
if Human beings cant eat flesh why animals kill each other?

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    If Human beings according to buddhism cant eat flesh because they create bad karma with such actions, why in animal world there are animals who eat each other TO SURVIVE? We need to eat flesh to survive , Buddha lived in south east asia there was always plenty of food , rice , mango etc. But imagine some slavic countries , scandinavia etc People there had to eat meat to SURVIVE


    Hi Nothing,

    The animal kingdom is a food chain.  Animals instinctively hunt, kill and eat other animals to survive.  I doubt that they are creating bad karma through natural behavior.  Buddhism may have a lot to teach us but it doesn’t mean it has all the answers.  Who has? The native american indians took what they needed from an animal and gave the rest back to mother earth.  Countries all over the world are meat eaters.  I doubt that they are all going to be sent back to Earth to become vegetarians.  Needlessly killing animals might be another matter.



    There are many schools of thought when it comes to Buddhism. Vegetarianism is often a practice however not necessary.

    All life is life and the reality is that the body requires the sacrifice of life, whether animal, vegetable or mineral, to grow… and one day it will be our turn to feed life. (actually we all ready are)

    ‘Karma’ then isn’t about the eating of the animals but the consciousness of that reality.  Thus, we give thanks before a meal.  A unconscious gluttony and waist might be ‘bad’ Karma – viewing the world and life as something to be used vice entering into the flow of Life.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Peter.

    >The animal kingdom is a food chain.  Animals instinctively hunt, kill and eat other animals to survive.  I doubt that they are creating bad karma through natural behavior.


    oh but they create bad karma because they bring suffering to other animals. If killing isnt creating a bad karma we (humans) should also kill each other because its just our instincts.

    Chloe Rose

    I’m mostly vegan and haven’t had meat in a few years. I guess these are the reasons I feel we humans are different than animals in regards to eating animals. 1) we don’t need it to survive. There are lots and lots of very healthy people who don’t. In fact, it is healthier to not. 2) we are different than animals due to our capacity of moral reasoning and recognizing the emotions and suffering of others. Because of this we are held to a different standard than animals and should act accordingly. We have the ability to understand that sentient being suffer. 3) Animals don’t inflict intentional suffering on the animals they kill like we humans do in our factory farming practices. Now, I’m in a time where I’m exploring different spiritual beliefs so I can’t say with any sort of authority what the relationship between karma and eating animals is, but what I’ve gathered in my little bit of understanding of Buddhism is that we are to a vapid doing harm. Not consuming animal products is one way to get towards this goal. Thanks for the interesting question and for letting me share my thoughts. I’m interested in what others think.

    Chloe Rose

    Also, just a guess but I would think that there would be different karma for different situations. The people who need to kill to survive should be treated differently than those who consume animals merely because they like the taste. One type of killing seems justified and the other is selfish. I mean, would killing a human in self defense have the same karma attached as murdering someone for selfish gain?  That’s just a thought though…

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