
I hope I can find th love of my dreams again. The story of my broken engagement.

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    I’m 26 y/o and I fell in love with a 21 y/o girl named Maya on a Jewish dating site. It was my first love and intimate relationship. Let me explain. I’m an orthodox Jew who was born into a secular family. For the past 5 years I’ve been trying to be more religious in order to discover something more meaningful in life and to prepare for marriage and family based on my religious values. But I always felt like I could never belong because I was the “odd one out”. It was hard to get accepted by either religious or secular women because I didn’t fall in either category. So I thought I could never marry an orthodox woman and I didn’t want to settle for someone who wasn’t religious.

    When I felt ready and close enough to G-d (emotionally and spiritually), I told myself I would start dating for marriage. I was ready, and I felt so good! I joined a Jewish matchmaking site and weeks later I was matched with Maya who checked all my boxes. She was Jewish, Israeli, religious, and came from a nonreligious background like me. But she was in college in Florida and I was in Connecticut working full time. I approved Maya’s profile thinking not much of it, and a week later she approves me online!

    We exchanged numbers over the internet, and I sent her a text that I wanted to get to know her. Maya was looking for a soulmate much longer than I (believe it or not) and when we spoke, we instantly clicked. We immediately scheduled a second phone call. But as the 3rd and 4th phone calls came along, I got more nervous because it was becoming too good to be true. I was feeling less confident about myself and I was afraid I’d say something on the phone that would make her leave me. I was getting extremely stressed for a short time. But a week later she and I discovered that we would both be in Maryland by coincidence for the holyday of Passover!!! We decided over the phone that we would meet there in person for the first time.

    The eve of Passover rolls around and I meet her at her brother’s hotel lobby where she is staying. She looked even more beautiful in person. She had large gorgeous eyes, thick and dark long hair, baby face, soft beautiful hands and fingers, and curves in all the right places. She asked me if I wanted to go upstairs and meet her parents. I agreed. Her parents seemed like the parents I wished I had; warm, observant, and modest. Our first date was excellent, and I loved her parents! In the orthodox community, the dating process and very short, (3-6 months). But afterwards, I lowered my expectations of Maya because I believed she was too good for me and I didn’t deserve her. So I figured our date didn’t work out. Then later that evening I got a text message from Maya wishing me a happy Passover and asked me when she can see me again. I was so happy!!

    When I went back to Connecticut we continued to speak on the phone. Only this time we used FaceTime. And once again I got nervous before we spoke. But while we’re talking I felt like I could be myself. Shortly later she tells me that she misses me. I was so surprised thinking how a girl so great would miss me and want to see me?!?! I told her that I would fly down to Florida to meet her again on a Sunday.

    We meet in Florida and things got more serious. We sat on a park bench for a few hours and discussed our visions in marriage, what our religious customs will be, and how long we will date. The questions began to get too heavy for me and I felt like I was being judged. At the end of our date, I started to cry in front of her, and confessed to her that I didn’t think I could ever get married. I warned her that I wanted to see her again, but just because I have to visit her in Florida for a Sunday doesn’t mean she has to keep going. Maya said it was okay and that she wanted to continue seeming me!

    In the airport flying home, I told her I really enjoyed her company. And she sends me beautiful pictures of her. She was so cute!!! Back in our respective towns, we hit it off. We pronounced ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend and we spoke every night on FaceTime for hours. I week later, I said the magic words “I loved you.” over the phone and she said “I love you to.” Our love grew so large. She made everyday worth it and just seeing her face lit me up inside. All I wanted to do is shower her with my love and affection, and make her the happiest girl alive. I just want to live for her, and help her through her struggles. Every little text and phone call with Maya boosts my mood. It felt like I’m walking on air. But I still felt insecure, because Maya was so amazing, I felt deep down that she was too good for me, but she always told me that she loved me. I was so lucky to have her. I began to realize that she wouldn’t leave me. And over time, my anxieties began to disappear.

    One day at work Maya’s mother calls me and asks me if I would like to surprise her daughter and propose to her on Thanksgiving. I was so happy and agreed! It was a dream come true. It was a fairytale. I flew to Florida, and surprised her in her backyard with huge red flowers, and a gold bracelet. It was the happiest day of my life – times a thousand!! Our love was so great.

