
Owning up to your life – the guilt, the blame.

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    Hello community,

    The past year has been a new one for me, in many ways. I finally got off all the terrible, poorly prescribed medication of anti-depressants that I had been using as a crutch for the past 10 years. I was in a job where I was miserable, and I finally gathered the courage to quit it last year. I also found a fantastic therapist who helped take me off the meds and has shown me the courage to take a raw, full-frontal look at myself and my life. I’m talking about looking at experiences all through childhood, till now. At the same time, I discovered the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, J Krishnamurti, I experienced a little bit of the peace that comes with stillness and so on. I’m not immersed into a very spiritual life; I only discovered some tools that helped me calm my mind.

    4 days ago, my therapist introduced me to the concept of taking ownership for your life. To take ownership, take responsibility for yourself, to not be a victim of circumstance; to assume responsibility and to drive your life in the direction you want to head. I’ve been mulling over this concept for the last 3-4 days. It is a powerful one indeed – the idea that I and I alone am the FULL OWNER of my own life – it’s scary and exhilarating at the same time. For the last 10-15 years, I was trapped in cycles of self-pity, waiting for external acknowledgement, looking for direction from the outside. The idea of OWNERSHIP negates these patterns – it is directly opposite to self-pity and the blame game.

    But taking ownership has also made me realise that everything that has happened in my life, I have done to myself, unconsciously or consciously. I feel like I’ve pushed myself into a corner, all by my own doing, without building the skills needed to get me out of the corner. I should have done MANY MANY MANY things differently in my past – I should have accepted myself, understood myself, chosen different friends, reached out to people more, I should have been brave, not tough. But I didn’t.

    So today, I find myself feeling emotionally cut-off from others, emotionally stranded. I feel I lack the ability to understand other people – I know I am more reactive usually, and I evaluate and judge people on how they behave, rather than trying to understand who they are. Till now, I have only been able to see things from the outside and react.

    I find myself alone. And I feel like I’ve brought this upon myself. I’ve messed my own life up, by my own hand.

    And I don’t know what to do next.

    I’ve had enough of looking back. Enough of recognizing my flaws, my unhealthy patterns, my errors in judgement, my failures.

    But I don’t know how to move forward. I feel like I don’t have the coping mechanisms and the emotional balance yet, to allow me to live a healthy and stable life. I’m also at an age where everyone in my immediate close circle is now married or getting to the altar – so their lives have gone down another road. And that adds to the feeling of being alone.

    I feel like I don’t have any strong convictions of my own. Any of my own deep-rooted beliefs. I have not yet discovered my own values. I’ve always borrowed a little bit from here and there and tried to put together a picture of myself. But I find I can’t do that anymore.

    I’m very good at keeping people at arm’s length. I don’t know how to build friendships without first comparing, analysing, evaluating what I can bring to teh table and what the other person can. I’m fully aware of just how transactional that sounds – in honesty, it’s not in a mercenary way, just an in-built pattern that I am now kicking out. I rely on other people’s assessment of my and my skills, to give me a picture of myself. I need other people to like me, for me to feel like I’m doing alright.

    I feel like a shadow, trying to become a solid.

    And I don’t like myself very much. I feel poor, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

    And I’m tired of trying. Tired of trying to stay positive, tired of readjusting my mental patterns every time I think I’m falling down a hole, tired of trying to be better, more cheerful, more spiritual, better adjusted. I feel like a student who has been given a whole new set of tools and has to figure out how to use them and every failure of mine to use these tools is frustrating me and tiring me out even more.

    How can I claim ownership without beating myself up? And how can I stop feeling poor?

    I’m confused and exhausted at being confused.

    Thank you for taking time out to read this. Lots of love and light for you.


    The easy part is reading and understanding all those things we’re “supposed” to be doing. The hardest thing is putting it into actual practice. But I think practice is the key word. A person doesn’t become proficient at playing a musical instrument or become a sports star or anything else without practice and repetition. Why should taking care of these non-tangible things be any different?

    One of the big things don Miguel Ruiz talks about in The Four Agreements is the simplist concept, but the hardest to achieve (in my mind). That is his fourth agreement– do you best. How hard is it to accept that what you do right now at this moment is the best you can do right now? Some days your best will be pretty darn good and you will thrive. Some days you will struggle. The idea is to understand that the days you struggle are the same as the days you thrive. In both cases, you do your best.

