
Question Are we born with a Purpose or do we create our own?

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    Julianna Frisk

    I believe that everyone is born with a blueprint and a purpose. Some just have to open their eyes and look within. Your purpose is the reason you came into this world. It is your divine calling and your life’s work. It is your reason for being here and the intention for your existence. Your purpose is unique to you and it must be something that you’re born with, not something that you can create or imagine in your mind. Your purpose exists in another dimension and it manifests in our reality through your thoughts and actions. Maybe some will disagree with me, but that’s my perception..


    Are we born with purpose or do we create it?

    Perhaps its a false choice as it is dependent on how one relates and or defines the notion of purpose.
    Is it viewed with perspective of observing ones life from the outside and or from within? Is it within the scope of ‘all time’ and or a moment of time? Is it a objective and or subjective experience? It it a something we measure and or others measure? Should it be measured at all?

    It is said all things happen for a reason. Some associate that statement with purpose and fate. We assume the saying means something but does it?  We can’t create something from nothing so yes their was a moment that came before this moment and influenced it. Is that what we mean when we say things happen for a reason?

    Ego Conciseness is linear, cause and effect but Life isn’t, In life everything is connected. It is only in measurement that things are separated. But measurement is man defined and doesn’t exist in Life. It is only in hindsight, in memory, (karma) that we  string together events and say look thier is a reason, and look here, here is meaning. Of all the information that exits in a moment of time, however we measure that, we base our findings on very little.


    So I have had cat least careers plus partnership and motherhood. All these feel like outer purposes, wonderful ones. This still doesn’t feel like Purpose in the huge or cosmic sense of the world. I struggle with the idea of purpose that is assigned to me. Is it a great flaw that I don’t know my purpose? Does my life have innate meaning or d I have to totally make that up?
    I do think we have inner purpose and I can see that it feels right that it is to deepen and spread love universally and confront the thoughts and biases where my ego is in the way of seeing someones humanity clearly, as a face of (g)God.
    All that said, I wonder if what I am is the unique space where the experiences/ learning I have are occurring, perhaps collecting to add to the collective consciousness. I know when I die my physicality, chemistry, history will dissolve but perhaps I will have some awareness of the universal consciousness we all live in.


    I found this very helpful. Your right that measurement is what reduces things to linear reduced vision and causes separation rather than the interconnection of life. Thanks


    Hi Patricia

    I don’t think it is a flaw. You are clearly a good person, caring and spiritual.

    I think that when your life is so full with a partner, a career and children it is hard to find time for yourself. It is easy to lose a sense of self under all of the responsibilities. Do you have time to do the things that you love anymore or do you prioritise the things that immediately need your attention?

    I do believe that all life has innate meaning. Consider your children, they didn’t have to do anything for you to love them except exist. You matter just as much as they do. ❤️

    What do you think?

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