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February 19, 2014 at 2:38 am #51316
Im back again to look for some wisdom / solace / support, as i am feeling lonely and vulnerable.
I wrote a post a while back – very rocky relationship, with compatibility issues, feeling disconnected due to long hours, passing like ships in the night etc. My partner / ex partner since last night is a chef. He had such a hard childhood – adopted into a disfunctional family, his father was neglectful and violent to his mother, and left when he was 6 . His horrible childhood seems not to have affected hi, or so he says, but his area that he grew up in certainly did – drugs and drinking to excess for days is very common, and was a part of his teenage year (im no angel, I did some small episodes of that in my youth, but with age I have left that behind largely.
One of the main problems on our relationship was me – insecure questioning, asking where he was, who is texting – really lots of insecurities, which my therapist and I believea are from my childhood. They came to the fore in a big way in a previous relathinship 6 years ago – where the person was indeed untrustworthy, and all my buttons were pushes and I ended up in hospital for 6 weeks. In this relationship the long hours (12 – 14 hour days as a chef) the lonely nights, his drinking to unwind etc, seemed to put me in a place of insecurity – i let all my demons out, i let all those horrible black demons get me and pull me in all the time. If he stayed late in the restaurant i was angry / worried / couldnt sleep, and i need sleep as I teach children. This led to anger on his part, rows, fights and the realtionship was never on a secure footing. He lost love for me and I guess i was never free of fear – thus blocking true love and freedom. on both our sides there was sadness and anxiety – he was down, i was down, and it was only uplifted by dinners out / drinks in fancy bars to offset or brush to the side the unhappiness that was there.
He took his bags last night – well one bag, and left for his mothers – which has happened befor but this time he is really very sure it is over.
I am sitting here in my empty house, thinking of him like a son, brother, lover, all in one. I see his halo now that he is gone – which is heartbreaking. Although he drove me crazy at times, I see him now as a poor struggling person – just like me. I see his eyes, his face and im in agony. I am frightened of my feeling of loss and abandonment. I am afraid it will swallow me away. I do love him but it was a constant struggle, a battle of two seemingly incompatible people. The sun is shining in my window and it couldnt be any more different to how I feel inside.
I want to run to him, throw my arms around him and beg his never to leave me no matter how miserable we are.
How pathetic is that – but I cant loose him – and I have – and maybe the whole thing is my fault, my demons, my disgusting insecurities that drove him furthere away all the time. No wonder he wanted to stay up and smoke a joint and just stay away from me to relax after a hard day.
I am so frightened that I have lost the one person I could trust – because despite all the questioning – i knew he was not a cheat, not a real liar (apart for a few white lies over the course of 4 years) What if i never get that again – he could be the one that was meant for me, and I orchestrated the demise of it all with my neurotic personality.
I want to be happy, be loved, be safe, and maybe I was all those things but I just couldnt see it ?
Im confused and in a daze of loss.
I wonder will it ever seem that It was meant to be that we are not together – will it ever seem like it was meant to end ? Or will I regreat forever my part, my failings.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings
February 19, 2014 at 5:57 am #51323Stan Thomas
ParticipantJust a suggestion: go to Al-Anon.
Sent with only the best of intentions sincere wishes for your happiness.
February 19, 2014 at 8:02 am #51331Mark
I wish you peace and love during this time of loss and confusion.
I read your pain on how it is in this turmoil of self judgment, grief, loneliness.I don’t have any wisdom or techniques to give to you to make it better.
I can only offer you my heart and presence to let you know that I hear you and I acknowledge your pain and fear.I do know that everything is temporary, that no matter how bad it is now, things will change.
I love the quote from The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie, “Everything will be all right in the end… if it’s not all right then it’s not yet the end. ”
Right now I suggest you breath, just breath. Our breath calms us. Our breath keeps us alive and centered.
Also if you can do it, sit in meditation and be with your pain. Sit with it. It is damn hard to do but it does help.
