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August 13, 2014 at 11:36 am #63296
ParticipantI’ve been with my boyfriend for just over two years now. I’m 37, he’ll turn 40 this year, so we aren’t spring chicks. We recently just moved in together a couple of months ago. Because I was renting a townhouse and he owned his own house, it just made sense for me to move into his place.
A little about me… I loved the town previously I lived in (his house is 20 miles away and I really dislike the town he lives in). I loved my bright little townhouse decorated in my style, loved my short commute to work and loved my personal nights sitting around eating what I wanted, wearing what I wanted, pampering myself, watching what I wanted on tv, running out with friends for happy hour (I lived in a hopping town). I also loved the nights I had with my boyfriend, too. It was a nice mix, but we felt that in order to eventually move forward toward marriage/family/etc., moving in together was the logical step. I’ve lived with other guys so it isn’t that this is a new concept. It’s just the first time I have ever moved into THEIR place and left my own behind.
My problem: For some reason since I’ve moved in, I feel like I’ve completely lost myself and who I was before. I don’t do anything. I go directly home every night and wait for him to come home so we can talk, hang out, etc. He by no means expects or wants this out of me. Although he doesn’t want me going out every night, I know he feels smothered by me being there ALL the time now that I moved in. The mystery of being apart has vanished. I have become anxious and extremely dependent upon his attention and I hate it. I fear that it’ll tear us apart. I need to get my OWN life…independence is attractive, I know… I just don’t know how to get that back again.
The reason I’m finding it so hard to be independent is that I don’t have family that lives anywhere near me and we aren’t really that close (except my sister and I but she lives across the country). I one close friend but she’s very busy. I have acquaintance friends but we only get together maybe once every 2-3 months. I have tried setting up get-togethers but they usually fall through because people get busy and have to back out. I work for a very small office and although we’re friendly at work, no one hangs out with each other socially. I’m shy and it’s extremely hard for me to join existing clubs…I’ve tried and feel that I just come off as unfriendly although I believe I’m actually very nice and funny.
Any advice for a pathetic woman with no family, only a couple busy friends, and no outside life? Anyone is a similar situation? What did you do to regain the independence, happiness and mysteriousness??
August 14, 2014 at 7:36 pm #63398Tiny Ng
ParticipantHi apothic,
I felt exactly the same way as you are feeling right now in my previous relationship. I came straight home after school, work, whatever things outside. Whenever I went out, it was either by myself or with him. We only had one car at that time so anywhere I went, he would have to take me and pick me up. I felt completely dependent. Well, here are a couple of things that I did and hopefully you can find some things that you can do
1. Sign up for a yoga/dance/zumba course. As you said in your post, you come straight home from work and wait for him to come home. Don’t wait anymore. Go to one of those classes and you will be surprised at how much you enjoy them. It is a way to relax and to make more friends also. You might be able to find some new friends who share the same hobbies as yours.
2. Be the leader. So instead of letting him plan activities to do, you should take the lead. Plan for a movie night, a trip to the ocean or the mountains (if you live close to one), a visit to a winery, a picnic, tickets to sport events, etc. Just find out what your boyfriend likes and make sure that he will be available whenever your plan is. You two live together so I am sure that you know his schedule. This whole being the lead thing involves both of you, in a way that is fun, exciting and unique.
3. Enjoy spending time with yourself. I am not saying “by yourself” but “with yourself”. There is something that I have realized over the years is that at the end of the day, no one is there for you but yourself. Go get yourself some ice cream, frozen yogurt, have a nice, relaxing bath, put on a facial beauty mask, turn on your favorite music, make yourself a cup of tea, read, write, start a blog, anything that you enjoy. You will still be home while doing these things but you show him that you enjoy doing these things yourself. When he comes home, just let him do whatever he wants. Let’s say if he wants to watch TV, let him watch TV, you can sit down and watch for a bit but then you leave and do the things you want. He might not notice at first but he will. He might even join you one day.
4. Spend some time away. You said your sister lives across the country, book a plane ticket and fly there to visit her.
5. Discuss with him the way you want to redecorate your house. Buy new furniture, new paintings, set up flowers, change the lights.
6. Communicate with him. It sounds so cliche but communication is a must in relationships if you want it to last. You can’t just go to sleep at night with all these thoughts in your head. They will affect your actions some day. Talk to him about what you are feeling. He might be able to suggest you something.
I hope these ideas can help you somehow or inspire you in doing something new. It is good that you realize that you have become dependent on your boyfriend. Now you just need to work it out. Independence is attractive like you said, don’t lose it!
Good luck 🙂
August 15, 2014 at 7:06 am #63431apothic
ParticipantThank you Tiny Ng for the great reply. Yes, I tell myself every day to just go “do my own thing” and not worry about if I’m there when he gets home or not. It’s just finding something to do that’s tough. I really should use that time to join an exercise class, yes. Why not work on my body instead of wasting away!!
