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January 19, 2024 at 8:06 pm #427110
ParticipantDear Anita, I just read your responses this evening looking for a boost. I was starting to believe he could change again and I want to stop. Your reply reminds me that I want to be in high vibrations, which unfortunately just was not with him and that is reason enough to leave. I hope for my future that I can find someone who will maintain high vibrations through the relationship and not stop putting in effort to conversation.
I am glad replying to my post kept you entera Inter during the boring treadmill! They are very boring I agree, what makes you such a persistent walker?
I will respond more detailed in the morning, goodnight Anita
January 19, 2024 at 8:08 pm #427111seaturtle
Participantedit: I am glad replying to my post kept you entertained during the boring treadmill!
January 19, 2024 at 8:30 pm #427112anita
ParticipantGood night, Seaturtle, I’ll read from you tomorrow and reply.
January 20, 2024 at 9:14 am #427113anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
“I was starting (again) to believe he could change and I want to stop. Your reply reminds me that I want to be in high vibrations, which unfortunately just was not with him“-
– Every once in a while in between communications with you, I wonder if you got so lonely that you contacted him and got back with him.. because it is often happens that people break up and then get back together, sometimes repeatedly. I wondered, if that happened, would you feel too embarrassed to tell me that it happened. So, just in case it happens, I want to let you know that (1) I will not be disappointed or angry because I know how loneliness feels, and that an online connection such as ours, however authentic and meaningful, cannot substitute for what you need in real life. If it happens, I’d like to continue to communicate with you as we have so far.
(2) In addition to the reasons we discussed about why it’d be a bad idea to get back with him, there is another reason that applies after the breakup: it is likely that he’d hold the breakup against you and every time you’d voice a need or a request that inconveniences him, he might say something like: and if I don’t (do this or that), you will break up with me again? He might (mis)use the fact that you broke up with him against you and keep you shut in that cage for good, feeling too guilty to break up with him again. You may feel like you need to prove to him that you will not break up with him (by keeping yourself in the cage) until some time when he’ll trust you again to not leave (a time that will not come because .. he needs you in the cage.
For too many people, a romantic relationship is not a win-win prospect, but a win-lose. If you win.. he loses. For him to win, you must lose. Again I am reminded of how important it was for him to win that game during that visit to his parents. I think that it’s important for him to win in a variety of contexts, including in the romantic.
“I hope for my future that I can find someone who will maintain high vibrations through the relationship and not stop putting in effort to conversation“- I hope that you will be attracted to someone with high vibrations and not to someone with low vibrations, hoping to change him into someone with high vibrations. I hope that … this kind of hope, or desire to change a man from low to high vibrations is not in the core of your attraction to a man.
“What makes you such a persistent walker?“- (1) habit. It’s easier for me to walk that it is to not walk. (2) it’s a mood elevator, it’s healthy for you and easier on the joints than jogging or running.
January 20, 2024 at 10:47 am #427117seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
“He feels that if he makes you stronger (via compliments etc.), he will be making himself weaker.”
This is so confusing to me since he also encouraged me to do things that made me stronger. I suppose it is like you said before that he could allow me to be strong but just not enough to leave, this game he played is just strange to me I guess. So afraid of me leaving..“too snowy/ slippery to walk outside.. although I have done it many times before and fell on ice only once.. had a concussion”
My goodness, I understand your hesitation to do that again. Reminds me of when I went snowboarding and my helmet flew off in the air as I fell, and hit my head on the hard snow, that feeling of a head hit is not fun. This is why I don’t understand football… you know I talk a lot (think alot) about how N lacked respect for me. Saying I worried about things that didn’t matter, and constantly questioning my methods. But I think I lacked respect for him in ways as well, football, I still don’t understand this hunger games mentality, I understand the highs of playing well in a sport, but one that is destroying your body? He had to gain over 100 pounds additional to his natural body weight, for his position. according to him, but mainly his friend told me, N was constantly throwing up do to too much food. They would force him to eat. I don’t understand the male tendency to do things the hardest way possible, perhaps it is because physical pain is easier to get through than mental pain, so they find something that takes up their thoughts physically.
“…there are moments of feeling exhilaratingly alive, chakras open, running-on-green-grass-under-the-shining-sun kind of experience.”
