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    Recently came to a long-fomenting realization that I suffer from many (though not all) of the hallmark symptoms of co-dependency:

    • self-image of a long suffering spouse
    • anger at my spouse for her treatment of me
    • resentment that she won’t change in response to my many sacrifices

    I’m finding Buddhist teachings apply really well here. I’m studying dealing with shenpa, and learning forgiveness of my spouse and my self to break out of this pattern. Big lesson: Once I consider myself a victim, I’ve surrendered being able to better the situation.

    My codependent conclusions are not incorrect. They are logical, reasonable and can be used to support the argument that she’s wrong and I’m suffering. But just because I can make the case doesn’t mean it should motivate how I view things. So now, I begin the long journey to detaching my own happiness from her behavior. It doesn’t mean I don’t care about her any more, just that I view her treatment of me as an unhealthy manifestation of her pain, not dissimilar to my own unhealthy manifestations of pain.


    Hi Todzilla

    I’ve also recently left a long-term (20 year) relationship due to codependency issues, and am trying to work things out after a break. The realisation that he wouldn’t – maybe even couldn’t – change, no matter how much I loved him or what I did, was a hard one and made me angry for a long time… at him, at myself and even human nature as a whole.

    I’ll be reading along with interest 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing



    Many good vibes your way in finding peace with it all.

    I’m optimistic that my spouse is pretty open to a fearless examination of all this. That said, there is enormous work ahead and many deep ruts we’ve developed by treading the same dysfunctional paths over the years. So, it won’t be easy nor without its pitfalls.


    How does one stop being co dependent and move on or even find a healthy relationship?

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