MarkFebruary 19, 2014 at 10:32 am #51350Barbara
ParticipantHi Mark
Thank you for your kind response, I really appreciate it.
Yes, im full of grief, shame, doubt and all of those not so nice emotions. Thank you – it helps just to know you are there in kindness.
Many thanks i will try to breathe. Yes i like that movie and phrase !
Yes i will try to meditate, and do my best to sit and feel it.
Wishing you peace and happiness too.
February 19, 2014 at 1:24 pm #51361Matt
I’m sorry for your suffering, and understand why the grief is so painful. As I read your words, it sounds like an addict that is going through withdrawal. I’m glad you’re breathing, and consider doing some metta meditation and lots of self nurturing, yoga, dancing, or whatnot. These feelings are not permanent.
Consider that he never was nor never could be your path to joy. Remember that is between you, your heart, and your feet. Right now its scary because the codependency has kicked in from the absence of the other… but that with time it settles. Perhaps think of these mental/emotional outbursts like contractions, as you give birth to a newer, freer version of Barbs. That’s when you can find a lasting happiness. And this “what if he’s he best thing I deserve and I blew it” is hogwash, just your grief sucking away at your self esteem.
Let it go, sister. You’re not only beautiful, and deserving of a partner that fits better, but the halo and self flogging and desperation is all normal, usual, and part of loss. It seems loud and dramatic because its so fresh, and its good for you to cry, wail, and be sad. Just try to keep your hands off your whip… your heart and mind are tender enough right now without you beating yourself up as well. In, out, impermamemt, this will pass. One teacher said that the path to peace is grown most prominently by our ability to peacefully abide turmoil. You’re in the shit now, sister, and as you breathe your best breaths, try to let the space open up inside you and let your pain simply “be”, you get closer to joy, contentment and freedom with each exhale.
MattFebruary 20, 2014 at 3:51 am #51426Barbara
ParticipantHi Matt
Thank you, yes It is so painful, and Im trying but im not controling myself very well – today i went to his mums house and waited for him, and he had a look of disbelief and disgust, as I guess he has ended it and I am clearly almost harassing him. When i woke up i had a feeling of desperation, fear, panic – I had in my mind no choice but to run to him. I missed him like a sharp needle of pain.
When he got into the car I drove him to work – he did not want me to but I pleaded. He was stony faced and cold, and he summarised what he had gone through with me – he siad i was controling, (an issue i know i dave – and clearly so damaging), jealous, and made the house feel like an anxious hole. That i have deep issues in relationships (which i do – i seem to be fine with everyone else but in a relationship i smother out of terror of being hurt behind my back) He said he had tried and tried, and that i made his life a misery due to my controling ways, wanting to know where he was and pin him down (as in making plans all the time, and wanting to know when he would be home etc )
So I have to own all that – because I did all that, and quite honestly I feel like I dont want to live anymore – I am defficient in a relationship – I cant let go, I cant love properly. I am so full of shame and guilt for what I did to him, making him suffer that way. Why did I do it – whay couldnt I be in control of myself all along instead of trying to control him ? Now its too late – he said there is no hope.
He did try – he tried to show me love and I was always suspicious and asking questions to reassure my mind.
What a selfish person I have been, I have been an appaling parson to him – and he works so hard, those long hours.
I think maybe I will never rrecover from the guilt – I will have to always know that I did that to us, to him.
I know he wasnt perfect – but now I see how good he was and how self assured I was – thinking he would not leave me – how could he not, it was almost inevitable he would leave me.
I have no more chances to try again. He will meet somebody in the industry, someone stronger who can handle the chef hours, who dosent smother him, and I will never have that chance again.
I know I sound like a teenager here – like a broken hearted little girl, but Im in so much pain I dont even know who I am or who he is – Im lost completely. I am so devastated at his coldness – because he wants to cut me off and not give me false hope.
