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November 7, 2017 at 6:54 am #176813
BlockedToday I was prescribed anti-depressants by my doctor. I took it as a personal failure on my part, for I was essentially admitting that I could not cope and had basically failed as a human being. I experienced some weird form of grief at the death of my old self.
Another death I experienced was that of my spiritual side. I know that some sort of deity created this world. Unfortunately, going by all the available evidence, I cannot continue to believe that such a deity is benevolent in any way. For, were that to be the case, we should be able to leave Earth at the moment we become ‘enlightened’. As you can see around you, there are many such people still around. So we are trapped here, even though we may not like being here or actively hate being here. On realising oneself is trapped, one also realises that the inhabitants of the spiritual realm do not care about us or for us, except to observe with grim fascination our struggles and challenges, like TV hosts Ant and Dec chortling as a minor celebrity struggles against hordes of insects on a pointless game show.
‘Ah but, we are here to learn’, say some. ‘Learn what’? say I. I don’t seem to have learned much in everything I have gone through in life. I have no pearls of wisdom to offer the forum. I’m not sure what one can take from pointless suffering and struggling. This is a world skewed away from spirituality, not towards it, and most people now operate on a purely materialistic level. This is not indicative of a benevolent Creator who wants to be known and loved by his creatures, it is typical of a malevolent God who wishes to keep his creatures confused and angry and in the dark so that he may feed off the negative energy. The archetypal Lord Archon.
In a hostile environment such as Earth, one can do one of two things. 1. Go and live in splendid isolation and peace in a monastery, Buddhist or Christian, or 2. Abandon spirituality altogether, lest you wish to continually yo-yo between higher and lower vibrations. (crashing into lower vibrations to please others is not my idea of fun).
I am choosing the latter option. My spiritual phase is over. I am a materialist. My concerns are now only of this Earth.
Best wishes,
November 7, 2017 at 10:22 am #176853Peter
ParticipantA definition of the term ‘Spiritualty’: noun – the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. the shift in priorities allows us to embrace our spirituality in a more profound way”
Belief in or not believing in a deity is not necessary connected to one’s spirituality.
I think its important to remember that there are stages to faith and faith is not the something as belief. The examination of Deity and the concept of ‘The Good’ is one such stage
Reading through your post You seem to have equated your expectation of ‘the good’ and projected it onto a deity that is out there… somewhere in space and outside yourself. When you describe the deity he/she/it sounds like an alien being of some sort. If such an alien being existed we would in deed be screwed as we could be nothing by playthings to such a being and it would be highly unlikely that we would worship he/she/it showed up on earth one day.
I would challenge you to remove all associations you might have with words like God, Deity, Faith, Love, the Good… doing so you may discover the map, what you learned to think about such matters, is not the territory and that the journey will lead you in unexpected ways
November 8, 2017 at 8:01 am #177005DEAN SMITH
ParticipantHi…..I have been involved in the Hare Krishna movement around 8 years ago, to quite a committed level. I was really drawn to this spiritual utopia, where everything would be cool & groovy….everything would be provided for by a Higher level etc.,…& seeing all these people living wonderful, happy ,carefree lives, travelling the world without any sort of income. That is the life for me! Although it doesn’t work like that. The miseries of everyday life do not just disappear….in fact they seem to intensify because you are following this straight path. I was FAR more happier when I drank, smoked, ate meat, went fishing, etc.,….but I guess I am afraid to go back to all that, in case that lifestyle goes all wrong!! And for the record, all the wondrous things I was hoping for never happened!
November 10, 2017 at 5:50 am #177467Tannhauser
BlockedReading through your post You seem to have equated your expectation of ‘the good’ and projected it onto a deity that is out there… somewhere in space and outside yourself. When you describe the deity he/she/it sounds like an alien being of some sort. If such an alien being existed we would in deed be screwed as we could be nothing by playthings to such a being and it would be highly unlikely that we would worship he/she/it showed up on earth one day.
Then we are indeed screwed, because there are beings which exist ‘out there’. I am a plaything to them. I was never informed as to why they have ‘invaded’ my life, or for what reason, and I have little choice but to tolerate it or end up in a mental institution. Perception and reality are two different things. Basically, religion sanitised Pan and Dionysus; it took a force of nature, a free spirit, and put it into a box. Want to know why man is obsessed with sex? Because his Creator is obsessed with it too. This reality shattered my twee Victorian chocolate box perception of Heaven for ever. They are sex mad up there. They must indeed laugh at humans trying to be spiritual with their temples and self-appointed gurus. This is why my spiritual phase is over.
I was FAR more happier when I drank, smoked, ate meat, went fishing, etc.,…
I feel the same. I was happier in my younger days before I got involved with religion and spirituality. And really, that’s all that life is about. If you are happy and contented, then you have discovered the secret of life, you don’t need spirituality for that. Chasing after a god however, will only bring you bitterness, frustration, isolation, depression and mental exhaustion. I thought I was on a ‘spiritual path’, but it ultimately lead nowhere and my life seemed to get worse, not better. There was no ‘eureka’ moment.
