
Insecurities holding me back

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    I feel trapped by my thinking and don’t know how to get around it.

    The story repeats over and over again.

    I go into a situation, and make a mistake.
    People who saw my mistake talk about it behind my back.
    I think that I will keep going anyway and learn from my mistake.
    but i am not learning from my mistake. I am not getting better no matter how hard I try. I keep making the same mistakes and people keep talking about me. I don’t mind that I make mistakes but I mind that people talk about me so much.

    I am certain that the people are talking about me, because other people who weren’t there find out about the mistakes.
    But I also know that they talk about other people, too. not just me. So they’re not talking about me because they don’t like me. Its just gossip (I think it makes them feel better to talk about other people’s mistakes). Still, it bothers me when people talk about mine.

    So here is my problem:
    I really want to go into the situation but I know that I will make mistakes. I don’t really want to be in the situation if I am making mistakes because I don’t like people talking about me. but I am not improving, no matter how hard I try. So I think
    ‘well then you have to avoid the situation’ but the problem is that I want to go to the situation. even though every time I go, I make mistakes and get talked about and then wish that I didn’t go.

    I struggle to accept that people talk about my mistakes (even though they also talk about everyone else’s, too).


    It would be easier for me to give advice if you gave me more concrete examples of the mistakes and the workplace or wherever you are being gossiped about.
    Your mind now seems preoccupied about “my mistakes, my mistakes, my mistakes”. Can you see that you are making yourself more unhappy by replaying those past events and adding some of your own imagination?
    People will talk and gossip about us whether we like it or not. My experience tells me that the more I worry that people gossip about me, the more likely it is to happen. Better to get something else to focus on now which brings you into the present moment.
    Your self-talk sounds very negative. Can you notice that? The mind can be our enemy or friend? I know which one I prefer.


    Hi AcceptingMe,

    Is it possible to take a break from the situation this year ~ and to do something else totally unrelated in which you succeed to build up your confidence?

    Can you find a similar/parallel type of situation where you can succeed and then come back next year to this situation and rock it?

    Can you find the same exact situation away from the gossipy people?

    Can you take classes about your situation?

    Make a joke in front of the group, “I am such a dunderhead, I always mess up in this situation, watch me do it again!!” Kind of a pre-emptive gossiping strike?

    Hope any of the above helps!



    Dear AcceptingMe:

    I share with you the belief that “it makes them feel better to talk about other people’s mistakes.” People often, most often, do not want to look into themselves and see what they may be doing wrong, so to occupy their brain and to feel better, they point a finger at another and say something like: “Look at him (or her), how stupid he is(and how much smarter I am in comparison)!”

    It also makes sense that people do that because with our eyes we see other people, not ourselves unless we look in the mirror.

    Here is a crazy idea (maybe not): as an exercise, why don’t you pay attention for a whole day to the mistakes other people do. If you do that, you will get a better understanding of how very, very often people make mistakes and that everyone makes mistakes. Just in case you do not have the full magnitude of understanding how … commonplace that is.

    Please post again.



    my mind is not always preoccupied with my mistakes, only on this problem.

    I try to tell myself how much everybody makes mistakes because I know it is true, and I always forgive them. but i still don’t like to do it, especially when people talk about it.

    the mistakes come from bad social skills and people interaction skills.
    usually they happen because I don’t think before I speak or before I do something.

    So perhaps I say something but it might be that someone is offended by it because I forgot to consider their unique situation.
    or my words sound very hard and mean but actually i was trying to be kind.

    It is in a part of my job which I don’t have to do but it is the best part of the job so I want to do it.

    But I have the same problem with friends that I don’t think properly about what I do. my friends tell me I am harsh. I feel bad when they are hurt, too.


    Dear AcceptMe:

    I too cared a lot about what you care about, what people think, not to mention what they say about me. I used to imagine people saying the worst things about me. I found out that the “voices” in my head were the ones most critical of me, an ongoing self criticism, telling me things like: “You said the wrong thing!… You should have said that!…You shouldn’t have said it that way… what will they think (Dread)… I should have, I shouldn’t have…. and on and on and on.

    It is only recently that these voices in my head (also known as the Inner Critic, the out of control superego, in Freud terms) quieted down. I still hear them, a moment ago, I did. I looked around for a consequence (that wasn’t there) for something I did wrong.

    Once you find the origin of that Inner Critic being so… overly critical of yourself, the first person or persons in your young life who criticized and rejected you, maybe through psychotherapy if this is emotionally too difficult (as it was for me)- then through insight and mindfulness skills, these voices, over time, quiet down.

