Home→Forums→Tough Times→Negative feelings
- This topic has 11 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by
January 25, 2019 at 6:35 am #276777
ParticipantThis is my first post to the forum.
I am a 35 year old married man and have a baby now. I am usually a very ‘in my head’ kind of person meaning that I think a lot and speak very little. Things were (and still are) really good on family front as well as at my work if you see from superficial level. However, from the last one year or so, feelings of negativity have taken over me in all the things that I do. This is affecting my day to day activities, my work as well as my personal life. Some of the emotions that I am currently dealing with are as below –
- Extreme loss of self confidence (This has increased during the last 1 year or so)
- Inability to take any decision – A feeling of confusion and crippling due to the information and choices that are available
- High irritability – Day to day things such as commuting through traffic, Loud sounds, interaction with people around me causes irritation
- Short temper – Which I do not vent out, but keep within myself. I am very soft spoken by nature and therefore unable to vent out any of my feelings.
- Minimized attention span
- Constant feeling of anxiety
- Feeling of drowziness all the time. No drive to get up in the morning. Complete loss of motivation to do any kind of work.
I cannot attribute this negative feeling to any one thing as such and I know that I myself have to take efforts to come out of this pit. But when I am almost at the bottom of the pit, I do not know where to start. Anyone who has come out of the pit can share his or her experience about how they came out of it will be helpful. I think this forum should be a safe place to talk about things that I otherwise cannot do in any face to face conversation.
Thank you.
January 25, 2019 at 8:09 am #276841Anonymous
GuestDear nrk2208:
It reads to me that you found yourself trapped in the last year or so, a situation almost every person finds himself or herself in, trapped within a family, a work place, trapped within a role of husband, father, employee, consumer, commuter and so forth.
It is the complex society we live in. In nature, an unsatisfied animal can move elsewhere, no clothes to pack, house to sell, employment elsewhere to look for, family members to deal with, the animal just… walks away.
In human modern society, there are rules and laws to every step you make.
Even as a consumer, in primitive times, or just older times, there weren’t many choices, nowadays there are so many choices it is almost a full time job to just choose: what cereal to buy in the supermarket, what insurance policy to buy, and so forth.
Am I understanding your situation correctly, somewhat?
January 26, 2019 at 11:04 am #277051Inky
ParticipantHi nrk2208,
Yes, I agree. A few short years ago you were a young guy with few responsibilities, relatively care free.
Now with a baby, you are the first and last line of defense. In short, you are now a grown up.
Welcome to our ranks! Your first responsibility is, ironically, to your own health.
Go to a doctor and/or a councilor.
January 26, 2019 at 10:59 pm #277119GL
ParticipantYou know, people tend to forget this simple fact, but change is a constant of life. But it’s not very obvious until something hit you in the face that you’ve realized that thing(s) had changed, you just weren’t aware of it happening. Yet it still happen. From 10 to 20 to 30, life was never the same from then to now, it only seemed to suddenly change then reverted back to ‘everyday’. Rather the illusion of ‘everyday’ is only disrupted by the changing date. Even then, it is merely the perception of the date changing and not the people.
So what’s changed? What used to work that’s not working now?
Look over your life from a few years back. What have you been doing that is similar from one day to the next when suddenly something had changed? Yet when had the change suddenly reverted back to ‘everyday’? Then examined your feelings. How are you different from the you a year, two years, three years ago to the current you? What are your feelings about your current life compare to the past? What is different? What is good and bad? What are your current thoughts as compare to the past? What used to make you happy yet is now a neutral feeling? What used to make you feel bad yet there is a curiosity to explore that?
Who are you?
Or it might be that there is something in the past that is coming back in a new form. Form like self, -worth, -esteem, -confidence, -respect is something that people have to learn to build for themselves over and over again. Why? Because life is never a linear sequence but a chaotic web. People can never see the end of the road until it is the end; the line you’ve chosen to walk on the web is ever connected to other lines so there will always be some kind of tangle and knot in the line. Maybe you’ve decided to turned left or right at some points that you’ve walked a different road then you intended before. And maybe you’ve come back to the same knot on that new road you’ve chosen.
Just because you’ve released a past that was painful does not mean that you won’t encountered a new problem on a new stage, but old pattern of past hurt. So your integrity and identity is now under the microscope, yet your fragile heart might not be able to hold together under the new circumstances and you grow stagnate. You slow down and life starts to feel like a constant battle to just autopilot from day to day. Then it start building on each other to the point you don’t know what happened until you’ve seemingly fallen into a pit. So to build the proverbial ladder, you’ll have to ask a lot of questions and be patient. You’ll have to face what is your neglected child, your voice/intuition/heart at its most basic. That child will try to tell you what is it that you’re neglecting to be honest about, whether it’s about yourself or your situation in life. Or it’ll help you identify what is is you’re missing at the current moment.