    We continued to text all the time when we were apart, and we did FaceTime for 2-3 hours every night before bed. We would fall asleep together on Facetime. Eventually I would fly down to Florida every other Sunday to see Maya. And one evening, I surprised her with a HUGE diamond ring that she picked out a while back. We were on the beach at night and it was so romantic. My heart was souring. Before we knew it, Maya’s parents set a wedding date 3 months from that day. It was a dream come true. Then we discussed wedding plans and her parents started to become pushy. She wanted the wedding in Florida and I agreed. She said she wanted to invite 200-250 of HER friends to the wedding. I agreed. And she said she couldn’t afford much of the wedding itself at all. And I offered to pay for the whole wedding as well. (I could afford it with the help of my parents). And lastly, Maya wanted me to move down to Florida and quit my job because she wanted to live next to her parents. I agreed because I didn’t like Connecticut anyway and I wanted to please her. In the meantime, Maya’s parents organized the wedding, and my parents and I just sent money checks.

    The next week was a little frustrating. Maya was complaining about how she didn’t like the engagement ring she picked out. And she started complaining about the wedding arrangements her mother made. As she complained I did my best to make her happy. I began to get involved in the wedding arrangements in order to please her. And I asked a jeweler to make modifications to the ring. It was exhausting, because Maya would constantly change her mind, but I loved doing whatever I could to make her happy and make everything work.

    After an engagement party in Florida during Xmas break, Maya tells me in the car that she’s feeling very nervous and expresses a slew of problems she has with my personality. She says I’m too weak, sensitive, and didn’t like how I held my mother’s hand during our engagement party. I started to cry, and Maya got frustrated, saying that she needed space. I respected her decision and went to a friend’s house crying. My friend tells me not to contact her until she responds to me first. And I did. Later that evening Maya texts me to see how I’m doing. I lied and said I was fine. She apologized. The next morning we go to the park and she begins crying saying she wasn’t ready when I proposed to her. I told her I would shield her from my anxieties and Maya and her parents suggested I see premarital therapy. I happily agreed because I wanted things to work out.

    Her psychologist was a longtime friend of Maya’s parents, and I told the psychologist my issues growing up, and my current anxieties of moving to Florida, finding a job, and providing for Maya. I also discussed with him about my low self esteem and my constant willingness to always please others because I’m worried about what they think of me. Looking back this psychologist probably told Maya and her parents the content which was discussed…

    I left Florida the next day and felt terrible because I thought that I was suffering a severe mental illness. I didn’t talk or speak to Maya all day because I thought she was really mad at me. That evening I decide to text her and she says she was really worried about me because I didn’t call her for some time. I apologized and thanked her for thinking about me. I spoke to my Rabbis about these issues in our relationship and they recommend that for one month I avoid going to Florida. Meanwhile we keep speaking for hours on FaceTime every evening after work. But I’ve been noticing that Maya has been increasingly nervous about the marriage. I did my best to comfort her and tell her how much I love her. I continued to speak to Maya’s psychologist over the phone twice a week.

    The wedding was now a 5 weeks away and I gave my 2 weeks notice at work. I scheduled a moving truck to take my belongings to Florida 3 weeks before the wedding. I went back to Florida to see Maya again after I quit my Connecticut job. Maya was acting very quiet and serious and she was beginning to nitpick everything I did. It was difficult but we both signed an apartment lease together and bought a new bedroom set before a very important job interview. In the car ride to my interview, Maya asks me what’s wrong, and I mentioned that I couldn’t concentrate. She began to dig and dig and I said it could have been because of a diagnosis I had back in high school for a learning/social disability. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly but I just know my parents wanted me to take advantage of extended time testing in school. Maya began to freak out and asked if I had schizophrenia. I said no and denied it flat out. She was quiet the whole car ride to my job interview. My job interview goes extremely well and I come back very optimistic that I may get an acceptance call next week. I call Maya and she seems happy for me. That evening I joined Maya and her family for a beautiful Sabbath dinner together. Maya was acting sweet, served me lots of food, and took good care of me. Then we both took a walk outside and she tells me how she was feeling very stressed about the wedding. I told her I was stressed also and that when everything is over the stress will go away.

