
what happened in the last 3.5 months?

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    Dear Mya:

    Regarding the part almost at the end of your recent post, the queen bees, you wrote: “when I cut contact with her she cried and beg me to stay but I had a satisfaction to turn my back.. and go my way” -when did this happen and is this the girl you referred to in your 2015 shares?

    I re-read a bit from your previous posts of 2015. You wrote there: “I think sometimes they (your parents) were too nice and kind”- would you like to explain what it means to you, your parents being too nice and kind?




    it happened around november 2016.

    yes it was the girl that i was referring to in my 2015 posts. the one that was too interested and too curious.

    i think that in 2015  i was a bit different person.

    i thought that being nice and kind in a home environment means something bad.

    i wanted to escape to the world full of young people. i felt like in a cage because i was still living with my paretns as well as studying the same thing . for me it was forever and the neverending cycle.

    but from the perspective now i see that its okey. parents need to be kind and nice.

    of course every stage of your life and every generation needs to be differentiate. maybe i was too dependable before. and too immature.

    but i hated that this girl wanted to say that my parents are too protective. i remember even in high school when we were talking – she was always having problems with parents. she didnt have a family. they divorced and then her dad died. and instead of getting help from friends – me, andother people. she decided to party and take drugs. and she became the queen bee because of the attention that she didnt get in her childhood.

    everytime i was giving her a help hand she didnt want she preferred to get drunk and party only with men.

    i understand. usually women want to be in the centre of men’s attention 🙂  its natural

    but she didnt let other girl be on the same level in groups.

    it was her who introduced me to the company that i met up this man.

    but it was not my fault that we were attracted to each other.

    she lives in a limbo, in a world that she CAN. because she wasnt given the attention and good childhood.

    but it doesnt meen she NEEDS to destroy other people’s lifes.

    i will never forget and forgive.

    because it was always me , in high school and later- like her shadow. always her the 1st and me the 2nd. always when she had relationships i was always the one to tell her advice, good friend.

    but when i wanted to set up sth for myself like a little relationship , she realised. 🙂 because she knew me. she knew my steps. so she realised i was into someone from her company. some of her guards. knights that only she can use, one to party, one to spend time, one to go to the cinema. 😉

    i hope she will never be happy . because she uses people. she is very egoistical because she fears the abandonement like she experienced in childchood. but i dont want her problems to influence my life- especially when she has always pushed away the help i was offering ( with friends, or psychologist).

    i was the only one who remained so long at her side. people were telling me even in 2010 – she is toxic, she uses people. i didnt listen.

    in october when we met she was scared of me. she plays nice, has a nice face but inside she is a b***tch.

    but what goes around comes around. i hope she will get her karma.

    think she is getting it

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Mya.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Mya.

    the problem is- she doesnt realise that there exsists something like emotional intelligence and empathy. she goes wherever and whenever like a truck destroying making drama and then she calms down andpeople forgive her for mistakes because she is generally nice.

    but her intentions are not material , they are emotional.

    she creates bonds with people especially with men that they think she cares of them and she is interested. then she cuts off the contacts with them and make them chase her . she choose her a boyfriend and the game begin.

    i am the witness of her two relationships like that. she needs to have a man and the circle of guards.

    AND those guards are dependable on her. because she emotionally manipulates them as she would let/ or doesnt let them.

    of course she ‘lets’ them have someone SHE KNOWS and immidiatel she becomes that person/ a new girl best friend. and she uses her emotions. like a vampire because she wants to get to know her. she wants to know what she does and etc.

    and when she stops using her and sucking her emotions she starts to create her new hobby ( the same as this girl) and everyone prays her. and everyone thinks that SHE is the inventor that SHE is the ONE.

    and this girl goes to the shadow.

    but time passes by emotions calm down. and she says – what are you talking about. nothing happened.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Mya.

    Dear Mya:

    I wish I was able to understand you better. I think language is one problem I am having, wish I knew your first language, I believe it is Polish.

    I asked you what you meant previously saying your parents were too nice and kind.

    You answered in your post before last: “I thought that being nice and kind in a home environment means something bad”-  can you explain this to me, take your time and try to be as clear as possible?



    When i was younger i thought that everyone like me and my friends needed to have ‘the same steps’ in life.

    I was raised in a loving family. But when i got older i started feeling stuck a bit. In Poland its not common to move out to the other city or to just rent the appartment like in other countries when you are young.  I told myself at the beginning of my studies that to be a real mature person i needed to move out and needed to experience myself in life.

    I thought ( i think now it was wrong) that being kind and nice in a home environment means “cutting my wings” as a young person. I thought that only when i grow up myself alsone or surrounded by my friends i would become an adult.

    I thought that parents and their love made me stuck at home. I do nt know why i felt like i was in my room, in my home not because i wanted to but because someone told me so.

    I had many talks with parents and they didnt understand my point of view. Now i dont understand it .

    They raised me in a loving way and let me do a lot. It was me who put some borders on my mental behaviour. I dont know why with friends when we enrolled at the university we started comparing ourselves to ‘american dream culture’, to american students-wishing to be like them. To live in a campus, to have very laid back attidute. Living with parents for me and for my friends at that period of time meant something bad. Me ( and two of my collegues) told ourselves to be grown human we needed to leave to move out. Even thought we didnt have enough money and etc.

