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    Back home, Sat night. Back to you Sun.



    Dear SadSoul:

    The big pot of coffee with scones and cream sound LOVELY! I understand though that you couldn’t wait. Time for my lunch and prepare to leave!




    Is it the belly dancing event?


    The belly dancing event is in a week. This afternoon (yes!) an international belly dancer taught me how to move and she was a great teacher. I didn’t show belly, of course (for crying out loud!) but moved the hip area well. This dancer will not perform next week. There will be less experienced dancers on stage.



    Dear SadSoul: do you sometimes think about you and I talking on the phone, hearing each other’s voice, each other dialect, accent, each other’s emotion, real-life two people?



    I hadn’t thought about that but now I’m intrigued. I imagine you have a little bit of an Israeli twang to your American accent – also I struggle to tell the differences in what area Americans come from because all non Americans just think ‘America’ 😂

    Do you have and instagram account? I’m trying to think of third party ways to connect.

    Aaah you learned to wiggle your hips! Good work.

    Nothing exciting happened today but I feel happy. Weird. Strange. Unusual. Loving it!


    Dear SadSoul:

    Yes, I do have an accent that’s not American. And yes, I wiggled my right hip and did not feel ridiculous. She is a good teacher and wow, what a dancer!

    No Instagram, no Facebook.

    As far as American accents: I like hearing the Southern and Brooklyn- NY accents.



    You’re going to become an amazing dancer! How exciting.

    I slept awfully last night because I had a late afternoon coffee. Oh but the coffee was lovely. Not sure it was worth it.

    I ate an enormous piece of rainbow cake today. Felt so sick afterwards. I’d ordered one fit the boss’s new squeeze, not knowing they would break up on the weekend. This is no loss to me. The squeeze was horribly rude and jealous towards me, only warned up over the last month. But the boss is devastated. Hates being called the boss but I feel safe here 😂

    How are you? Oh oh oh I used my airfryer for the first time! I got it for free off Facebook. The offspring have them and kept nagging me to get one. Then I had food at theirs and was surprised these things actually cook. So I’ve joined the 21st century 😂


    PS in my airfryer excitement the fry pan side of my frozen food meal got forgotten. It’s very well done 😂

    I’m kicking goals tonight, nutritionist extraordinaire!


    Dear Nutritionist Extraordinaire  SadSoul:

    Air fryers are amazing! And interestingly, you had a piece of rainbow cake yesterday and, on the same day, I had a piece of cake (German chocolate), for the first time in a long time.



    I had another piece of rainbow cake today. Nobody is at work this week to eat it. Most wasted birthday cake ever. Luckily the one boy there took a quarter of it home for his kids. His little girl will love it.

    The week is more than half over!!! I’m set to have Friday off I think, although I’ll have to put hours into my work from home work or I might lose my client 😂
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Aaah. As usual I’m about to run late so I will literally run. How have you been? What have you been doing? Thinking of ya.</p>


    Dear Running-late SadSoul:

    I am okay, tired, early morning, I can see a bit of a sun behind the trees, hearing birds and far away traffic that sound peculiarly close, all windows open.




    Dear SadSoul:

    In the last couple of days, I experienced an emotional shift where I no longer feel like sharing with you personal things about my irl day,  So, instead of you noticing- over time- that I no longer share like I used to, and wandering why, I figure that the honest and kind thing to do is to tell you about it:

    I feel hurt that I reached out to you for private email and phone connection and you didn’t take me up on the offer. As I shared with you, I am technically disabled, or seriously challenged, and I can’t learn how-to, nor can I get someone else to do it for me (to create an email address just for the purpose of presenting it to you in your thread).

    We’ve been so very friendly for months, and I had the desire for some time to be your friend beyond your thread: to know your real name, to know where you live, to hear your voice. I even imagined meeting you irl. My desire unreciprocated, I gave up on it a couple of days ago, and am no longer interested in friendship beyond your thread.

    I may get my feeling back (of wanting to, and feeling good about sharing personal things about my day with you).  I may not, I tend to think not. Yet, I am interested- if you are- in continuing to communicate here, on your thread.


    SadSoul, June 9: I can’t forge friendships because I wouldn’t survive anymore losses… I’m scared of my choices in friends. How do I have a friend who’s there for more than the food?

    anita, June 9: “How do I have a friend who’s there for more than the food?“- I would be such a friend irl! As much as I love my favorite kinds of food (extra-cheese pizza, extra- and I mean ALL cheese, melted), I’d turn my back on the cheese and attend to SadSoul!

    SadSoul, June 10: Oh girl. No one has ever wanted to be my friend in such a simple uncomplicated way.

    anita, June 10: “No one has ever wanted to be my friend in such a simple uncomplicated way“- I do… If you can, and you would like to, you can submit a post with an email, one that’s safe for you to submit in a public forum (an email created for this purpose perhaps), and I will send an email to the address you provide. This way we can communicate privately. (As I shared before, I am technically/ computer-wise challenged, or disabled, so I don’t know how to do what I am suggesting). You also have the option to ask the website owner (CONTACT under HOME at the top of the page) to delete a particular post in your thread or the whole thread.

    SadSoul, June 11: Do you have Facebook?

    anita, June 11: No, SadSoul, no Facebook.

    SadSoul, June 11: Hmm. It has a good messenger system if you feel like getting technical and signing up for it. It’s easier to use than emails too. If you feel like becoming a tech guru I can help with it.

    – A month and 10 days later:

    anita, July 21: Dear SadSoul: do you sometimes think about you and I talking on the phone, hearing each other’s voice, each other dialect, accent, each other’s emotion, real-life two people?

    SadSoul, July 22: “I hadn’t thought about that but now I’m intrigued… Do you have and Instagram account? I’m trying to think of third party ways to connect.

    anita, July 22: No Instagram, no Facebook.

    SadSoul, July 23 & 24: (no mention of forming a private connection).


    I am writing to let you know I’ve read everything and I’m not sure how to reply. I’m going to think on it to be as sure as I can that I reply to what’s important, rather than reply in a defensive way because I feel hurt. Thank you for sharing this with me even if it’s hard for me to read.


    Dear SadSoul:

    You are welcome. I want to clarify: you did nothing wrong, it’s just that you didn’t care to communicate with me privately, while I cared: a 1.5 months of an  unreciprocated caring to communicate privately. You are not guilty for not feeling like emailing/ phone calling me any more than I am guilty for feeling hurt about it.

    I appreciate our wonderful communication here. It felt so good that I wanted more. I still value our exchanges here, 33-pages of it.


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