    The next morning I walk to synagogue expecting to meet Maya later that afternoon for a luncheon. I didn’t see her but I did see her parents. I greeted Maya’s mother but she ignored me. And the Rabbi also ignores me. I felt things were very strange and I was beginning to feel alone and worried. Suddenly Maya’s step father grabs me and pulls me outside and tells me that Maya was crying all night. He says I need to leave the synagogue when Maya comes and that in the evening I need to speak to Maya at her house to resolve some issues. I was extremely nervous and confused. I didn’t know what I did wrong, in fact, I was almost sure I did nothing wrong. I left the synagogue that afternoon and walked around town for hours worried and scared about what happened to Maya. I didn’t have a car. Late that evening Maya’s step father picks me up to drive me to her house to have the talk with her at the house as planned. In the car Maya’s step father tells me how I cannot force other people to love me and that if I had sex with her step daughter, I would be raping her. I was confused.

    I go into Maya’s house anxious to talk to her and find out the problem. I wait for her in her backyard and Maya walks out. I go in for a hug and Maya suddenly steps back and refuses. She then apologizes and tells me she is calling OFF the wedding. I froze for ten long seconds. My world was falling apart. All those trips to Florida, quitting my job, our new apartment, all our wedding plans and invitations came crashing. And worst of it was the hard truth – Maya was leaving me!!!! I asked her why and she said she didn’t love me. I quickly countered and reminded her that she said she loved me every day. She then responded, “I never meant it”. I fell on the floor and begged her that we can fix things. She said no. I was on the floor in front of her as she was standing there cold with her arms crossed. Her next words haunted me. She then commanded me to “STAND UP AND BE A MAN”! I stood up immediately and felt completely abused. I then told Maya if she could get her parents. She leaves to get them, but does not come back. I asked her parents what’s going on and why this is happening. They say that Maya doesn’t love me. I fall on the floor again and I fall into shock, gasping for air. I tell her parents that I love Maya with all my heart and that I would kill for her. Maya’s step father then yells at me, and demands I leave his house. I get up and attempt to hug her step father and he backs away saying he will not hug me. I fall on the floor again and said that I think I have problems. Maya mother says I’m a weak person and that I should get help immediately. The step father comes back, and hands me back Maya’s engagement ring, bracelet, and diamond necklace. And her mother hands me bread for the flight home. I take the jewelry and go outside. Her step father dumps me at my friend’s house and tells me I should be ashamed for “twisting Maya’s arm”.

    I cried all night, and in my sleep. And the next day I went with 3 friends to Disney World. I cried in Disney World and called all my friends and Rabbis. Maya’s step father also calls me out of the blue and threatens that if I don’t delete my photos and messages from my phone, he will come for me saying he knows where I am. My parents could not believe the engagement broke only 3 weeks before the wedding day. I was paralyzed, and my parents booked a flight for me the next evening. However the silver lining is that I get a phone call that I was accepted for the job I interviewed for 3 days ago in Florida.

    It’s been exactly 3 month since the breakup and we haven’t spoken since. Maya emailed me a forgiveness letter, and I responded in a long email describing how I felt abused. There has been no response since. I’m heartbroken and crushed. Maya was my princess angel and I did absolutely everything for her. From moving, to getting a new job, to paying for the whole wedding, and getting an apartment. I was felt like I was taken advantage of. I felt betrayed and guilty. I feel like if I was only stronger none of this would have happened. I will never find a girl as amazing as my Maya. I cannot stop blaming myself.


    Dear Yonatan:

    I read a good part of your fascinating love story that I wished materialized into a loving marriage, it read promising for a while until.. it didn’t. I need to be away from the computer next and will be back to read and re-read your post (and anything you may add to it) and reply Friday morning, in about 15 hours from now.

    I hope other members will reply to you as well.




    There is a reason why there are engagements.  People need to really get to have time to know each other before marriage. You have an idealized view of Maya. You gave up your Self to her.  Whether it was to please her, to show your love for her or for whatever reason, you lost your identity.  There was no equality or balance or real partnership.  It was all her, what she wanted, what she demanded.  As you noted, you have low self esteem and your constant willingness to always please.  This is not being an equal partner.  This is a doormat.

    Even if does not seem like that, Maya did you a favor.  This is a wake up call for you to grow, to work on yourself, your self esteem.  I am sorry for your pain but it seems that life kicks you in the ass in order to get your attention on what you need to work on.