I know I should breathe and feel the pain, but I want to escape it, I want him back, and I cant have that.
Thanks Matt, yes, I really am in the shit – really deep in the shit.
February 20, 2014 at 7:24 am #51429Matt
Sheesh, dear sister, you paint yourself in such a dark hue. If I did to my wife what he did to you, she would probably go far more apeshit than you did. Consider that he worked late, stayed out late, was highly emotionally unavailable, smoked weed instead of dealing with his stress with sobriety and wisdom, and successfully blamed you time and again for being emotionally “needy”. You love him, barbs, and I wish you could see how much of your heart you poured to an empty throne.
You don’t own this, this is not yours. You’re grabbing it, beating yourself up with it, but its not you. Consider that neglect is a form of abuse, and the worst part of it is often the victim is told “I neglect you because you are undeserving”… he neglected you, dear sister. Stop being a teenage pining whiner and look! You didn’t “push him away”, he was away most of the time. You just couldn’t reach him, and you tried everything you could. Even when it required you to abandon self respect, you couldn’t get to him. Now you seem to be painting him with a halo, but I am not fooled as you are.
Try to breathe, dear sister, this too shall pass. Said differently, I know you are strong, because it takes an enormous amount of strength to maintain a relationship with a seat that was so often empty. Now, that strength is flogging your tender bottom, and ooooch, what a sting! But just breathe… you’ll find your light.
Perhaps next time if you wake up with an addictive pull to let him beat you up some more, perhaps you could instead spend some time self caring. It really would work out better for you in my opinion.
Consider that you’re not all that remarkable, not all that broken. What I see is a woman that wishes to be loved and treated with tender care. When she didn’t get that, she became agitated, hungry. She tried everything she could to find that connection, first asking, talking and hoping. And nothing, little scraps came back. So she became demanding, grasping, desperate. And nothing, judgment came back, poisoned scraps. Then the crowning glory of bullshit…. when you pour to him, he says “no, sorry, your behaviors are unlovable”. What an asshole. He had the treasure of a king, the heart of a beautiful woman, and he pisses on it, on you. And you blame yourself for causing the rain.
Shake awake sister, you’re better than this, more beautiful than this.
With warmth,
MattFebruary 21, 2014 at 2:55 am #51495Barbara
ParticipantHi Matt,
Thanks, yes I feel that even if he couldnt help it due to his hours – he just wasnt here. Although I love him, this made me claw and scratch at him for affection and I wanted more all the time, as you say – like a hungry person, reaching out for food. I wanted more phone calls, so that I knew he cared, I wanted more in general.
It just really saddens me that he blames me – but I guess he feels that his career was always his career, and he cant change that and I knew him from the start. Its almost as if i see that I should have known at the start that I would have to sacrifice a lot, and if I couldnt do it I should have let him go.
Instead I went to Australia with him for a year, because I didnt want to be without him – and it was again a disaster – him working 14 hours, my visa never came so I was 14 hours alone in a far away place every day. It was the circumstances, but I should have let him go by himself in the first place. Out of fears and worries that i would loose him to someone else I went with him. Instead I selfishly wanted to go with him, so I wouldnt loose him. Maybe these were the warning signs that we were just in different places in our lives too (my career is very stable and the hours very settled, and i have my house, my car – he is really only starting out on his career path – and never had that stable family to help out or guide him in a good direction ) I took a career break, wiped out my savings, and followed my heart.
Then there is our different backgrounds – his friends, drug use that they engage in occasionaly, the chef lifestyle, and the differences in us seem that we are incompatible.
It just really makes me sad that he ever was adopted into that family – where would he be now if he was elsewhere – who knows. His poor birth mother gave him up thinking he was going into a loving home, and he went into a bad area, a father who was absent and violent, and he started work at 14 on a milk round, then workking as a chef from 16. Just life makes me sad in this way – maybe he would have gone to college and had a father figure, if he was in a differnt family and had more choices. But who the hell am I to say what somebodys destiny could or would be. It is what it is in this moment.
