
Two beeps away from throwing all toys and mattress out of my cot.

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    Hi guys.
    I’m 45 and from day dot I have had what seems to be the ogre from chuckle land following me around with a huge sledge hammer annihilating everything I put my hand too.
    Paid work, volunteer work, supporting people, assisting people, my art work, my creative work, my Spiritual work of 30 odd years to now where I am trying to get myself into photography and low and behold… here he comes with his dirty nappy on and a grin on his face. It has got to the point where I have openly asked ” Am I destined to sit on my butt and do nothing for the rest of my life because no one has sent me a memo on what I am supposed too/ needed for in relation to work!”

    I do what I am passionate about. Everything I do I do with the utmost best intentions. I do not go out of my way to be helpful to the point of annoyance. I abide by all karmic and earthly laws. Everyone around me is loved and fed and well cared for.

    I am very arty, creative. I love what I do and as soon as I want to make it bigger and research, learn, read, to better myself I get stopped in my tracks. Like the photography I’m doing at the moment. After learning how to properly work the camera it malfunctions. Advice I have says it’s a manufacturer fault. So while waiting to get it fixed I pick up my little wee old camera. take a few shots to find the battery keeps dying. I charge it only to find I now have to wait a week till I can get a new battery.

    If anyone in my household needs things or a bill comes in or a car needs work we seem to have the money.. lots of it.. but when I need to get one little thing to assist in my growing then half the town comes down on me and needs paying or fixing so I need to put my ‘thing’ on hold.

    As soon as I put my passion and all into anything it goes south. What on earth am I missing here??????

    It has to be something simple. I live in a small town where people need to be in everyone else’s business. I’m not like that. I have never asked for help like this. I’m always the one being asked for advice and the ones who I have had for advice have since passed on and no one has replaced them. I don’t believe in sitting on ones behind and getting others to do the leg work but oh my lordy cheese… I either spin or walk forward.. bang into doors or open them. nothing works… I even tried that ‘standing still and listening’ FOR A YEAR!!!!….. I’ve tried a tantrum.. full blown, thrown to the floor and scream…. nuthin!.. I have asked all those who live upstairs in the heaven region… nothing!!! I have survived everything thrown at me and live with a slight disability due to some of it but I live. People say, move on, yeaH how? people say.. try another method..Yeah? this was the hundredth and eleventy method. I don’t complain if I haven’t tried all other resources and/or positions.I even gave up my years of spiritual work so that I could focus on my other work which resulted in new friends and job proposals which all came to nothing.I have little plots of land in my house that hold past hobbies. I got stopped, when I got stubborn and continued, the ‘stops’ became bigger. I wanted to become a rest home worker once, got sick, work diminished, I got stubborn, I got sicker, I got even more stubborn. I had to stop work due to cancer. I won that round so Upgraded my Artism from hobby to career, life got in the way repeatedly. Had the best proposal of my life to do with my art and in the same day got the living art beat out of me by my ex partner, broken collar bone and hefty concussion, I then had to leave town to get away. As soon as I get happy and passionate I get stopped. Simple as that
    What did I do?… what on earth did I do to be given everything I am capable of doing only to be not allowed to do it???? I have become so blind to what I would say to someone else if they were in this position, that I can’t even help myself. I am frustrated. I do not know what to do any more. When it comes to my pure, unadulterated, enjoyment in life.. I get a ‘Nah’!

    I just want to be able to enjoy my living and not just Live. So if you have ANY advice it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

    The Ruminant

    Hello Deedge!

    I read your post and wasn’t sure what to say. Left to do other things, thought about other things, and then all of a sudden, for some odd reason, these thoughts came to me. You say that you’re not sure what to say to another person in the same situation, as you’ve become blind to the possible solutions. What if we were to change the object from work and photography to a person, to a relationship? What if someone said that they could only be happy if they were with someone, and for some reason they kept failing at relationships? Do you think they were destined to be unhappy forever? Rhetorical questions, you don’t have to respond 🙂

    You give a lot of power to external events, people, even objects, and subsequently become a victim with no power over their own destiny. I don’t know much about karma and I’m not that certain about laws of attraction, but I have noticed in my own life, that the more attached I am to something, the more likely it is that I will lose it at some point. Or perhaps I constantly lose other things as well, but I don’t notice them. In things that do not matter that much to me, I seem to be really lucky in life. Things happen with ease. I don’t know why it works that way, but I have learned not to be so attached to things and events, and to not give away my power. I am an autonomous being amongst other autonomous beings.

    Currently, I see joy as something that’s spontaneous. It is my response to a thought or experience. Or sometimes I just allow it to come to me, even if I were to be in the most mundane setting. Just by focusing on all my senses and how great it is to be able to feel and experience things vividly. But if you were to force joy to stay with you permanently or expected a particular thing to constantly give you joy? Kind of like holding a butterfly in your hand so tightly that it would die.

