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October 1, 2018 at 10:13 am #228429
GuestDear Notebookb6:
You can learn from people, what makes them content/ happy, but you cannot easily adapt their ways and be content yourself. You can try this or that specific way, for example, a yoga class if a friend tells you that makes her happy. But an overall attitude, no, you can’t adapt that long term because of your specific childhood experience.
Insight into distressing childhood/ ongoing relationships with your parents, and changing those relationships in the present, are necessary to finding that “key to happiness”.
Maybe your ex boyfriend smiled at times when you complained about issues in your life not related to him because he felt awkward, not knowing what to day. People often smile when feeling awkward, or helpless, not knowing what to say or do.
October 1, 2018 at 11:23 am #228449Notebookb6
Participant“Insight into distressing childhood/ ongoing relationships with your parents, and changing those relationships in the present, are necessary to finding that “key to happiness”.”
I will try to work on that.
“People often smile when feeling awkward, or helpless, not knowing what to say or do.”
I understand. Probably he was trying to be nice to me.
I just had a chat with my ex just now, we talked about the breakup. He still wants us to be friends. He says our relationship lack of the following:
1. Be comfortable with each other
2. Accept each other weakness
3. Support each otherOur relationship was lacking in this element, what if I’ve already found out the reason and work hard on it (fix my negative attitude, care for him, positive thought ), do you think we might be back together in future?
October 1, 2018 at 11:30 am #228457Anonymous
GuestDear Notebookb6:
Yes, I think it is possible, because he wants to communicate with you further and he is doing just that, communicating.
But it will hurt him and you if you do it and hurt him again. You may need more psychotherapy, a good few months of weekly or biweekly sessions for the purpose of being able to treat him respectfully all the time, now and if you resume a relationship with him. That would be first priority in therapy. Not to wait until you resolve all your issues before you no longer mistreat him, but to learn how to not mistreat him immediately.
October 1, 2018 at 11:37 am #228461Notebookb6
ParticipantGlad to know there is still chance. And I understand its important for me to resolve my issues before getting back with him, I will work on myself first. Meanwhile, both of us agreed that the breakup is good for us. Also, we both wanted to live single life for some period. Guess I will remain as a friend with him until one day when both of us are ready again.
October 1, 2018 at 11:53 am #228465Anonymous
GuestDear Notebookb6:
Reads like a good plan to me, a friendship, better than a romantic relationship at this point, to practice this relationship guideline (any relationship, friendship included): EAR, which stands for Empathy, Assertiveness and Respect.
October 1, 2018 at 6:56 pm #228525Notebookb6
Participant“EAR, which stands for Empathy, Assertiveness and Respect.”
Thank you for the words, could you elaborate more on Assertive? Does it mean to take initiative to contact them?
Speaking on friendships problem which I’m trying to solve, there is been a long time since I didn’t take initiative in maintaining friendships with my friends even I like them due to some reason :
1. social anxiety
2. fear of being judged
3. fear of betrayalThere is one time my favourite group of friends organized an annual party at one of their house, I wanted to go so badly but I turned down the invitation by some excuses. I worried about being awkward at there and my anxiety could happen (blushed face, hand shaking). In the end, I stayed alone at home and feel sad for didn’t join the party. I know they are good people but my mind would constantly imagine of these negative situation.
Besides, I have the tendency of confusing about good friends and romantic crush. I easily have a crush on opposite-sex friends when we are getting closer, which this has happened few times while I’m in a relationship with ex. I had a good friend of opposite-sex who we get along well after some time passes, I would imagine myself together with him in a relationship, then I questioned myself if I’m having crush on him, and I will feel guilty when the answer is yes, and when I’m guilty I would have anxiety. How to stop these vicious cycle which happens more than once?
Besides easily develop crush on friends/coworkers, I also noticed that I like to compare myself with other female coworkers. I would get jealous if other females are doing better jobs than me, more popular than me among friends, I would get jealous if one of the females became good friends with my guy good friend too. I know this is wrong and unhealthy, this pattern has formed for a long time without me noticing until the recent year. What should I do to fix it?
October 2, 2018 at 7:39 am #228587Anonymous
GuestDear Notebookb6:
Regarding the Assertive part of EAR, it is a skill that you learn over time and practice. Most people are either aggressive or passive at any one time. Either one is harmful. Being assertive is helpful not only for the person practicing it but also to the other person involved. I am sure there is plenty of literature on it, I imagine there are books and workbooks to help with that.
Does it mean to initiate contact with another person? Not necessarily. IF the person told you before hand that he doesn’t want contact with you and you disregard his assertion (telling you he wants no contact), then by initiating contact you are disrespecting him, which is a form of aggression, not assertion.
If the person didn’t tell you to not contact him, but each time you did, he did not reciprocate by initiating contact with you, you will be hurting yourself if you initiate contact once again. Being assertive is closely connected to the E and the R of the ear.
Regarding your current “1. social anxiety”- it is a reactivation of your anxiety at home as a child. Regarding “2. fear of being judged” and “3. fear of betrayal”, these fears exist because you were already judged and betrayed by your parents. You are afraid of experiencing this again. We don’t fear what we didn’t experience yet, we fear what already hurt us in the past.
I think you have crushes on guys because you have a strong need for bonding, what you didn’t and don’t experience at home. This is what motivates those crushes. If you believe it is so, then you won’t judge your crushes as an indication of a bad character. You will have empathy for yourself for being so desperate for bonding, for love. When we didn’t experience it early and for so long, we get desperate for it.