And in this moment he is done. Last night he called me, as I had asked him to – and he said ”i have walked along the cliffs with you for too long now I need to get down off them and pick myself up and start again” I felt so sad and said, ”please dont shut me out”. His answer was ”i dont see a future with you”, right now there is no chance. 3 / 4 months down the line there is more chance of a possibility, but not now ”
So thats it – any choice is taken from me – he is calling the shots, and he has let go.
I will have to try as you said Matt to self care, and try to get on with it. I spoke to my friend, who has no insecurities, and she said ”I couldnt have dealt with the chef hours and I am not insecure” – this slightly puts my mind at rest that Im not weak, and that many others couldnt do it either. I will have to try now to set him free, and to let him go. I cant wail and beg – he has made up his mind. I will try to get my act together and keep going, however hard it is. I will really try to reach out and not to be alone – as I know my mind will take me down all sorts of avenues – where is he, did he meet another woman etc – so I have to keep busy now, and try not to cave in.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Matt, for taking the time to talk to me. I really helps.
Peace and happiness,
Barbs.February 21, 2014 at 5:43 am #51504Matt
You’re welcome, and from the bottom of my heart, I hope you find peace. Remember that you aren’t setting him free, you’re setting yourself free.
Sending warmth your way, dear sister.
MattFebruary 21, 2014 at 11:59 am #51520Micaela Miranda
ParticipantDear Barbara,
now with 2 days of distance, I’m sure you already feel that you can get up again.
Or maybe you are still going down deep in a well of grief and making yourself feeling guilty or….I deeply believe that all our relationships in life are the mirror of the relationships we have with ourselves.
How do you feel about that?When I read you words, many things resonate with me.
Before, I didn’t realize that my lack of self-esteem was making him also doubt himself. That my needy moments were making him feel I am doubting about our relationship… and that me doubting was exactly what was keeping it from being a FULL-filled experience between two beings that join forces to create the life that they most desire.
I wanted to share with you the best advice I have ever had about keeping a relationship:The best gift you can give your partner is to be a woman who loves herself.
Invest in yourself. Don’t expect for him to give you what you need. Only you can give yourself what you need.
To live a couple life is a choice. Clearly a choice.
We have chosen and we are stubborn: we can only be stubborn or else it won’t work.
Most of the time we are busy with everything else, most of the time it’s hard to meet and enjoy. But I see it like that: we are a team – we have decided to partner in the most amazing team ever to create our lives together.
It’s so so important that we support each other… and you know how I do it?
I support myself first.
Because I have found out that everything I need is in me. And what a terrible mistake it is to be expecting from him to bring me all those things that are: confidence, calm, happiness, positive thinking…
I love his way not being my way.
We speak very different love languages. I want to talk about everything all the time, I want to be cuddling all the time and sometimes I just need my time alone. He goes and fixes everything in the house, cooks for us everyday, brings me things he knows (or thinks) I love and it’s his way to tell me how much he thinks about me.
I am in wonder and thankful for our relationship every minute that passes by.
I always realize how much we learn together, how much we grew, how much we have this telepathic understanding. I am so thankful for all these little details that make our life. I know that it is not perfect. I used to be afraid of the boredom, the routine. I actually have changed my mind. I started to find it as really confortable rituals that we did naturally that indeed do our home.
I hope this helps,
MFebruary 22, 2014 at 12:18 am #51538Barbara
ParticipantHi Matt,
Thank you so much. I felt a little better yesterday, but then I read the 12 steps and traditions of a healthy relationship in Al – Anon, and I really felt it all spoke to me.
I tried so much to be the boss, telling him how things should be according to me – that I didnt want him smoking weed (one joint in the garden after work), that I didnt like his friends, that Id like to see him for dinner etc – I acted like the dictator.
