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- This topic has 13 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago by
January 21, 2024 at 8:31 am #427121
Participanthi. I’m 20 years old and I’m struggling with a second love type situation
to set the context:
I was seeing a guy last year for about 9 months ish and I loved him, first love, first lots of things etc. he moved away for this year.
Throughout the 9months we’d been together he’d been really hot and cold but I didn’t pay it any mind as he always seemed to care for me and was really really jealous when other guys spoke to me in ANY way (in hindsight this became an issue).
we split ways when he moved and I was happy although pained loving him from afar and waiting for him. I was content waiting for him to come back after the year and so sure it would just go back to how it had been. we talked a lot while he was away, a time difference of 11 hours made it hard but I thought it was fine because I was so happy just to be able to talk to him. Besotted I was. He continued to flirt with me, he was jealous of the fact boys might be looking at me. I assured him it didn’t matter because all I wanted was him.
then suddenly, things seemed to have changed. He still flirted with me, but we talked less. I figured it was just him being busy. there’s only so much you can say to someone over message when you haven’t seen them in months.
I confessed my love to him and He said he didn’t love anyone like that. we agreed to stop talking to each other at all.
He was seeing someone else, ‘casually’ but He promised me he would message me and we would reconnect when he was back, and that he was still ‘there for me’
in the mean time, he’d started sharing photos with this new girl on social media. I decided it was ridiculous to pine over someone who didn’t love me back.
Long story short id really been getting over him since he left and although hopeful it would be alright, I had really resigned to the fact I needed to move on.
I started seeing someone else about 3ish months ago and got together a month ago.
it wasn’t necessarily smooth sailing, he’d been in a pretty bad relationship a couple years back and certainly had strange ideas of what women do/ what’s normal for girls to behave like. (his ex hung out with her boy best friend not him on valentines day for example)
I’m nothing like his ex, probably the polar opposite. I’m from the country, down to earth and hard working. don’t want much just respect and happiness. he appreciates me, although he’s not been around people such as I before. and he doesn’t treat me as if I’m going to hurt him. he’s super complimentary of me, calls me beautiful, respects my intelligence doesn’t make me feel silly etc. very open about his emotions, however can be a little jealous at times.
I’ve really liked him this whole time I’ve known him as I’m not one to see people casually. he’s very different to the first boy and he makes it really clear that he cares about me and its new to me, this kind of loving behaviour.
we’ve had some tricky conversations before and been in some disagreements. which we both dealt with well. its made me realise I don’t want to lose him.
I’ve started to look at my new boyfriend with the ‘hearts in my eyes’ type thing, and I didn’t expect this again. when I think about him I feel all funny inside and I’ve been daydreaming about us being together and having a family and future things…
I don’t really understand what I’m feeling, because with boy 1 I thought we would be together forever and happy rainbows and sunshine, never thought anything could go wrong. I obviously was naïve cause it was a first love thing, but this is so different with boyfriend now and I’m definitely guarding my heart more than I knew to with boy 1.
I think I’m just scared to get hurt again. And part of me wonders how it could have been with boy 1. like, what if he comes back and wants to see me…? obviously if I’m still with this boyfriend I would never!
I don’t think I want to be in love again because it was so horrible when it ended before.
boyfriend now has accidentally said he loves me while drunk, and he often refers to ‘falling for me’ and has spoken about out future, like how we’ll be married and, we had a conversation about rules that kids should have, in like a general way but I don’t think boys and girls have conversations like that if they don’t care for each other.
does he love me?
but I think I might love him. But… how do I know! and, what do I even do about it.
I’m not sure that I’m ready for these big feelings. its scary! I know that’s how it is and, its better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all or something.
please help!
January 21, 2024 at 8:58 am #427123anita
ParticipantDear Renn:
“Does he love me?.. I think I might love him. But… how do I know! And what do I even do about it. I’m not sure that I’m ready for these big feelings. It’s scary!… Please help!“-
– when overwhelmed with feelings, one way (“happy rainbow and sunshine“), or another (“It’s scary!… Please help“) , key is to calm down and when calm, think rationally and make thoughtful choices according to your values. Have your values guide you above your feelings of the moment.
You asked if he (the second guy) loves you. Define love, if you will: what does love mean to you?
January 22, 2024 at 9:39 pm #427161Tommy
ParticipantLove is a beautiful thing. Having had a first love then you know it cuts the deepest. The second love is wonderful. But, you have this feeling of possibly being alone again. So, you go forward cautiously. Nagging doubts. Conflicting feelings and thoughts that follows those feelings. It would have been wonderful to meet the right person the first time. But, nothing is perfect.