What should I do to fix it?”- correct understanding of what motivates you and empathy for yourself are necessary ingredients in fixing lots of things.
October 2, 2018 at 10:10 am #228637Notebookb6
Participant“If you believe it is so, then you won’t judge your crushes as an indication of a bad character.”
This is what I needed to know, I focused too much on my behaviour without understanding the reason underneath, which causes anxiety.
I have good news today, I’ve finally got the job I wanted and will be moving out from home and working abroad probably in 2 weeks time. I believe having new experiences in a new environment helps me to grow and helps in self-development, its also a good chance for me to practice self-love by living alone without depending on someone.
October 2, 2018 at 10:40 am #228647Anonymous
GuestDear Nothebookb6:
This is excellent news, congratulations for getting the job!
Moving away from home is excellent, and the farther, the better, for your own self-development aim. So glad. I hope you post again and again. I would love to read from you before and after you move abroad.
October 2, 2018 at 11:16 am #228655Notebookb6
ParticipantHow fortunate am I to be able to talk to someone like you during my down moment. There is very rare to find someone genuinely willing to help and read through every sentence. I’m glad to know you Anita and I will continuously post here to update on my progress.
October 2, 2018 at 11:42 am #228663Anonymous
GuestDear Notebookb6:
You are very welcome. I appreciate your appreciation of me, it is generous of you to express it, thank you. Will be looking forward to your future posts!
October 7, 2018 at 5:19 am #229495Notebookb6
4 October 2018
I went abroad to the country I will be working on to sign on my new job offer letter, which is where my ex is currently working too. We met up for dinner and a movie that night, I was uplifted and happy seeing him, I told him I think breaking up would be good for us, it gave us time for self-development and for reflection. I told him about my plan to go solo backpacking in near future. He said I could invite him to tag along for the backpacking too. I told him I’ll be attending a music concert with a friend, and he said next time when I’m going for another I could invite him over too. After I came back to my country, he helped me to look for a rental room for me to stay when I move over to the country. He offered help and suggesting us going trip together, does that mean he still has a feeling for me? However one week ago when I was crying and asking him to get back together, he said I’m not the one he is going to marry. However, his action of helping me seems contrary to what he has said one week ago.
7 October 2018
I attended a friend’s wedding ceremony today, all I could think of is my ex. I imagined our childhood photos projected on the screen, I imagined us exchanging ring in front of everyone… Everything still felt surreal that we are no longer together. I thought I’ve slowly moved on, after attending the wedding ceremony, I’ve missed him so badly. I pass by the city where he grew up, I reminisce about him bringing me to his primary school and describe how he used to be when he was a kid, us holding hands and hang out in his neighborhood, there are so many memories flowing out today. I couldn’t handle it all I could do is go home and have a good cry. I missed him so much, all I wanted is getting back together with him.October 7, 2018 at 7:02 am #229511Anonymous
GuestDear Notebookb6:
The life abroad then consists of having your ex boyfriend as your co-worker, having had a dinner and a movie with him a few nights ago, planning on going on a backpack trip together, just the two of you, planning on attending a future music concert, you, him and a friend perhaps, looking together for a rental, for you. As well as planning another trip together, if I understood correctly.
Reads to me that there is no breakup, only a relationship without the title of boyfriend/girlfriend and with no marriage plans (he said I’m not the one he is going to marry”). I don’t see a breakup here.
What do you think?
October 7, 2018 at 7:27 am #229515Notebookb6
ParticipantDear anita,
I will not be working in the same company with him, but yes we were planning on going backpack trip and attending music concert together. Does that mean he just wanted my accompaniment without having me to be his girlfriend? Earlier while we were still in the relationship, he mentioned sometimes he wanted to be single while in a relationship, yet he wanted to be in a relationship while he was single. If that is the case, should I remain the ‘friendship’ with him until he makes up his mind to get back together with me, or should I just stop contacting him anymore?
I was hoping to get close with him until the spark and attraction between us is lighten again, do you think this is a good plan? Or should I just give up and move on.
October 7, 2018 at 8:51 am #229531Anonymous
GuestDear Notebookb6:
“Does that mean he just wanted my accompaniment without having me to be his girlfriend?” – maybe he wants your company and suggested what he suggested (backpacking et.) impulsively, because he wants your company, and he didn’t take the time to think ahead regarding what kind of a relationship he wants with you.
“Earlier .. he mentioned sometimes he wanted to be single while in a relationship, yet he wanted to be in a relationship while he was single”- reads to me that he is likely to be-and-not-be in a relationship with you, that is, have a relationship with you (if you participate in such) but say he is not in a relationship with you.
“should I remain the ‘friendship’ with him until he makes up his mind to get back together with me”- no, a bad idea. If you cooperate with a “friendship” that is not a friendship, then you are auditioning for a girlfriend position with him, and that is not a good situation for you. You will not have a friendship or a gf/bf relationship but an audition after audition, like an unemployed actress trying to get an acting job. It is tiring and discouraging.
“or should I just stop contacting him anymore?”- I think you should not have one-to-one time with him, not going backpacking with him, just the two of you, dinners and such. Maybe you can see him in a group, with other people, maybe have conversations with him over coffee in a public place, a coffee place, let’s say, from time to time. Or have no contact. But do not audition.
“I was hoping to get close with him until the spark and attraction between us is lighten again, do you think this is a good plan?”- no, I don’t. I think this plan is the auditioning I mentioned about, doing your best so that he will feel this and that and hire you for the position of a girlfriend. Not a good plan: it places you in a weak position, dependent on his decision to hire you or not, waiting for him, waiting on him. Not good for your well-being.