“Therefore, it’s possible that in high school, you had many of those exhilarating moments…”
I have always known how to play alone, I remember just going to my room alot and playing with my polly pockets and groovy girls haha. I would also re-decorate and organize my room often, change where my bed and little chair and bookshelf was. I got use to people taking my peace, so I secluded myself/ escape. In middle school I made friends that brought me peace and joy, my current roommate being one of them. We would go on picnics, shop, go on runs, talk about boys or learn little dances together.
“But men hurt just like women do, maybe more because they are not allowed to release the pain by crying”
“N turned the non-crying option to the manipulating via expressing anger/intimidating option”
So why was N in pain? Sorry if my questions feel redundant.. Why was he hurting? Was his hurt all from his past or were there things I did to hurt him that led to this manipulating expression of his hurt?
“…he whined a lot, so you felt bad for him, similarly to your mother crying and you feeling bad for her (like your sister said, that you get swayed by her crying).”
True both of my parents whined, and still do.
” maybe a lot of guys wanted you but you were not interested in them.”
There were guys who were in to me, but they were not the ones I wanted.. I am wondering why right now. I didn’t trust some of them, others seemed like they just liked all the girls so I didn’t feel special, then others were ones I laughed with but did not feel attracted to.
“Plus from my communication with you over these 24 pages, I sense a pretty healthy self-esteem on your part. (2) Your self-esteem and confidence held through these disappointments and heartbreaks, and chakras were open enough to do their vibrations”
This was nice to hear, I wonder why I doubt my self esteem. I think it is because I don’t often meet people who gravitate towards me. For example even when I go out with my roommate, when it comes to men, they are more chatty with her, I feel like I am more often just the observer, it is rare that someone says something that interests me and I do not like small talk…I guess my roommate doesn’t mind it. But I would rather be in silence than talk about nothing. Are my expectations too high for strangers? I wonder if I need to put more effort into the small talk…sounds exhausting. I just want someone to make me laugh, and the people I have met out lately are just vanilla and predictable. But also finding someone I am interested in talking to is scary, since it is rare, it can feel like I don’t want to let them go since I don’t find it often, and the second I care about that I feel like my vibrations are dependent on their acceptance of me…
I will respond separately to your next message from this morning
January 20, 2024 at 11:35 am #427118seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you for what you wrote in your first paragraph.
I think part of what keeps me from messaging N is that, knowing him, I think there is a 75% chance that he would use that as an opportunity to reject me, as to try to hurt me. I feel empowered by the fact that I left the situation, and giving that up, would be harder than the feeling of being alone. The only times I have found myself tempted, are when I am out with my roommate, and I want to be rescued... We went out thursday night, and at a certain point I thought ‘If I was still with N right now I would text him to come pick me up because I want to go home.’ Two other times I was tempted, was before Christmas when I hurt my knee, I thought ‘if we were together he could come pick me up and take me home right now and take care of me.’ The other time was when I was sick and wanted to be cared for again. Sexually, I am not tempted.. which surprises me because I thought that would be a harder temptation, but instead I predict that if I did, the options are either rejection, like I mentioned above, or he would come over but he would be rough with me and I would end up with hurt feelings, which again is a worse feeling than loneliness. All these reasons I have been tempted are areas I know, I need to be here for myself, take care of myself. It is not an easy thing to accept, because I do want help sometimes, but I just have to remember taking care of me now, will only make it that much sweeter when I do meet someone who wants to support me.
“He might (mis)use the fact that you broke up with him against you and keep you shut in that cage for good, feeling too guilty to break up with him again.”
And yes, getting back with him permanently could definitely be unhealthy for this reason. The thing is, to get back with him permanently he would have to be the opposite to who he is…(just thought of that phrasing now) He would have to come to me, genuinely apologetic, and dedicated to winning me back and making me feel seen and heard, all things that are not who he is right now, he would need to have a very big revelation and change who he is for me to feel like he could love me correctly with 0% intimidation and 100% adoration. Last night I dreamt of him, but he was different. I was sad, feeling unseen, and he grabbed me, recognizing my sadness and genuinely asking me “what do you need?” that is who I wanted him to be. I woke up, and despite what you might think, did not miss him, in fact I recognized immediately that that was not him.
” I think that it’s important for him to win in a variety of contexts, including in the romantic.”
