
If I had my life over again……….

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    I’d study harder in high school so I could study psychology at a good university. But I would take 2 or 3 gap years getting a feel for the real world first. maybe travel overseas and work. Get tougher, understand street smart and not be so naïve and idealistic. Then when I go to Uni I have a grasp of “the real world”. Having done unskilled jobs I may be more eager to improve myself and get a degree such as Psych.
    With a 4 year Psych. degree, do a 1 year course in Wriitng. ThenI would work in advertising for 4 or 5 years, getting a grasp of persuasive language and understand what motivates people to buy something.
    Then I would study a Masters in Counselling part-time in order to become a Counsellor by age 40.
    Sounds oh so simple in hindsight. But who knows, it might be a path full of pot-holes and misfortune. it might be the wrong path for me. But what I really would’ve liked is some serious vocational guidance in my teens/twenties.
    “Regrets, I’ve had the flu but then again too flu to mention” 🙂

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by jock.

    Dear Jack:

    If I had my life over again, I would commit suicide the moment I could turn over and sink my face into the pillow…

    Dark humor.


    I have many things i would like to say that i would do. Read more, learning about nature, travel and work abroad, interact more with people and like you say – be more streetwise, learn more about the real life. Smoke a joint now and then, not be living so overprotected and isolated from everything. I might want to study something like biology, herbalism, anthropology. Have friends and have some fun with guys now and then. Go to the movies and to the theatre. Go to the bars until early morning and talk about life with whoever i meet. Learn to sail and to surf and perhaps work on a boat for a while.
    And a lot more things.

    But in general, if i could do it over, i would just respect myself a bit more. Do the things that i want to do and not worry about what others think of me, if i’m good enough for others. Just do it and have fun and learn, and do it for myself.


    ………… if I had my days over again…. would I have been a junkie? would I have made the many mistakes I made on the way? would I have committed suicide more convincingly? would I…?

    I’m not going to think about it -what I am going to think about is that today I asked myself the question and so in the future when I look back on this day I’ll see I had the choice to make changes today so I don’t carry more regrets to the future.

    I’m going to conduct more thorough skin care regime. I’m going to work on continuing to try to reduce my smoking with a view to stopping. I’m going to wear clothes that fit me rather than the horribly baggy clothes until recently I used to wear
    I’m going to learn to talk more slowly

    I’m going to do these things from today. realised lastnight I’d been washing my face in cold water and not very thoroughly and I asked myself why.. hang on a minute, you’re telling me your skin care regime is rubbish because you cant be bothered to turn on the other tap? haha do you know how ridiculous that is? hahaha gerronwi’it


    Hi Jack,

    In my experience, it was always one teacher who was able to reach a troubled kid, even better than a counselor. I can think of one teacher in particular. We students could all sense that he didn’t quite fit into the “establishment”, but he was the one guy all of us trusted, and after graduation many (including myself) kept in touch with him. He’s now retired, but to this day many of his former students still go to him for advice on everything under the sun. I know it’s very rewarding for him. He’s everyone’s favorite “counselor”. I believe I had read in an earlier post that you used to teach but that it didn’t work out. Was it in elementary school? I wonder if you would ever consider teaching older kids? I think older kids would really get you and your sense of humor. Just thinking out loud. 🙂



    wow thanks lori
    that is so kind of you to say that
    I wish I had the self-belief to teach anyone but my confidence on here is much higher than in real life 🙂


    Here is another attempt on my part:

    If I had my life over again, I wouldn’t take a fifty year break from it.


    just to add re your idea of me returning to teaching and this time working with older kids:
    I have given this some thought but I would need a serious overhaul
    ie. lose some weight, get my voice projecting louder with more authority, have much stricter boundaries, add Adam the Adult to my posse of inner selves. This guy would display commonsense in dealing with familiarity and boundaries with students. My fear would be that Llama Jack would take over and just want to relax with the kids by being a kid himself. Then the class gradually gets out of control with no adult present. Hence Adam the Adult would need to make his presence felt for sure, in fact stamp his authority over the others……maybe 🙂


    you mean you’ve been absent from this world for 50 years? you mean not fully present? Not fully alive?


