
Anxiety or Gut?

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    I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 8 months now and everything has been amazing up until the last month. When I first met him I wasn’t initially attracted to him. We flirted a lot but he wasn’t my “type”.  I heard him talking about going out with other girls and I got jealous. We eventually realized we had something between us but when he asked me out I told him no. I just didn’t think he was my type because he was cute but not like “oh my gosh hot”. We continued talking just like we normal did and I realized how much I was starting to really like him. We eventually really started talking and I finally made the first move and kissed him. I felt serious sparks. I introduced him to my family and my daughter about a month later. I wanted to make sure we were gonna date. After that we just fell hard and fast. We had sex shortly after and it has been the most intense and passionate sex I have had. He was everything I could have ever dreamed up. He’s so sweet, he makes me laugh, he’s so respectful to me and my family, he gets along with my family, he’s not afraid to tell me the truth, he compliments me you get the idea. I’m not an affectionate person at all but I just love kissing him and holding hands with him in the car. I constantly think about him and feel different in this relationship than I ever have before. I’ve never respected a man so much in my life.

    Fast forward to now. About a month ago all of a sudden I woke up feeling like something was different in the relationship. I couldn’t figure out why. We still acted the same like sex and kissing and talking. But something just felt different. And it scared the ever living hell out of me. I had a dream he just broke up with me out of the blue and ever since then it’s like I am so afraid its gonna end. I’m now questioning everything. Do I find him attractive anymore, do i still love him, is he the one, why don’t i get butterflies when he walks in the door like i did, why am i not happy. Now, i can’t shake these feelings. It’s gotten to the point that I had a panic attack at work and my doctor put me on medication.

    I think my past is affecting me. My husband and I had a terrible relationship, he cheated on me while we were dating, i controlled everything and took care of him like a mother. For some reason I stayed. Two months after marrying, he cheated on me with a family member. Completely blindsided me. Worst feeling I have ever felt in my life. We have a kid together and I threw myself into the pregnancy and things.

    I cant imagine my life without my boyfriend. He does make me happy, even if its not 24/7. He loves my daughter. I love spending time with him. I don’t need to spend every waking moment with him, but I want to. I miss him when he’s gone. When I’m with him I feel anxious and nervous. But when he puts his arms around me I feel better. When I kiss him I feel better. We still have very passionate sex. I even initiate it sometimes.

    I feel terrible for feeling this way. I don’t want to break up with him. But why am I feeling like thats the only answer to all of this? I have been analyzing and worrying about this for a month and I cannot get it to go away. But I cant get this nagging feeling to go away. I feel like we are gonna break up and it kills me to think about it. To not have him anymore.

    What is happening?


    Premonition? Intuition? A mistake many people make in going into a relationship is mistaking a ‘hot” person for the way they are, which comes from the inside. It is called parataxis distortion. I invite you to lear about that. In a nutshell it is when a person is attracted to another, almost always by physical attraction. That person then imagines a life with the other, how good life would be, etc only to learn that the physical attraction takes the back seat for what is on the inside. If that makes sense. It is pursuit of a person to establish a relationship based on looks yet the person is let down because the “looks” are not congruent with the inside. Anyway, I believe that what you are feeling is the demon from once upon a time, the divorce, is raising its ugly head. Your anxiety is certainly justified. You don’t want to go down that road again.

    What is the time frame between the divorce and the new b/f?

    First I would like to suggest to slow down a little, regroup your thoughts, and even talk with him about your anxiety. But let me digest your post a little and I will get back. Promise.

    Pearce Hawk


    Oh its been over 3 years since I have been split up with my ex husband.

    I’ve talked to my boyfriend about this and he has been so supportive. He’s talked to me let me cry it out and just loved me. I just felt like I had to tell him. We have a great connection and our communication is wonderful. I feel like I can tell him anything and I don’t have to worry about his response.

    I feel like what drew me to my boyfriend is more on who he is than what he looks like. We have’t had a fight or anything. We openly discuss things and talk them out. We both come to an agreement or we apologize if someone took something the wrong way or its not what we meant.

    Here lately I just havent been feeling anything. I think I have assumed that a boyfriend was gonna make me happy all the time? And its not. I have these fleeting moments of happiness like when we both crack a joke or pick fight on each other or when we kiss. I have no ill feelings towards him and its not like he annoys me. Sure his “flaws” bother me but its nothing that i cant handle and its nothing like red flag status.

    I’m so afraid that my feelings have changed because I don’t want to break up with him. I want to be with him. I know I love him. But I just cant shake this nagging feeling in my gut that is ALWAYS there.


