
what happened in the last 3.5 months?

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  • This topic has 40 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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    the worst thing for me is that i analyse too much and sometimes i get paranoied too much because of people’s behaviour.
    its like i want the world to be like i want it to be. im too possesive sometimes.
    sometimes i cant rely even on myself.

    its like those people do their thing they focus on their careers relationships friendships and i analyse their lives.

    sometimes its my fault because i take too much effor to think of otehr not for me- thats why my face is stubborn but i feel weak inside when it comes to meeting new people.
    when someone is nice – i see the second botton. when someone helps me i think i need to be careful because that help is not straight.
    when someone talks nice to me i think its a lie.

    its true.

    how can i change it?

    sometimes i think i perceive the world differently talking about others.
    i dont do drugs i dont drink much i dont smoke.

    i think the worst and the 1st enemy is my mind, my brain…….


    Now you’re thinking too much about thinking too much! LOL

    Mya, you’re different, but in a good way!

    Don’t worry, eventually they’ll catch up! The partying lifestyle comes to an end for everyone. Even them!

    Yes, be naturally cautious, but take things at face value. Don’t take things personally.


    Dear Mya:

    It is not all in your mind, that is, people do lie or unknowingly distort the truth. People do use others and manipulate others. This is not all in your head, something you need to fix so you can blindly trust everyone. That wouldn’t be realistic. When you do find a lot of truth distortions in a person and in a group of people, lack of integrity (saying one thing, doing another) and otherwise unkind behavior/ bullying …. you remove yourself from that person or group.

    You can’t and will not FIX the person or group so they operate the way they should… YOU behave the way you should even though most of people will not. This is how things are. If you wait for everyone to behave like they should, you will be waiting forever.

    Turn your focus from others to yourself. Look for people like you to make friends with, people who share your values. If none exist in real life, and you find like minded people on this website, then be it here for now that you look for … people who share your values.



    Its like she thinks im in her friend group and the something that was between me and our common friend was NOTHING. because she is very quick in decision making. like she hangs out with one boy then breaks up and then accidentay is surrounded again with 10 male friends to have an attention.
    as far as i know her she doesnt do anything except working ( workaholic) and partying. no self improvement when it comes to travelling its like – drinking or partying travelling.
    i am different
    she likes me i like her but i cant open i am not myself when she is around. no idea why.
    something blocks me.
    she is an organizer. she organizes things events gigs. people are used to her organising things its the same with boys- usually she organizes going to cinema, theatre. and boys get lazy.

    somehow i think that before i met this guy she was talking him to the cinema and so one. you knwo what i mean like a friend but he was only working and she was a person to fulfill the free time.

    and when she saw him being interested in me somehow she got a bit jealous. and he likes her as a friend still and i feel like she has a controll over some people- maybe over him as well.

    and i dont know what to do.
    and boys like her because she behaves like men. she is confident know what she wants and swears, drinks like men, smokes like them. invites boys for joints and so one. and im not like this.

    and THATS WHY i think that i am weaker and thats why i think she takes all over the attention from me. and its like i dont know what to do when i am around her.


    Dear Mya:

    Does this girl remind you of someone else in your life, a parent, maybe? Someone in your family of origin? Someone who took the attention away from you when you were younger?

    You wrote: “Something is blocking me.” I tend to think it is something you are not aware of, something you know, but you don’t know that you know, an old conflict in an early relationship, I am thinking. What do you think? I am willing to explore it with you if you see hope in that…?



    no she doesnt remind me of anyone from my family.
    but she reminds me of my ex boyfriends because they were all from her company they were all Virgo guys that once have been into me and they pulled away. I hate Virgo men…….
    Its blocking me because she is confident. She comes from patologic family with alcoholic dad. Her mum and brother rejected her. And she lives alone. She is so open, nice, makes new friends and boys fall in love or anre into her very quickly ebcause she is a good listener. But whenever she takes me somewhere to a party and one of her friends shows me attention she inerrupts us….
    Its like she blocks us.

    And she is again in the centre. That what blocks me inside- she has ironic sense of humor boys like, whenever i am somewhere with friends people tell- ooo’ i like her, remember what SHE SAID? she has a very cool sense of humor, she is so cool , everyone loves her’
    and then im like wow… why they tell it….. she takes boys hands she huggs boys even the ones i like and she knows them and im blocked- because inside im shy……
    and she thinks im not shy…….
    she thinks i just dont wanna have a bf for now because im focused on work.
    and its not like that….
    shes not aware of what shes doing.
    almost all of her friends rejected her and she needed to take them back. she always have arguments with people. and with me – no argument since 7 years.

    am i too weak? whats going on with me?

    even when she came over to visit me at my exchange in paris 2 years ago – 1st thing what she did was kissed my friend. and i was like : wooo wtf ;O
    inside i was so jealous…..