Why can’t you talk honestly about your feelings and get honest response from your partner in this merry-go-round? It is good to be able to feel love. But better to share it. You might need to let him know you were hurt before and need this to be real. You gotta be able to talk.
About the boy 1, he is the past. Be friendly but don’t be friends. Let him go and continue with your life. You might need closure but it will never be enough to mend your heart.
January 23, 2024 at 5:44 am #427162Renn
Yes i think you’re right. that’s certainly how I feel! very guarded! how wise! I think i should certainly talk to him about this, you’ve put it so well it would be amazing to share it with him.
you’re right about closure, i suppose it doesn’t really mean much in the grand scheme of things anyways. its just life isn’t it!
thank you for your reply 🙂
January 23, 2024 at 6:00 am #427163Renn
ParticipantHi Anita,
Okay, i shall try and stay level headed. i dont want to make silly descisions or anything just because i get myself in quite a flap about things i dont understand!
maybe that’s the problem for me at the moment, i’m not so sure i really know what ‘love’ means to me. I’ve not got much life experience, being 20! still learning about these things, although i suppose we all are!
A thought provoking question!
I suppose to me im just basing my ‘love’ off of how i feel like, how i feel when i look at my pet dog right, the same sort of heart expanding feeling, i dont know at all ! sounds so silly when i read it back ahaha!
thank you for your reply!
January 23, 2024 at 9:51 am #427170anita
ParticipantDear Renn:
“I’m not sure I really know what ‘love’ means to me. I’ve not got much life experience, being 20! Still learning.. we all are!… basing my ‘love’ ff of how I feel like, how I feel when I look at my pet dog, right, the same sort of heart expanding feeling“- an amazing answer to a question we don’t often ask ourselves: what does love mean to me?
Your answer is universally true: the feeling of love is that heart expanding feeling. The feeling, or emotion (e-motion, energy-in-motion) of love is that energy that expands our hearts and motivates us to connect with those we feel love for. It is an energy that sets us in motion toward the object of our love, much like a pet dog who runs toward you, tail wagging.
Even though, like you said, you don’t have much life experience, being that you are only 20, you have plenty of experience with love. Not romantic love, but love nonetheless. Personally, way before I turned 20, I had so much negative life-experience with love, that my heart was too closed at 20.. still hoping, still needing love, but from a contracted, pessimistic and suspicious heart (not from an expanding, optimistic and trusting heart).
A person’s first love and first experience of love is that with one’s family of origin, primarily with the primary care taker, usually the mother. It’s an intense and enduring love that when betrayed injures a child’s heart. The child feels this injury intensely, but over time represses it and.. forgets, in a way, becomes numb to it, or indifferent. Or angry. Fast forward, the child is a teenager or a young adult, and his or her negative experience with love is a huge part of one’s long-term romantic love life-experience.
Back to you and to your original post, about the 1st guy: “Throughout the 9 months we’d been together he’d been really hot and cold“- reads like he too (like me) had a significantly negative experience with love before he ever met you, and likely it happened in the context of his family of origin, the reason for him to repeatedly turn cold
“he always seemed to care for me and was really really jealous when other guys spoke to me in ANY way (in hindsight this became an issue)”-
– he grew up with the absence of love, or without enough loving attention at home, and he was very jealous at those who seemed to receive enough of that desperately needed commodity called love. He was angry with himself for not deserving of love (so he believed, or suspected), while others were deserving of it. This intensity of jealousy is not a symptom of love, but a symptom of the absence of love.
“He continued to flirt with me, he was jealous of the fact boys might be looking at me. I assured him it didn’t matter because all I wanted was him… I confessed my love to him and He said he didn’t love anyone like that. We agreed to stop talking to each other at all“- his heart was quite closed to love, contracted, turned inward.
“I started seeing someone else about 3ish months ago and got together a month ago… he’s super complimentary of me, calls me beautiful, respects my intelligence doesn’t make me feel silly etc. very open about his emotions, however can be a little jealous at times… He’s very different to the first boy and he makes it really clear that he cares about me and it’s new to me, this kind of loving behaviour”-
– no doubt he had some negative experience with love (most people do), but maybe not as badly as the first guy.
“Boyfriend now has accidentally said he loves me while drunk, and he often refers to ‘falling for me’ and has spoken about out future, like how we’ll be married and, we had a conversation about rules that kids should have, in like a general way but I don’t think boys and girls have conversations like that if they don’t care for each other. Does he love me?“-reads like he is leaning that way, that his guarded heart is considering expanding just for you.
