
Fake friend….or a jealous friend

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    Dear Arie: I will read and reply in about 11 hours.



    Dear Arie:

    It’s okay that you took long to respond, I appreciate reading back from you!

    Your choice to not attend gatherings where Amy and her boyfriend are present reads reasonable to me, very reasonable.

    she was never a true friend to me like my childhood best friend was (now deceased)“- I bet you miss your true friend very much. How did it feel, at the time, to have a true friend?

    even if I did apologize and attend parties where they will be, there still will be a lot of friction and tension in the air.  So its best  I stay far away.“- I agree, better stay away from friction and tension whenever possible: for your peace of mind, and for the peace of mind of the people who do care about you and who treat you well.



    Hi Anita.

    My best friend since the 3rs grade died of Covid related issues 3 years ago.   She was my true friend.   She was more than just my best friend.  She was like a sister to me.   My mom is best friends with her mom and all her mom’s sisters .   So this is still to this day very difficult for me not having her here to talk to , to do things with and we kept each others secrets .  Secrets no one knew about, not even our parents.  We were there for each other during weddings, the birth of our children , even when our children would get sick, during funerals , you name it.   When she passed, I never felt so alone .  I even though I had my family , I still felt alone.   I had friends, but not like the bond we shared.  I would make friends but I could  not trust any of them.    I can’t even trust my own sister n law because one time I told her something in confidence and next thing I knew everyone knew about it.
    my brother would rather be around her side of the family . He and I really don’t speak anymore.
    it is so hard to for me to trust the friends I do have .  So… yes.. it was wonderful to have had a true best friend.   I miss her so much.   I visit her grave often.  Just wish people wouldn’t break my trust in them.


    Dear Arie:

    She was my true friend. She was more than just my best friend. She was like a sister to me…. this is still to this day very difficult for me not having her here to talk to, to do things with and we kept each other’s secrets.  Secrets no one knew about, not even our parents.  We were there for each other during weddings, the birth of our children,  even when our children would get sick, during funerals , you name it. When she passed, I never felt so alone… it is so hard to for me to trust the friends I do have. So.. yes.. it was wonderful to have had a true best friend. I miss her so much. I visit her grave often.  Just wish people wouldn’t break my trust in them.“-

    – this is such a special, precious tribute to your true best friend. It makes me smile as I imagine two 3rd graders playing together; two adolescents telling each other secrets and keeping them; two young women dating.. getting married; two mothers, all the way to three years ago. This is a lifetime of true friendship

    I am so sorry for your loss.

    Trust is indeed very important in personal relationships, but also in business relationships, and in human interactions in general.  Thank you for sharing about your friend and about the value of trust.


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