
Sensitive Over thinker

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    Hey everyone,

    I hope you are doing great.

    I have recently fully realized that I am a sensitive over thinker. Especially last one year I have been over thinking a lot. I am really sensitive these days too which is driving me a bit crazy. It is effecting relationship with my friends. What suggestions will you give me to overcome this or maybe subdue it a bit?

    Thanks in advance


    Dear CarpeDiem:

    My advice is to better your life circumstances best you can, so that you feel safe enough, in control enough, comfortable enough, work wise, socially, where you live.. all that. And incorporate a daily routine to manage anxiety, such as taking a walk or two per day and such. With friends: share honestly with them but do not overwhelm them, practice moderation there, as well as in other areas of your life.



    Hi CarpeDiem,

    Can you elaborate a bit more. Hypersensitivity (senses) and overthinking (mind) are two different things. They may be interconnected but are still two different things. For eg; Sensitivity is your ability to pick up on sensory information with your nervous system. To pick up (in you mind) smallest of things around you and then talk or act upon that.  So here, both, the senses as well as the mind is involved. Such things are not “botherable” to others but only to sensitive person. Whereas overthinking is only involvement of the mind.

    What exactly do you mean by being over sensitive? Have people in your life told you “You’re too sensitive,” “so intense,” “you’re just so emotional.” Are you noticing subtle details of everything? Do you notice other people’s moods? Do these moods affect you? Do you get stressed out or uncomfortable with the slightest of things or the tiniest of details? Do you over analyse or react to, or feel overwhelmed with every single thing, or are detail oriented?

    Also you may want to check the below FREE online tests.

    Tick out the answers and at the end if you want you can ‘skip’ the page when it asks for the email address.

    Then you are taken to the results page.

    1) http://www.lonerwolf.com/highly-sensitive-person-test/

    There are several FREE online tests available over the web.

    Below is another quick one-

    2) http://www.hsperson.com/test/highly-sensitive-test/

    If you choose to take the tests do share what they came out to be.




    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by VJ.

    Guys sorry for not replying
    I believe I was always a bit over sensitive than a usual person and definitely an over thinker. The reason why I say it now is because I am having obsessive thoughts and dreams about my ex. Even though I started working part time and try to be busy in various activities but I still keep on thinking about her. We are not in touch regularly but rarely but even still I keep thinking about her mostly all the time. I am not able to let go…its been almost one year that we broke up. I am just not able to find a solace anywhere.



    I find that the best way of dealing with anything is not to try to avoid it but to be with it.  When I have fears or anything that really is bothering me, I sit with it in meditation.  I let the “bother” be in my body and notice it where it is physically.  Then I breath into that part of the body and not try to push that stuck feeling away but to make friends with it.  It can be very uncomfortable and even painful but it works for me.



    I will try this and hope it works for me.
    I did meditation before and I know it helps but sometimes I do not give the meditation its importance into my routine.
    I think it is a bit of everything which is not going like I want, I think about it a bit too much than I should..

    But thanks a lot for your suggestion, I will give it a try for sure.



    Most if not all people find it a real challenge to do meditation, myself included.  There are several different forms of meditation.  This form I am recommending is just to focus on your pain/anxiety/obsessive thoughts and where it shows up physically in your body.  Stay with those sensations and breath into it for some amount of time.  Usually until it goes away but if it doesn’t then just for so many minutes you care to do.

    It is good to have a routine, a place, and a regular time to meditate. For your ex-girlfriend issue, try whenever you start thinking about her; notice that you are thinking about her, stop, notice where in your body it is showing up as a feeling, place your hand there, and breath into it for a bit.

    It may not be a formal meditation but it is a technique to deal with the unpleasant thoughts and sensations that is keeping you from moving on to living life in the present.



    Dear CarpeDiem,

    Take this from a person who is a notorious daydreamer. Sometimes the things we obsess about, hence, overthink, are just a sign that we have too much time on our hands. I don’t know your age or if you have a family or not, but as cliche as it sounds, life is too short to keep overthinking everything. Yes, there are times when you will have concerns. I agree with everyone else when I say that you should attempt meditation, anything with deep breathing that helps your thoughts stay centered.


    Hi CarpeDiem,

    “I keep thinking about her mostly all the time. I am not able to let go…its been almost one year that we broke up. I am just not able to find a solace anywhere.”

    One year is a good long time to forget or detach with someone or something.

    Do both of these ‘energy healing exercises’ and see yourself finding solace in this situation.

    1) You might have energetic cords (ties) of attachment with this person. These cords are invisible since they are at an energetic

    level. They are also called as psychic ties and they are especially in relationships. The cords of attachment need to be dissolved.

    Please go through the below links to know more on what it is and what to do-

    Calling upon Archangel Michael with his golden sword is a very famous way of cutting negative cords-



    There are many ways of doing this. Simply do a web search on “cutting energetic cords of attachment”

    If you prefer something visual then there are videos on YouTube too.

    2) Forgiveness Exercise:


    Chant the above as many times as possible. This is very effective. You can do this whenever you are not able to do the 1st one….or even when you are cooking, washing dishes, standing in a queue, lying down on the bed, or whenever those thoughts bother you.


    Warm Regards,





    Hey guys

    thanks for replying
    I will try to meditate again and I will check links too. At this moment, I will try anything to heal properly. 🙂

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