Instead of stepping back and being non judgemental, I wanted to pull the strings, to be in control. His words are ringing in my ear ”everything had to be at your pace Barbs”, ”your opinion was always the right opinion” , ”you used me as a crutch” etc – all thie things in the al – anon traditions for healthy relationships – I seem to have done the total opposite. Instead of encouraging him I criticised, instead of being patient I tried to steer the ship. And thats my doing, my part, and he had good qualities of kindness, being loving and affectionate – his hugs were like a bear, he always held me in bed – now I have screwed it all up by being a dictator, a total ego – maniac.
Reading those traditions scared the crap out of me – as I honestly feel I did everything that I was not supposed to do. Asking him when he would be home, what he was doing Sunday, dissaproving of him going out with his mates for beers occasionally etc. Im terrifies now after reading those traditions. I was not like a loving, unconditionally caring partner – sometimes I was like a finger wagging mother – and now he is gone. Ill never get a chance to try to change with him – to let him grow and change at his own pace.
I have heard nothing from him yesterday, and Im sure I will only hear him to get back his things that are still here.
I wish now I had another chance.
In Warmth and kindness,
BarbsFebruary 22, 2014 at 2:46 am #51539Barbara
ParticipantHi Michela,
I didnt see your message until now – wow it sounds like you have a very loving relationship, and you have found a real balance,
Yes I have to love myself, and reassure myself – and I just wish I could have and now its all too late.
It wasnt all his fault – and I should have been self sufficient, but I missed him all the time – those 14 hour days are so lonely when he is working.
I am really feeling his loss – because now I cant fix anything (eccept myself) but I want him back.
Now I feel he is gone as cold as ice – maybe he will hange his phone, move house and ill never see him again – eccept to get his things.
Its very painful to realise that I should just have let him be, why was I always prodding and poking at him.
Big regrets,
Barbs. xx
February 23, 2014 at 2:05 am #51561Barbara
ParticipantHi All.
Im really tryingbut i feel so dasperate. The mornings are the worst, and our cat keeps looking for him, any noises and she thinks its him and she goes to the door ( he used to play with her and get on the floor and she would roll over for him – he loves her ) She keeps whimpering – and im just as bad. I went out with friends last night, to a new place – all i could thibk of was “this is our type of place” he would love it ” every sight and sound was him and i had to leave as i would have cried if i stayed any longer.I miss him so much – his arms around me at night – despite all I am so so deep in despair that ill never have him with me again. My codependency was so bad – who would want such a person ? I drove him away with it. But i wanted more – a few loving messages, a flower the very odd time, a call to say i miss u – but maybe there was no space for that with the codependeny andcthe fights, and my unhappy spirit….i may go to the grave loving him. I may never love anyone again and the thought of another man makes me fell like ” no, not ever again “.
My stomach aches all day, i cry every time i wake up. I see the cat looking for him and my heart is breaking. Nothing seems good, I have no wish to live or be here anymore. I eouldnt harm myself but i dont see the point in anything. I feel weak and tired and with no hope. I wish he would take me in his arms and say ” i love you, we can work things out, we can compromise and grow and be loving to eachother ” but thats a fantasy. He has said those things in the past and we never did it. I never stopped my clinging. So now i must go to work tomorrow, act ok, and hope i dont cry at the staff room table.
I just feel for anyone else going through this – may god bless you. And i hope and pray that the universe will help me to get through this pain.
With love
Barbs.February 23, 2014 at 9:15 am #51565Matt
I’m sorry for your continued lamenting, and can understand why it strikes you so powerfully. Sometimes one of the issues with codependency is that it places a ton of our self value on the other. Said differently, sometimes when we are out of balance in sharing our light with another, when they leave, our light feels like it gets snuffed out. A few things came to heart as I read your words.