    Hi Again, Mya,

    I agree with Anita that in your past you were taught (by someone like this girl) not to stand up for yourself or speak out.

    Is it possible to not be around her? Take a break? Do other things? Have plans/”plans” when she throws a party?

    I had friends like that too in my twenties. In your forties, though, no one has any patience for it! By our thirties we start giving women like that the massive side-eye. Yes, even the guys!

    One day you will find a guy who will only have eyes for you, and won’t give into, much less notice or care about her trying to “block” him or take his attention/affection away!

    The first step is to say “NO”. It should be easy to do now. The Holidays are here!! You will be busy/”busy” with Thanksgiving/Christmas/and have plans for New Years!

    The second step is to meet someone nice and make it a point of not bringing him around her! That goes for any new friends, too! You need your OWN sub-group of friends. You deserve that, actually.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Inky.

    Dear Mya:

    What I am getting from your last post is that you wish you were like her in being assertive, in stating in TAKING what you want, in having that confidence to go for what you want, whatever it may be. You are shy, that is blocked. You want what you want but you don’t have the strength or the courage or the conviction to go for what you want. You want what you want and the want circulates in you while you feel blocked from acting and taking what you want.

    If you agree with my understanding, how can you, in small ways, in one step at a time, go and take what you want? Be it as small a want to start with?



    hello, thank you all for the replies in the last 2 years. finally we have not been together.

    this girl is still with her 5 year younger boyfriend ( that she can control) since that time since 2015.

    i cut the contact with her in november 2016. i am happy about that.

    this man has had 2-3 girflriends. i had one boyfriend abroad when i was since february 2017 until august 2017.

    this man was behaving weirdly even after… 1 year after even when he had girlfriends ( but unofficial).

    he would come up to the parties or just at my work ( i was a freelancer then).

    i moved on when i saw that he was possesive and weird, he didnt let me move on.


    i chosed some other man that UNFORTUNATELY he knew before. when he realised i liked him and vice versa, he interrupted, disturbed.it was in january 2017.

    now they are close friends.

    iam single again. i dont have anyone.

    he did that in purpose because he saw i liked that other man…

    the other man now works with him as freelancers.

    its complicated i am away from that company.


    that woman is queen bee in other company of her younger boyfriend. attention-seeker. i am not there. i dont wanna be associated with her.


    i still dont know why he was possesive and jealous of my friendship and flirt with that other man.

    he didnt want me, it was in october 2016 when he was picking me up home several times from work. hewas so humble, not bad boy, he would almost cry, i was put in a weird situation. i finally asked him what was between us and why it didnt work out.

    he told me we could meet up . but next days and weeks he freaked out, panicked, started ignoring me like he would made a mistake or idk.

    but then was possesive and jealous of the other man…


    then i moved to the other country for 7 months to work. he had other gfs but was liking my pics.

    when i came back we met only twice. he was idk nice and humble, was scared of me. once .

    we didnt talk, we didnt see each other since august 2017. i just sometimes like his facebook statueses.

    i dont care. i just got rid of him.

    but still the bitter situation remains deeply in my heart and head. why was like that… ?

    why i was so prone t o other people’s comments?

    it was me who was weak. that girl did her job she interrupted. now she is calm and she can now say- you didnt want him, why did you cry- it was 3 years ago 🙂

    so i lost. but i cut those people away.

    i do my thing. maybe sometimes they see that on social media maybe not.

    i just dont want to have anything in common with that man.

    if i like something i can comment or like his status but it doesnt mean anything.

    i dont wanna come back.

    chapter has been closed.


    Dear Mya:

    I read your new thread today, but I know nothing about star signs and such, astrology. Maybe other members will comment there. Regarding your recent post here- welcome back to your two year old thread.

    If you have a question, will you state it? I didn’t understand much of what you shared. If you do state a question, please be as clear as you can be and describe relevant information clearly as well, and I will reply.




    Hello, thank you for your reply anita.

    I justthought that maybe someone is interested in astrology here and could help me understand the period of my life that i am now in.

    But it is ok if noone can help because i have been interested in astrology since just a few months and i do not know a lot. 🙂

    The main question for me in the other thread was that since a year  i have felt a big change.

    I needed to reply to this thread because i felt like i didnt close it ( even mentally here). When someone mentioned that i was ‘blocked somehow’ previously 2 years ago it was true.

    When i moved away to Spain in february 2017 until august 2017 i felt a relief. I was working and studying. Now i finish my long period of my student life. But its ok 🙂 I unblocked abroad. Its all about mind. Before maybe I was too paranoied and too shy to admit that i cared about other’s opinions.

    Now i am a different person, i am assertive, nice but assertive – i can say NO. I am an adult. I am 27 even 3 years ago i didnt feel like 24-25 year old woman. I still felt weird like a young child. Mentally.

