
Is he being honest with himself and me?

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    Dear Julia:

    You are welcome and thank you. If you want to post again and communicate with other members, please post again and I will not reply. If you want to communicate with me further at any time in the future, address a post to me and I will reply.



    Thank you Anita, how do I address a post to you? And I assume you don’t want to communicate on this subject anymore?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Julia.

    Dear Julia:

    No, I am fine with communicating with you on this subject and any other. I thought you might prefer not to communicate with me because you wrote that my previous post has hurt you and you mentioned that you agree with another member’s reply. I wanted to give you the option to post and receive replies by other members, replies that will not hurt you.




    I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest I didn’t want to communicate with you further. In fact, your thoughts and insights you shared are so on point and speak to me so well, that I’m both excited (because I get to know the truth) and hopeful. You give me hope because not knowing the truth and be in the dark is worse than knowing the truth even if it hurts.

    I see you’re being spot on in all your observations. That’s exactly what hurt me – because you seem to just see it the way it is. And if I am that monster who uses other people and feelings to make themselves feel better, that’s very very upsetting. But maybe that’s also true? That’s the way I am? I hate myself right now.

    I want to apologize to him for everything.


    Dear Julia:

    You are not a monster, for crying out loud, not for what you shared on your threads here!

    It is just that you can improve, that is all. Be more honest with yourself and with others, keeping in mind that others are not necessarily honest with you, many are not.

    Like I wrote, being strong is a combination of being wise and honest, meaning you are able to evaluate others correctly, thoughtfully choose who to get further involved with and who not to, and then be honest with yourself and with all others.

    No need to apologize to me, you didn’t hurt me, really. No harm done. Post anytime then and I will be glad to reply.




    I’ve been rereading your post from this morning and thinking… I disagree with your assessment of me, that I will lose interest in him as soon as I realize he’s into me.

    I do tend to start the relationships on rebound, because I don’t want to be alone. I admit that myself and I will be learning to not to do that. But what I can’t disregard, is that I continue the relationship with my men and I fully and wholeheartedly commit. If they do respond with love and care I do the same. My first relationship lasted 2,5 years, second – almost 7 years, third – almost 5 years, and I still love this last man. I tried to make our relationship work until the end, until he walked away from it.

    So no, I disagree that if this guy we’ve been talking about, reciprocates my feelings, and develops the deep connection with me (if he hasn’t already) I will leave him. I disagree.

    I put myself on the line, I was vulnerable with him, letting him know I was jealous and I cared. I think I regret opening up now as it seems like pushed him away.

    But the question still stands: does he feel something for me and doesn’t want me to pursue him as bf (if so – why?) or does he not and we don’t have a chance and I should pull back and suffer yet another heartache?

    I still wonder.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Julia. Reason: typos
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Julia.

    Dear Julia:

    I will read and reply to your recent post (and any you may add) when I am back to the computer in about twelve hours from now.




    I suggest that you ask yourself other questions besides how this guy feels and what are the reasons for his behavior.

    You said you want to learn from this.  I believe the best learning is not about his behavior but more of about your  own thinking and behavior with this situation.

    You attracted a man who is in a similar emotional place like yourself, i.e. looking for someone to bridge from the last relationship.  You were willing to jump into a relationship with both feet by being vulnerable with him, telling him how much you cared.  He is not you.

    Learn about yourself on why you cannot be with yourself,  on why you find it hard to accept that he does not want the same things as you, on why is it hard for you want to hold onto someone who is not not over his last relationship.



    Dear Julia:

    You made a good point in your recent post and indeed, your record of long term relationships is quite impressive, 2.5, 7 and 5 years. I have a few questions before I attend to your questions for me, and if you choose to answer, please make your answers short and precise:

    1. The men in your long term relationships,

    -was each man interested in you right from the beginning?

    -were they all from your country of origin?

    -were there arguments/ fights within each relationship and breaks before the final break?

    -if there were breaks within each relationship, who pursued whom to resume the relationship?

    2. During these long term relationships did you have side-relationships with other men, from time to time? Did the men?

    3. You wrote about the current guy: “I admit I was losing interest at times, especially when my friends were saying he’s not a guy for me”- what did your friends say made him not the guy for you?