Deep down I think we’ve just lost connection with each other and that’s why I’ve become like I am. I feel like if I’m there, we’ll reconnect…if I go have my own life, he’ll enjoy that a little too much and we’ll grow further apart. Everything I’ve read says that pulling away and being independent actually brings the guy closer. Perhaps that’s true for others, but my bf has never been that way. He’s never come to me asking for more time/attention, even when we lived alone and would go a couple weeks without seeing each other. I never felt missed by him.
Since I don’t recognize who I am anymore, feel like I’m not connected at all to my bf, maybe the question to ask isn’t “what should I do with my time” but instead “is this really the right guy for me?” Hard call when I’m 37 and there isn’t a buffet of guys to choose from anymore. So much to think about but it’s comforting to know others go through the same thing. And it helps to just write on here, if nothing else!
Thanks again!
August 15, 2014 at 7:52 am #63437Kelly
ParticipantHi apothic. I’m curious if something has happened with your friendships in the last few months. One of the things you loved about your townhouse was “running out with friends for happy hour”. I don’t know where you live, but I wouldn’t think 20 miles is too far to drive to meet up with those same friends for happy hour in that “hopping town”, especially if that’s in the same town you work. Maybe that is unrealistic for your situation, but it was just a thought.
This type of thinking: “Everything I’ve read says that pulling away and being independent actually brings the guy closer” borders on manipulation/games, imo. I’m leery of any such tactics to try to make someone feel a certain way. I know you’ve dismissed the idea as quickly as you brought it up, which I think is wise.
I’ve only gotten a small glimpse into your life/relationship based on your post here, but quite honestly it sounds like you preferred your more independent life. It could be that this guy just doesn’t do it for you. Dating is a process to find out if you are compatible and want to spend your life with this other person (by my definition, anyway). There’s nothing wrong with discovering this man might not be it. Just be careful not to “settle” due to your age (I am 35 and single myself – my mother did not marry my stepdad until she was 40 and one of my good friends got married for the first time at 42. Age is just a number!). I think one thing you may want to consider is if you’re perhaps falling into a bit of a funk that has nothing to do with your boyfriend or your new living situation. You are not a “pathetic woman”. Being shy is not a character flaw. Perhaps some self esteem work is in order. From my experience, when either I or my former partner was depressed, there was naturally a distance between us. Once my ex came out of his “dark place”, things got back on track with us. It would have been a shame to throw away the relationship while he worked through some emotional challenges.
Just a stranger’s two cents 🙂
August 15, 2014 at 8:53 am #63445apothic
ParticipantHi Kelly,
Thank you for your insight. I appreciate it. Even a stranger’s two cents is better than going around and around with all this in my head alone.
You are right…20 miles isn’t that far to drive. Although I did do more happy hours before, it’s because I knew more people that lived in the area or worked near the area. My work and home now are in the complete opposite direction of where I used to live. Although 20 miles isn’t a lot, keep in mind that I live in a very large city and in rush hour, this can mean another hour+ to get over there. Again, not an excuse. The last minute “hey, let’s get together” calls have diminished a lot over the last year. It isn’t just me being excluded…the others don’t really get together either. Life has taken over for them too, I suppose, which is why I’m trying to rebuild my circle of friends. I choose not to take it personally – that’ll just bring me down more! I’m so desperate right now for my own life that I even posted on Craigslist to try to start up a social group. Shy or not, I AM trying…it’s just tough.
I agree. I don’t want to resort to manipulation or games. I feel that if you’re meant to be with someone, you can easily spend time with them or apart from them without being consumed with anxiety. I don’t know if it’s an issue I’m going through (likely option) or if he just isn’t the one for me. He’s a great guy so I don’t want to act hastily if it’s just an anxiety or depression issue I’m going through. I wake up with a heavy weight on my chest every morning so something isn’t right.
One other issue I’m struggling with is the fact that I thought I wanted to get married, we were planning on it, but he keeps postponing an engagement (he has the ring). I don’t want to hang on to something that is going nowhere. I think that is where so much of my anxiety comes from. I turned into a live-in girlfriend, which I told him I didn’t want to do. The engagement was supposed to come immediately upon me moving in, which was the agreement we made to get me to make the move. He just hasn’t lived up to his end of the bargain. It didn’t come immediately and he has no plans for it in the near future (his words). In no way do I want to do the ultimatum thing…but it is causing me a lot of grief thinking that I gave up so much just for him to back out and I feel like I was tricked into moving in. I can’t talk to him about it- he shuts down but claims he wants me in his future. Exactly what every guy wants…the cow without buying the milk. What a mess. Now I Google articles on “why women choose not to marry” just to pacify myself in this situation.
Even more reason why I need to break the dependency pattern. Thanks again for your help!
