
I'm worthless and I'm tired of being alone

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    I thank you for your kind words, Maria, but I can’t truly appreciate what isn’t tangible and before me eyes. I don’t feel community with those who aren’t really there. My life has been full of too much isolation. Either someone is beside me and in my life or they are not.

    Similarly it does not change that I have no one to love and no one to love me in the manner I truly want, something deep, romantic and unconditional. I it won’t solve my problems and I know it won’t cure me but it is the only thing in life that I want right now. I need someone in my life who I can love. I need to be valued by another. I a strong urge to have a family. When I’m old and gray I want to be surrounded by loving children, maybe even my wife, the way my father was. I want those people in my life as I continue to age and continue to wither. If that’s too much to ask for…. then I have no desire to grow so old.


    Thank you @Authorgirl . Sadly your opinion is in the minority. If if a 10th of the people I reached out to gave me that sort of benefit of the doubt I have no doubt I’d be in a happy relationship by now. Sadly it seems I deserve no such benefit of the bout. I am alone because I deserve to be. If I didn’t deserve to be alone I wouldn’t be alone. I need to know how to become good enough to be loved or to hide whatever glaringly obvious flaw that I have that makes the idea of loving me so utterly repugnant.

    Maria Mango

    Anytime my friend.

    Having a loving family is a beautiful goal. You know most people want money or fame but you just want to have people to care about and who care about you, that’s a lovely and genuine aspiration which I think goes to show how much you actually do have to offer a potential mate.

    Just a question, what is your approach to dating? Besides being unlovable or unlucky try to really think of other reasons why you think it hasn’t worked out for you. If this is too personal please don’t answer, I’ll understand.

    Don’t stop writing, I think you have a lot of really important stuff to say!




    What’s my approach to dating? I don’t I can’t get other human being to even recognize me as the same species, let a lone to out to coffee and talk.

    I’ve tried online dating. Multiple websites. Hundreds of messages sent to hundreds of people. At first I was picky but as my spirit was crushed I cast a wider and wider net until I had given up all notions of standards and was reaching out to anyone just to see if I could get a response from anyone.

    I tried connecting to people based on something we had in common. I tried starting conversations. I tried complementing them. I tried straight up asking if they wanted to get coffee or see a movie. The only time I receive a response is when someone want to take the time to tell me how very much they are NOT interested in me.

    I’ve tried going to place where people who share interests wth myself would congregate. I’m a massive loser so naturally I enjoy table top Role Playing Games, trading card games, video games and most things with a science fiction or fantasy theme. I tried going to local trading card game tournaments, book stores, gaming meet ups and the like. I’ve tried striking up conversations with people wherever I go if anything to brush up on the social skills I never developed (not just women, I just try my best to be friendly). But people can tell I’m not worth talking to.

    I have Asperger’s Syndrome so body language and other non-verbal contact cues are beyond my understanding (not for lack of trying). To me it is almost as if everyone else has telepathy and they use that invisible language to convey the truth of what they are saying while openly and verbally lying to me about…. well just about anything. There is one form of body language I’m familiar with. I see it all the time. It’s the “I don’t care, please go away” body language. It’s unmistakable. I see it all of the time. Somehow people can use their non-Aspergered brains to tell, virtually instantaneously, that I am not wort their time.

    I mean by the sheer odds of probability I should’ve ran into someone with a loser fetish or who was genuinely interested in giving me a chance. But I guess that’s like rolling a 6 sided die and hoping it lands on an 8. There’s statistically impossible and then there’s impossible.

    Maria Mango

    Thanks for responding so fully, you’ve given me some real insight.

    You’ll have to forgive me I don’t know much about Asperger’s Syndrome. But you really give me some insight when you say that it’s like everyone else is speaking a language that you just can’t decipher very well. I’m guessing this makes you feel very much out of the loop in just about every situation. That’s rough, my friend!

    Can you tell me more about what having Asperger’s is like and more about how you think it applies to your current situation?




    That’s really the sum of it.

    It’s like everyone else speaks two languages, one verbal and empty and one hidden and dynamic. Meanwhile I speak a version of the verbal language which HAS to be more honest and meaningful because… well because it’s all have to go off of and there’s enough confusion going around withing adding my own deceit into the mix.

