
Ditched in love, broken heart, lousy job, no self belief – total mess

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    My story is so messed up that I can’t even tell properly or write it down in words. In short, met her couple of years ago. Thought, this is it…she is my eternal love. For the world we were already a couple but this girl in her heart was reluctant. She wanted a guy who was more intelligent, wealthy and having better background. But she still hung out with me, kept me in the loop. For our jobs we went to different cities. There she met a guy (my acquaintance) and they came close somewhat. But she still kept giving me hopes meanwhile i started thinking whether I should be with such a girl who wants more than i have to offer. Eventually, she tried seeing other guys too. She wanted to get married soon. But every guy kept rejecting her which made her weary. So eventually she came back to me literally saying that there is no one out there for her and since I have always been here kind of back up option we should get married. I said no and told her that you should marry me only if you love me and not because there is no other option. We decided to wait out and give time. But within 2-3 weeks i got to know that she’s marrying the other guy (my acquaintance). This too I came to know from others.

    [you may be confused probably, i don’t even think anyone’s gonna read or care, but wrote coz this is the only thing i feel like doing now]

    I was shattered by this. More hurt by the fact that how can someone who was so close to me do like this to me inspite of loving her so much truly, deeply. I mean things should have been different. And that guy knew about us so why did he come in between. While the girl nicely accepted my love and kept me around her as per her convenience. Things weren’t shaping up well in my professional life too and they still are shaky.

    So at this point of time I have lost my love, feeling betrayed, dull professional life, no self belief, broken heart, afraid to trust people, single. I am also having anger and hatred for the girl and her fiancee. They have caused so much pain and left me clueless in my own life and they don’t even realise it. Infact they are happy and enjoying whereas I am still suffering. It’s been over 3 months..and i am afraid that this feeling will never go. Probably I will never be able to love anyone truly. Pain in my heart is now being replaced by anger and revenge. Somehow I am controlling myself but I am loosing my patience day by day. I don’t understand what am I doing here?


    Dear Sid,

    At least you have a heart. A literal, spiritual, and emotional heart. This girl treats marriage like a time table or business contract. The other guys instinctively knew something was “off” about her ~ that’s why they kept rejecting her. But I’ll tell you what, in business, I would never, ever let the other guy know that no one else would have me, but that your company was my safety, so hey, how about a merger?

    “Oh, I was rejected by everyone, but you’re my safety, let’s get married!” What conceit! Treating you like a commodity like that!

    And this marriage? Is a sham. No great love story, that one. Anger? Revenge? Please. Feel bad for him and sad for her.

    When you meet a woman who’s the Real Deal, you will consider this fiasco a blessing ~ in that it’s over!



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Inky.


    I feel for you brother. My life situation has been rough for the past three years for reasons I won’t go into right now but suffice it to say that finding a way to release attachment to the actions and life situations of other people is the key to freedom. Even though it is hard to do, wish her and the man she is engaged to peace, health and happiness, cultivate awareness of the present moment and realize that most of the pain that you are feeling is related to thoughts you are having about the situation. I know that is easier said than done at times but it gets incrementally more doable with practice. Two steps forward, one step back but you are still moving on a forward trajectory. I hope this little tidbit helps. You will find someone eventually. Just do it with an open heart and mind and don’t force any relationship or scenario into the little box that you think it should go into. It has to have a natural flow of its own. Good luck to you.


    It is difficult to understand why what hurts us in life hurts us; Let downs, heart breaks, betrayal, loneliness. Then there are our wants and “needs.” We feel the need to be in relationship, to get married and we want it from someone special and it has to be reciprocated. But what if the person we want doesn’t want us back? What if the person who we want is more looking for a business arrangement rather than love. Remember that the high we get at the beginning of a relationship doesn’t last, it is our own self deception that we feel that way, because it is just a temporary feeling. If we walked around present to every moment and realized that every flickering thought that went through our brain was just our ego begging for attention then we wouldn’t suffer so much. It is easy to get caught up in the ego and what the ego wants, but the ego is like a bratty little kid when it doesn’t get what it wants it has a temper tantrum and we suffer. Very rarely do we feel hurt because something really hurt us, you feel hurt because in your mind you have labeled this girl as the one for you, “as yours!” like a child and I am not trying to belittle you, but it helps sometimes to take a step back and look at yourself as you do in meditation. We always think that we are in total control of our selves and we want what we want because it is what WE want, but really there are so many different motivations going on in our minds and we are hardly aware of them, but when we are aware of them that is called PRESENCE. It takes letting go of ego and being more of an observer of thoughts, rather than a participator. I think this will help you because when we are hurting we are really not being rational most of the time, especially when it has to do with “love.” Instead of saying you are broken hearted, say you have a bruised ego because this girl who you felt a strong attraction for ditched you. It might even help to write it down in a journal to sort stuff out. It is nearly impossible to let go of ego completely, just understand that it is what is hurting thus it is making you a mess.



