
Oh! Life you are complicated.

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    Hi Anita,

    Thank you for the poem. It really touched my heart.

    I find the kind words coming from others really inspiring and warming. But the same words I say it to myself seems meaningless. I find this amazing. I believe this is one of the reasons we should be kind to each other.

    I visit this page frequently and I love the dedication you put into reading and communicating with others. Thank you for this.


    Dear anonymous:

    Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m really glad the poem touched your heart.

    It’s interesting how words can have such a different impact depending on their source. When they come from others, they often feel more genuine and inspiring. It’s a reminder of the power of kindness and the importance of supporting each other.

    I’m grateful that you find value in the dedication I put into this page. Your appreciation means a lot to me. I’m here to read, communicate, and support in any way I can.

    Take your time with the journey of self-compassion. With practice, you will become kinder and kinder to yourself. Kindness to yourself begins with allowing yourself to feel and express your emotions without judgment, accepting that it’s okay to have difficult emotions and understanding that every emotion carries a valid message in regard to what you need for your mental- emotional health.

    Every emotion- while not needing to be acted upon impulsively or thoughtlessly- needs its rightful space within you, space to comfortably breathe, so to speak.

    Looking forward to more meaningful exchanges with you!



    Hi Anita,

    Since yesterday the waves have again started to emerge. Started with anxiety and then moved to fear. It stayed there for couple of hours. These experiences make me question why human beings have to go through these emotions. What purpose it serves? Do they have some hidden meaning, which we need to unearth? But the at the peak of these emotions all I can think about is the doom. Then, a counter balance comes, out of nowhere, which makes me accept the emotions rather than fighting. This rollercoaster ride is tough and exhausting.

    Just wanted to pour my feelings.

    thank you

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