    When you said, “I think I have assumed that a boyfriend was gonna make me happy all the time?” recognize that your b/f cannot make you happy. As you have heard it a zillion times I’m sure, that happiness comes from within. I learned that many, many years ago and I will not abandon the fact that my happiness really does come from within me. He may join you in your happiness, conversely you may join him in his happiness and in by doing that, happiness is shared. I used to view the existence of my happiness as coming from past g/f’s. I used to think, “she makes me so happy” but then I realized that my being happy with that one g/f was a result of my inner source of happiness sharing that happiness with her. When my happiness and hers were coupled together, I realized, at some point not sure when it was, that it was the love and happiness within each of us, was multiplied a million times over. I used to think that in a relationship it should be 50%/50%. Then one day I was troubled by that thought, that something didn’t seem right about it. So I pondered it and it was literally about 3 years later that I understood what wasn’t right about the idea that relationships should be 50/50. I realized that a relationship should be 100%/100%. If it is not, let’s just say we cling on to the50/50 idea, then what do we do with our other 50%? Is that 50% spent on holding back? Mistrust? I’m not sure anymore because when I am involved with a woman, happy and in love, then I give 100% of me. When we broke up, I did not doubt the 100%/100% idea. She scaled back her 100% effort to use on someone else. But up to that point, it worked. The hurt was there, no doubt. If I should be so lucky as to get in to another relationship, I would not hold my past experiences against her. After all, she was not a part of my past relationships so it would be so unfair to measure her up to someone she never knew. Those were just random thoughts of mine that I only hope will help. Sometimes a different perspective is what we need.

    Take some time to be by yourself and your daughter, perhaps a weekend. Have that talk with yourself about your fears, how it is now affecting both of you, and maybe even your daughter, I don’t know. Hopefully not. You know the self talk…why do I think this way? Is this way of thinking serving you well? Is it something that you can eliminate from your personality? You mentioned the jealousy factor. Be fore my wife and I got divorced, we had The Fight. One thing she said, which was far from being the truth, is she said that I don’t care for her because I am not a jealous person. I told her that I am not jealous because I do care for her. Jealousy is an evil thing, I think. For me, it is one of the most destructive behaviors that can ruin a relationship. I think jealousy has a self esteem issue and insecurity component to it as well…

    enough of the babbling. I have this sense that you are going to overcome this feeling. It’s just that a once upon a time in your life is affecting i.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by PearceHawk.

    Hi Sarah,

    I read your post, do you think that the anxiety you are feeling is because you are going from romantic love/crush/infatuation..to something that is a little less exciting and intense and you are missing that aspect?

    Usually when we meet someone, it starts off as instant attraction, a spark, chemistry..it’s like euphoria. We feel like we have the world in our hands. Everything is magical, blissful and beautiful..this goes on for about 4 months called the “infatuation” stage where we can sometimes fantasize or I realize the relationship. The intimacy and kissing, holding hands like you said is awesome. You crave being with that person, it’s exciting, and intense and passionate, but it only lasts for so long, then the “honeymoon” period is over, and one is left wondering, “what happened?” where did it all go? It’s not the same. Reality sets in..the infatuation stage is over and the real relationship starts, and many people crave that “high” they had at the infatuation stage and want it back. Do you think this may be what is causing your anxiety? Keep us posted.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Eliana.

    Yeah I definitely can see that’s what is bringing it on. My boyfriend and I have so many great qualities in our relationship. You know like communication and I feel like we have a great connection and we enjoy each other’s company. We’ve recently started spending a little more time apart because we literally spent everyday with each other. And I feel like that has helped. I guess I’m just searching for that “feeling” again. I get it when we kiss or hold hands but it doesn’t last. I feel stupid because I know logically it doesn’t last forever. My past relationship was literally a roller coaster of emotion so I’m wondering since I “felt” something for 4 years and now I’m with this wonderful man and I don’t “feel” something all the time it’s wrong. What I mean is that when he walks in the room I don’t get all weak in the knees like I did. I feel more like content? And when I look at him I don’t think “oh wow he’s so gorgeous” it’s just like looking at someone you’ve known forever.

    Is this something that I can work toward with this man? He’s so good to me and I do things for him that I honestly do because I know he likes it or enjoys it. I couldn’t imagine life without him right now. Or is this a sign saying ” yeah you need to be with someone you still have that feeling with” ?



    Your relationship is “normal”, based on a conversation I recently had with a councillor…she said first yes, honeymoon stage, but than as one gets comfortable, the butterflies of when you see the other person goes away, or aren’t intensified as much…that’s normal. As long as you respect each other, have a great true friendship (that’s a good base). I think you started off great by not just being attracted to him but what was inside him attracted you to him. It’s sounds like you have great openness to talk which is another good base. I personally think because the honeymoon stage is over you are reguessing and over analyzing things too much. Sounds like you have a great guy. Not one relationship out there will always have you in butterflies all the time. It sounds like there is more good to this relationship than to ever question it. My personal advice is don’t over analyze ….that’s when you make a mountain out of a mole hill…I do that sometimes.



    I do over analyze a lot. About everything. I will think of 15 different worst case scenarios and have solutions to each of them.

