
What was your “dark night of the soul like”?

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    Two years ago I underwent a very serious spiritual emergence that included a 124 Day dark night of the soul, and I almost didn’t make it through to the other side. Today I am a better person for facing my past mistakes and demons. I am free now, and KNOW there is a God. How was your dark night(s)?


    Dear Shari:

    nerdy creator. com: “‘The Dark Night of the Soul’ is a term that is commonly used to describe a period of spiritual transformation. During this dark period, one feels depressed, lost, and lonely. Everything seems meaningless, hollow, and empty. There is no meaning to life and nothing makes sense anymore… Our soul is always full of aliveness, joy, freedom, and love. It’s always expanding and connected to the Higher Power. But the problem is most of us are not in tune with our souls. We act from the ego instead and therefore, we suffer.

    “The Dark Night of the Soul signifies the beginning of a shift in perspective from our ego to our soul. We realize that the ego’s perspective no longer works for us anymore but we are not yet connected with our soul. So we are stuck in between these two states and have no clear sense of identity or a stable home to reside in… Previously, when we act from our ego, we derive our identity from our career, our wealth, our relationships, our roles, etc. But once we realize that these things don’t actually make us happy, we lose our purpose in achieving or acquiring them. The conceptual framework that once gave us meanings and kept us going in life collapsed. That’s why we experience an existential crisis and a loss of identity. We don’t know who we are, what we want in life, and what to do with our lives anymore…

    “Someone who gets through the Dark Night of the Soul doesn’t completely identify with their ego anymore. You experience some kind of ego death and you know that you are not your thoughts. You are more connected to your soul, you have a new purpose in life, and you take on a different identity. There is some kind of transformation and spiritual awakening. Your old personality dissolves and you come out a different person” –

    – there is plenty more in this website including suggestions under “What do you do during the dark night of the soul?”

    I want to reply further in about 10 hours from now.



    Dear Shari:

    I will respond to both of your threads in this post (I hope that other members reply to you on your other thread). Yesterday, you submitted this original post on this thread: “Two years ago I underwent a very serious spiritual emergence that included a 124 Day dark night of the soul, and I almost didn’t make it through to the other side. Today I am a better person for facing my past mistakes and demons. I am free now, and KNOW there is a God. How was your dark night(s)?”

    Six minutes later, you submitted this original post in a second thread: “I feel so sad sometimes for different reasons just like everyone else. But for me, even when I am feeling agony inside, I am unable to cry tears or express myself to drain the sadness out of me. It all stays kept inside where I am full up and cannot tolerate much more. I am worried I may have a break-down of some sort if I don’t face my feelings and let things go.”

    From these two short original posts I gather that last year you experienced 124 days (about 4 months) of feeling almost intolerably sad, lost and lonely. What made sense before, no longer made sense. What you thought mattered before, no longer mattered. You either lost your faith in God or doubted that God exists. Your life felt meaningless and empty. It was perhaps as if the ground underneath you collapsed and you were falling into nothingness.

    Following these 124 days, you experienced freedom: freedom from your Ego (your past THOUGHTS about what matters in life) and you got in touch with your Soul (your KNOWING of what matters in life). Your faith in God was restored. You felt that you faced your mistakes and demons and that you were a better person for it.

    This year, you still feel “so sad” sometimes, but you are unable to cry tears or express yourself in such a way that will drain the sadness out of you. You are worried that you may have a breakdown of some sort because your sadness and agony feel intolerably intense at times.

    My thoughts:  my personal experience with spiritual-emotional transformations is that the benefits of the transformation do not last because we (people) tend to .. forget. It’s like a spiritual transformation needs to be PRACTICED every day for it to take hold long term and forevermore.

    When following a spiritual- emotional transformation we feel better, at first, we appreciate the difference between how we feel now and how badly we felt before. But after a while, we forget how badly we felt before the transformation, we therefore no longer compare how we feel now to how we felt before, and without that comparison,-we become dissatisfied again.

    Does this make sense to you?



    Dear Shari

    A few years back I felt something brewing and it was coinciding when my period was due, so I knew i was in for a rough couple of days so I told my ego/pain body that if it did not behave I would hit it with every bit of dharma I knew.

    I put my self into semi retreat and watched the antics,  thought & emotions unfold. Sometimes I could see them coming in the distance like the four horsemen of the apocalypse other times beautiful thoughts would sweetly dance up to me only changing into sneaky gremlins at the last minute & all the time Mara was in the background playing chess.

    I was grateful that I had the dharma on hand to help me. I kept safe and caused no harm to myself or others.

    It is true that without nourishing & replenishing our spiritual practice that we once again become absorbed into this samsaric way of living.

    There is a lovely book called In case of Spiritual Emergency. It is well worth a read as many of its references are christian based.

    Wishing you all the best




    Dear Reader:

    “‘The Dark Night of the Soul’ is a term that is commonly used to describe a period of spiritual transformation… The Dark Night of the Soul signifies the beginning of a shift in perspective from our ego to our soul” (nerdy creator. com)

    The process of setting ourselves free from ego conditioning is about releasing the defenses we built around our hearts to protect ourselves, and letting life, love, joy in increasingly more…’You are love itself when you are not afraid.Nisargadata Maharaj. – In other words, when you are not the ego, you are the Soul. When you…  operate from to be the Soul, instead of being an ego, you are free. A sense of wonder overwhelms your heart and the tiniest thing feels immensely beautiful… That’s how liberation (ego deconditioning) feels like… and so much more. Discovering your Self as a Soul enables you to feel that you are holding the whole world in your heart… And you do. Because there is always The One Heart beating in all” (bastianela gloria.com).

    If anyone reading this would like to comment, share, enlighten, please do!



