
I'm in huge pain, can't overcome this alone ;(

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    Tyler Sant

    Guys, i already post once about my situation with my ex girlfriend. The thing is, it’s been over 2 months since the break up, and altough i got better i’m still suffering a huge amount of pain…..everytime i think the pain is over, i start crying again. Can’t let someone control my life like this, but the same advices won’t do any good either, like: cut all forms of contact and time heals all wounds.
    I had my heart broken other eigth times, and i tought i was getting better at it. The dealing i mean.
    She and i had a relationship for almost two years, and she was the only woman i loved. I’ve never put my happines in someone’s hands, i want to make that clear. There are other areas of my life that need to get better to: like my work, the death of beloved ones and many other things.
    But of course i wanted her in my life. There will be other women, but i want her. So i need some insight, a new one. The hope is quite difficult to kill, because she still loves me and we are giving each other mixed signs. She thinks i’m totally cool about the break up, that i couldn’t be happier with myself.
    Feel free to ask questions…. to know how to help me. Please, just so i can have people to talk to, because i feel so alone, i have no one to help carry this weight, even tough i don’t know if that is something i should share.


    somewhere in tinyuddha somebody had written this. it helped me… hope will do to you too.

    You asked the questions: What are you afraid of losing? And are you ready to move beyond that fear to get yourself unstuck?

    I would ask slightly different questions. I would pose the queries:

    WHY are you afraid of losing?

    CAN YOU DISCOVER HOW to move beyond your fear to get yourself unstuck?

    As I think more about this, it seems to me that we are not so much afraid of LOSS, as we are afraid of not getting BACK what we lost, or the equivalent of that.

    The successful, balanced people I know don’t lose or fail any less than anyone else. But what drives them to build on their losses, is their ability to BELIEVE that what goes down will again go up, and that the upturn will be better than what they had before.

    They are not always right about that. They don’t always win again right after a loss. But they don’t get defeated and they look at a failure as the path towards a solution. As cliché as it is, winners see failure as the creation of new opportunities. They really do!

    So how did they get that way? How did they learn to move past their fears?

    Somehow, some way, either by being born that way or being taught it, or by convincing themselves through trials and errors, these risk takers developed FAITH. At their core belief they expect losses to be only temporary and that everything will work out.

    When it doesn’t, when they reach a dead-end on a particular path, their attitude is: There are always other paths, other options with more gains to be found.

    I think the way to amass FAITH (if you weren’t born with it or taught it) is to never give up and keep generating more and more possibilities until those possibilities turn into probabilities and eventually WINS – sometimes BIG wins, sometimes LITTLE wins, but wins just the same. Yes, you have to be willing to stay in the game and keep playing.

    And now we’re back to your question, Lori. Are you ready to move beyond that fear to get yourself unstuck?


    If you still love each other… any chance of a reconciliation?


    Sorry, I’m a new poster, I didn’t read your previous posts first

    I’m so sorry for your pain. The hardest thing to grieve is the loss of a future we thought we were going to have (with someone)

    You’re not alone, I promise. When you feel that way, hold your consciousness out to the Universe and feel the thousands of other people who are feeling the same kind of profound loss as you. Comfort them, and allow them to comfort you in return. I hope this helps. I’ll be out there, too 🙂


    Hi Tyler,

    I’m wondering why there was a break up in the first place. If you provide some insights about the reasons you both had or the facts that lead you to it, maybe that will help us understand the situation a little better. For the time being I’ll make guesses and assumptions.

    I have the impression you’ve became quite stressed before the break-up, due to the many other problems that happened in your life. Maybe you fought with your girlfriend because you hoped she would understand your situation and may be be less demanding or more helpful. Then the break-up occurred when she could not take it any more. She decided that she was better without you, or maybe that it was better to take the risk of suffering for the time being in the hope to find something better later. Maybe she even thought that she was good for you as well to stop relying on her. If she is giving you mixed signs, it means that somehow she left the door open for you. She is waiting for you to take back you life, be happy and less stressed and become once more a pleasant company to be with. However, I do not want to make your hopes hight, are those really mixed signs? Can you describe them? You may confuse yourself in the hope things are not over. There is also the possibility that she is genuinely appreciating you as a friend and actually see you are better somehow without her. Maybe she is just telling to herself that you are better without her so she won’t feel guilty. Maybe she is provoking you to see what your reaction is.