    I feel compassion for you. Heartache is a universal experience that everyone suffers at some point in their life…. even the rich and famous get their hearts kicked around.

    I would use this experience as a learning one. Never allow a romantic partner to make you a back-up plan. It never works out and always results in suffering that could have easily been avoided. The reason it never works out is because your mate loses respect and yearning for you. When the subject was brought up, you should have distanced yourself from her and laughed it off as a dodged bullet.

    Does your ideal wife treat you in this unloving and almost masochistic sort of way? No, of course not. That would be unhealthy. Your ego is getting in the way of seeing clearly reality (1) she did not love you (2) she did not treat you very well (3) she is not loyal (4) she does not care about your feelings (5) being married in this type of situation would be HELL — that’s reality. Please realize that everyone should expect love, respect, and loyalty from their romantic partner. This is a boundary issue. Think of healthy male role models — would Tom Brady allow his partner to treat him this way?

    I would focus your time and energy on securing more meaningful employment and self improvement.. Are you taking steps towards creating your ideal life? If no, why not Sid? Is fear holding you back? Please ponder this.

    In conjunction with pursuing your life-long goals I suggest you start developing some sort of spiritual life and meditation practice. You need to learn how to control your repetitive thoughts and emotions that are torturing you and draining you of life energy. You are your own worst enemy at this time. Please have compassion on yourself Sid, we have all been there and you are going to come out stronger from this situation (and laugh about it one day). Suggested reading list in this case. Each of these books was worth their weight in gold and improved my life tremendously.

    1) Power of Now – Tolle
    2) Doc Love – “The System”
    3) No More Mr Nice Guy – Glover
    4) Way of the Seal – Devine
    5) Mindfulness in Plain English
    6) A New Earth – Tolle



    Each of you who replied, thank you. It was encouraging to read your replies. I feel better now except for those odd emotional pangs. Really, your replies have helped me and made me think in a positive way.


    I am losing my mind again…I feeling like calling her thrashing her for treating me like crap. She still exists in my thoughts..its my anger I guess. I have dreams too about her…mostly I end up pissed off or hurt. Why am I mad at her…should I just forget my anger and live with it or should I call her and at least express it to her…!! This question harasses me like hell. I am not even sure if venting out my anger to her will help me.

    The burden just seems to be pushing me down evvevery time I rise. I just wanna get out of the abyss of despair.



    I would not express your anger towards her… Trust me I’ve been around the block. I feel your anger. Right now you aren’t seeing things clearly.

    That said, the most vengeful, confident, and paradoxically healing thing you can do is NOTHING. Doing nothing and acting as if you don’t care not only surprises your ex but builds your confidence tremendously! She expects you to flip out and be hurt… By just laughing it off and getting on with your life you show her how strong you are and your momentum towards greener pastures increases.

    Trust me. You never want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t love you. It is so miserable. Words can’t express it. Consider yourself lucky. It is so much better to be single and free.

    Going forward, please take my meditation advice seriously as currrently you are unable to control your thoughts or emotions… 20 minutes 2 times per day. Focus only on your breath and be aware of any thoughts that occur. Eventually they will subside and you will see them for what they truly are…

    As you gain awareness through meditation things will become clearer. You will have plenty of energy to enjoy life and pursue worthwhile goals and relationships. It is life changing.

    PS: If for some reason you are not ready to begin meditation I suggest getting out of town and treating yourself to a short vacation.. Just go by yourself or with a close male friend to the beach and treat yourself well. Break all contact with this girl. Do not look at old photos or Facebook… That is self inflicted torture.

    PSS: I by no means wish to brag. But I am a reliable source. I am married to a young beautiful woman and have dated nothing but the lookers in my lifetime. I played college basketball and am competitive and extremely picky. I am not a monk but someone who has been in your shoes and wish to help other men struggling



    Sid my brother,

    I feel your pain.

    If you call her – one of 3 things will happen:
    1) she will not answer the phone or hang up on you.
    2) she will listen to you and then blame it all on you.
    3) she will apologize for treating you badly.

    Given her past behavior, option #1 is most likely, #2 likely…..and #3 no chance in hell !

    She is a selfish manipulative person who took advantage of your niceness….consider yourself lucky you did not marry her ! The Universe has saved you from much worse pain !!

    Sometimes, people come into our lives with whom we have past life connections and karmic debts to be paid….that is why you felt such a strong connection with her and yet so much heartache !!!

    You did the right things…now let Karma do its thing. Do not look back…there is nothing to find…..you must ride out this storm in your life. Time is the only healer.

