
Struggling to cope with a break up

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    I’m so sorry you’re going through this.  For me, the details sometimes get in the way of the big picture. He wanted to leave and that’s not your fault. The best thing to do is to let him leave and move on with your life. If he wants to come back to you, he will try but ask yourself if there isn’t something better out there. Break-ups, with as difficult as they are, are also time for growth and opportunity. This is a chance for you to go after all the things you couldn’t have with him. Even if it’s as silly as, for example, “I want to live in the country and he only wants to live in cities”. Go back and think about the reasons why you were incompatible and focus on finding someone or something that you’re more compatible with.

    I hope this helps 🙂


    Thanks Pickles. That does help. I have days where I’m accepting of it and moving on but other days I’m just crippled with it. We argued a few days ago because I took him off my Facebook as I don’t want to see him adding other people etc and he got mad and deleted all pics of me etc which really hurt. He says he regrets that and he overreacted. I told him I want him back he says a part of him wants that as well and he does regret the way he has treated me and the things he’s done. Then he said right now he doesn’t want it he just needs to be by himself especially after the way he has treated me. If he leaves it too late then that’s his problem. Now I feel like I’m hanging on to that little bit of hope when really it’s just a lot of rubbish


    Hi Miney10,

    Right now, the best thing, is one day at a time. Try to not go to his Facobook Profile or any other Social media he is on. It will only make you miserable. The less you see if him, or no contact, the easier it will be for you to find the right person. Block him on Facebook, don’t follow him, to see who he has “added” what girls he is talking to, and so on. It will only make you sad and angry as you are still emotionally charged. I think the best thing is to look at all the things or ways he was wrong for you in the relationship. If something, like a nice memory comes to mind, immediately think of why he was wrong for you. Get rid of any pictures, or momentos. I’m not saying, throw them away, just put them under the bed, in the attic, etc. The less reminders and less interaction you have with him, the better it will be for you. Think of it, this way. If you too would get back together..would things change? Would he be happier? Would you? Probably not. Give yourself time to heal.

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