    How do I think it impacts my ability to date? Honestly? I don’t know if it does. I’m very high functioning. I know others who are less functioning than I am and they have been in relationships. Why can can all of these other people who are depressed, anxious and have Asperger’s all all find love and not me? Fantastic question. I knew I wouldn’t be single (I would be and I wold at least know why I’m stuck this way).

    How do I suspect it inhibits my ability to take? Simple. I don’t convey emotions or social cues “properly” (Yes, properly. As in I do them WRONG. Don’t patronize me, if it wasn’t wrong it wouldn’t be a disorder.) and I almost don’t pick up on them from others at all. However as other friends and acquaintances of mine who have Asperger’s I doubt this is the big thing holding me back…. if anything it’s part of a complicated cocktail of overlapping qualities that exclude me from being a viable and lovable individual.


    Being single is not a death sentence. Ask yourself: Am I whole? Am I ready to love another human being? Do I have a lot of unresolved issues within myself that I need to fix, before I can enjoy another person’s company?

    A lot of women go into relationships assuming that having a man will fix all their problems internally. Couldn’t be the farthest thing from the truth. If anything, having a man will amplify those problems, if you haven’t fixed them first. If you aren’t whole, you will have a hard time maintaining healthy relationships with anybody in your life.

    Remember, to find your other whole- not half. If you need another half, that’s where the problem lies. Then you need to self evaluate yourself. That you only feel successful in life- if you have romance/ sex. etc that’s a wrong way to think or approach love. You will always fail that way. Don’t get me wrong, everyone gets lonely, I get it….. But, take care of you, before you attempt to take care of someone else. Hope this helps.

    Stay blessed!! : )


    @Authorgirl Remaining single is out of the question. Having a loving relationship and having someone else in my life is the only thing that matters. I should be able to attract a romantic partner. Virtually everyone else can, so why can’t I? Lots of people who are far more messed up than I am are able be desirable enough to attract a loved one. Why can’t I?

    I’m going to be 31 this month. I’ve been trying to put the pieces of my wretched existence together for nearly 25 years. I do not expect I’ll succeed anytime soon. Heh, at this point it’s like trying to put together a broken vase from a pile of talc someone else handed you. You know nothing about what the vase is supposed to look like, or if it even was a vase to begin with. Also the feat is impossible.

    Also I’m a man. I don’t know if you were using a woman as an example or empathizing with me under the assumption I was a woman but I am very much a man. I’m also aware, through doing numerous searches on the web, that this is not a problem you see posted me men. For every 1 post by a man asking why he’s unlovable there are hundreds more by women. This is not a problem men like to openly share or seek help for…. or maybe it’s not a problem they tend to have. Either way it makes me feel even worse because, in my mind, it makes me feel as through my current problem is that much more atypical. That there’s something deeply and severely wrong with me.

    For me being single is a death sentence.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by John.
    Maria Mango

    I can’t promise much, but I can promise I’ll never patronize you. I’ll always do my best to tell the truth as it is and be supportive.

    You ask a lot of questions and then answer them yourself. You came here looking for other people to answer your questions but we can’t because you’ve already made your mind up. That’s fine as I said before, I can’t even begin to be foolish enough to tell you what you should think. I simply ask you to think on whether those answers are working for you anymore or are they just causing you pain. What would life be like if you changed your answers? Would it better, worse, the same?

    How you feel about this whole thing is incredibly valid and personal, and I’ll never tell you otherwise. Thank you for sharing with me and I really enjoyed getting to know you, I won’t ask any more questions today!

    Keep posting on this and as many threads as you need or want.

    Cheers and good luck,



    Sorry about that, lol I was speaking from my point of view, as I am a girl and made a terrible assumption. And I watch a lot of Oprah/ Dr. Phil.lol I shouldn’t have made the assumption, I retract that.

    But you aren’t worthless. Actually, you sound amazing. I’m sure you will eventually attract a loved one. I just didn’t want you to walk around thinking that being single is something to be ashamed of, it’s not a death sentence. It’s not. For many people it’s a choice. Actually your dating life is a very small part of who you are, that is being amplified, as it shouldn’t take precedent over your wonderful personality, your career, your family, and friends. There are loving supports all around you. Don’t forget that. : )


    my answer was for weeping dragon


    My answers about why I’m alone are purely conjecture but they are honest conjecture. I don’t have any of the answers. I’m taking shots in the dark because no one is yet to clearly and concisely say “John, do this and this and yo won’t be single anymore.” Everyone keeps telling me how I have all of these great qualities but they don’t do anything for me so I need to determine if they’re lying to me or if there is some other horrible aspect about myself they refuse to tell me about or they can’t see themselves.