“I think I might love him. But… how do I know! and, what do I even do about it. I’m not sure that I’m ready for these big feelings. its scary! I know that’s how it is and, its better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all or something. please help!“- the expansion of a contracted, guarded heart is a very delicate process and needs to be treated with outmost respect. This reminds me of a nature movie I saw long ago, that of a male black spider approaching a female spider, cautiously, slowly, one step at a time, so that she does not mistaken him for a prey, an insect to consume.
I think that we should be cautious with our own and others’ hearts. This is why, reading your reply before last, about your intent, if I understand it correctly, to talk to your boyfriend about the previous guy, and about your feelings for the previous guy.. I think that it’s a bad idea because such talk is likely to close his heart, particularly because he is already jealous, as you said. Be cautious and patient with your own heart and with his.
And please post again with your thoughts and feelings. I would like to read from you and reply whenever you feel like posting.
January 23, 2024 at 4:02 pm #427186anita
Participantcorrection: not black spiders, but black widow spiders
January 25, 2024 at 4:02 am #427231Renn
ParticipantDear Anita,
I’m glad to hear that’s the feeling i’m on about! I feel comforted to know I’ve not just been a bit delusional!
what you mentioned about love within the family is really interesting.
It’s an intense and enduring love that when betrayed injures a child’s heart. The child feels this injury intensely, but over time represses it and.. forgets, in a way, becomes numb to it, or indifferent. Or angry. Fast forward, the child is a teenager or a young adult, and his or her negative experience with love is a huge part of one’s long-term romantic love life-experience. – this is fascinating to me. i never considered different types of love and how they link together. thats certainly a huge factor that impacts the way we all view things like this isn’t it.
Yes you’re absolutely correct Boy 1 had a bad experience with it all and was certainly closed off. i think although my new boyfriend has also had a bad experience with a past girlfriend, hes much more of a ‘Lover’ by nature. I get the impression from him that (like me) he would rather put his heart on the line and get hurt than never at all. a wonderful trait i think.
the expansion of a contracted, guarded heart is a very delicate process and needs to be treated with outmost respect. This reminds me of a nature movie I saw long ago, that of a male black spider approaching a female spider, cautiously, slowly, one step at a time, so that she does not mistaken him for a prey, an insect to consume. – that’s fascinating. I think you’re right, i’d never thought of it like this. you can’t rush these things can you. good things come to those who wait or something! I do need to be nice and steady with my new boyfriend for this kind of reason. it’s hard sometimes but i’ve always followed my head so when my heart gets involved its important to remember my values of rationality. being young i think its easy for us to get carried away!
And Okay, good point. ill leave that bit. i suppose theres no need for me to bring it up really unless theres something directly relevant.
i shall carry this motto with me. ‘be patient with your heart and his’ i like this. thank you so so much for your advice its amazingly helpful! Very wise words 🙂
I’m going to be more considerate to my own and his feelings. Hopefully i can soon let my heart let him in fully. I can be a bit of a control freak with my own emotions, i don’t always let myself feel them, which is maybe why im panicking a bit about the start of a ‘love feeling’. I’ve always been the kind of ‘therapist’ friend because I’m pretty black and white in general which i think people need and appreciate sometimes, i’m never jumping to conclusions or being crazy. Emotions don’t always work this way do they though. Especially as my new boyfriend is really in touch with his emotions (which is great) its fascinating to interact with people who think so differently to me.
– Renn
January 25, 2024 at 8:59 am #427241anita
ParticipantDear Renn:
You are very welcome and thank you for your kind words.
“My new boyfriend (is) much more of a ‘Lover’ by nature. I get the impression from him that (like me) he would rather put his heart on the line and get hurt than never at all. A wonderful trait I think… my new boyfriend is really in touch with his emotions (which is great)“- yes, a wonderful trait, and him being in touch with his emotions is promising when it comes to the probability of a healthy, loving long-term relationship.
“You can’t rush these things can you, good things come to those who wait or something! I do need to be nice and steady with my new boyfriend for this kind of reason. it’s hard sometimes, but I’ve always followed my head, so when my heart gets involved its important to remember my values of rationality. Being young, I think. it’s easy for us to get carried away!“-you sound more mature than many women twice your age. Keep following your head (rational thinking).
A note: it is rational to listen to the heart, to what it has to say (yet not be ruled by its impulses and immediate needs), because what it has to say has to be part of any rational decision that involves the heart. A rational decision cannot be the right decision unless it takes the heart into serious consideration.
In regard to not telling your boyfriend about the previous, you wrote: “And Okay, good point. ill leave that bit. I suppose there’s no need for me to bring it up really unless there’s something directly relevant“- I am impressed with your rational thinking, particularly being that you are only one year removed from being a teenager!