    Jack. Your last post. It’s good you acknowledge that worry and because you recognise it means you’ll work to overcome it.

    Nervous energy is better than over confidence and complacency. Keep looking at teaching. It’s ok to be scared . You’re only looking and thinking for now . Let your mind bring up all these people because your brain will process these fears and plot a course taking them into consideration.
    I’m excited for you Mate


    Dear Jack:

    I mean I was mentally unwell, sick for my whole life and all of my adult life until recently. What a shame.

    I was spaced out, dissociated, out of my mind, took a leave of my senses, full of distorted beliefs and much distress, terrible interactions with people, self hate, self destruction, lots and lots of guilt and shame and so much more.

    If I could have my life back I would get away from “home” sooner and stay away for good, away from my mother for good when I was eighteen or sooner. And I would look for good psychotherapy then, once I was out and work really hard on therapy. I will probably study law and become a courtroom lawyer, criminal law and be very involved in my career, maybe write a book about it some day. I will not have children as I do not now (this would not change). But most important is I would end all contact with my mother as soon as possible to never again re connect. I would do it early, not at fifty three as I have done. Then I would look for help from a therapist and other wise good people and become healthy and assertive as soon as I could while I was still in my twenties.

    I would turn my back to the people who made me sick and fully engage in healing.



    let me guess
    your mother was Christian?
    Or some bible basher has scarred you for life? Turned you off the higher power concept?
    But congratulations. You seem fully recovered to me. Very mature.
    Hope you can now start to enjoy life…finally…
    I watch my dog, he knows how to enjoy life
    he is the Buddha in our household

    mmmm teaching, still unsure, thanks anyway


    Dear Jack:

    i was worried that you were successfully fighting your forum addiction. But you are back, good. Wouldn’t be the same without you!

    I re-read my comment above, so many mistakes: I would turn my back on not turn my back to, etc. No, my mother was not a Christian or religious. She did not turn me off the god concept, it is my constant praying to god for HELP when I was a child, prayers that went unanswered. That was a beginning of my personal experience of lack of the man in the clouds not hearing me. And then the whole thing simply does not make sense.

    I read about the teaching thing. Adam the Adult vs Llama Jack. I never got it. I tried to be the equivalent of Adam the Adult and failed. My Llama Jack equivalent insisted on taking stage and have fun whenever possible, be the kid. People not being in a classroom, in an urban classroom at least, a public school do NOT have any idea how it is. They have no idea. It was my ability to take ABUSE that carried me through. They have no idea.



    I’ll try and cut back at least so I am less addicted.
    You do seem very assertive now and would be more effective in the classroom as a teacher, I imagine.
    I think my problem is I lack motivation to go back. It feels like a step backwards in a way. “been there done that” kind of feeling.


    Dear Jack:

    When I wrote that people who have no experience in the classroom in modern time in a teacher position probably do not understand what it takes for someone without that natural gift I observed (and cannot emulate) to exert command in a juvenile delinquent institution such as higher grades of Elementary, Middle School and High School in urban public school districts (I had trouble in private schools as well!). So I personally do not see it as progress for you, Jack, going back to a teaching position.

    People do no understand what it is like- how hard I worked to be listened to, what intense, ongoing RESISTANCE I received from students to being taught ANYTHING.

    It is not going into a classroom with EAGER, WELL BEHAVED students. And misbehavior is commonly not a small cute thing, in my case it was throwing items at me, some that could kill me. It was being called horrible names. It was students picking up a projector and throwing it on the floor, trying to light a fire in the classroom (and doing so), destroying public property, graffiti, stealing my money out of my purse, stealing my whole purse, and so much more.

    So, in my experience, NO!


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