    Now it has changed. I accepted some facts i can not make a past back, its okey. I got rid of some toxic people, now i am only friends with A FEW. It was good 3 years of self improvement and self consciousness.

    I am very grateful and thankful of the help and posts and advices that all of you gave me here in the forum. I appreciate it.



    Dear Mya:

    I think I understand now. What a delight it is to read your update, and to understand it better. My goodness, it was me who wrote to you in November 2015, on this thread above: “What I am getting… is that you wish you were …being assertive, in stating, in taking what you want, in having that confidence to go for what you want… You are shy, that is blocked…how can you, in small ways, in one step at a time, go and take what you want?”

    More than two years later, today, you wrote: “When someone mentioned that I was ‘blocked somehow’ previously 2 years ago it was true.. I unblocked abroad.. I was… too shy…Now I am a different person, I am assertive, nice but assertive- I can say NO.”

    It is nice for me to know, that in a small way, I was helpful to you unblocking, that is removing the fear enough so to be able to practice being assertive.

    I hope you post again anytime you’d like.





    Yes it was helpful 🙂

    Anyway those people have been toxic. I mean this woman the most toxic person.

    This man is not even her friend anymore. Maybe he is but only a friend. SHe is an attention seeker, always on facebook, instagram, other social media that allows others to see her life. and she publishes it in purpose not to lose the attention.

    As someone said before – that people will give her a side-eye someday- i think that a lot of them have already done it 🙂

    that is why she can not be an individual unit , experienced by herself but only with other people. she is dependent on others.

    since 2015 i have learnt that to be able to share my life, happiness or any relation with other person i need to be full , i need to be calm and whole, unity. Without that it could be toxic, because any of us, me or the other person cant give only take.

    Its important to give as well.  I also understand it better now. Maybe before i was too immature, too proud full of myself, but now i know, i guess i learnt my lesson. It was good 2,5 years.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Mya.

    Dear Mya:

    You wrote that she is “an attention seeker”- well, she certainly got your attention.

    If and when you find yourself attending to her, that is, when your attention is on her, shift your attention to yourself. You deserve the attention you give to her.

    I am glad these have been good two and a half years, and hope for many more to come. Keep learning, keep asserting yourself, you will get better and better at it the more you practice.



    yes i think you are right.

    now i just do not think of her, we havent met since october 2016. sometimes i see she is active on facebook, spamming and commenting everyone. but its ok. i let her be.

    these two years tought me a lot. especially regading my confidence and my life. that was ok.


    i learnt that people especially my age have 2 sides. i do not know why but here in my country among every one of the group, people pretend and have masks. abroad my friends didnt have masks.have been real.

    here i dont know what happens, a lot of my friends is fake. even they are intelligent, graduates. like they want to prove something or i dont know.

    and being real,being vournelable but aware of life, and things that happen around is a sign of being weak not strong.

    people are afraid to show emotions. and they hide it thats why a lot of conflicts occur.


    usually people like me because i show emotions and i am strong and even when i was younger i used to tell in a nice way what i wanted. maybe as we discussed before i was not as assertive nor talkative and i couldnt express my emotions bravely.

    but that is weird because since the beginning of my studies i was involved to groups with Queens Bee. and i was always the ‘rival’ of them. and because people knew those girls better they usually relied on them/ their opinion.

    i didnt understand the hierarchy because really, still i dont need to be dependable, i can act how i want i can invite whom i want,i can talk to whom i want. there is no hierarchy.

    and in those groups people were gossiping about other, outside friends that added someone on facebook ( what did it mean, why did she do it, is she in love with him). my mind doesnt need to be filled with trash like that.


    that is  why i think only a few people liked me because i always had my path, my way of doing things, expressing myself.

    i dont like drama. i just cant see myself screaming at my friend and throwing things at her. its not about me being weak and not  being able to express emotions. its maybe gentle behaviour like a normal person would do.

    i see that before 30 . in the age gap 27-31 ( 28-30) people mature. i have felt more matured than my friends before. because i didnt make drama i was doing my thing. but i realised that drama people calm down before the age of 30.

    and everyone forgive them the drama. i usually do not forgive the drama.  i can be nice and talk but i cant forgive. because its the way they made me feel. and i was away hidden in a corner because i felt bad and they were having romantic dinners. but when you ask them they wouldnt know what was going on with me because they didnt have the emotional  intelligence to guess or to be empathetic even to one of closest friends.

    i know that everything will be okey with me. situations like that occured twice more after this one. but it was about work not a man. it was in 2016 and in 2017 when abroad. i was stronger. people wanted to cheat on me somehow because i was nice and normal at my workplace. but i was stronger than they thought.

    i know everything will be fine but i usually do not come back to queen bees that made me feel that way. when i cut contact with her she cried and beg me to stay but i had a satisfaction to turn my back ( like in movies!! ) hahah and go my way.

    and i will not have karma. because  i can feel and i am  empathetic.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Mya.
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