    So I understand that sometimes your feelings aren’t intense like they were at the beginning. I’ve broken up with guys before because I got bored or I just didn’t like them anymore. But this man keeps drawing me back in even when I have doubts. I’m concerned that my lack of high physical attraction to him at first is playing a part now. Because sometimes I will look at him and I will wonder if I’m even attracted to him anymore. I enjoy kissing him and I enjoy being intimate with him but sometimes I will look at him and just question if I’m attracted to him because I don’t feel anything. Then sometimes he will make me laugh or smile and I feel into him again.

    So it scares me to think I may have moved into this phase and not be “into him” because of the lack of feelings that I have all the time.


    Dear Sarah:

    I read all your posts here. In your original post you asked: “What is happening?”

    My answer: you are suffering from anxiety. Your anxiety is about fearing that he will stop loving you and end this wonderful, loving, healthy relationship that you have been experiencing.

    Part of you is trying to protect yourself from him ending the relationship by motivating you to end it yourself. This part of you is trying to protect yourself from a broken heart by making you numb to him, so it doesn’t hurt when he break up with you.

    In addition to this, the expectation of a woman to always feel attracted to a man, to feel weak at the knees, to always think positive thoughts about a man, all these are unrealistic. If a woman spends enough time with a man, there will be times of lack of attraction, and of negative thoughts about the man, annoyances and such.

    The title of your thread is: “Anxiety or Gut?” Definitely anxiety. There is no indication in your posts that there is a problem with the man or the relationship. I think it is how wonderful the relationship has been that increased your anxiety- the more wonderful, the more  love, the more there is to lose and the scarier the thought of losing all that.

    I don’t see you ending this relationship. You have to learn to manage and somewhat heal from this anxiety. The message in your fear is not that this is the wrong relationship for you. The message, I believe, is that it is the right relationship for you and that you are afraid to lose it.



    Dear Sarah:

    I thought a bit more about your thread. It is still clear to me that what has been happening is your anxiety intensifying a month ago. Your sentence: “I had a dream he just broke up with me out of the blue and ever since then it’s like I am so afraid its gonna end” indicates fear that he will break up with you, clearly.

    On the other hand, you sentence: “We’ve recently started spending a little more time apart because we literally spent everyday with each other. And I feel like that has helped” and “I’ve broken up with guys before because I got bored or I just didn’t like them anymore. But this man keeps drawing me back in even when I have doubts” lead me to consider that maybe you feel trapped, caged in, within a relationship and want out, as a pattern.

    I started my last post to you with “my answer”, but really I bring up possibilities to you. It is possible that you are afraid the relationship will end (the dream) and it is possible that you feel trapped in relationships and want out of the trap. In previous relationships, your ex, maybe older relationships, as with a parent, may have been very unpleasant for you, and you wanted out of those, but were stuck. And since then, you are afraid to … get stuck.

    I hope you post again with your thoughts and feelings.



    I know I’m a very independent person so it’s hard for me to balance being with someone sometimes. I constantly keep thinking to myself all these different things and it’s almost as if I’m afraid to screw up. If I don’t think about him x number of times a day then I don’t love him or if I want to spend a day away from him I’m a horrible girlfriend. He doesn’t like to be alone whereas I do to an extent. So I guess the feeling of being “stuck” is a possibility. I just want to make it work with this guy. I don’t have this big reason as to why other than I love him and I just really want this to work.

    Part of me is afraid that we won’t work out and I will waste my time if I don’t get out now. I feel like that’s anxiety because I honestly have no reason as to why we won’t work. Other than these really high expectations and this “movie” style outlook on love.


    Dear Sarah:

    A lot of the thoughts you described in your thread, regarding your relationship, fits those termed by some as “Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” or ROCD. You can look at the entry Wikipedia has on it. Under “Symptoms” it reads: “A person may continuously doubt whether they love their partner, whether their relationship is the right relationship or whether their partner really loves them. When they know they love someone or that someone loves them, they constantly check and reassure themselves that it is the right feeling. When they attempt to end the relationship, they are overwhelmed with anxiety. By staying in the relationship, however, they are haunted by continuous doubts regarding the relationship.”

    This concept may help you (following your consideration and evaluation of it) to see your thoughts and attached feelings as stemming from anxiety (OCD is caused by anxiety).



    * submit again…


    I just want to know if this is something I can work through with him. I don’t want to give up what I have with this man because of some issues I need to work through.


    Dear Sarah:

    It is my understanding that the issue is your anxiety, that it originated before you ever met your boyfriend, and so it is not caused by any fault in your boyfriend or in the relationship. Best place for you to work on this issue is in quality psychotherapy. If such is available to you, better take advantage of it.

    I don’t know if it is possible for your boyfriend to help you with this. It may cause him anxiety to know about your struggles with loving-or-not-loving him. Did you and are you considering sharing this with him?


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