    Anyway, do you really want back a girl that left you in your moment of need and broke your bound? Things are not going to be the same even if she is back. Do you really want a girl that stays with you only when things go all right? Do you really want to go back to her demanding request and everything else you had to do to make her happy? Do you want really to go back to unheard plea for help? She decided she can’t change: what she needs is what she needs, what she cannot do is what she cannot do. Are you ready to change for her so that things will work? Maybe she is hoping you will change. Thought notice that you said “But of course i WANTED her in my life.”, you used the past.
    Maybe right now you don’t need her any more, but you need the care and support you hoped you had. Isn’t there any friend or family you can count on? I also understand that the care and love a girlfriend can show is not the same as the care and love a friend or family can show. Nevertheless, please, trust you can find that again into somebody else, who may also be a better fit for you (less demanding, more supporting): keep you eyes and heart open. If you really believe she was one and unique, well you know there is some work to do to win her back, she showed you she cannot give you more than that, so it’s up to you, will you develop enough strength and energies to make her feel better? Will you wait for the moment she actually realizes she may feel better with you indeed? Will you live your life alone, doing as much as possible, care for yourself and be happier just to win her back one day? Or is it maybe better to take life as it comes, improve and be happy for yourself, and maybe keep the doors open for someone else who may be a better fit for you right now or earlier?

    Tyler Sant

    Silentwatch, Anne and Vhanon, thank you for your words, for having the patience to answer me.
    I have red hundreds of articles and posts about this and i’ve been through this before. Like i said, i know more love from other women will come, and when we think someone is the one, we find another person that gives as much more….i know these things…they used to confort me in other situations.
    I truly bellieve it’s over, i really do. That’s why i said i WANTED her, because i have to kill these urges to be with her again, the kisses, the laughters, the movies, the naps, the sex…. i can’t desire these things anymore. I’m actually doing better than before, but sometimes i feel like i’m gonna die. It’s not all about her, everything else is falling apart. I’m alive and i know it will get better, but….
    We talked a few times after the break up. She has her defenses up and bellieves i’m gonna hurt her again. I didn’t demand anything of her, but she felt like i did. We had differente point of views about life and i thought to be right. I treated her like crap on two ocasions, and that brought up a lot of insecurities that she felt with me, because i always had problems to express my feelings. Most of it, was my fault. But i swear i didn’t know i was making her sad in the last months, i did the best i could to show i loved her. Once i understood her pain, i changed. But for myself, to improve my life, my job and all my relationships. She is not the center of my life, no one can be. But in our relationship, there was always respect, tenderness and love…. we NEVER demanded anything from each other…
    I don’t want to overanalyze all actions between us. She said a few times to still love me. “I miss everething about us, and i still love you, but we can’t go back. I don’t know what i want.” She is also very jeoulos, even after the break up. It stopped for the last two weeks, wich is bad. She treats me very hot and cold….. contacts me to talk about normal things, and stuff. I don’t want to be her pitty target, if that’s what she is doing, being my friend outta pitty.
    Maybe i should be looking at my own actions. Never acted needy or clingy around her after the break up, but she did a little, couple of weeks ago. I didn’t pushed her boudries, not even once, never asked to get back together, because logic doesn’t overcome emotions. I’m always happy around her and said i’m cool with the break up, because i think that saying how i really am would just push her away. I don’t know whatelse to say….. i feel like i have lost her forever. Don’t know what i should have done. Sometimes i just think she doesn’t feel anything for me anymore, i don’t know.
    Of course there are a lot of details in this story, if you guys want to know. Right now, what i wanted is to kiss her, just a kiss. I know it’s wrong, but it is how i feel.
    Does anything make sense?

    Tyler Sant

    The best way to define me now, is how bad i want to kiss and hug her. Just appear in her front door and do those things. if i have become a better human being, for myself, a more confident and organized person, why can’t we fall for each other again? Why couldn’t we talk again and start hanging out…i know i shouldn’t think like that, but i figure this is the only place i have to be honest.
    She said i was the only man she really loved, that i was the only one she was ever crazy about. But i will never know how much pain i caused her


    Hi Tyler,

    Judging by your description, it looks more like you are having a pause as a couple, taking time to reflect on what you want separately. You said that you really want to move on, however you are still thinking somehow about why you cannot be back. Your mind is not yet set on that resolve. Likewise her mind does not seem yet set. So my first question is, are you sure you want to move on?

    You said you have different views about life. Then the relationship can work only if both of you are going to accept the difference. It means that she should be fine with what you do when you take your decisions and you should be fine when she takes her decisions concerning that topic you do not agree on. If you cannot accept that different point of view, then there is a chance it is going to be an unhealthy relationship and you will always point out to her what is wrong about her behavior. She may not like that and desire to be around people that accept her mindset. When you treated her poorly you showed her you did not accept her behavior. I do not know what happened in the following months, but there is the possibility that you just made her think about how poorly you treated her just by talking about your point of view, even if you were calm. Maybe you made her feel insecure, just by showing with your own behavior how things should be done differently. Somehow, you became “better” than her, and she no longer felt worthy to be with you, she could not change her viewpoint just simply because she did not want to.
    Can you tell her with all sincerity that the way she behaves is fine? Can you accept her viewpoint as an equal to yours and not give to it a lesser state? Can you apologize with all your heart for your behavior? You should not apologize because you hurt her, but because you did not respect a viewpoint or behavior that have the very same right to exist and be respected like yours. Can you do that?