    Now, after a few years i know its not true. Its not about home its about mindset. I dont know why i felt like that before. I felt that everyone had better lives than me. Because they were inviting each other ( not me) they were forgetting about me always etc. I wanted to be 100% independent to have my own life to be able to invite people, live with people with my age. LIke those friends did.

    But i didnt understand that those friens, including that toxic woman, came from other cities. Didnt have anyone here in my city so they needed to create groups. Their parents were paying for their flats, they were partying and working. They already graduated. I was atthe different level of my life. But i wanted to fit in.

    NOw i understand i dont need to fit in. I need to have my own life like i have now. And living with parents and being raised in a good family with traditions doesnt mean a bad thing. Maybe those people were jealous of my childhood.

    But i understand now that it was my mindset and just a stupid comparison to other people’s lives.



    Good for you Mya for recognizing that!  You are maturing and becoming more self-actualized.

    I find that once I started to become more about who I really am versus trying to fit in or fit within other people’s expectations that I started attracting other kinds of people who really appreciate me as me.

    I felt more relaxed and at ease with myself and with others.

    I got to really start enjoying my life with people that I enjoyed being with.

    Keep us updated.



    Dear Mya:

    Here is my best understanding of your recent posts:

    When you were an older child, you felt stuck at home, felt like it was a cage, like a bird without wings. And you wanted to fly!

    When you started university, you lived at home but you wanted to live on campus, like that young woman, like a few of the others, to make your own choices, your own choices, choose your way.

    It didn’t happen. You found yourself still, that bird with no wings. This woman you refer to as toxic, I think you view her as one who has wings and you envy her for it.

    Am I remembering correctly, you now live in Spain, not in Poland. Away from your parents’ home, correct? If so, what about those wings, this ability to fly, the freedom to fly… what is happened and what is happening to that desire, to fly?

    What would it mean to you, to fly- what is freedom, for you?




    Yes she was the main factor of my thinking about moving out.

    She was the 1st from almost all of my friends ( school, university, work) that was living alone. But it was her financial situation and some support from the council. Because of her family issues she was given some money. She was also studying something else, short period and now makes a lot of money because she is good at what she does.In a group of friend i remember she was the 1st to move out even in high school or at the beginning of her studies when i was still living with parents.

    But living alone doesnt mean only partying. Its also responsibility. But she was the ONE that was making parties and everyone was talking about her, as she would have a place to be. So she could CHOOSE people.Everything in her life was very early.It is okey. But i was maybe too naive and i was comparing her to me.

    I also wanted to be like that and i couldnt understand that my job ( half time) and my studies require more focus, work and generally more pressure. Now it doesnt matter because i live alone. I was in Spain it was ok but i was not like a wild kid. I am older more mature and i dont perceive living alone as partying .

    But i have also some kind of an inner pride that i dont like to be dependent on someone. It doesnt mean that i do not take help. I take help i am more humble than before. But some of them didnt understand that i was kind of stuck at university, i didnt like my school friends. They started ( she started) to mother me, telling others that i have a very poor situation, telling others that my family is in a very bad condition . Why? I dont know. It shaped weird picture of me like of a very weak person.

    When she was turning 26 in 2015 and invited me for a party i gave her some hand made present – it was a cool idea, i did that because i liked her and we have known each other 8 years. She told me it was bad, because it was too emotional, gave me a shot of vodka and told me to drink and to stop telling her wishes.


    Coming back to you question. I though she was the one that was free, because she was the 1st to be independent. I knew she had problems but didnt want to take the help from NOONE. Only preffered  men attention and company. And i thought that she became someone because she was free.

    Later i realised that i was wrong. That being free doesnt mean to make drama and drink. Maybe i dont have young memories like her. Maybe i didnt party like her because i was stuck in my room or my friends room doing my homework. But we had different lives. I can not compare it.

    Before I was living in Germany for a year  and i was free.  I could do what i want but i was not as party girl like anyone could imagine. I lived a normal life. In spain the same. Being free means that you are not dependent on the same routine, of what others want you to eat at etc. I didnt even have it in my family home.

    To fly and to be free means to create a life like i want and to do what i want.( with a respect to others).


    Dear Mya:

    I don’t like party life myself, drinking, partying… no I wouldn’t like it now and I wouldn’t like it if I was your age.

    This former friend of yours, I hope she remains a former friend, no longer in your life and if it is possible for you, it is better that you check on her on social media. Let her be in your past, all the way in your past.

    You value freedom highly, independence and respect in relationships with others. Freedom, having those wings, to me, is about making thoughtful choices. Not compulsive, impulsive choices out of habit, automatic reaction to emotions, but taking time and thinking first.



    Thank you,

    yes i love freedom. Its something I like the most in any relationship. The thing i know that i can do something my way or i am not actually attached to anything makes me feel good. But i also care, i work a lot, i care. I can be aloof but it doesnt mean i dont care.


    Thank you,



    Dear  Mya:

    I made a mistake in my last post to you. I meant to type that I  hope you do not check on your former friend on social media, not that you do.

    Freedom is  indeed, a wonderful thing. Freedom does not mean a  party life and it is not made possible simply by having  a lot  of money or living alone. It means knowing what is  keeping us imprisoned, and then freeing ourselves from that prison. Often it is our beliefs about people and life that keep us in a mental prison, an emotional  prison.



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