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    Oh my! My viking warrior friend Anita, woman who tackles beasts of prey, and flings mowers around like feathers has been outdone by maybe a pony tail 💛


    PS I just had a duel with my insurance company and came out on top!!!


    Dear SadSoul:

    Thank you for the words 3 posts ago!

    I know I haven’t looked after myself. But also I somehow couldn’t. Weird.“- couldn’t.. how? (I’m okay with you not answering this or other questions).

    Back to who he was, up until the last month or maybe a bit longer, he was just beautiful. So full of love and kindness. And then he started being smart and independent and less of the beautiful person I knew him to be. So I thought he was just spreading his wings, gaining his adulthood, and then he was awful in holiday and left. My beautiful son 🧡💛💚”- the words of a loving mother. Yes, I remember now: rude while under the influence of spreading his wings, or trying to.

    Outdone by a ponytail seems to be indeed what happened (you are such a delightfully funny SadSoul!). Just a tiny bit sore now.  I took 3 ibuprofen because I am hoping to do some mowing today and my shoulders hurt, although if I do, I have to protect my hearing big-time due to having broken something in the small mower.

    Congratulations for coming out on top with the insurance company!



    I think I couldn’t look after myself is complicated. I ate lots of sugar to get through things.

    I’m glad you thought that was funny because after I hit send I got worried! We share a sense of humour.

    I’m about to go into the dentist. One of my co workers kindly suggested they might pull it out. I’ve been to the dentist once since I was 11 or 12. There are reasons 😂 so this is utterly terrifying! Pray, or whatever it is you do, I need strength.

    Byeee. I may never return 😂 😂 😂


    Dear SadSoul who will return from the dentist:

    You will return and tell me about it! I mowed, mower got broken in a new way.



    Dear SadSoul: I will take your hand in mine and walk you to the dentist, step by step, together.



    Ooooh Anita. Ooooh oh oooh. You are so kind and beautiful and lovely. I shook with fear. I’m so stupid and afraid of dentists and doctors. I have half a new tooth now. It feels horrible but at least it’s not a pulled out tooth. It was fairly major 😔 I have to go back. I survived this so I suppose I’ll survive another.

    You give me so much kindness I’ve never known before. Honest to God you really do. My heart is singing and breaking at your kindness. Little old me who hasn’t ever had someone say I’m here with you. Girl you are wonderfully kind.

    My mother would tell me to stop being stupid and get myself together, tell me I’m an adult and stop acting like a spoilt child. My mother, who has no idea why I’m afraid of the dentist and doesn’t care why. Yet you, on the other side of the world, just made me feel so cared about and supported. Thank you. The world showers me in little Anita blessings 💐

    Oh no! How did it break this time? You’re amazing ya know 😂🤣😂🤣 in so many ways 😆 I love it.


    Oh and it took an hour and a half. I feel like I would be some kind of warrior if only I hadn’t been trembling 😂 dentists are very hard workers and very nice about their shonky patients.


    Dear SadSoul: I will take your hand in mine and walk you to the dentist, step by step, together. anita

    I want to put this in a frame. It’s so damn lovely. It’s the nicest thing that’s ever happened to me 🧡🫂


    Dear SadSoul with half a tooth, and a whole heart that sings and breaks:

    It didn’t even occur to me that I was kind in my last response to you. It was an emotion that flew naturally through me.

    You give me so much kindness I’ve never known before.. my mother would tell me…“- telling me that I am kind is the opposite of what my mother told me in so many words. She told me that I am bad, unkind, cruel, deserving to suffer. That’s the mirror she placed in front of me, and that’s what I saw as I looked in it (aka self image).

    It sure is nice, to say the least, special, to have a different mirror placed in front of me. Thank you!

    And you are welcome, SadSoul: you deserve empathy and kindness!

    I’m so stupid and afraid of dentists and doctors… My mother would tell me to stop being stupid“- is that the mirror your mother placed in front of you, that of you being stupid?

    Let’s have a Mirrors Breaking Ceremony (MBC) and  😂🤣😂🤣 as we do so!

    Talking about breaking, “Oh no! How did it break this time?“- I don’t know. I had it work hard, rough area to mow. Now it runs, but every time I pull up the part that gets the actual mowing done, the whole machine dies.

    I have to go back. I survived this so I suppose I’ll survive another… I feel like I would be some kind of warrior if only I hadn’t been trembling“- you are a warrior, a sometime trembling warrior, but warrior nonetheless. Awarrior who doesn’t give up, and keeps facing every day with courage!🧡



    You are very kind. I haven’t ever experienced such kindness. I’m still doing fairy twirls from it.

    I once read a thing about bravery not being itself if you’re doing things you’re not afraid of, no matter how scary they might be for others. I will try to apply this to my dentist fear 😂 bravely galloping my white steed into battle, no armour not even able to fight tooth and nail… Haha I’m so funny: tooth haha ha ha ha.

    Our mothers need to be placed on a deserted island together where the only people they can harm is each other. My childhood was awful but I’ve always known it was a small percentage of what my mother would have given. I am blessed in that way. I don’t think losing her children made her who she is. It contributed bit she was there before she had children. Her childhood was awful too and, although her and her siblings all hate their mother, the majority of them are their mother on steroids.

    Aaah well, best I fly, I have an early appointment – not g the dentist 😆😃😁

    Catch you on the flip side.


    Dear galloping-her-white-steed-into-battle SadSoul:

    Our mothers need to be placed on a deserted island together where the only people they can harm is each other“- retroactively, many years ago.

    Although her and her siblings all hate their mother, the majority of them are their mother on steroids“- I had an aunt who feared and hated her father for having been physically violent with her, and she herself was physically violent with at least one of her daughters, for years, until her daughter (who had epilepsy) died from cancer at 16. Her daughter was an amazing jazz dancer.



    Okay, SadSoul: News: Karaoke night tomorrow!!! What will I sing? I want to sing Simple Man or Long Train Running, but I don’t have the voice capability. I think I will sing the Hebrew song Ani ve-Ata, which means me and you (will change the world). Must practice.



    I would love to sit and listen to you. I’m fairly illiterate of popular songs so I don’t know these ones. I’m going to look them up now.

    Yup, I don’t know these songs. I couldn’t find the long running one.

    I found Ani V’ata sung by Melita and Isaac. That’s so pretty. I love it.

    Now I want to hear you sing it!

    I’m finally home from work. Oh what a day. Tomorrow my car gets serviced. I spend more on services each year than it’s worth. Oh the irony! Best get myself to bed so I can fly out of it early enough.


    Dear SadSoul:

    I hope you slept restfully!

    I couldn’t find the long running one“- Long Train Runnin’ by The Doobie Brothers: “down around the corner, Half a mile from here, See them long trains runin’, And you watch ’em disappear, Without love, Where would you be now?..”

    I found Ani V’ata sung by Melita and Isaac. That’s so pretty. I love it“- I know this song by Arik Einstein, not by anyone else.

    Now I want to hear you sing it!“- okay, here I go:


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