    If I’m not honest I feel I’m being denied some I deserve and unfairly judged by everyone. I feel like I have all of these great qualities but no one sees them or no one cares. I feel I as though I am good enough for most of the women I reached out to who I had an earnest interest in but for one reason or another I was rejected without being given a fair chance. That’s what I want to say. That’s what I want to feel. But as much as I want to feel that I know it is untrue.

    Except no one owes it to me to give me a chance, least of all women. I’m constantly told this and I see it everywhere. I don’t assume I’m entitled to a woman’s attention at all, mind you. I’m fully aware their lack of interest is a reflection of who I am as a person. I mean how arrogant and self centered would I have to be to feel as though another human being was required to give me a chance? Am I wrong? I mean men are constantly torn apart for having the audacity and the chauvinistic arrogance to believe women owe them a conversation, a smile or anything. I have no such assumption they owe me anything. I’m ignored and rejected because it is obvious how unlovable I am.

    Please, I implore you or anyone to offer me another reason why I’m ignore and alone. Be honest. Am I legitimately worthless and unlovable? Tell me so I can stop wasting my time and energy. Am I not selling myself right? Tell me and show me how to do so better. Does my OkCupid profile suck? Tell me help me rewrite it.

    My answers are horrible. I want to believe that. I want to believe I am lovable. I want to believe I can find love. But reality doesn’t support these beliefs. So please help me to better interpret them. Even my therapist won’t hhelp me make sense of any of this. I don’t know what secret password I need to tell him so he’ll help me sort it out but he’s definitely not earning his pay when it comes to telling me why I’m unlovable and alone.

    I just want to know how to get someone to let me love them and to love me in kind. If there’s nothing there to love… well then I need to know that for certain. If there is a something to love then I need to know how to make someone else care.

    Maria Mango

    John, stop telling yourself you are unlovable, forget about dating and focus on improving your relationship with yourself and you won’t be single anymore.

    Literally stop writing it, look in the mirror and tell yourself you are worth something, tell your therapist to kick rocks because you need to find one that can actually help you.

    Look up positive affirmations. Recite them over and over again until you believe them.

    Get a journal and write all your observations down.

    Attend a support group for people with Aspergers.

    Get off the online dating, they are so shallow it hurts.



    Above all find the right therapist. There has got to be one out there that specializes in Aspergers patients, I would suggest if you are really interested in changing you seek that therapist out and put everything you have into fixing the relationship that really matters: the one with yourself.

    I can promise your life will change if you do these things and you really mean them, you won’t be lonely anymore.

    Whatever you chose we support you!

    Cheers and good luck,



    My opinion of my self has never matter to anyone. I have spent a quarter century tring to put myself together and have gone through numerous therapists and forms of medication. I can NOT wait for myself to be complete before I find love. I do not have that luxury.

    To me, admitting that I have to run through all of these blasted hoops before I’m capable of finding lobe deserving of love is an admission that I am unlovable. It’s giving up. It’s defeat. It’s confirming and admitting that everything I’ve been saying about myself is true.

    NO ONE ELSE has to jump through all these hoops just for a woman to respond to you. NO ONE ELSE has a much love to give and to offer as I do. No one else is in as desperate and starved to feel the love an acceptance of another human being as I am. If I have to jump through all of these hoops just to be loveable then I’m admitting there’s something deeply wrong with me, so deeply wrong with me that it makes me unlovable beyond all hope. It makes me less desirable then the jerk who is dating one of my friends and abuses her or the violent drunkard with violent anger issues who will always have been married one time more than he’s been divorced. It means I am less repulsive than those… those cruel, abusive and vile and inhuman monsters. I REFUSE to believe that as I am I am a lesser choice to Billy Bob the Boozed up Beater, Conceded Charlie the Chronic Cheater, Abusive Andy, Manipulative Manny and all of these other despicable characters who can attract a mate and who appears desirable. I’M BETTER THAN ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE. I must be. If I’m not than I am the absolute lowest possible form of scum on earth.

    Maria Mango

    You are better than that, that much is true.

    Keep writing, keep posting but I don’t think I have any more answers for you at this time.

    So much luck to you and I’ll keep my eyes peeled for your posts!



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