He is a puzzle to me, for reasons such as mentioned earlier, that he would push me to do things I liked like acting in the play and paying for me to go to improv class when I couldn’t afford it. Encouraging my painting, wanting me strong but not strong enough.. another puzzling fact is this; I am very coordinated athletically and mentally in games. I often pick up sports and games very quickly and often win. When we went to an arcade for the first time I beat him and his friend at all the table games, it drove his friend crazy, but N was unbothered, if anything enjoyed watching me beat his friend. I beat N at pickle ball every time, when he won it was because I went a little bit easy because I felt bad! But he was never a sore loser with games, for being a professional athlete he was not very competitive, and I know what competitive looks like because my whole family is, board games being flipped over, crying, straight up bullying in games with my dads family, but it is also cause everyone is so good, when I play with my family I do not always win, but with friends, pretty much every time. I am very competitive. But it didn’t seem like winning was super important to N… honestly him winning in that board game at his house with his mom, felt unlike him.
“I hope that … this kind of hope, or desire to change a man from low to high vibrations is not in the core of your attraction to a man.”
ME TOO. But I don’t think it is… I think I settle for less than what I want, like earlier when I said N was an upgrade from my parents. When N was late for the first couple dates, I almost broke it off, I was so close but then there was something about him that I felt like it was premature to end the relationship… in fact I wonder about this, after he had literally stood me up and I was so upset, I ended it, then the next day I didn’t feel right about it…I had a vision of it being like I was tearing out a little green root, like I was prematurely giving up on something that could grow. I thought that vision was from a good place, I wonder now where it came from, or maybe It was from the right place and I was meant to go through that relationship to learn what I have? It is hard for me to write off that vision as wrong, because I remember it feeling like intuition.
I think where my mistakes staying in the relationship began, was at 6 months. That is when we had the shroom experience, and I lost a lot of trust for him. The whole week after the experience, I remember being disappointed because doubts about the relationship entered my mind for the first time! I was upset they were there. But at that point I felt too attached to him, and thought I could solve the doubts. In trying to solve them I learned a lot about myself and what to look for (and look out for) in a future relationship, so perhaps it was all mean to be.
But funny how, 2 months in I fell in love…those six months felt wonderful. From trips to families meeting, to laying in bed on Sundays, going to the local thai restaurants, we are both foodies and loved the asian cuisine in Seattle. Then as I have mentioned before, our physical chemistry was everything I thought it should be and more. Those 6 months were heaven, I was so upset when those doubts entered, I remember wondering ‘why now, why couldn’t I had these doubts before I got this attached?’ ‘I have never been with someone for 6 months, maybe this is normal.’ ‘I do not trust him to take care of me.’ ‘I love him.’ ‘These doubts are the shrooms fault, this is a mind game and the bad trip is just lingering.’ I had nightmares about him and avoided him that week as I knew I wouldn’t be good company. Eventually the doubts got quieter and the 6 month love feeling was now at 80%, not like 100% as before but at least it was at 80 while the doubts quieted to 20. I remember having doubts right before moving to AZ, doubts about us and the new location, but I called if fear, rather than intuition.
I am happy I am living here with Molly, so I suppose there was some intuition that moving here was right, but there was a cloud as well, the cloud being living with N. A month or so after our cars were stolen, but we still made it to AZ I remember wondering if them getting stolen was a sign to not come here.. But I also thought it was a blessing in disguise that we got to do the long drive together. The drive down was a blast, we stopped in several places, another new years experience with him. Then when we lived together, we were both home a lot, as we were figuring out our job situations, it felt like a second honeymoon phase, together every single day. But then the roommate situation took away from it. causing our first ever consistent arguments. A mix of good and bad, then I moved out and saw all the bad, and left permanently.
In conclusion, I think the solution is for me to see the low vibrations, before getting so attached. Once I am attached, I want to help them increase their vibrations.
“(1) habit. It’s easier for me to walk that it is to not walk.”
I need some sort of healthy habit to start right now. For a while it was yoga, then I got sick and hurt my knee and couldn’t go, then my membership expired and it is too expensive for me to join at this time. The gym is so boring, but with my roommate it is more fun, but our schedules vary so it is hard to make a consistent habit of it. I do have a nice trail behind my apartment that I could walk more, but I get bored..
January 20, 2024 at 11:48 am #427119anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
I’ll reply further later, in hours from now, maybe as late as tomorrow, but for now, regarding him encouraging you to do things that make you stronger: when he did not feel threatened, he did. When he felt threatened, it’s then that he wanted you weak. It’s not like he planned this or was even aware of it. It is more instinctual than a thinking thing.
What threatens him? That you will see through him, that you will see what he sees: a man beautiful or valuable on the outside, but not on the inside (as he sees himself).