Best wishes,
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November 10, 2017 at 12:05 pm #177603Peter
ParticipantI do relate to your suffering and disappointment with “spiritual” teachings. Still I re-challenge you to re-imagine your definition as to what spirituality means if only to let go of your anger.
I no longer equate spirituality with a ‘supernatural being out there’. If such beings exist there is little I can do about such matters and could not spiritually relate to them.
I agree that once one starts down the path of seeking god will lead to frustration and isolation. I to imagine a path where I might have been happier avoiding such a quest. This I now know. There is no going back. The questions will continue to haunt one until they push past them. You may not want to hear this but there is a lot of evidence that the disillusionment and frustration is part of the path of the seeker. It is during this time that the seeker confronts what they have been taught and their experiences. At this point some will reject it all while others learn to move past the words. Seeing past the words often means leaving the community which is painful but necessarily.
The problem with being a seeker is that we to often fail to notice when we found what we were looking for
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November 20, 2017 at 11:23 am #178739Tannhauser
BlockedWell I certainly do not equate the Bible with spirituality in any way, shape or form. I used to do so, but not anymore. It may surprise you to learn that I still attend church, but I only do this out of respect to my parents. Unfortunately, the Bible has an uncanny knack of getting under my skin to really irritate me, so I intend to ditch church in the New Year because I just can’t take the shit anymore. As you say, I am at the point of rejecting it all because I can’t get past the words. I heard the Parable of the Talents in church the other day. What a thoroughly appalling Bible passage that truly is. What a Capitalist’s dream it represents. It’s easy to see where the Victorians got their ideas of the ‘Undeserving Poor’ from. They got it from the supposed ‘saviour of the world’; Jesus Christ Himself. Of course, the Biblical Jesus is a completely fictional character designed to prop up man-made power structures. If we had listened to this ‘man of the establishment’ here in Britain, we would still have Thatcher’s hated Poll Tax. For me, the Bible has become toxic and something to avoid. I cannot equate it with spirituality (or indeed justice and fairness) in any way.
And then I think of my younger days before I got involved with religion. I was a MUCH happier person then. Looking back on my younger days is like viewing a world of happiness and colour.
Best wishes,
November 20, 2017 at 1:14 pm #178749Peter
ParticipantWe have a great deal in common. In my opinion the philosophical implication of the parable of the talents when taken literally are horrific. I can’t tell you the fear I felt as a child wondering if I was living up to my potential and hiding my ‘light’ and the punishment I would end up facing for my failures. And that was before ever questioning why one person would be given more talents then another.
Like you I attend church out of respect of my family. I no longer have the energy to ‘translate’ the teachings into spiritual language and separate the organisation from the goal.
I agree the words within the bible when viewed literally through the eyes of certainty strips spirituality from them. That can change when one reads religious tests as poetry and symbolic language but one must be open to symbolic language. Symbolic language can be difficult because it is necessary to let go of certainty and become comfortable with the idea of doubt.
Within the organisation of Church doubt is something to be feared and symbolic language a danger in undermining the organisation. Thus in my view that mar many spiritual growth – the reported goal of the organisation – means that there will come a time where one must leave the organisation.
I was taking to someone the other day who mentioned they had lost their faith yet continued to pray which seems a contradiction. She went on to talk about how she found a different spiritual path. I suspect that see never lost her faith but had lost her certainty in the words she was taught. Her experience forced her to acknowledge doubt and that it was in doubt that her world view opened and where could ‘see’ her faith – Faith as in what she leaned on when she didn’t know, when she doubted. Doubted G_d, doubted life, doubted herself.
I know asking such questions will not make you happier. Ignorance is bliss and often its better not to ask the questions. If, however you are like me, once a question has been asked, it can’t be unasked and so you will find yourself continuing to seek out your truths. Like you I was angry abut that, but that’s like being angry that my eyes are brown a waist of energy.
You might find the work of Joseph Campbell helpful. Maybe ‘Myths we live by’. His study of symbolic language and the stories/myth/religions may help you reconcile your experience and anger.
November 21, 2017 at 4:05 am #178881Tannhauser
BlockedThanks for your input,
I have arrived at the point in my life where I am happy to place the Biblical Jesus under the category of myth and fiction. I didn’t feel able to do this before, but I am now, because I have learned that there is no ‘saviour’. Instead, one must save oneself. I saw this through the prism of depression. I realised that this world is arranged to favour the strong, and that the weak will always fall by the wayside because that is the nature of things. Viewed in that context, Jesus’s Beatitudes can be seen for what they are: pure nonsense ungrounded in reality. So it is up to oneself to stay strong and learn to cope. No one is going to do that for you, not least a counterfeit saviour. This has been a hard lesson to learn, and I am still angry with myself for being so naive.