August 15, 2014 at 9:34 am #63451Kelly
ParticipantHi again, Apothic. I considered while posting that 20 miles in your neck of the woods might be quite different from 20 miles for me where it’s a quick jump onto the interstate and I’m there within a half hour. In any case, I understand how it is when friends’ lives move in different directions. It’s hard to keep up the social connections when there are other areas of focus. As much as my friends make an effort to keep our friendships nurtured, I know that often the place they want to be is at home with their partner. Which is understandable, but makes it tough for me as one of the only single people in my social circle. So, I completely relate, and I think it’s great you’re putting yourself out there trying out the Craigslist thing. You never know what kind of friend(s) you will make if you don’t try, and you’re surely trying.
I can definitely see why you’re struggling with the question of engagement. I’m sure he has his reasons, but it seems pretty unfair for the two of you to have made an agreement to get engaged upon your moving in, and then to have him delay it indefinitely without a reasonable explanation. Perhaps someone here can advise on how to handle this. I understand your reluctance to issue an ultimatum, but he’s clearly backed out on something you had agreed upon and it seems only fair for you to have some answers so you can decide if you want to stay in this holding pattern and for how long.
This article came in my rss feed. I think it’s very good and may give you food for thought:
http://jennifertwardowski.com/2014/07/28/10-characteristics-vibrantly-healthy-relationship/August 15, 2014 at 10:25 am #63455apothic
ParticipantThanks again, Kelly. Good article!
September 2, 2014 at 7:46 am #64238Lizzie
ParticipantHi I just wanted to reply to this as I’m in a very similar situation. My bf is 37 and im 27. I went straight from living with my mother to living with him in his house. I’ve felt for a long time that I just merged into his life. There’s nowhere really in the house I feel comfortable. ..he’s always playing computer games which are very loud so I can never hear the telly or read in peace. He teaches karate and I even started doing that. Even though I enjoy it I feel like it takes up a lot of my time and energy and at the moment I feel like I’ve lost who I am. Because I feel like this I ended up getting really clingy to him because he I felt like he was the only thing I had that was part of me. It was like I needed to see him in order to just feel comfortable. So maybe I know a bit about how you feel? I do agree with previous posts about getting something that is your own. I have a weekly yoga class which I look forward to and is just mine. We also have a spare room downstairs which we’re working on turning into my music/chill out room. So I can go in there and practice piano or do yoga in peace. Then we can come back together when I’ve had some ‘me’ time. It’s hard feeling Co dependent but what is working for me at the moment is making the step to get my own space in the house and getting my own hobbies. is here anywhere in the house that you can go to on your own and do your own thing? Other than that maybe getting a hobby will work and start giving you a sense of identity again. I found the hardest step was to start doing things on my own and then I remembered why I loved being on my own so much. I hope you work things out x
September 2, 2014 at 8:34 am #64243apothic
ParticipantHi Lizzie,
Sorry to hear you’re going through this too. It is hard moving into someone else’s space sometimes while still keeping the same independence you had while living alone, isn’t it? At least you have your yoga. I don’t do yoga, but I do have other interests. I used to mountain bike a lot and when I met my BF, he also got into it. So now it isn’t “my” thing anymore. He wants me to wait until he gets home from work to go so that he can go with. Same thing with the gym. He’d rather me wait for him and go later. I am trying to be proactive and call up old friends I haven’t seen in awhile to line things up in order to stay busy, but when I mention that to him, he isn’t happy with me filling my schedule with old/new friends unless he can go too. So, I don’t really have my own life except at work or if I go to bed earlier than him to read. All holidays are spent with his family, not mine. It’s “his” house, not “mine”. And he bought a ring to give me in June and still hasn’t given it to me and recently told me again he doesn’t plan on doing it soon (which as explained in a previous post above, our agreement was that if I moved in, an engagement would happen soon after). So, in a nutshell, although he is a nice guy to everyone he meets, he’s more controlling regarding my life and where it’s going than he thinks he is. In my case, I have determined that the healthy thing to do is not just to find something of my own to keep me busy, but to take back my entire life, end the relationship and move out. I haven’t done this yet, but decided yesterday that I’m going to get a realtor and start looking for my own place. This is a dead-end, unhealthy relationship.I cry more than I’m happy and I don’t like someone controlling where my life is going. I hope you aren’t in a similar situation in that way and you find a happy balance with your BF. It just didn’t work for me.
Good luck Lizzie!
September 2, 2014 at 9:28 am #64244Lizzie
ParticipantHi, I’m happy for you. It sounds like you’re doing the right thing for you. You need have your own identity. Especially if you’ve made decisions about getting engaged and he’s suddenly going back on it. I think my boyfriend is similar. Controlling without realising it. I’m not sure how it will work out for us. He’s told me recently that he wants kids not much after he’s forty and I am pretty much going to have to agree to it or the relationship is over. There’s been a lot to it but that’s it in a nutshell. I don’t know how I can agree to something I that I don’t know that I want so we’ll see how it goes.
I’m really glad you’re reclaiming your life! I’m sure once you get back into your own space you’ll feel empowered and like your old self again! Good luck xx