January 21, 2024 at 9:56 am #427125seaturtle
ParticipantGood morning Anita,
Recently I have thought a lot about how N had a lack of respect for me. He questioned how I did things often and I don’t believe you gaslight and lie to someone you respect. Being late to dates, prioritizing his work over my time, he prioritized him time over my time and he didn’t think anything was wrong with those things. He left messes at my apartment, which I found rude and almost straight spiteful as if he was trying to purposely take full advantage since he felt I took advantage of him at his home. He straight up told me I worried about things that didn’t matter, he did not respect me.
Anyways, I have a theory on this respect. You wrote “What threatens him? That you will see through him, that you will see what he sees: a man beautiful or valuable on the outside, but not on the inside (as he sees himself).” If he sees himself as not valuable on the inside, then he must not respect himself right? so by that logic, how could he respect someone who respected him.. It makes me wonder, did he earn respect for me leaving him? If he truly agrees he is not valuable, then he must respect someone who does not want something invaluable, thereby lacking respect for anyone that thinks he is valuable… what do you think about this?
I have another pondering question/thought I’d like to hear your opinion on. I do not wish that he had contacted me in this past month and a half, since the breakup. However, I wonder why he hasn’t, I am not wondering out of sadness I am wondering out of curiosity. Because when I told him at first I wanted to move out he literally said no, not that I couldn’t do it but no as in he didn’t like the idea when I asked. Hm, I am having a memory right now; at fourth of july, when he came to stay with my family over the summer at the beach, I was emotional one day and drinking and I felt unseen again by him. I wanted to spend more time with him but he kept disappearing without letting me know where or when he would be back and when I told him that hurt my feelings he said I was just being dramatic, in that moment more tears came and I wanted to be away from N, so I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and said “no don’t leave, come here” and gave me a hug. At the time I thought it was sweet. I wonder if it is because of how I broke up, the strength I exuded! If I would have been in tears walking away, he may have grabbed back, perhaps that is even explanatory of his comment to my sister that “I just can’t get over how coldly she ended it.” I wonder if this is the thought he would have when considering reaching out… The drama liking part of me, a part I cannot ignore but know is not healthy, wishes I did it in a sad way so that he did reach out to make me feel good. That it would have been somewhat satisfying to end it sad, then have him try to come back, THEN end it strong/ “cold.” But I guess it is a good thing I broke up with him with an open third eye, not allowing tears to even come to my eyes because I was so set. If you think about it I did him a favor too, if only he could see it.
All this is a theory, is putting energy into the thinking of these theories healthy? Part of me thinks yes, because it could be helping me get to know myself and my true desires. The other part of me thinks no, because after I think them, I feel strange energy on me, like a small dose of what it would have ACTUALLY felt like. You know when you imagine something and you can feel it a little bit.. so I wonder if feeling it is good or bad for me.
January 21, 2024 at 10:25 am #427126anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
“This is so confusing since he also encouraged me..“-it’d be easy to figure out if a person is for you or against you if a person always behaved one way or the other. I think that the evil stepmother in the story of Cinderella always behaved against Cinderella, but then she’s a cartoon character in a story that is of the fiction genre.
A real-life infamous evil character comes to mind, Adolf Hitler, who caused massive pain and death to many millions of people, including the death of 6 million Jews, placing him in the category of behaving against Jews, right? Yet, he arranged for a family of Jews, neighbors of his, to escape being taken away to a concentration camp.
How about a real-life famous good character, a saint, a Mother Teresa? Research it and here it is: “The Dark Side of mother Teresa“.
From my experience and understanding, a good person is a person whose behavior is guided not by the desire to please and satisfy a particular individual, but by values that promote everyone’s well-being. In the Hitler example, if he was a good person, he would have not sent any person to a concentration camp, not just his neighbors.
EVERYONE by the time we reach adolescence, got mixed in with evil to one extent or another, be it indirectly by purchasing an item in the supermarket, and by doing so, promoting the financial success of a company that pollutes the environment and therefore causes disease and death to plants, animals and people. We can’t live in a modern society anywhere on earth, and NOT contribute to death and destruction in one way or another: modern society is embedded in wrongdoing, and living in it makes us all wrongdoers.
It is painful for me to look within right now and think of all the ways I directly hurt other people, including here on the forums via judgmental, angry replies based on my issues, replies that people did not deserve. It makes me feel that painful shame-guilt combo. I struggled and was stuck in that combo for a long, long time until I figured, quite recently, that being a good person (who is born into a society that acts against itself), is about doing the best I can in the circumstances I am in, intent on doing good for everyone, and looking within, correct my wrongdoings best I can, for the benefit of everyone.