    So today, try and claim that ownership of your life that you’re looking for. Maybe you’ll do a good job of it today. Or maybe you won’t. Just do your best. Good luck.



    I’m sorry for your suffering, and can understand why your current dance might feel a little isolating. You come across as a little top heavy, or a lot of awareness of mind, but more trouble with feelings. Said differently, transactional interpretations make sense, in that the hunter inside us goes looking into the prairie for game, traps, favorable positions and so forth. Hunt, connect, digest, move on. But something seems missing, something is lacking that leaves a thirst. A few things came to heart as I read your words.

    Before we look at that, we have to approach your feeling of shame. Consider that you’re an ignorant bumpkis, a little baby fumbling and stumbling along. Just like the rest of us. We are born a nearly blank slate, save a few instincts and genetic code, but the rest we learn from our parents, teachers and peers. So, what you know, what you’ve done, who you’ve been… all part of your development, your learning. Much like a child calls the letter “A” by many names until they learn, we stumble around until we heal from our past and learn to grow something different. Your shame, your guilt doesn’t fit. It fits in the sense that it provides information, breaking attachments and whatnot, but they aren’t a needed component of learning. There is no reason to feel ashamed of your choices, dear friend, we all make a ton of errors.

    As we become more aware of ourselves, we see more clearly how screwed up we are. One teacher said that beginning meditators often discover how truly unkempt their mind is, and say “I was never this crazy before!”… but its just the veil thins, and we can see more clearly what’s there. Emotionally, this is true too. These feelings of guilt and whatnot have been there, covered by the hunting, seeking, deciding, sorting. As you slow down that cycle, the painfulness in the bad choices kind of springs up, pokes its head out.

    When the mind and heart are open and strong, these come in as painful, but leave as information. For instance, that one kid you beat up when you were in third grade… when you remember it now, it feels painful, as though you screwed up. If you, as a man, beat up a third grader, that would be a pretty big error. But you wouldn’t do that now, because you learned, grew away from that moment, evolved. The guilt ties into disbelief, as ” how could I have done that?!?” This is where the kid comes in. How could you know the letter “A” before you learned it? Mom or dad standing over you, being critical for you not knowing “A” yet, or adult TheAwakening standing over the child TheAwakening being critical for all the flubs and flubber in your previous moments. Garbage, unneeded. What you can do instead is grow a kind disposition for yourself… past, present and future.

    Consider, you’re a good person or you wouldn’t be on this path. Your heart is what is pushing for all the growth, to figure out how to, and then grow, a loving garden inside. Said differently, the restlessness inside your body is pushing you to unravel this shit because it wants to be free, warm, connected, peaceful. Looking back into the past is a mixed blessing, because the body recoils from the painfulness “how could you do that to us?” and feels afflictive emotions. Its like a reminder… “Hot stove hurts”, “Not knowing “A” hurts”, “punching my friend hurts”. And so forth. If you’ve learned not to do that, there’s no need to dwell, no cause except habit.

    To know the difference between cycling just because, and cycling for a lesson is a matter of creating a better space inside. Said differently, knowing what to examine and what to let go of requires inner stability. This grows when we set down the spears, the spyglass, the hunt… and sit, relax, open up, be peaceful. Perhaps get in a bathtub with candles, go for a walk in nature, listen to soft music… whatever it is that helps your body and mind relax, unwind, let go. Not “sit and contemplate who I am and what I’ve done”, rather “sit and let it all just be, just rest”.

    My favorite is metta meditation. Consider searching YouTube for ” Sharon Salzburg guided metta meditation” if interested. Metta is the feeling of kind friendship in the chest, and as we cultivate that feeling, the mind becomes peaceful, smooth, open. Like a well cleared field that has space for growth, a peaceful mind makes things a lot easier on us. Not only are we able to rest with a curious puzzle such as “hmmm, not many friends, what is that about?” and see it from many angles, walk around the pattern, the phenomena with ease, with stability and so forth… but we also become free to just give, because we rest with an internal bounty that erodes any personal need. So, we’re free to share and dance without worrying that the transaction will be imbalanced, because we can sit, alone, and refuel to our heart’s content. They dont have to give back, because we remain nourished by our own friendliness, our own loving and kind intentions. This keeps our body and mind in balance, less dependent on favorable external conditions, and helps us not get so swept up into the mind that we overlook the beauty all around us.