    Find a therapist to help you with this.  Blaming yourself is not productive.  Second guessing yourself is not productive.  What will be productive is having a therapist help you look at what happened, heal, and address those limiting core beliefs and behaviors.




     Hi Yonatan,

    Good life partner never treat you like this. Your GF didn’t understand your worth. Good life partner will truly appreciate who you are. She is not meant for you. Don’t worry about this breakup. Try to divert your mind. Find a new hobby. Break up will teach us self-learning / self-discovery. You will slowly understand good things behind this break up when time passes by. Feel the pain and take your own time to come out of break up. This pain will slowly lead you to right soul mate.  

     We need not to chase true love. It will come to us. Universe will take you to right life partner through this break up. Your true love (life partner) will come to you once you ready. Next time when you date take things slow. Try to understand the person’s nature. Maintain good friendship. Good friendship will lead us to understand about each other deeply. My spouse is my best friend ever.  

      Work on your self-esteem. Each one is special and unique. Who is the most important person in your life? That’s you…only you..!! Love yourself. Give good care to you first. Be the better person to attract better one. Practice unconditional love. Find out what is true love and true friendship? What can be true love behaviour?  

       Marriage is a divine connection between men and women. Its good friendship. Successful marriage relationship needs mutual love and respect, friendship. Pray to God to show the right person for you. One fine day you will end up with right person in your life….hearing Wedding bells :):) Good Luck!!


    This comment here is so comforting. Thanks so much.

    The pain is so multifaceted.

    1.) I idealized her

    2.) SHE dumped ME

    3.) I feel terrible about myself for being a “doormat”

    4.) I felt abused

    5.) I invested so much time, money, and emotion into this

    6.) It was my first intimate relationship

    7.) I uprooted my life and career to be with her

    8.) I will not be with her ever again

    9.) We were going to get married in a few weeks

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Yonatan.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Yonatan.

    Dear Yonatan.

    I feels so pity for you my dear. Fill your heart with courage and be strong ? . Women are devils.  In such a case did you try to sit down and iron out your grudges that was started in the process of your wedding.

    I am just speechless of what ladies do of sudden.

    I do understand your pain . I am also in such fields as well. All the best.


    Dear Yonatan:

    Mark’s reply to you reads perfect to me, perfectly worded and thorough.

    I want to  retell your story in a way that is more factual: 26 year old Yonatan, an orthodox Jewish man from a secular family living in Connecticut meets 21 year old Maya, a Jewish woman from a secular family as well living in Florida,  on a Jewish dating site as the two of you approve each other’s profiles online. The two of you exchanged phone numbers and talked on the phone. You met in person for the first time in Maryland. You met her and her parents there. You thought about Maya “I believed she was too good for me and I didn’t deserve her”.

    Back in Connecticut you continued talking on the phone and used FaceTime. Next you met again in person in Florida and discussed your visions of marriage. Back in two different states, you “pronounced (yourselves) boyfriend and girlfriend” and “spoke every night on FaceTime for hours”. A week later you told her that you love her and she told you that she loves you too.

    You felt a combination of “walking on air” and insecurity, “that she was too  good for me”. One day, Maya’s mother called you and suggested that you propose to her daughter. You flew to Florida and surprised her with “huge red flowers, and a gold bracelet” and proposed.

    Back in your respective states, you continued “FaceTime for 2-3 hours every night before bed” and you flew to Florida every other Sunday to spend time with Maya. At one of those visits you surprised her with “a HUGE diamond ring that she picked out a while back”. Next, her parents set a wedding date for the two of you. Her parents as well as Maya asserted that they wanted the wedding to take place in Florida, that Maya invites 200-250 “of HER friends to the wedding”, and that they “couldn’t afford much of the wedding itself at all”. You then “offered to  pay for the whole wedding”. You worked full time but you needed your  parents’ financial help so to pay the wedding expenses. “Maya’s parents organized the wedding, and my parents and I just sent money checks”.

    Maya and her parents wanted you to quit your job in Connecticut and move to Florida after the wedding.

    Next, Maya complained about the engagement ring you gave her and about the wedding arrangements made by her mother. You had the ring modified and got involved in the wedding arrangements.

