
How can I train myself to stop suppressing emotions

HomeForumsEmotional MasteryHow can I train myself to stop suppressing emotions

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Whenever my husband or anyone asks me what I feel or if I’m ok with something we are doing or asks me if I’m ok with plans or what they want to do, I quickly say ok out of habit.  There are many times I want to say no or disagree, but I go along with what they say because it is easier than dealing with my own feelings.

    How do I start acknowledging my own feelings?  At this point, I don’t even know how to recognize what my feelings are, almost as if I am numb.


    Dear  alicia920:

    If you’d like, share an example, of the circumstance you were asked how you feel or if you are okay with something, and we can explore how you do or did feel about it and if  it was  okay or not.



    Creating some space for yourself might be a place to start. Somewhere to meditate or read a book about reconnecting with yourself. Some time just for you to be with you.

    You may find joining a book club  or perhaps taking a weekend seminar on something that interests you a great place to practice expressing yourself. Neutral ground where you are free to say and feel what think and feel.

    Talking to a professional would help you identify what it is you want to expresses as well as help you find healthy ways to do so with your family.


    There are a few questions to ask to gain a bit more insight:

    When did you first realize you were suppressing your emotions?

    Was there a situation (younger or older, past or present) in which you found yourself silencing your voice? What was the catalyst for that?

    Which emotion do you have the hardest time with?

    Are there any situations where you did acknowledge your feelings and what was that like?

    Why do you feel (or what makes you think) your feelings don’t matter?

    I always recommend journaling, it’s a great way to write without any limitations everything inside of your head, over time your thoughts and emotions become clearer.


    I have a question I’ve been with my husband for 6 years and he allow his family to disrespect me what does that mean


    * Dear Unlocked: I brought  back your “inlaws mistreating  me” thread from November following my reply there to your question, stated again here. Hope you post more on your thread.


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