
Affair which has left us and his family broken

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  • This topic has 17 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Mark.
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    I never agreed to with affairs, if your wanting to have a relationship with someone else then end your current relationship and be honest so they can move on, but I found myself  Having an affair it was going on for 18 months. We were very much in love but had limited time together, maybe a couple of hours every couple of weeks. However we spoke daily and for hours at times. We constantly battled with our quilt and on many occasions stopped communicating to try and move on with our own lives but it would be a matter of days before one of us would be back on the phone. This affair was emotional and about communication rather than lust. We knew each other for 6 years and had slowly found a connection with each other. His wife found out something was going on in November, he didn’t tell her everything and we agreed to stop. She was extremely hurt and told his three children aged 5, 7 and 10 that Daddy is a liar and cheat and loves another family. They begged with him to not leave and so he didn’t.

    We were still having some communication but minimal. In December Something quite bad happened to me. When I told him he what happened to me he was besides him self and he felt the need at this point to tell his wife everything about us and how he felt. She beat him up, smashed his phone up and told the children many things. He told me he was going to leave her and we agreed that he would be leaving her not for me and we would not pursue a relationship until such time when he felt ready to do so.

    She called me the day after he told me and she asked me what had happened,  I didn’t tell her because I felt it was something she needed to discuss with him and that whatever I said she would make her own mind up. She asked me if we were going to run off in the sunset together, I said that things are like that are they. She asked me why we had cheated on his children, i said we had cheated on her not her children. She was trying to get a rise out of me but I remained calm andonly answered her questions. After we spoke the next day he called me and he was very cagey I asked him why and asked him if he was now staying with his wife to which he replied he potentially would be, it was the right thing to do for the children.

    She has taken away all means of communication from him, and he is not allowed out by himself. He has a work phone which he uses at work only and has called me only a few times. He has told me she is constantly verbally abusive in front of the children. He has no life now but needs to do this. He is certainly not allowed to talk to me.

    I get it we have hurt his wife but I can’t understand why she would want to put her young children through the heartache that she is putting them through. She is also emotionally abusing him and says things like she is going to leave him with the children. I think this is what is making him stay, because she is using the children to keep him from leaving.

    I am trying so hard to move on with my life but I think about him all day everyday, I ache, I have things that I want to share with him but can’t. I tell myself he needs to be with his children, I understand that and have never asked him to leave them for me. I don’t see how he can love his wife, he was unhappy prior to her finding out about us. I have so much going on with what happened to me in December and this involves my job, my life,  so it’s very difficult to focus on anything else.

    I lnow now I have done this to myself, I feel like I am being punished because of what I have done. But I’m struggling to get by each day.


    Hi Maggie,

    Sometimes people act three times more horrible than the horrible thing which has happened to them so that the original horrible thing stops. And it has. She won. She got her wish. He won’t leave his young family because the emotional abuse they witness towards him and experience isn’t worth his relationship with you.

    They rightly or wrongly built a family together. The ends justify the means. The wife used that strategy and mindset to keep the family together. It worked. She won.

    Your job now is to gracefully go off into the sunset.




    Dear Maggie:

    His wife is very wrong to involve her young children, 5, 7 an 10, in her fight with her husband, to mistreat them this way, terribly wrong.

    He is wrong to have had the affair with you, and in so doing, contributing to the unfortunate situation where his young children are exposed to their mother’s abuse, and to the overall distressing situation they are in.

    You are wrong to have that affair with him and in so doing, to have contributed to  the situation his young children are in. You wrote about their mother,  your lover’s wife: “She asked me why we had cheated on his children, I said we had cheated on her not her children”-

    your answer to her is not correct: you did cheat her children, in cooperation with their father, cheated them from a safe, calm home, or a safer, calmer home.

    There are three adults involved here and three young children, three guilty people and three innocent people.

    What are your plans at this point?




    Hi Maggie,

    Some people reach a point in their lives where things are so unbearable that they’re forced to make big changes. Maybe this is where you are. Your life has been difficult for a long time — sneaking around, feeling guilty, it’s no way to live. Why not make a decision today to simplify your life, to make it better? This man is married and has 3 young kids. He’s not available. You’ve made a big mistake, but we’re all fallible and it’s not too late to make things right again. Apologize to his wife then stay away from this family and get yourself back on track. No more sneaking around. No more guilt. Be the person you want to be.

    This guy’s a cheater. He’ll cheat on you too.



    Thank you all for your responses, I know I have to move on and stop communicating with him, we have barely spoke in recent weeks, but it’s so hard because we talked so much and for so long. I am in need more than ever of support now and he can’t be there for me. I continuously worry about what he is going through. The thought of never speaking to him again just doesn’t bare thinking about.


    Dear Maggie:

    You are welcome. Would you like to share what happened to you in December?