    4. You wrote about the current guy: “when I noticed he started being all ’emotional’ I felt like he’s not that interesting, too available, just another guy who feel for me”-

    – what made the three men in your long term relationships not “just another guy who feel for me”?

    – was your father, when you were a child, a guy who did not feel for you? Or was it your mother?







    please see my answers:
    The men in your long term relationships,

    -was each man interested in you right from the beginning? Yes
    -were they all from your country of origin? First two, but not the last one (5 year)
    -were there arguments/ fights within each relationship and breaks before the final break? In first and last
    -if there were breaks within each relationship, who pursued whom to resume the relationship? In first he pursued, but I was already interested in my next bf. In last, I did

    2. During these long term relationships did you have side-relationships with other men, from time to time? Did the men? Only my first bf kissed another girl toward the end of our relationship. I had an emotional affair during my last relationship.

    3. You wrote about the current guy: “I admit I was losing interest at times, especially when my friends were saying he’s not a guy for me”- what did your friends say made him not the guy for you? Just that i can do better, I’m out of his league, it was supposed to be a casual fling

    4. You wrote about the current guy: “when I noticed he started being all ’emotional’ I felt like he’s not that interesting, too available, just another guy who feel for me”
    – what made the three men in your long term relationships not “just another guy who feel for me”? I guess I was attracted to them as well
    – was your father, when you were a child, a guy who did not feel for you? Or was it your mother? Neither, I had a loving childhood

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Julia.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Julia.

    Dear Julia:

    I thought your recent ex, the five year relationship guy is from your country of origin because you wrote in your first thread: “Right around the breakup time I met this other guy. Him and my ex same age.. and both are from the same country, however completely different people”-?





    they both are from the same country (not the country I’m from and not the country we all are living in right now), so I pointed it out.


    Dear Julia:

    I understand. I want to get focused here, so I ask: what is it that you need here from me and how specifically do you think I can help you?




    based on everything I told you about my situation with the most recent guy, who’s pulling away from me – do you think he has feelings for me? Do you think he was / is falling in love with me? If yes – what should I do to give us a chance?

    you said he was discouraging me from pursuing him as bf? Why do you think it is?

    Thank you for all your help.


    Dear Julia:

    He told you that he felt a better connection with a woman he saw twice, a better connection than he experienced with you. Unless he is a cold hearted manipulator, saying that so to stimulate you into chasing him, then I figure he wanted to hurt you, to discourage you from pursuing him.

    “do you think he has feelings for me?”- at this exact moment I don’t know. He did before, no doubt in my mind,  and at times he still does, this is why he wants to go on that trip with you. It is possible that he has feelings for another woman or other women when he spends time with them, I suspect he does.

    “Do you think he was/ is falling in love with me?”- yes, at times he was falling in love with you (had feelings for you as stated in the above paragraph), but again, he may have been falling in love with another woman or other women as well, at the same time. Reads to me that he is trying to create a.. mental organization in his brain, to place relationships in boxes- one box is a monogamous bf-gf relationship, another box is friends-with-benefits relationships. There may be other boxes,  a third box may be a one-time-hook up relationship box. He is just starting organizing this way, following his long term bf-gf relationship that ended last November. So he will probably spend more time organizing and .. getting it right.

    You are catching him at this point in his life amidst this organizing, so you don’t fit any one particular box yet, his apartment, so to speak, has boxes strewn about and he is in the process of moving.

    “what should I do to give us a chance?”- carrying on the analogy above, wait for him to move to a new place, to unpack the old boxes, organize his relationship-categories and then think if you want to be in the box he wants you in, so to speak.

    But I don’t think you want to wait or that you will wait. So, edit the question to: what should I do to give us a chance and I have to and will do something!?

    – continuing with the analogy, take him to a tour of your apartment, show him how you organize things, he may like it and figure out it is better for him to move to your apartment just the way it is, easier that way. Practically, it means, you don’t let him decide for you, you don’t wait for a confused person to determine your life, you show him your clarity, your confidence and he may be drawn to you. Everyone is drawn to confident people, especially those who are confused.

    But be honest with yourself and with him all through, be confident, directive, but not dishonestly manipulative.



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