If you had N as your life partner and tried to benefit him by accommodating his preferences to not look within himself, it wouldn’t benefit everyone, including N.
To summarize what may be a digressing here, seeing via the 3rd eye, processing information with the crown chakra, the confusion you mentioned in the quote above can get resolved.
“So, why was N in pain?“- started in his childhood. Personally, I don’t know anyone who is not in pain. After all, we are embedded in a society that acts against itself.
“Was his pain all from his past, or were there things I did to hurt him…?“- what you did that hurt him was to.. expect more than he could give you and express that expectation to him.
“I do not like small talk“- neither do I. We have this in common (see my above talk.. not small at all, is it).
“To get back with him permanently, he would have to be the opposite of who he is“- the tiniest chance of being with someone who is opposite to who he is, is being with him.
“.. and change who he is for me to feel like he could love me correctly with 0% intimidation and 100% adoration“- unrealistic expectations, not going to happen long-term with any man (past maybe a love bombing exhibition).
I feel like going a full circle here and back to our initial conversations of projecting F into N. Not that N is the right guy for you, but no man will be right for you when you hold on to the expectation you stated in this quote.
January 21, 2024 at 10:27 am #427127anita
Participant* I sent the above before becoming aware of your most recent post. Will reply to it later.
January 22, 2024 at 9:09 am #427143anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
* I will be sending a series of shorter posts because my keyboard does not allow me to copy (which I do before submitting a post so to not lose the text if the submission doesn’t work), and I don’t want to lose a long post.
“Last night I dreamt of him.. I was sad, feeling unseen, and he grabbed me, recognizing my sadness and genuinely asking me ‘what do you need?’, that is who I wanted him to be. I woke up.. didn’t miss him, in fact I recognized immediately that that was not him” (Jan 20)-
– this was/ is a pivotal moment in your healing, right there in that quote. If only F would have done what you needed him to do: to recognize your sadness and genuinely ask you what do you need?/ lf only my mother did that when I was growing up unseen, the loneliest girl in the world. Fast forward, we are both adults and there is no way to redo that unseen childhood. It’s too late.. we are not children anymore and our brains are already formed around the experiences we had.
When you woke up from that dream in which you tried to get from N what you didn’t get from F (projecting F into N), and recognized that “that was not him“, that’s the pivotal moment I am talking about: you recognized that N is not who you needed F to be, and neither was F.. who you needed him to be. A necessary part of healing is grieving what you never received as a child, and never will- because you are no longer a child.
January 22, 2024 at 9:28 am #427147anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
“To get back with him permanently, he would have to… (make) me feel seen and heard… love me correctly with.. 100% adoration“-
-You wrote the above before the quote in my first reply today, right above this one. I referred to this quote yesterday as an unrealistic expectation. I want to elaborate on this a bit: a child feels intensely (before suppressing and repressing the intensity). When a child grows up unseen, the child feels it intensely, and a strong, enduring desire is born: to be seen, but not just to be seen some, but to be seen A LOT, so to make up/ compensate for the intensity of having been unseen… to satisfy and neutralize that intense desire.
100% adoration is unsustainable, unrealistic: no person is available enough to give this to anyone, not even a parent to a child. Part of healing, following the grieving of growing up unseen, is to lower this expectation.
January 22, 2024 at 10:09 am #427148anita
ParticipantDear Seaturtle:
And now, to your most recent post from yesterday:
“If he sees himself as not valuable on the inside… then he must respect someone who does not want something invaluable, thereby lacking respect for anyone that thinks that he is valuable.. What do you think about this?“-
– I think that this may be true to you, and that’s why you had crushes on, and had your focus on (in middle and high school, and onward..?) guys who were not interested in you romantically, not respecting/ having crushes on guys who were interested in you…?
As far as N is concerned, my feel is that he is too removed from his internal experience via distractions and daily, heavy duty use of weed, to think as clearly as you do. Respect is too much of a human experience of cognition+ emotion, and I think of N operating like a spider: instinctually.
“I have another pondering question/ thought I’d like to hear your opinion on. I do not wish that he had contacted me in the past month and a half, since the breakup. However, I wonder why he hasn’t… If I would have been in tears walking away, he may have grabbed back, perhaps this is even explanatory of his comment to my sister of ‘I just can’t get over how coldly she ended it’“-
– in the past, when you walked away from him crying, or when you had a panic attack in the closet.. it was like a fly shaking his spider web, stimulating him into reaching out to the fly. A cold/ unmoving fly does not vibrate a spider’s web.. so he doesn’t reach out to it.