    If you cannot do that, you may still be in a relationship, as long as you avoid those situations that make that behavior, you do not like, occur. Can you stay away from these situations? How long? You may even plan to stay together for a short time, till the infatuation passes and avoid bringing back that issue for the time being. You both should have a clear mind about what you would like to do and may discuss about it. Do you want to stay with her in the present, do you want to stay with her for one year, do you want to stay with her forever? Do you want to just share a kiss? Do you want to try to see whether you can avoid those situations? Tell her. Then she will decide whether that is OK for her or not, and you’ll receive a honest feedback and you can elaborate some more on it.

    How would you describe your relationship so far, what did you have, what did you hope for the future? Maybe you can start from these questions.

    Anyway, if your resolve is to definitively break-up with her or if you talk with her and find out that the issue cannot be resolved, you should stop talking and meeting each other as long as your infatuation lasts. As long as none of you can keep the warmth down, you will continually give hopes to each other. Moreover, when you see her you are going to suffer because your mind goes to the pleasant memories you cannot have back. Likewise she is going to suffer because her mind goes back to the same very memories and hopes. So, you should take time completely away from the other, start doing new activities and think about something else. Do not put on display anything that reminds you about her. Change the image of your PC’s desktop, change the color of the wall of your room, change your hairstyle, do something new. The pain will not pass in a day, but giving ambiguous signals to each other is going to delay your recovery. Maybe you have the strength to resist giving signals, but it seems you cannot rely on her to do the same. Do you want to move on and not feel unnecessary pain? Maybe you can explain to her your reasons, but please, stay away from her or at least interact as less as possible. It is going to be good for her as well. She may definitively give up and feel free to give her heart to another man. If you fear she may be lonely, doesn’t she have friends she can talk to, while you are away? Though, you should not feel concerned so much about her anymore, she is not your girlfriend, isn’t she? You will eventually meet later, when feelings will be gone and you can talk as friends with peace of mind.

    Tyler Sant

    I’m sure most of the time….. i hope i’m not crazy, but you know when you have ABSOLUTE certainty that is over? Like, nothing is this world could change that. I’m a very pessimist guy, always have been my entire life, so i want to move on, even because i keep rewiding the pain i felt with my other break ups. And then, all of a sudden, i feel hope (because of little signs) but also stupid, like someone said “you won’t get another chance, fool!”.

    She was fine with my point of view….the problem really was me, i wanted to be right in her and everyone’s eyes. That pushed many people away. buit then i saw, that even tough i might be right, the best way to ask people to join me is trough compassion and tenderness, not hostility (silent hostilit in my case), like i used to do. So i changed i that aspect, even when she said i would never change.

    You are right in every line about hers and mine behavior. She felt like i didn’t admire her…. and i showed her that i did in these two months post break up, but i feel that she thinks deep down i don’t. And she is certain that everytime a couple gets back together, it’s beautiful in the beggining, but it would end again.

    i tried to stay away from those situations, like you said, but i pushed her away. She felt i didn’t trust her. We wanted to stay together forever, it was the first time in my life i ever felt that way, even when i was madly in love with the other two serious girlfriends i had. I said all those things to her when we broke up, but in the heat of the moment it would do no good, and she said i could never change…..so the next oportunities i had, i never mentioned to get back, i only pointed out how it was clear how we both wanted eachother badly, to wich she replied “i don’t know what i want….”. Did i mentioned her father is completly against us?

    I truly accept that the old relationship is DEAD, and nothing will make it live again. I wouldn’t want that relationship either. I tried all you said and i’ll try it again….there is nothing else to do. I feel stupid talking about this, and i’m so sorry to bother you guys with this nonsense. I’m getting better, even with the love intact. But i feel these waves of guilt, and loliness….my job is crap now, my family members are dying, my dad appears sick… and this is one of the many situations i think about her, because we used to do this together, when she went trough the same thing. We were UNITED and stronger when those things happened to her.

    Again, i’m sorry. I know it must be stupid and i’m probably overreacting.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Tyler Sant.

    You’re not stupid, you’re heartbroken

    There are stages of heartbreak, like stages of grief. The stage you’re in now – yearning, bargaining, what-if? – is particularly painful.