    Following an engagement party in Florida, Maya told you that she doesn’t like you, that you are “too weak, sensitive” and that she didn’t like how you held your mother’s hand during the engagement party. You then “started to cry” and “Maya got frustrated, saying she needed space”. The next day, Maya cried as she told you that “she wasn’t ready” to marry you.

    Next, Maya and her parents suggested that you, individually, see a premarital therapist that they knew, a long time friend of Maya’s parents. You told that therapist about your “issues growing up”, your “low self esteem”, your “constant willingness to please others”, and “current anxieties of moving to Florida, finding a job, and providing for Maya”. You believe that the therapist/ family friend betrayed the confidentiality of the sessions and shared the information you  provided there with Maya’s parents.

    Back in CT, you talked  to your Rabbis and they recommended that you not fly to Florida for a month. You and Maya continued “speaking for hours on FaceTime every evening after work”, and you continued to speak to the therapist on the phone twice a week.

    Next, you gave your 2-week notice at work five weeks before the wedding, scheduled a moving truck to transport your belongings to Florida and flew to Florida following quitting your job. There, the two of you “signed an apartment lease together and bought a new bedroom set”. As you were driving with Maya to a job interview, “She began to dig and dig” and you said that you had “a learning/social disability” in high school. Maya then “began to freak  out and asked if (you) had schizophrenia”. Your job interview nonetheless went “extremely well” and Maya was happy and she was nice to you for the remainder of the day and that Friday evening.

    The morning after, Maya’s mother and her Rabbi ignored you. Maya’s stepfather told you that Maya cried all the night before, and he told you, “how I cannot force other people to love me and that if I had sex with (his) stepdaughter, I would  be raping her”. Next, back in Maya’s house, she “apologizes and tells me she is calling OFF the wedding”. You “asked her why and she said she didn’t love me”.

    “I quickly countered and reminded her that she said she loved me every day”, and she responded: “I never meant it”.

    You then begged her, “I was on the floor in front of her as she was standing there cold with her arms crossed”. Next, “She then commanded me to ‘STAND UP AND BE A MAN’!”

    Next, in the company of her parents, you “fall to the floor again” and Maya’s step father yells at you and demanded that you leave his house. Maya’s mother then told you that you  are “a weak person and that (you) should get help immediately”.

    Next Maya’s step father hands you the engagement ring, bracelet, and diamond necklace that you gave Maya, and her mother hands you “bread for the flight home”. And then, her step father told you that you “should be ashamed for ‘twisting Maya’s arm'”, and he later threatened you to delete photos and messages between you and them from your phone, otherwise, “he knows where I am”.

    Three months after this breakup, your last sentence in your long post is: “I will never find a girl as amazing as my Maya. I cannot stop blaming myself”.

    -This is the end of my retelling of your story. In my post to follow, I will share with you what I believe happened.




    Dear Yonatan:

    This is what I think happened: Maya’s parents have been very interested in getting Maya married to a Jewish man who will take care of all  financial matters of the wedding and marriage to follow.

    They’ve been looking for a man for Maya long before you came along. They met quite a few candidates for the position but none of the candidates worked out. I think Maya rejected quite a few. By the time you came along, her parents have let Maya know that she is not to be very picky this time.

    Maya introduced you to them that first visit in Maryland and they approved of you, seeing that you are indeed Jewish, employed and employable, your parents being in a good financial position, and you- eager to please them and easy for them to manipulate (to pay the bills). And so it was decided that you will be the guy to fit the bill, or in other words, you will be the guy to pay the bills.

    And you did pay the bills. They wanted a big wedding and not pay for any of it and you were eager to comply and offered to pay all, then proceeded to do so, no questions asked.

    Problem was that Maya didn’t like you. She liked the alpha male type, the one that appears confident. Alone with her parents, she tried to convince them that you are not a good candidate, weak, not strong. She told them things you said that indicate weakness. She cried to them. She tried to  make them feel sorry for her, saying that having sex with you will feel like rape. She wanted out of the approaching wedding and marriage but she needed to convince them first.

    Her parents still wanted her to marry soon, and you still fit the bill somewhat, and they were embarrassed about going as far as they already did, so they decided to investigate the seriousness of your weakness by arranging for your therapy with their friend, having the friend then tell them.. if you are indeed too weak to be able to pay the bills throughout the years of the marriage to be.