    Then, clouds pass, the sun comes out, and we wonder why it took us so long to find our happiness. A metta practice, even once a day for a week, may provide very tangible differences in what you’re seeing. Instead of “what can we exchange here”, it becomes “what can i give here”, and the exchange part takes care of itself. Kindness and space out, kindness and space in.

    Namaste, friend, may your dance flow toward a balance of mind and heart. The rest works itself out. 🙂

    With warmth,


    you say you arent on a side spiritual path. What do you think it means to be spiritual?
    It sounds like you are. Your desires to overcome says alot.


    I echo Jeff’s sentiment. The very first thing that came to mind was: “recommend The Four Agreements.” That book changed my life.

    I too have been on a spiritual journey, virtually all of my life. The first 20 years were filled with high volumes of trauma, somewhere in the middle there was a break for happiness and then more trauma. The point in sharing that is to say that you are not alone. Recovery CAN and DOES happen. When you said: “I don’t have the coping mechanisms and the emotional balance yet” – to me, that statement points to exactly where to center the practice, shift your focus, bring your energy..

    Making the choice to step on the path IS the hardest part. Practice requires that you be patient with yourself – Loving to your self. Think about what you need in the difficult moments.. a warm blanket? fresh air? silence? social encounters? Gift your self what you need when you need it – you are already on your way. Stay the course ahead – you will never regret it.


    We dont really have a choice to step on the path.

    GOd calls us, it is HIs choice.


    Thanks everyone.

    Hi Louise

    Pls dont propagate such a message. Everyone on this planet is equal in the eyes of the super power (God in your case). God doesnt discriminate. We humans do. Everyone can start on the spiritual path whenever they wish to. Did you wait for your parents to show you how to walk as an infant or did you start making attempts yourself while your parents watched over and guided you on the path ?


    Hi Awakening

    My experience tells me that we are 100 % responsible for everything that happens in our lives and we can use this wisdom for our greater good. Watch your thoughts as they are the one causing all the issues. Dissolve all the limiting belief systems and cultivate a new belief system that you are amazing, powerful, beautiful, awesome, successful and you have the midas touch. Life will unfold beautifully for you. Have faith. If you are interested in knowing how belief systems belittle us, you can read my other posts in other forum.

    Sending you heaps of positive energy. You are worth it and I know that 🙂




    ANYONE CAN DECIDE.TO TAKE Math, but, not all become mathematicians.
    When we enter on our own to learn and study about religion we just become
    how did the budda find it if not from within. He didnt find it by reading about it.


    Hi Louise.

    My apologies for bringing out the caps in your post. Pls believe in whatever you wish to believe in as long as it makes you happy. Its all good :). I have a humble request – pls dont confuse spirituality with religion like many do.



    IF everything is alright, why do you have so many “don’ts?
    By the way God does judge. He has even closed minds and deafened many.

    I dont confuse religion with spiritually.but it can lead to the Holy SPirit, if one is ready snd not brainwashed.

    PS, watch those don’ts, sounds religious, Lol
    good night,


    Embers Pearl

    Louise you seem very angry in many of your posts.


    I am never angry.

    Harry TRuman once said, “I tell them the truth and they think IGave them hell”




    Why do you need to pamper yourself when the going gets rough.
    ehy not allow the suffering to go all the way to Gods comfort?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by louise. Reason: typo
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by louise.

    THeAwakening, I wanted to private message you but I cant figure out how to do that (or its not possible). I wanted to tell you that I havent seen a post anywhere that also described me to a T until now. I feel you. I have read this thread several times now trying to internalize all the useful responses. Thank you for posting questions I couldnt put into words.


    Matt, I find your responses absolutely amazing in all the posts Ive seen you in so far. Keep up the good work. We all appreciate an expert. (Im not sure who you are, but your grasp of these concepts is amazing).

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