any of these things.

    How does a good person react to such revelation? One good person may feel nothing but empathy for her and therefore feel closer to her, as a friend, if not as a boyfriend: not feeling conflicted or guilty.

    A second good person may feel uncomfortable, conflicted; on one hand, no longer interested in a relationship with her, and on the other: feeling selfish or bad for rewarding her honesty with rejection, bad for.. sort of punishing her for her condition by rejecting her.

    I think that you are closer to the second good person.  Being a good person in this context does not mean that you have to proceed with a relationship because the person revealed an STD: it’s not right to hold yourself hostage by her revelation.

    If I hadn’t reacted the way I did then perhaps these other unrelated areas would not have been addressed until much later. And who knows perhaps we would have found out that we were not right for each other anyway“- correct. Notice that in my replies I did not address the other issues because an STD issue catches the attention. It caught my attention. It does not surprise me that it caught your attention and became the #1 issue for a while.

    I’m at the point where I’m thinking about reaching out to her again and telling her how sorry I am about the way I reacted etc. and I want to make this work but it’s all in vain as she has just moved on and checked out.“- you are taking on guilt that you don’t own: you are not the person who passed on the STD to her, you did not ghost her, you did not mistreat her. It is sad that it was passed on to her and that she has to reveal it to potential partners from then on, but it’s not your cross to bear, so to speak. You have your own challenges, your own difficulties, no need to add what is not yours to bear..

    You can contact her if you would like to, and express empathy for her, as a friend at this point. You can tell her that you had an image of her, and that you want to get to know her as a whole person, deeper than any one image. You can tell her that a friendship between the two of you may be an opportunity to be better, wiser people, more empathetic and understanding of each other and of other people.





    Thanks again for your helpful thoughts, appreciate it.

    She did say more than once that my reaction to her herpes was unexpected and she hadn’t experienced that before and had been with people who were fine about it.  I guess I have to forgive myself and accept the fact that I was not one of those guys.

    She would always tell me how in control I was and that me being direct made her feel safe and secure, she saw me as a man, a leader and I think I did indeed lead well throughout. There were a few times when she got emotional one week and she said how she admired my calmness. That changed with the herpes revelation. Maybe my reaction to it was too emotional for her and as a result she lost respect which in turn, eventually made her lose attraction as well. She no longer saw me as leadership potential perhaps. That’s when she started doubting the other aspects about me, like whether we’re compatible in other areas.

    But then if this was the case, this is rather unfair, because all I was doing was to prove to her how much I did care and wanted to make this relationship work, despite the STD and anything else. When she first disconnected, she expressed that she didn’t feel accepted and doubted how happy I was with the relationship, so my intentional efforts in the last two weeks were to prove exactly that – that I was happy and wanted it to work. Which explains the chocolates I sent, the consistent texts, some verbal affection and more calls but yeah, I only got resistance where she was defensive and trying to find fault.  She was saying one thing, and then I tried my best to do exactly that. Perhaps she saw it as disingenuous as I said before because of how I was a bit distant myself after the revelation. She may have been like “does he really mean this or is he just afraid of losing me” “is this really genuine” Only she knows.



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