(I did not understand the last paragraph of your most recent post of yesterday, “what it would have ACTUALLY felt like”..?)
January 22, 2024 at 4:30 pm #427157seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
” A necessary part of healing is grieving what you never received as a child, and never will- because you are no longer a child.”
This is helpful. I will never receive what I needed before, but no need to repeat that pattern and not receive it in my future right? I understand “0% intimidation and 100% adoration” is unrealistic and I certainly do not prefer a love bombing situation over a lack of caring about how I feel, something in the middle. If there is intimidation on their part, if that is just a masculine trait then I will just need my third I with me to spot it and not let it control me.
“Part of healing, following the grieving of growing up unseen, is to lower this expectation.”
So I need to neutralize this EXTRA need to be seen, before I can actually be satisfied with the amount a healthy partner will see me. This makes alot of sense, for a long time I have felt instinctually that I would be disappointed in this way, but over time this fear has dimmed, so perhaps I have already done some healing over many years. I started to acknowledge my dads lack of genuine care when I was little, at 17 years old, so that is 7 years. Although during that time I wasn’t consciously trying to heal, it was just trying to bring awareness to my past and present feelings. I want to consciously heal, in order to fully neutralize this EXTRA desire to be seen, do I need to see myself? Or perhaps I need to “grieve” my lack of being seen, how do I grieve and lower my expectations?
“– I think that this may be true to you, and that’s why you had crushes on, and had your focus on (in middle and high school, and onward..?) guys who were not interested in you romantically, not respecting/ having crushes on guys who were interested in you…?”
Oh interesting, so I was like N in that I didn’t respect myself/ didn’t want people to see who I was on the inside? You think I would have lost interest for those guys if they gained interest?
“Respect is too much of a human experience of cognition+ emotion, and I think of N operating like a spider: instinctually.”
This may be true. Also a thought I have had a couple time, N absolutely hated spiders hahaha.
“– in the past, when you walked away from him crying, or when you had a panic attack in the closet.. it was like a fly shaking his spider web, stimulating him into reaching out to the fly. A cold/ unmoving fly does not vibrate a spider’s web.. so he doesn’t reach out to it.”
I understand the literal meaning of this with an actual spider and fly, but how does the analogy transfer to a human relationship? Is it that he sees me about to leave he wants to stop it from happening, whereas if I move too quickly he doesn’t get a chance?
“(I did not understand the last paragraph of your most recent post of yesterday, “what it would have ACTUALLY felt like”..?)”
I just find myself falling into daydreams of if I had said something else at the breakup, what would have happened, or re-living moments to see what went wrong. And I was wondering if it was a productive thing for me to do or if I should attempt to shut those thoughts down.
Happy Monday Anita, I appreciate you being here to talk to me through and since my breakup. It is very helpful for me and a very motivating way for me to journal, process and grieve in the healthiest way I can.
January 22, 2024 at 4:42 pm #427158seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
More thoughts on your first post..
“a good person is a person whose behavior is guided not by the desire to please and satisfy a particular individual, but by values that promote everyone’s well-being”
Have you ever seen The Good Place? I think you would enjoy it, the afterlife theory is really interesting!
“We can’t live in a modern society anywhere on earth, and NOT contribute to death and destruction in one way or another”
I have gone through this rabbit trail before and it can be very depressing to think about. My sister did a school project on fast fashion and most clothing brands treat their factory workers inhumanely. It made me stop purchasing from fast fashion lines, but now all I feel right purchasing is boutique clothing, but it is too expensive most of the time. I am sure I have still supported inhumane labor laws through my purchases and it makes me sad to think I can’t control contributing to destruction. When I see huge factories, there is a new Lay’s factory that popped up just outside AZ, I just feel so gross about our footprint on this beautiful earth. I feel it is unfair to be birthed and raised in a society asking for destructive karma..
“being a good person (who is born into a society that acts against itself), is about doing the best I can in the circumstances I am in, intent on doing good for everyone, and looking within, correct my wrongdoings best I can, for the benefit of everyone.”
I agree. It really is all about intent. And to not be in denial about your intent you have to look within, which is the real pandemic here! But to end on a positive note, “be the change you wish to see in the world” 😉 and I think just by having these conversations we are bringing some sort of light here 🙂