If these introspection into your psyche is new, it would be best to employ the assistance of someone who has experience in helping people identify their current self, the good and bad. But make no mistake, this is not about fixing your emotions. It is about acknowledging and validating your emotions and the thoughts that comes with those emotions. Regardless of how depressing these emotions are, if you didn’t have them, would you have the opportunity to understand its counterpart? Of course, getting to know yourself emotionally is never an easy thing to do, but as an mammal that has the habit of reflecting on their emotions, it is something that is all too natural to do.
Good luck.
January 27, 2019 at 5:26 am #277139nrk2208
ParticipantThank you for your replies anita, Inky and GL.
Dear anita,
I think your understanding about my problem is very close. The feeling of being trapped is getting to me.
Further, to makes matter worse, there seems to be constant bombardment of information about how a certain type of person should behave and what he is expected to do. Such information can come in form of advertisements, social media, peers anywhere. So on subconscious level I start to compare my current life with what is portrayed in all these information media. And when it doesnt match up, then I again get down with negativity.
I did try doing a course on meditation. It seemed to help for some time. But the particular technique needs 40mins of daily focussed effort. This is a deterrent and I quickly lost motivation to carry on with it and then spiralled down to negativity again.
Also now a days I have begun to feel as if all my actions (or many a times my inactions) are causing trouble to the people closest to me. And then I again get into confusion as to what needs to be done.
I can’t fully articulate my feelings in words, but I am doing the best I can. If this forum guides me in some direction then it will be a good thing to have opened up here.
January 27, 2019 at 6:23 am #277147Anonymous
GuestDear nrk2208:
Regarding 40 minute meditation, this is a very long time requirement. There are very short guided meditations available online, theme: mindfulness, a few minutes in duration and effective.
You wrote earlier that you “think a lot and speak very little”. Things appear good on the family front and on the work front “from superficial level”.
Advertisement, social media, peers keep sending messages about how a man in your circumstances in life (being 35, husband, father, and so forth) should behave and do. You compare your behavior and accomplishments to that should-messages and it makes you feel that you don’t fit the messages, that you fail expectations. You feel that you don’t only fail society’s expectations but that you are hurting the people closest to you (wife and baby? Others?)
You are worried that your actions are wrong or inadequate and are hurting others, and that there are actions you are not taking, and that inaction is hurting others.
Back to what you wrote earlier, that you “think a lot and speak very little” and that on the superficial level your family life appears good. I ask the following because I need to understand better and for the two of us to explore the matter further:
What is the status on your communication with your wife- maybe you need to talk more to her and with her, share with her what you think and feel. I wonder if you tried and gave up on it, or if you never tried?
(Working with a wife as a team, helping each other, is most important for the well being of the husband, as well as the wife, it makes for a deep connection, not a superficial one).
January 30, 2019 at 9:48 am #277757nrk2208
ParticipantDear anita,
To tell you more about myself, I am a very unemotional person – meaning I do not feel any emotional attachment to anyone. Not even towards my family (parents, wife, baby). And I also cannot pretend to be an emotional person.
One good thing about this is that my wife understands this and we talk about it. About my current state of mind, I speak to her on and off, but we both have realized that after the arrival of our baby, our connection to each other has further weakened. (As it is we were not deeply connected, but we used to have a dialogue quite frequently, but now there is almost no dialogue). Its as if we are on different planes.
Further, managing day to day work pressure and attending to family is feeling like a burden. It feels as if I am buckling under pressure and there’s no way out.
In all this chaos, I have observed that babies do have a sixth sense. I think that since I am in an agitated mindset, my baby also gets agitated when I hold her, and does not want to be with me. I can barely manage her when mom is not around. My wife always tells me to build a good rapport with our child. I try it in my own way, but due to lack of emotion, I may be failing in this front.
I can go on but maybe this can give you some insight into my state of mind.
Thanks for being patient with me.
January 30, 2019 at 11:43 am #277775Anonymous
GuestDear nrk2208:
You are welcome. I believe I understand better.
You wrote: “I am a very unemotional person”- this means to me that you were born an emotional person, just like any other baby, that you were emotional as a young child but that over time, as a result of early life experiences, you have become unemotional, that is, you disassociated from your emotions. Some disassociation happens with every adult, this is why adults don’t act as joyfully and impulsively like children, at least not most of the time.