    You can decide to enjoy your living immediately, if you want to. There’s no need to wait for the perfect setting, the perfect job, the perfect relationship. You have the ability to feel joy and to feel that you are alive. You don’t have to look at your camera and think “I wish you would work, so that I could finally enjoy life and be happy”. Life unfolds all the time, and there is beauty in all kinds of situations, if you wish to see it. There is beauty even in pain and sadness; human life can be so vivid and fragile in the same time. I know we are so used to numbing ourselves, because there is so much of everything happening, that it can be overwhelming. I guess that’s why it feels so good to really be present and open all the senses and experience life as it happens.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by The Ruminant.

    thanks The Ruminant. Agree with what you wrote.

    Hi Deedge

    I am going to offer a completely off the tangent advice here but it may well work for you if you could find the source of the problem.

    You are holding resentment to someone close to you (for example, mother, father, siblings, kids, husband, etc like someone really close). Forgive this person for whatever wrong they may done to you and let go of them. If the person has left the body, offer prayers for them with the purest intention of asking for forgiveness and showing them the light. Once you do it, I reckon, things should change for the better. Don’t ask me where this advice came from as I don’t have any justifications for it.

    See how you go.




    The Ruminant.
    I appreciate what you gave me. Based on the ramblings of a crazy woman I re-read what I wrote this morning and can see how it came across. I wasn’t tantruming about not being happy, I was tantruming about how I start something and I get a hefty roadblock come and stop me from what I am doing, no matter the subject and if I try and ignore the roadblock and soldier on it becomes bigger. My question was, why does this always happen and how does one stop it. It’s getting pretty tiresome and for once I would like to start something I put my heart into and actually complete it. There, that might be better. I found this site and due to not having anyone to ask in relation to this tantrum I crossed my fingers and just started typing. So, thank you so much for your help, it was extremely correct. Much loves to you.


    Jasmine. I understand what you are saying and why you would be saying it. If I get a roadblock I usually slip on my ‘big girl’ pants and boots and go another route to get to where I’m going, but lately the roadblocks have been coming from connections to the partners ex, his children and the debt he had with her. She took her own life, left us with her debt and children, the children I don’t mind but everything always comes at us when I, only me, wants to further my learnings no matter what they are. it’s like it is well timed. So if a roadblock arrives, the first thing out of my mouth is.. ‘oh of course.’. , because there is nothing I can do about it and if things don’t get paid then we would be in the deepest of brown stuff. Positive thinking flies right out of the window because there is no way around it. So I will go now and rectify this ‘thing’ and see if I can turn it around. Thank you so much for this. you’ve hoisted my butt above drowning level and I appreciate it immensely. Much loves and fuzzy hugs to you as well…Deirdre


    Thanks Deedge

    I am glad you could make sense of what I wrote.

    Can I suggest the following to show light to your partner’s ex who has left the body.
    – Meditate everyday for a few minutes in a dark quiet room and send her light in the heart chakra and see the light entering that chakra – centre of chest.
    – Ask for forgiveness and request her to move on with her journey and that you will look after her kids and ex hubby well.
    – Do that everyday for a few mins and I believe this will help immensely and you will know when she is resting in peace.
    – While you are doing this, can you pls make sure that you ask for forgiveness from yourself as well and others that you may hurt intentionally or unintentionally in the past ever out of ignorance or arrogance. And let all these people go on their journeys.

    And wah lah, things will become hunky dory soonish. I have offered prayers for this Partner’s ex wife soul as well.




    I will. I did this a couple of years after she had passed. She spent the first two years in our house. She was brought in by someone of significance to see that her children were ok ( she left them with a friend the night of) and they all have mental health issues they were born with so she came to see them and her ex. She spent a lot of time playing. not with the kids but by herself. She would be seen sitting on the floor colouring and drawing and playing with toys or reading. There was nothing I could do and was made to leave her for a while. I then noticed she wasn’t here any more so did what you have suggested and wished her well. That was the end of it. Or so I thought. I have also done the second thing you suggested but didn’t realise I would need to do it again. So I will. Spent the day ‘cleaning house’ and will continue with the other when the children go to bed.
    Thank you again.. I mean that in a bigger way than how it sounds. Hope we speak again. Deirdre

    The Ruminant

    “I appreciate what you gave me. Based on the ramblings of a crazy woman I re-read what I wrote this morning and can see how it came across. I wasn’t tantruming about not being happy, I was tantruming about how I start something and I get a hefty roadblock come and stop me from what I am doing, no matter the subject and if I try and ignore the roadblock and soldier on it becomes bigger.”

    Just so you know, I didn’t see it as the ramblings of a crazy woman. I’m not knowledgeable of karma nor laws of attraction, so I don’t know if it’s possible to alter the universe around us to go with us not against us. I’m pretty skeptical of such abilities, and I also don’t think that it’s a healthy attitude to attempt to control external events instead of one’s own attitude.

    Having to wait for a week to get a camera is not a roadblock, unless you turn it into one. People also respond if you sincerely tell them that you need help or that you don’t have the energy to help them. If you are sick, you need to rest, not ignore it. Now you’re being a bit of a martyr, which is not that uncommon for women. Taking on the role of always being there for others and giving of yourself willingly, and then failing to fulfill their own dreams and blaming external events and other people for that failure. I think that you are giving away your power to control your own destiny.

    Being passionate about something does not mean that everything will be easy. It just means that you’re more likely to maintain your interest even when it’s not all smooth sailing.

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