    Finally, Maya succeeded in convincing her parents and they decided that the wedding and the marriage was not a good idea after all, that you were not strong enough to reliably do well in a career and provide well enough for their daughter for a duration of a marriage, plus they fell sorry for their daughter crying and being so miserable.

    The reason her father wanted you to erase all communication with them is so to erase evidence that they were looking for a man to  pay the bills. They feared that their communication with you will make them look bad in the eyes of others who may see those communications, being seen as looking for a man to..basically pay the bills. They returned the gold and diamond jewelry so to not look like ..gold diggers.

    Your last line: “I will never find a girl as amazing as my Maya”- she was not amazing, really, in the context of the relationship with you, other than how she looked and her mannerism perhaps. But she was not honest with you. She told you herself that she never meant it, all the times she told you that she loved you.

    “I cannot stop blaming myself”- for not seeing what was going on, I  suppose you are responsible for that. But Maya is responsible for being dishonest with you all along. And her parents are responsible for the same, being dishonest with you and for trying to take advantage of you financially.




    Wow this was very insightful anita. You are very discerning, and experienced when it comes to these matters. I’ve been reflecting on the causes of this failed relationship as well.

    But let me quickly explain Maya’s personality.

    Maya in a nutshell is egocentric and indecisive. Let me explain.

    She loved the attention I gave her. She was willing to stay on the phone with me for hours. I always had to initiate an end to our calls. She also got worried when I didn’t call her, and she always wanted to see me in Florida. She would always tell me how much she loved me and missed me even when I didn’t say “I loved you” first.

    However, she never complimented me very much at all. I always complimented her looks, and her smarts. When I gave her compliments, she would laugh and say “I know”.

    Whatever I gave her, usually was never enough. She didn’t like the 1k diamond ring I got her. She didn’t like the setting of the wedding. She didn’t like how her aunt could not see her at the engagement party. And she didn’t like the apartment we got just because the laundry machines were in the hallway. She didn’t like the gold bracelet I got her, so I let her exchange it for another one. She told me HERSELF 2 or 3 times that she was a very indecisive person, and I let it slide because I thought it would complement my decisive behaviors.

    With that said, in our relationship, Maya simply no longer had any feelings for me. And I think her parents just followed suit in order to protect their daughter.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Yonatan.

    Dear Yonatan:

    Maya at one point on complained that you were weak, while all along it is she who was weak. But then, we are all weak and strong, all at the same time and at different times.

    We tend to reject in others what we don’t like in ourselves. She asked you questions about your issues, dig and dig, is the verb you used, while all along she had serious issues herself.

    “Whatever I gave her, usually was never enough. She didn’t like the 1k diamond ring.. the setting of the wedding..”- something was very wrong in her life, and it wasn’t the diamond ring or the setting of the wedding. It wasn’t you either.

    “She loved the attention I gave her. She was willing to stay on the phone with me for hours. I always initiate(d) an end to our calls. She also got worried when I didn’t call her”- reads sincere to me. She needed love, sensed it being in you, and she wanted your love, more and more of it.

    But she had another mission, more powerful than her desire for love. It wasn’t the ring, the jewelry, the money, something else.

    “Maya simply no longer had any feelings for me. And I think her parents just followed suit in order to protect her”-

    – something about what her parents wanted didn’t go hand-in-hand with love, something about what they wanted from Maya all along made it so that nothing was right for her, something was always wrong.



    Thanks everyone. But I don’t understand how after all the abuse, (especially at the end), I’m still so infatuated with her. If I could see her faults than it would be easier to move on. But instead all I see are my inadequacies. If I was just more confident, we could have been together.



    Dear Yonatan:

    I need to be away from the computer for a while and I know it is soon Shabat for you, so I hope you have a restful and calm Shabat. I will be able to respond to your recent short post and to anything you may add to it when I return to the computer.



    Hi Yonatan,

    Here are my thoughts in no particular order:

    1. Maya is too young to get married

    2. The bride’s parents traditionally pay for the wedding. End of story.

    3. I know the Orthodox get married very fast. She is from a secular family, correct? Maybe it was going way too fast for them? Just because you are now Orthodox doesn’t mean you are bred in the bone Orthodox. Neither is she. And definitely not her parents.