“I shall carry this motto with me. ‘be patient with your heart and his’… I’m going to be more considerate to my own and his feelings. Hopefully I can soon let my heart let him in fully“- do not demand of yourself to let him into your heart fully. Don’t put any pressure on your loving feelings to be any less or any more than they are at any one time .
Also, loving feelings are not static; they change, disappear, reappear… it’s the nature of feelings aka emotions. You can break down the word emotion to e-motion, or energy in-motion.
“I can be a bit of a control freak with my own emotions, I don’t always let myself feel them, which is maybe why I’m panicking a bit about the start of a ‘love feeling’“- I would like to read more about how you control your emotions, how you manage to not feel them…?
“I’ve always been the kind of ‘therapist’ friend because I’m pretty black and white in general which I think people need and appreciate sometimes, I’m never jumping to conclusions or being crazy“- not jumping to conclusions or being crazy is.. again, rational and mature.
I wonder what you mean by being black and white as a therapist-friend..?
January 28, 2024 at 9:53 am #427333Renn
ParticipantHi Anita,
it is rational to listen to the heart, to what it has to say (yet not be ruled by its impulses and immediate needs), because what it has to say has to be part of any rational decision that involves the heart. A rational decision cannot be the right decision unless it takes the heart into serious consideration. – good point wow! I didn’t think of that, honestly thats what gets me into trouble with things sometimes im a bit too rational. its never simple is it Haha!
With regard to not always letting myself experience emotions fully:
I think i kind of mean there comes a point where i’m just like ‘what’s the point moping’ or something like ‘nah ill just leave it, no point making a thing’ even if it did kind of annoy me. its just like ‘we’re all still alive and happy so its fine’ Quite often in situations I just don’t bring it up and genuinely it just stops bothering me. Although I’m not sure if sometimes it probably should bother me. I think i just think there’s often bigger fish to fry and what i consider important/a big thing maybe isn’t always the same to the people I’m around.
To be honest the biggest things to me that i would really lay it all on the line for are just a few of my family and the farm I pretty much live at, my animals and stuff. I’ve got a really close best friend from this farm who shares a lot of her central values with me. I don’t think anyone could ever get between me and these few things. So anything else ever is just… not AS important to me, because honestly I’ve really had to work hard with this farm and my family and its so special to me, I cant imagine ever really wanting anything else so, why would i get worked up over anything else? That’s i think what i mean, probably sounds really wierd!
And the ‘therapist friend’ thing:
I’m very black and white, like brutally honest i think. i often get mis interpreted as not being intuitive, empathetic or considerate, except from by people like my mother and sister or SUPER close friends who can tell that i am.I as a kid was really empathatic, could always tell when people said something they didn’t mean, and it used to bother me/ get me in a bit of a flap because i didn’t know what to do with the knowledge that they said they were fine but clearly weren’t. (for example)
i still can tell exactly what people think often. However, i’ve taken the stance that if someone’s clearly not fully divulging how they feel then there’s no use pushing them into it even if i know what they really feel like.
i usually just take whatever they say as the truth, as i feel like acting based on what you think people feel like isn’t always helpful (although i always take into consideration what i really think they feel like even if they dont say anything about it or pretend its not a thing) because if you always go round acting on ‘possible hidden meanings’ then surely people will never end up actually telling you the real truth of their feelings because you just act how they want anyways ?
I dont know, it gets really confusing when people don’t give it to you straight, but i guess not everyone finds it easy to tell it to you how it is. Personally don’t see the point in ‘beating around the bush’ or anything. i just tell it how it is and i suppose some people dont like that, and i certainly come across as a bit harsh at times.
People in general really hate the brutal honesty (but respect it) and therefore may come to me for advice/ help because they know i wont just coddle to them, or they just think that i’m mean. i always try very consciously to word things nicely and i don’t ever rip into people or take a one sided view.
Thank you again,
– Renn 🙂
January 28, 2024 at 12:41 pm #427346anita
ParticipantDear Renn:
You are welcome! I will read and reply to you Mon morning (it is Sun 12:41 pm here).
January 29, 2024 at 1:44 pm #427381anita
ParticipantDear Renn:
“With regard to not always letting myself experience emotions fully: I think I kind of mean there comes a point where I’m just like ‘what’s the point moping’… It’s just like ‘we’re all still alive and happy so its fine’ Quite often in situations I just don’t bring it up and genuinely it just stops bothering me… I just think there’s often bigger fish to fry and what I consider important/a big thing maybe isn’t always the same to the people I’m around“-
– I am bamboozled (I like the word I just used) by your maturity and healthy state of mind!!!
