
How do I release anger ?

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    angry after so long

    How can i release the anger associated with jealousy, and all these icky feelings ? I meditate and it feels good, i let the anger pass through me, but it doesnt last the whole day, and i have a busy job which involves me to be very emotionally involved with my clients, so these feelings spiring up between two appointments and there is no meditation help then.. i try to breath, count to ten and center myself, but it feels like i am repressing it.. how do i let anger go ? finding forgiveness would be the obvious next step i believe..


    Your institution is already telling you. Plus, be patient with yourself, accept your feelings, they are not permanent and will go way once you keep giving less and less fuel to live. Matthew West’s Forgiveness lyrics come to mind:

    It’s the hardest thing to give away
    And the last thing on your mind today
    It always goes to those that don’t deserve

    It’s the opposite of how you feel
    When the pain they caused is just too real
    It takes everything you have just to say the word…


    It flies in the face of all your pride
    It moves away the mad inside
    It’s always anger’s own worst enemy
    Even when the jury and the judge
    Say you gotta right to hold a grudge
    It’s the whisper in your ear saying ‘Set It Free’

    Forgiveness, Forgiveness
    Forgiveness, Forgiveness


    Ask yourself a simple question when anger takes hold: ‘is this serving ME?’ if the answer is no let it go…


    The advice above sounds good but is not practical unless you catch yourself exactly at the instant of the offending event and can be mindful enough to choose not to let something bother you.

    Once anger is inside you it’s different. This has worked for me when I’ve been fuming: find somewhere like a spot in a park where there are no other people (to avoid being carted away in a white van) and scream your lungs out. Let all that emotion well up inside you and release it like a volcano. After all it’s just energy, so you just need to find a way to vent it. A short burst of running at full speed until I feel like I’ve spent all that energy has also been good for me, anything where you just use that energy up/vent it.

    Obviously it’s best to discover why we get angry in the first place and try to prevent it in the future, but once it’s already inside you then it’s well known that suppressing it is bad for your health, you need to find an outlet as you say.

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