Consider that the emotions and visions of hopelessness are results, not causes. You go everywhere, and see him in everything. “Our kind of place”, empty home, your phone, your cat and so on all sing to you of him. Consider that when this happens, we feel “loss loss loss loss”, and is normal, my dear and sweet sister. From the feeling of loss blossomed all the thoughts of low self value, and whew! What a tangle!
Please, please, switch to more self nurturing. Some metta meditation, take a bath, be kind to your body, just try to make space. Our feeling of worthlessness fades as we rekindle our light. Just have a little faith in yourself. You’re stronger than you think!
OK, so metta meditation will take a little time, you don’t want to be all wrinkly from sitting in a bathtub for hours, and plus, you have children to teach. The metta will help the space to grow inside, so you won’t feel overwhelemed. But to overcome the pull of it, the distraction when you need to focus, consider a simple mantra:
“I will grieve this, but here and now, their stories are important, too. We all suffer, and I want to try to share light now, and grieve later, when there’s space and time.” And try to surrender, accept. Look around… what are the kids doing? What’s the lesson today? How can I capture their attention and teach them? What’s the meeting agenda? How’s Sally doing with her kidney stone? They matter too!
And then, when you’re alone, try to let the emotions blossom like fireworks instead of cycle like wheels. Yes, it hurts. Of course, the heart has been wounded. Instead of bopping along these negative cycles, wild and aimless… consider sitting and breathing. On the in breath, we can open to what we’re feeling… accept that this feeling is here now, and impermanent. On the out breath, let go, release, we can hand over our pain back to momma, to the earth, the universe. Be done with it, let it settle. She can do that for us, take it in with us, breathe it out with us. We’re part of a family, my dear sweet sister… and the playful girl in you is right around the corner. Consider that perhaps she was just a little underfed and is cranky, and the hoplessness and darkness is the result. So perhaps if you get her some better food (nurture nurture nurture), you’ll remember how to play, be happy, and share love.
With that being said, grief requires a lot of patient endurance. Yeah, you had to hop up and leave when you became overwhelemed. Normal, usual, and it will happen less with time, so be patient. Your body has an amazing capacity for healing… emotionally, physically, mentally… but it takes time, and so be patient as you heal. Our outbursts are normal, human, but sometimes spiral out of control when we feel bad for having them. Instead, we can be patient, let them be like ripples on our path of growing joy.
Hang in there, sister, I believe in you! Obviously! 🙂
With warmth,
MattFebruary 24, 2014 at 11:08 am #51648Barbara
ParticipantThanks Matt for believeing in me ! 🙂 Trying hard to believe in myself, with all the self blame and whipping myself.
But i went to work , concentrated in the kids, and they lifted my spirits, as they always do. They are just how i wish i could be – just happy and care free. I love my job,.and it was good to see neutral people, who see me as good at my job and competent, and just talk about ordinary things. I confided in my 2 best friends at work – and it made me feel nice that they know about it, in the event that i need to talk. Other than that i want to keep it to myself and be strongvin my job. I cant let the children down. They are in their first year at school and need all my full attention. This is not bigger than them.
I just have that feeling that i want him back, but have stood strong in not calling or txting, as i cant let myself beg someone who seems to have pulled away. I would love to talk to him, but in my rational mind i know the lonely nights and walks on my own, feeling sad, was not happiness ( still trying to figure was that my codependency or was it him and the relationship – thats the real thingcthat keeps me thinking – was it my insecurities making my path to joy impossible, or was it the fit being not fully compatible – could it work if i put asside all judgement and all neediness ??? )
Im trying to stay in the moment – put it in the hands of a higher power, and let it pan out ( he still has all his belongings here though, so maybe that too is keeping me slightly calm ) Im trying my best i guess, and im proud that i didnt cry at work – i stayed with myself and my focus was those children, who think im the grown up !!
Thank you Matt, you are a friend to us all and to mother earth herself 🙂
With warmth and grattitude
Barbs 🙂