“To be honest, the biggest things to me that I would really lay it all on the line for are just a few of my family and the farm I pretty much live at, my animals and stuff. I’ve got a really close best friend from this farm who shares a lot of her central values with me. I don’t think anyone could ever get between me and these few things. So anything else ever is just… not AS important to me… That’s I think what I mean, probably sounds really weird!“-
– no, it sounds to me really healthy and mature. As I read the paragraph I quoted right above, I tried to memorize it and apply it to my own life. I wish many people read it..!!!
“And the ‘therapist friend’ thing: I’m very black and white, like brutally honest I think… I as a kid.. could always tell when people said something they didn’t mean, and it used to bother me… I’ve taken the stance that if someone’s clearly not fully divulging how they feel then there’s no use pushing them into it even if I know what they really feel like“-
– I am continuously bamboozled in a very positive way by what I am reading! To summarize your wisdom in this post: 1) You know your solid values and priorities (family, farm, super close friends), you are anchored in them, and so, you don’t get blown away in the wind by less important things, (2) You understand that what you consider important is not what everyone considers important, (3) You understand that when people don’t say the truth about how they feel, when they are beating behind the bush, it’d be a bad idea to push them to say how they truly feel. You understand that for many, it’s not easy to be straight talkers, but it is your preference and choice
“People in general really hate the brutal honesty (but respect it) and therefore may come to me for advice“- can you give me an example of a brutally honest advice that you gave someone who appreciated it, and an example of a brutally honest advice that was not appreciated?
January 31, 2024 at 10:53 am #427452Renn
ParticipantHi Anita!
Haha! bamboozled is a brilliant word!! i’ll take that as a compliment, I’m glad i bamboozle Hahah!
Okay, examples
1) one of my closest friends was having a bit of a rough patch with her boyfriend and they’d broken up, and she was talking to me about someone else she’d been seeing. it seemed awful to be honest, so i told her that. at the time she was certainly a little taken aback but heard me out and got out of the situation after we talked it over a little more. even though shed also been ‘trash talking’ her ex boyfriend, I knew he wasn’t all that bad and it was just a sort of heat of the moment thing, so I reminded her to cut him some slack and try and think about what he intended and how maybe they’d both just communicated poorly.
2) a situation where it wasn’t appreciated would definitely be with my mother. not advice of course, but I am very honest and she does just take offence to it. she can be quite pester-y to my sister about school work and its obvious that it doesn’t help my sister, which she doesn’t see, so she just keeps nagging which just caused arguments. I told her I didn’t think it was at all helpful and tried to point her to realise it herself rather than just telling her because I thought it might be rude but she still interpreted it as rude and she doesn’t like it when I’m ‘too honest’ as it hurts her feelings sometimes.
I’ve really been thinking about things recently and getting in my head a lot about this whole boyfriend thing. I hope you don’t mind me going on about it! He can be really moody sometimes and I’m not going to lie, it just really gets on my nerves. it doesn’t even make me sad it just really makes me angry. I’m worried that my Ex who moved away will always have something over me, because he made me feel SO comfortable at the start, before him I was so insecure about stuff. and it was so easy with him and although he had his faults, he was actually a really level headed mature guy. he wasn’t very ‘lovey’ in the same way my new boyfriend is but people are different aren’t they. I actually think my boyfriend might be love bombing me and he’ll just be over me in a couple months because the honeymoon thing will have gone. I cant get it out my mind and to be honest I don’t really care I just don’t want to waste my time if that’s what is going on.
sorry for the waffling, I’ve just been really thinking about it recently.
– Renn
January 31, 2024 at 12:20 pm #427454anita
ParticipantDear Renn:
Thank you for the two examples: the first was bamboozingly positive- you helped your friend pause before making rash decisions and consider her boyfriend’s intention and the need for improved communication. (I would have loved to have you as my friend when I was a teenager/ 20+… 30+ 40+ )!
The second example: I wish your mother considered your mature and wise advice. She is older than you.. but you are wiser than her (in regard to the example you gave, at the least).
You are a good person- your intent is to help your sister and your mother!
“He can be really moody sometimes and I’m not going to lie, it just really gets on my nerves. it doesn’t even make me sad it just really makes me angry. I’m worried that my Ex who moved away will always have something over me, because he made me feel SO comfortable at the start“-
– (1) watch for idealizing your ex because of experiencing discontent with the current boyfriend. Remember that you felt so comfortable with the ex AT THE START, not later.
(2) I am not surprised that moodiness angers you, being that you are as practical as you are and not into overthinking and ruminating. I was just wondering: is your boyfriend moody similarly to how your mother (may be..?) moody?