In the New Year I shall move on from Christianity. My parents won’t like it but I cannot go on living a lie.
Best wishes,
November 21, 2017 at 9:40 am #178931Peter
ParticipantI’m sorry to hear about your depression and hope you find a way to let go of the anger and disappointment your feeling.
My feeling is that as long as we continue to try to do better when we know better no lessons we learn from are wasted so no point beating ourselves up. Its all just part of path that got us to where we are.
Though I have also left the Church, doing so has allowed me to know that the reality of every breath we take is a birth, betrayal, death and resurrection. Not a something that happens once at the end of life (or after life) but is every moment. I often wonder if Christ call to follow him was a call to make that truth conscious and being conscious able to say Yes to Life as it is, the good and the bad, and know that that is ok even ‘good’. I found that when I can get there the tensions I feel about living by the rules, doing everything right, having the world work the way I want it to…. dissolves.
Anyway I wish you well and remember that religion and church are not the same as spiritually. Ending your connection to a church or creed does not end your connection to your spirit.
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
“If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” ― Joseph Campbell
November 28, 2017 at 7:50 am #179693Tannhauser
BlockedI say, ‘fuck all Gods’. They are all in it for themselves. We are nothing to them. We were never anything different. I don’t need to learn any lessons or follow paths. Everyone has a false impression of Jesus H Fucking Christ. He’s just like the rest of them, out for what THEY can get, fighting with each other whilst Earth goes to the dogs. We were nothing but a fucking experiment. I end my stint on the spiritual wheel of torment RIGHT now.
That quote of Campbell’s you used is utter bollocks. My life is fucked. My health is rapidly deteriorating, I have creeping osteoporosis and worsening bone pain, and I am about to face serious poverty in the year to come as Britain declares all out war on the sick and disabled. No fucking God or shitty spiritual path is going to spare me from that, so fuck them all. If you have got any sense you won’t waste your life on this shit.
Best wishes,
January 14, 2018 at 10:37 am #186599Hana
ParticipantIf the world is awful, oh how much more brightly our light could shine.
January 14, 2018 at 12:12 pm #186603Peter
Participantthe spiritual path, whatever that means, is not your path. that is a reasonable response to the life your experiencing.
I can understand the anger and disappointment in the life your experiencing but not the anger in the “gods” you don’t believe in and the path you have taken as yours. Its like shaking your fist at the empty air where the only person who experiences the anger is yourself.
January 15, 2018 at 2:04 pm #186867crystalmoon
ParticipantSo you want God to fix our all mistakes? You gonna do shit, have no responsibility for your own shit and expect Him to clean up your shit?? You want Him to come and take our suffering away, and because He is not doing it your way means He is no there? You want to punish God by turning away because he is not doing what you want. A little human being throwing tantrum. Look around, look at the universe how huge it is, we are smaller then a speck of dust and so arrogant. Only we are responsible for all the crap around. We have a choice to become a loving human being and do good, or become a hateful human being and do unkind. Do you grow in love or hate? Right now you expect external satisfaction and so it makes you mad, because external does not satisfy you, start radiating good outwards and stop expecting world to pamper you.
January 15, 2018 at 2:33 pm #186885crystalmoon
ParticipantFor, were that to be the case, we should be able to leave Earth at the moment we become ‘enlightened’. As you can see around you, there are many such people still around. So we are trapped here, even though we may not like being here or actively hate being here.
Not really, when you truly ‘enlightened’ you do not want to leave the Earth at your wish! And you do not dislike being here, if you have any of those wishes and dislikes you are not truly ‘enlightened’. When you awake there is only love, even the most terrible things do not blow over that love, you feel deep understanding and compassion and you radiate that powerful love wherever you go! There is pain and simultaneous forgiveness …. not even forgiveness there is nothing to forgive because you are not the victim anymore!
January 16, 2018 at 7:03 am #187001crystalmoon
Participantthe Point is that I only change myself, we all only change ourselves. You are in rage, and okay, that is your choice, that is what you are feeling now, you also have a choice to feel differently, but okay, who am I to tell you this I am also just a little human being, you obviously know everything already, so why even come here, do you want all of us to follow you? What’s your point here? Do we need to validate you? Let’s all scream and be angry, let’s destroy Earth even more?! Lest scream “fuck you” to each other? Feels good?
we both speak from life experience, we both having it hard, I had an experience of love which i did not even know existed, and it is there, except when you are under the deep mud it’s almost impossible to experience that love, so yeah, it can feel like it is not there. Just because you can not see beyond horizon of the ocean does not mean that it stops there.
I will stop here, you are mad at good and at bad, at kind and at strikt, nothing will work, only you can pull yourself out, and if you don’t want, well then have a great time in darkness.
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