
Pls i beg, anyone help me with this every year issue of mine

HomeForumsTough TimesPls i beg, anyone help me with this every year issue of mine

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  • This topic has 126 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #415405

    Dear helcat,

    So yesterday’s valentine dinner went well…


    Regarding the gifts – this is another case where your opinion matters more than mine. What you believe will provide relief.

    Do you think you made a good choice with the gifts? It’s okay to brag a little here 😉 Perhaps this is something else to add to the list of what makes you a good boyfriend?

    = On yesterday’s valentine, the gifts went well i put on the bracelet for her and she recorded when i put on for her…. She’s very happy with the bracelet…

    But there is a wrong thing that i did, i gave her a handbag and i guess it was too much as only the bracelet is enough…. I was too insecure and not confident that’s why i gave 2 gifts…. Her reaction for the handbag was shocked as maybe she doesnt expect it and because it was a luxury handbag and maybe she thought i was doing too much for her….

    I regret giving her the handbag yesterday, i shouldve give her on her birthday this year…. Because if i keep giving her gifts, she might think that i’ll “always” give her….. cause that’s human nature right? I dont want to spoil her with gifts…. I just gave her a luxury handbag, and idk if i still can give her something non luxury as a gift as it’d be “downgrade” isnt it?




    I’m glad that being with your girlfriend has been a healing experience for you and you’re enjoying spending time with her in your city. I hope that getting to know someone who is kind and treats you well encourages you to meet more people who are also kind. That way you can build up a strong network of good friends.

    Whilst you do have worries I notice that you are making good decisions for yourself. It’s great to see your confidence building. You are always welcome! 😊

    = yes i’m happy that i can make my own decisions, but still i expect yesterday would have no regrets as i make the perfect decision…. But turns out i was wrong on giving the handbag….



    Also for the social media, yesterday i posted about our relationship…. And till now idk if it’s the right decision…. As yesterday i feel so worried that i have difficulties sleeping because of it….. Many people reacted to my post, they are shocked that im in a relationship now, and most of them gave a congratulations to me…. Idk how i should feel, all this time i didnt expose our relationship, and it felt so calm (idk if people understand what i meant here) as there is no people commenting and people dont know that me and her know each other… it’s like before i posted it feels like a village that is very calm and peaceful, now that i’ve posted it feels like a big city that is very crowded of people commenting about everything in the city….

    And also i have trust issues, i dont trust when people congratulate me…. But as a formality i replied them with a thank you….

    Also a lot of people that interacted with her know about me now…. And they could comment a lot about me…. With my weaknesses and appearance, there are lots of negative things that they can comment about me….
    I even told her before i expose our relationship, cause now that a lot of people will know about our relationship… i dont want our relationship to get affected by other people because it’s our relationship….

    It’s like i want our relationship to be safe, that’s why i want to keep protecting it…..

    I’m really stressed now as i have difficulty sleeping yesterday, and also woke up few times because of overthinking…..




    What do u think of my explanation in these thread? Do u have any opinions? U can give ur personal opinion too….


    The above posts was waiting for moderation yesterday…. So it came out late…


    In your personal opinion, do u think i made a “fatal” mistake by posting on social media?

    Also there’s another thing i’d like to discuss, this is one of the trigger of my anxiety….


    I keep getting worried now that i’ve exposed our relationship on social media…. People who follows my social media have saw her appearance…. And i’m afraid lots of boys get attracted to her….. and could have thoughts that if this girl is single again they might want to chase her…. This is also one of my fears why i keep hesitating to post on social media, and also why i dont trust people….

    It’s like this girl’s existence is hidden and people doesnt know, and i exposed it….. isnt it creating more problems….. All the safety i’ve been doing for the relationship might go to waste…..

    It’s already too late for me to regret as i’ve already post it, i’m really really stressed right now….
    The most painful anxiety is when i woke up, like i woke up in a worrying and regret state of mind…..


    I apologize for spamming posts


    So i just realized the post that i post on social media, i look short in that pic…. I cant believe it….. I try my very best to prepare everything but always end up making mistake on the crucial part…. At that time i was too focus on wanna show my happy moments that i dont realize i look short there….

    I really wanna scream as im too tired for all this…. Why is all this obstacles so hard on me….
    I feel like i wanna go and escape everything….


    Hi Eric

    I’m sorry today has been a unique day for me. I can’t really be here for you today as much as I’d like to be. I might have some time later tonight to write back to you properly. Otherwise, it’ll be tomorrow.

    I know that it’s really tough for you at the moment and I’m sorry.

    You don’t deserve the pain that you are experiencing right now. I would encourage you to use any self-soothing skills that you’ve amassed.

    Take it a little bit of time at a time. Do your best to distract yourself and get through these difficult moments. You have been so brave posting those pictures. It will require you to be brave a while longer. But you are strong even though you might not feel it right now. You’ve had painful experiences before and you’ve gotten through them.


    I’m sorry Eric. I’m leaving this forum permanently. Good luck with everything.


    Do you use imgur at all? My account is called usernamealgorithm.


    Nope, what’s an imgur?


    Dear helcat,

    I’d really like to continue our conversation, as im really in need of help here… 🙏


    Hi Eric

    Always happy to talk to you!

    It’s a website that is an offshoot of reddit. Hosts images and videos. Lots of memes. There’s a chat function, you would just need to create an account and verify your email address.


    Hi helcat, i think i’ve added you on imgur….

    But isnt it weird if we talk in a chat room instead of posts like this?


    It’s not a chat room. It’s got a private chat function but live as opposed to email.

    What’s your account name and I’ll message you?



    My account name is IAmEric21


    I sent you a message. I also have an email if you prefer. tbthrowaway64@gmail.com


    Why cant i saw the messages?

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