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    Eight months ago, I posted that I was depressed because of the breakup I had.. this forum helped me a lot. A big thanks especially to Anita <3

    Overview: He was my workmate. He had a long time girlfriend for 6 years. He broke up with the girl because of me. yes, I was the “third party”. We dated for only 6 months. but then, I resigned from my work and went home. But before I went home, he broke up with me because he doesn’t like LDR. it turns out he went back to his ex-girlfriend. That time, I was completely shattered. I was depressed that I could not move, sleep or eat. But then..

    Later on, I could say I was able to move on from that heartbreak. I focused myself into fitness, developing myself, concentrating in my career, etc. I was doing fine. I was happy. I was able to established a new life

    Then… someone came into  my life. again.

    The same scenario. He was my workmate. He keep on asking me out. So, we went on for several dates. Then, somebody told me that he had a girlfriend in other country. I was so shock. I immediately ask him. He even denied for several times but eventually told me that it was true. i felt like “deja vu”

    Me, the other woman, again…

    I tried to escape, but i fell for him already. too late.

    Now, I feel nothing. totally blank. I know what I am supposed to do. Every single day, I feel numb.

    Please help me. I need help. Thank you.


    Dear Veronica:

    You are welcome. Glad you are back although wish it was not because of this deja vu situation, as you call it. You wrote: “I tried to escape, but I fell for him already. Too late-

    You fell, you wrote, as no longer standing, not in the elevation required to walk, or run; that is, being passive, paralyzed, powerless, helpless… a victim of circumstances, dependent on the mercy of those standing.

    Is it so, for you?

    And if so, as I understand it to be, at the time of you posting the above, does it have to be so?

    Can the person lying down, after a fall, get up? Or once you fall (in love, or otherwise), must you remain in the reclined position, being at the mercy of the one standing, the man for whom you fell?


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