    4. Her mother hinted that you propose. When you did I think they realized they threw themselves into cold lake water. Meaning it was all too soon.

    5. I have a son who needed extra time at school because he’s dyslexic. He is brilliant, not schizophrenic. Clearly you are brilliant too if you could support yourself in Connecticut and find a job fairly immediately when moving in this economy.

    6. Her parents went way over the top because they wanted this whole engagement business to end. The plain truth is they couldn’t handle their spoiled daughter who is too immature to get married. So they PROJECTED their rage onto you.

    7. If you were my son I would be very, very proud of you!!

    8. When someone or something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

    Prayers for you, who have a beautiful, sensitive soul,



    Dear Yonatan:

    I was too confident in my third post to you where I wrote to you what I thought happened. It was too soon for me to be that confident, and so it was only my beginning understanding of what happened, a series of possibilities as to what happened. The following is my current understanding of what happened (and it is still, a beginning understanding):

    I was wrong earlier to suggest that Maya rejected you because you were not the alpha male type. She liked you early on and I don’t think you were ever an alpha male type. Even after you “started to cry in front of her, and confessed to her that I didn’t think I could ever get married”, she said “it was okay and that she wanted to continue”, and after that crying, “We pronounced ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend and we spoke every night on FaceTime for hours”.

    Later, at another time, after your engagement party,  you “started to cry”, but this time, she “got frustrated, saying she needed space”.

    When she called off the wedding, “you fell on the floor and begged her… I was on the floor in front of her”. She told you to stand up and you “stood up immediately”, but in front of her parents, you “fall on the floor again”-

    – you repeatedly fell to the floor, not because you were too weak to remain standing, but becasue you chose to fall. When Maya told you to stand up, you “stood up immediately”, meaning you were able to stand up immediately.

    “I stood up immediately and felt completely abused”- you weren’t abuse because it wasnt Maya or her parents who pushed you down to the floor, you chose to do that.

    Throughout the relationship, you often felt very uncomfortable: “I got more nervous.. I was feeling less confident.. I was afraid… I was getting extremely stressed… I didn’t deserve her”. When you and Maya discussed the marriage, you felt like you were “being judged” by Maya and then you “confessed to her that I didn’t think I could ever get married“. Later you felt that “her parents started to become pushy”.

    Maya and her parents wanted things that you felt were unreasonable and unfair to you, but you kept agreeing: “She wanted the wedding in Florida and I agreed.. she wanted to invite 200-250 of HER friends to the wedding. I agreed”- notice you typed HER in capital letters, suggesting that you were angry about it.

    “she said she couldn’t afford much.. I offered to pay for the whole wedding”. You wrote: “Maya’s parents organized the wedding, and my parents and I just sent money checks”- clearly you felt angry, believing Maya and her parents were taking unfair advantage of you and your parents.

    You were angry at Maya and at her parents, stressed and exhausted and you were very uncomfortable about getting married. You talked to the psychologist about your “current anxieties of moving to Florida, finding a job, and providing for Maya”.

    You felt so uncomfortable, so distressed that  when you left Florida at one point, “you felt terrible because I thought I was suffering a severe mental illness”, and your distress did show, leading Maya to “freak out and asked if I had schizophrenia”.

    Maybe Maya and/ or her parents aimed at taking advantage of you all along, find a man to pay the bills. Maybe they were truly unable to pay the bills and you enthusiastically volunteered to have the bills paid, telling them it was perfectly fine with you.. while it was not fine with you.

    At this point I think that you were very conflicted, you wanted Maya so you did all the things she and her parents wanted, but on the other hand, you didn’t want to proceed with Maya, so you exaggerated your mental issues, communicating to Maya and to her parents something like:  I am too messed up to get married! I am sick! I am unwell! Set me free from this predicament. And it worked.

    I wrote to you earlier that we are all weak and strong, all at the same time or at different times. When you fell to the floor repeatedly, that appeared like weak behavior, but it was strong behavior, because it helped you achieve a goal. Her father reacted to your falling by giving you did once you back all that jewelry that you gave Maya, that was a win for you.

    Better be strong and honest, better not exaggerate your emotional issues so to make things happen a certain way, better direct your life honestly and see to it that others are honest with you.


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