    Oh Tyler,

    I’m sorry I could not be of any better help. If she says she does not know what she wants, that’s a sign of indecision and she wants to deal with it alone for the time being. I don’t think that what you had is completely lost, you were in love, you had good time, you respect each other and deep down you still care. No matter what, when she will make up her mind, she will still consider you more than anybody else. You are the first one she will think about. She may take time to notice the change, however you have to change everywhere in your life not just in front of her. Of course I’ll advice strongly to hold on such a hope, she may decide she does not want you in the end, and if you die waiting she may actually notice a bad change. So, yes, it is a loss but not a complete loss. Would have your past been better without her? You said you changed, aren’t you happy about your growth? Moreover, remember you are still in her heart somehow, and that will be forever.

    Yes, it is a loss, but not a complete loss. Please, imagine applying what you learned at your workplace and in your family. Imagine she is secretly watching over you, and she congratulates when you act according to your change, wouldn’t you feel proud? Move forward, you never know who you will meet along the way, that person may be her once again. Isn’t there somebody else in your life you can talk to about your current problem? Someone who may stay close to you as a friend? Maybe a priest, a counselor, a teacher?

    Nevertheless I’m sorry for your loss and I understand things cannot be back as once they were. However, if you think a little, you’ll realize that many things change and are not as once they were, we just do not notice it or give any weight to it. I understand you are giving a heavy weight on your relationship right now, however that is the trick to go out of it, to shrink the space and time you dedicate to that thought and fill yourself with something else like friends and hobbies. That’s also why I was suggestion to not see her at all, so that you had less chances to think about her and to renew the feelings you still have for her. Of course time is a great help as well. I know everything seems easier said than done now.

    However, feel free to talk about your feelings to anybody you think trustworthy. Tell your boss or co-workers that you do not feel that well these days due to a loss. Feel free to write what you think on this forum, try to be as open as possible. Say everything. Once you have written the post, read it again and decide whether you really want to post it or not. Sometimes just expressing your feelings to somebody or in print actually helps relieving the stress you have in your mind.

    One more thing, who does say you should not desire her? You still need time to come out of that after all. Your thoughts are your thoughts and do not hurt anybody but yourself. Just keep them in check and do not act on them, unless everything is fair and fine. I mean feel free to daydream about flying, just do not try to jump from a cliff. Also try to shrink the time you dedicate to them, and try to think about something else. What about an holiday with some good friends?

    Tyler Sant

    Thank you again, Anne and Vhanon for your replies. I’m sorry it took me more than a day to answer, it is just that i was trying so bad to avoid thinking about her yesterday, that i didn’t want to come here to talk about her. I had a good day, like most of them are, despite of everything, but all it takes to pound my heart is a picture of her in facebook. i’m so very much afraid of when she starts dating again….i’ll be a huge wreck.

    Well, i am proud of this new guy i am, because i changed for myself in every area of my life, and all of my relationships improved as well. That’s why i think it’s so unfair that i can’t ask her out, so we can laugh together again and fall for eachother again. I know it’s stupid, but i do feel that…..

    don’t know any other ways to bother you guys. I have no one to talk to here. I guess that deep down, i hope for someone to say “that’s a sign that she still wants you back, go after her!”. The emotional gets in the way of the logical.

    Tyler Sant

    Maybe she is absolutly certain about her decision, partially because of my behavior? Because i act happy all the time, and treat her like a acquaintance?

    Tyler Sant

    Should i try to think about her flaws to help me get over her? Is it a good advice? See, my mind is like a huge roller coaster


    Hi Tyler,

    “Maybe she is absolutly certain about her decision, partially because of my behavior? Because i act happy all the time, and treat her like a acquaintance?”
    What did you talk about when you decided to break up? Everything she thinks is what you said to her the last time. Why don’t you write her a letter with some sincere thoughts? Like “I still love you, I changed and I’m proud of that and I hope one day you can see the change and give me a new chance”.

    “I have no one to talk to here. I guess that deep down, i hope for someone to say “that’s a sign that she still wants you back, go after her!””
    As I told you above, those are signs she is undecided and you “can go after her”. It is just that it may take a huge amount of time before she decides and maybe she would like to know somebody else in the meanwhile. Moreover, as long as you do not set your mind and keep meeting her, you are actually going after her, even if you say to yourself you are not.

    “Should i try to think about her flaws to help me get over her? Is it a good advice?”
    I don’t think this will work, you loved her and accepted those flaws already. If you want a better advice, think about the qualities of another girl. Do not look at her picture on facebook, look at somebody else picture. Don’t talk to her, talk with somebody else. Why don’t you tell us how do you imagine your future girlfriend?

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