    Hi Maggie,

    I am sorry to hear your story. I understand how hard it is when you are so much in love with someone you cannot have. My situation is a bit different from you but I can feel your pain of trying to move on while you are so much attached to that person. I am sorry too to the family, especially the kids. If you are not married and have no kid, please be brave and get out of this. you still have options waiting for you out there. His family was broken and he needs to try his hardest to fix it for the kids. If you can, be supportive to him when needed. But you need to be strong. Then if fate already decided for you and him to be together, it will happen. But now, let him fix his issue first. Best of luck and stay strong !



    Thank you Maya

    He is trying to fix his family and I want him to do so but I also know this is for his children and not his wife. This leaves me with the hope that he will leave her. Many marriages end and fathers have a good lives with their children after! I know this because I have a similar situation where my partner left me and got someone else very quickly, I don’t doubt they were having an affair prior to us splitting up but it was over for us so it didn’t affect me.

    in terms of my affair partner we worked together for many years and fell in love. He left the job and got another over an hour away. He also lives at least a 45 minute drive away from me and yet we still couldn’t stay apart.

    I do have a son his 15 and not so dependant on me. I am looking for new employment for reasons I am not sure I should share on here but also some of my colleagues recently found out about the affair and I struggle to face them. I am trying to fill up my life with things to keep me occupied and busy but I’m also facing a very tough situation and am struggling to deal with that on top of all this. One of things about our relationship was that a cuddle was enough to take me to a place where I felt safe and rested. I feel terrible saying things like that but it’s true and I know he feels the same.


    Hi Anita

    I am not sure I am ready to share what happended in December. This is all very new to me. Even though I don’t know anyone who havs been on here i do worry about someone on here knowing it’s me.


    Dear Maggie:

    You are free of course to not answer any question asked here. The reason I asked about December is that I was curious about his reaction to what happened to you: “When I told him what happened to me he was besides himself and he felt the need at this point to tell his wife everything about us and how he felt. She beat him up, smashed his phone up and told the children many things”-

    -clearly it was a very unwise choice that he made, to react the way he did to what happened to you in December. Doesn’t read like what he did helped you any and it harmed him and his children so badly. It makes me wonder what was wrong with his sensibility at that point. Without any details can you tell me what, if any, was the logic in him reacting that way?



    Hi Anita

    The way he reacted was enough to at the time never want to speak with him again, he said he was leaving his wife and his heart was with me, he told me that he had made that decision and then two days later that was gone. I have theories Of what made him come to his decision one being that his wife did not throw him out, two that his wife reacted so badly he couldn’t care to leave the children or three that he felt sorry for me and at that point thought he needed to stand by me. He had it all planned. When I met him he appeared to have it all clear in his head what he was going to do, he had even just been to inform his boss.

    Whenever I spoke to him he just cried, he told me how his daughter and climbed into his bed that night and begged him not to leave. I guess that would be enough to make you stay! I don’t blame him.



    Dear Maggie:

    Earlier you wrote: “One of things about our relationship was that a cuddle was enough to take me to a place where I felt safe”- reads to me that you feeling safe with him was only that, a feeling.

    In other words, reads to me that he doesn’t function effectively, that he kind of stumbles in the dark, not knowing what he is doing, acting senselessly, impulsively.

    A sensible person would consider how to go about things so to produce results, consider a few steps ahead before taking the first step, and plan his steps so to not cause his children to suffer unnecessarily. He didn’t do any of these things, did he.

    I will soon be away from the computer for the next fifteen hours.



    Hi Maggie,

    I know its hard for you. Please stay strong! If you need emotional support, please vent out here. I wish we could have some more private way to communicate to better understand and give each other some comfort! I’m still struggling to move on with my issues too and I’m fighting my hardest everyday to get over it. I try to stay positive and be available emotionally and physically to my family, my kids, but I’m miserable inside and feeling stuck ! I guess life will always keep going and we have to keep moving forward. Time will help, give time sometimes!




    Hi Maya I ready your story and as you said it’s similar to what I’m experiencing without the heart ache of the family finding out. All I can say is that I never thought this would happen not for a second did I think anyone would find out. But due to an unexpected situation it all came out in the end.

    I think it’s helpful to listen to others thoughts on the matter but it doesn’t stop you from hurting. I try and put myself in his wife’s shoes but it doesn’t stop me wanting him. I feel like I am a bad person for that and yes I am lonely and vulnerable so I know that makes me want him more. I don’t know if I’m ever going to see him again.

    If he told me tomorrow that he didn’t love me I would find it easier to move on.



    Hi Anita

    i think he is a messed up individual for sure, he admits that himself to me also. He always said that when he is with me it brings him to a place that he wants to be and it makes him want to be a better person. But it always comes back down to his children. He said that he always knew something wasn’t right with his wife, like he has not been himself around her. I think she is highly critical of him.

    I know in my heart that he hasn’t been playing me, I truly believe he loves me and would be with me if he could.

    I don’t believe in staying in marriage for children’s sake. There were rows infront of the children way before I came along. If he wasn’t there she wouldn’t be able to do it.

    But none of this matters as he is staying with her.


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