    I moved away thousands of miles from the people who knew me so to start a new life, one free of the old mistakes, that was many years ago. The people changed but the voices in my head were the same, until I went to therapy five years ago… then I started the difficult work, still in progress.



    I went through a struggle very similar to yours. I would go to work everyday (as a 3rd grade teacher) and face a group of women who were very exclusive and judgemental. I struggled with learning how to manage being a teacher as it was my first year there, and they began talking about me and ignoring me when I came around. It gave me anxiety every day to walk into that building. But then I realized something…

    I was letting them get to me. Their own insecurities and self-doubts were rubbing off on me. Yes, I was making mistakes, as you say you are, but isn’t that what makes us human? Why should we be the topic of a negative conversation?

    I discovered that I had to first make a change. My own attitude about my self worth had diminished so much because I was seeing myself through the eyes of others. I felt like I wasn’t worth anything, and that I would never be good enough.

    In this situation, you need to first look and see your own self. Evaluate who you are. You need to believe in yourself and go forth with confidence into the situation you speak of. You need to accept yourself and also forgive yourself. Start new every day. Do all that you can to know you are doing your best. That’s all others can ask for. Approach situations with confidence in yourself and do not worry if people talk, because they are likely broken souls with their own insecurities and issues.

    In the end, I decided to believe in myself and become my own best motivator. Previously, I would walk into a room looking defeated and nervous to be in the presence of these women. Now I walk through with a smile on my face and an air of confidence. All of the little issues and petty gossip that were going on, seemed to stop. Or maybe I just didn’t care anymore to notice. But overall, I realized that I determine my own happiness and self-worth, no one else.

    Realize that your own self-perception and worth is important. Build your confidence so that you can approach any situation in life. Stay positive, forgive yourself, and tell yourself that it will get better. And it will.

    You are worthwhile
    You are important
    You make mistakes
    And you are still beautiful.

    <3 Kindred Kate


    Gorgeous post Kate. Absolutely brilliant. See the value of self-esteem? If we believe in our own value, no gossip is ever going to hurt us. We onlycare what we think of ourselves, not what others think. let it be part of everyone’s mantra who has low-self-esteem. Remember how important it is to believe in ourselves. We have to be on our own side! If we join forces with the critics, we are doomed!


    I do have inner critic when I make mistakes. but i am confident in life usually.

    but the people really do talk about me and it is true.

    I want to not mind them talking but it reminds me my mistake.


    A favorite question can be: “Am I not allowed to make a mistake?”

    When you give yourself permission to make a mistake the rest of your life will seem beautiful and graceful.

    To elegance and dignity! 🙂


    Dear AcceptingMe:

    I see two issues in your posts here: one is making mistakes and the other is people talking about your mistakes behind your back. The second issue bothers you a lot. What if you asserted yourself with those people who talk about you behind your back. What if you spoke to an individual who does that and say something like: “I heard from… that you said this or that about me and I have a problem with it. If you have a problem with me or if you want to teach me something, why don’t you speak to me directly. When you speak behind my back it makes me feel bad. Please talk to me directly instead of talking about me.” ???




    At 33 yrs old, I’m feeling the same way till this day. I had a rough time growing up and made plenty of mistakes in the past. I partied a lot, experimented with a lot of drugs, hurt a lot of people and I was known as “that person”. And the worst part is that I was young at the time. I know a lot of people do crazy things when they are young but for some reason i got criticized the most. It caused me depression, anxiety and some times i wanted to feel dead or just disappear so all the gossip would stop. But instead as I grew up and wanted to better myself, I learned from my mistakes and accepted the facts that some people will see me what i was in the past. And they can gossip that all they want, but in reality, thats what their life is all about. Just gossiping about other people because they are bored with their own lives. People change and they might not see that. But you dont have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. Just remember that they don’t really know you. They just know who you are from the mistakes that you did in the past. Just move on and keep doing what you love while these gossipers still live in your past and not the now.

    PS. Took me forever to figure out how to reply. Newbie probs..


    thankyou all for such kind answers

    I am very grateful.


    You are welcome, AcceptingMe.


    “the mistakes come from bad social skills and people interaction skills.
    usually they happen because I don’t think before I speak or before I do something.”

    This and what the rest of your post said reminded of another post. Have you looked into Asperger’s? You said your friends think you are harsh. That at one point you are trying to be kind, but it didnt come out like that. Just a thought.

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