    I pray your angels help you find peace and hope you find true love soon.

    GOD bless you !

    ps: listen to this song – it will help:



    I can feel your anger. Lets see if you behaved correctly in your situation. Lets break the story down piece by piece, zoom out a little and see ourselves. I am sure you will feel better. Lets do it together. But before we go ahead and do the analysis, first let me ask you a question. Do you fundamentally believe in taking bitter tasting medicine to treat your illness? Bitter tasting medicine should go inside your body. Well, who likes bitter tasting medicine. Hell no, nobody, at least I don’t like it. I don’t like it when I am sick, have fever, cold, running nose etc. yakk.. who likes it. Nobody! Nobody! Nobody! Well don’t think anything at this point. Don’t try to apply answer to this question to your life so quickly.

    Lets start.

    You loved a girl. It was true. Girl kept you as a back up and rejected at first. I can understand that any guy would feel dejected at rejection. You had your bad time, ‘that’ feeling. I understand. .
    Well, in this part, you did not do anything wrong. In fact, you loved the girl truly. You were faithful. You were right about feelings you had, whether those originated from love at first or from being rejected later. You were right, Godly at heart.

    She came back to you! Sid, she came back to YOU. YOU! She realized you were the one kept showing what the true qualities of a partner are, that’s why she came to you. She might have literally told you that you were a back up for her(which is totally un-Godly, isn’t it?). But remember, you were still right. You said NO to her. Yes, YOU said no to her. You decided and told her that thats not how people should get married. You were right Sid. You took correct actions.

    Now lets see what to do about feelings you still tend to have for her. Well these feelings were your sicknesses, illnesses. Note that I used ‘were’. Why, because you have already taken that bitter tasting medicine my friend. It is bitter. You wont like it. But always keep in mind that you have taken a Godly decision. A decision that will truly take you near God. Because you did right things all along. You did not hurt her, you were faithful, you said no to her later on. I dont see anything wrong done on your part at all. And best thing I see is that you said NO to her.

    Now I am copying some earlier lines again.
    …Girl kept you as a back up and rejected at first… This is when you fell sick.
    …You said NO to her… This is were you took the medicine. Perfect action. Now just wait for medicine to take effect.

    I understand that ‘those’ thoughts will not vanish over the night, but remember that you have already consumed bitter medicine and it is making you healthy gradually. Think about your decision of saying NO to her whenever you feel bad. Because that was the best thing which could have happened to you. God is watching you and gave you wisdom of saying no to the girl. Never forget it. Well, the medicine will take its time. Appreciate it as well.


    Oh Sid,

    I really feel for you. I applaud you for acting from a position of power and walking out on a situation that wouldn’t have been ideal for you. Feel that power and celebrate this small victory. You saved yourself a ton of heartache. Try to think of it this way: this girl is a really good example of the type of person that you wouldn’t want to be with anyway.

    I really liked what Inky had to say. And in that light, I would like to advise you to turn yourself inward instead of thinking of her. You let her in because of your beautiful soul – you accepted her for who she was. You cherished her. And that’s what a beautiful person with a beautiful spirit does. And (at no fault of your own because to be humble is beautiful) it’s because of your humility, you let her have her way with you. It’s because of your humility that you let her think that she got the winning end of the bargain – getting to have this faux romance/marriage with this guy.

    To love open and honestly and to have feelings that are uninhibited is a gorgeous thing – and one day you will find somebody who will not only love and appreciate that, but also will never take advantage.

    Love & light xoxo


    Thank you to one and all for replying. Its so kind of you all to reply. It helps me tremendously especially when my mind can’t think straight.

    I read your replies again and again. I feel better now but still there are moments which make me feel worse. Sometimes I am afraid to be alone because then my mind keeps thinking and overthinking. It’s like I constantly feel the need to justify myself about what happened. I have started reading novels/books and I’m trying to spend more time with friends and family so that my mind is occupied but I want to reach at that point when I’m at peace with myself and her existence and all this fuss no longer matters!


    Oh I know A L L about anger/rage. That is something you can break for sure. Gotta find healthy outlets. I myself lift weight, hit the boxing bag, listen to easy going music when I cant do those other things. Music that builds up the spirit. Its something you have to work on every single day so It doesnt overcome you. Also, with rage/anger check what your eating? Sugar alot of times will get my mood down or angry. You eating healthy? Its a must! Give me a box of fried donuts and Ill be breaking things I love 30 minutes later after the sugar crash. Read the ancient texts, The Art Of War. It has nothing but helpful advice on how to overcome anger and people with their matters of conflict. Reading will also calm you down, another title is called THE ART OF PEACE. When you get mad, read a couple pages and it will take your mind off whatever is making you angry AND you will also learn at the same time!

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