Some of us disassociate more than others to the point where it becomes a big problem, a problem because we are animals after all, and in the course of evolution we were emotional before we were logical. Like other animals we know what to do because of emotions: hunger-> looking for food, fear-> running away, anger->fighting, and so on.
When a human animal disassociates from his/ her emotions, trying to be strictly logical, like a robot or a computer, we get confused (“Inability to take any decision- A feeling of confusion”)- because as hard as we try, we are still animals, we still need our emotions to direct us, to make it possible for us to choose. We become more sensitive to media messages about what we should do when we are lacking the internal compass that tells us what to do, aka emotions.
In addition, without feeling emotional attachment to your wife and child, without the emotions of love and joy, you are not experiencing the benefits of your hard work as a family man, it is all work and no play, no joy, and so, life is a burden.
To top the ineffectiveness of significant or severe emotional disassociation, when we don’t experience our emotions, it is not calm that fills in the emotional void, it is anxiety and distress.
What do you think of my understanding at this point?
January 31, 2019 at 5:56 am #277841nrk2208
ParticipantDear anita,
Your understanding seems spot on based on what I have shared with you. Another side effect of this negativity that I feel is that on one side I want to get out of it, but on other side my mind (at a deep subconscious level) is so much accustomed to the feeling of negativity that I think it enjoys being in negativity and finding some or the other excuse of being in that mode.
This negativity is so much all engulfing that even in situations that are very positive to normal people, I try to find problems and begin ‘petting’ the problem.
I know that bad habits are easy to learn but very difficult to get rid of. In contrast, good habits take time to inculcate and maintain. I sincerely feel the need to get out of the negativity, but due to lack of proper guidance, I manage to fall back to my bad habits.
I know that it is only me who has to pull myself out of the pit, but if there is someone (a guru) who can show me a path and pushes me mentally into positivity, I believe I can make it.
January 31, 2019 at 7:55 am #277863Anonymous
GuestDear nrk2208:
It is difficult to change mental habits because they are already set in place. It takes conscious effort, paying attention on an ongoing basis, to change a habit. It is like tying your shoes, once you are in the habit of tying your shoes in a particular way, you do so inattentively, not paying attention, and you do it well. If you want to tie your shoes in a different way, you can’t do it automatically, you have to pay attention to every moment of tying your shoes.
If you want, specify one particular mental habit that you have and we can talk about an alternative habit to replace it, and how to go about it.
February 8, 2019 at 6:59 am #279311nrk2208
ParticipantDear anita,
Thank you for your reply and for being patient with me.
When you asked the question about a particular mental habit that I need to change, it got me thinking. It is difficult to pin point a particular habit. I guess the more appropriate thing to do may be to re-program my subconscious mind for thinking positively.
I am able to make out that the constant feelings of negativity, anxiety, stress and what not are taking a toll on my productivity and also physical health.
To add to this, both my parents are also not positive thinkers. And this has been the case all throughout my childhood. So I don’t have someone to look up to in my house. In fact now a days I end up giving them suggestions about taking things positively. This is quite energy draining at times.
My wife is quite optimistic, but she alone is not enough to take all of us out of the negativity. And she already has her hands full in managing her work and tending to our baby.
Last week was a bit better as I had a mood swing and I came to a non-negative state. I am saying non-negative because it indeed feels like that. During this phase I tend to have some thoughts other than negative ones, but not highly positive ones.
So there is some kind of cyclic pattern that is going on. Previously before my current downfall, the cyclic nature was there but it was more inclined towards positivity. But of late it has inclined towards negativity.
I hope you can understand my situation. What I am looking forward to is some method or technique that someone has used successfully to get out of such a situation. I am very sure that what I am experiencing is only in my mind. If someone or something can drive the negativity out, it will be of great help.
February 8, 2019 at 8:14 am #279321Anonymous
GuestDear nrk2208:
You are welcome. What you are after is not an easy aim to achieve. If I am to be of any help to you in your aim, it will take back and forth communication, time and patience.
You wrote: “both my parents are also not positive thinkers. And this has been the case all throughout my childhood… In fact now a days I end up giving them suggestions about taking things positively. This is quite energy draining at times”-
-to understand better I ask: as a child and a teenager, do you remember then trying to help your parents feel better, turn their frown (negative thinking and feeling) into a smile (positive thinking and feeling)?
Do you remember how you did it then, how you tried?