    Dear Reader:

    Paraphrasing what I quoted above, and shifting to the first person: the process of setting myself free from ego is about letting go of Fear, and letting in Life, love and joy. It is a shift of motivation: from protecting myself (and in so doing, closing in on myself and keeping Life out)  ===> to experiencing Life (opening myself to life, letting Life in).

    Ego is what my brain does when I am afraid: it overthinks, and in so doing, keeping me occupied while existing, while my experience of Life muted, muffled, minimized. Soul is what the brain does when it allows itself to experience Life,  unmuted, unmuffled: it sees and hears and smells and senses all that’s there to sense.




    Dear Reader:

    About the transformation/ evolution in regard to Ego and Soul, in regard to “letting go of Fear, and letting in Life, love and joy” (above post), taken from getting thru. org/ seven stages of spiritual development:

    We begin with a consciousness that is ruled largely by fear, which makes us easy targets to being controlled by others. As we evolve, our world-view expands and we glimpse into the realms of the human soul. Fear recedes and love blooms. We think for ourselves and release the grips of those who have controlled our lives. Our souls become more and more present.

    We evolve from functioning largely on auto pilot, based on fear and a narrow range of thinking, following the crowd and playing it safe to awakening: the mind becomes more active and new possibilities are emerging. We bridging the gap between the restrictions of the physical plane to expansions into the spiritual plane, guided by the truth in our hearts. We become more aware of the big picture, recognizing how our actions can have a positive impact on people. We becoming highly aware that we create from the inside out, with our minds and our hearts.



    Dear Reader:

    From above: “Fear.. makes us easy targets to being controlled by others“. What being-controlled-by-others means to me, as I type this, is that I care too much if other people like me, afraid that other people think less of me than they think of others, or that they like me less than they like others. And that it is so because I really am inferior to others, that I really am less than.

    Looking at the title of this thread, feeling less-than really is the “dark night of the soul“. It is an injury to the soul. The soul is “one heart beating in all“, and so, when my soul is injured, the one heart beating in me- and in all the people I interact with- is injured. The injury takes away from the One as it divides us, turning one against the other.

    An emotional and spiritual transformation for me means to heal that injury in the one heart beating in us all, to really  believe that I am not less-than anyone and that everyone is the same… almost like the same person, and perhaps it is best to put it this way: all of us are the same person.

    We are of different looks, genders, nationalities, educational degrees, professional achievements, etc., etc., but outside these appearances, or better say, within these different appearances, we are the same person. I guess that the reason it never seems to work- that a person with low self-esteem manages to increase his or her self-esteem by improving or changing these appearances (looks, genders, etc.)- is because the only way to increase one’s self-esteem is to increase one’s esteem of everyone, seeing all as one person (underneath the different appearances).

    An emotional and spiritual transformation is about shifting from ego-living (focusing on appearances and discriminating based on appearances) to soul-living (seeing what’s underneath appearances, treating all equally). Soul living is about never dehumanizing or objectifying ourselves or others in any way, no matter how commonly it’s done in society. It is about standing out of the crowd, never joining others in treating a person as less-than (or more-than) for being shorter or taller, heavier or lighter, poorer or richer, darker or lighter, a man or a woman, disabled or not, etc., etc.

    Emotional-spiritual transformation is not concluded on the top of a mountain, where and when we feel elated and “transformed”. It happens down in the valley, as we live our everyday lives.

    Emotional-spiritual transformation is about radically accepting all that we cannot change, no longer resisting and being uptight about what we cannot change, and yet (like Peter often says), still being fully engaged in living (as opposed to being indifferent).

    There is this woman I know irl, I’ve been trying for so long to make her like me, trying to show her that I like her, so that she will like me back. It is only recently that I noticed that she routinely throws aggressive comments at me (I call it micro aggression), trying to hurt my feelings, and that she continues to do so no matter how hard and for how long I’ve been kind to her. And so, I figured that I need to stop these efforts of mine, that I will be civil when I see her (say hello, thank you, good night, with a smile), but I will not be sitting near her anymore, nor will I initiate or engage in any conversation with her. I understand that her aggression is born out of… soul injury, but I also understand that availing myself to her micro-aggression will not heal anyone’s soul. After a year or two of being drawn to her, being motivated to make her like me… I am curiously no longer drawn to her, no longer motivated to make her like me.

    I used to engage in gossip but will never again. To gossip means to share untruths about someone’s private life, or to share what is true in any way that is unkind. Examples of being unkind: (1) betraying a person’s trust by sharing what was said to me in confidence, (2) making fun of anyone for any reason, laughing at them behind their backs, or to their face, of course, (3) showing joy or glee about another person’s struggles.

    Gossip injures the soul!

    Closing on the topic of gossip: I better not share with anyone whom I do not trust (to not gossip) anything about me and my life that I am not okay with everyone knowing.

    In my over 7 years communication with members, I have asked members a lot of questions about their childhoods and very much pushed the topic on them. It is only recently that I noticed (when I was asked about my childhood) that it is very distressing to a lot of people and is therefore unkind for me to do. Although I intend to mention childhoods, I no longer intend to push it on members. It distressed me= it distresses others.

    Invalid or excessive guilt are formidable dark clouds hovering over our soul,  causing the “dark night of the soul”. Invalid guilt refers to guilt over things that we feel were wrong, but were not really wrong. Excessive guilt refers to guilt over mistakes and wrongs that we did commit, but we continue to feel it after we’ve done all that we can do to correct our wrongdoings (as in nothing we do takes away that tormenting feeling of guilt). It is very important for every person to distinguish between valid and invalid guilt, to figure out how to proceed in regard to valid guilt, and once the guilt has served its purpose, to let go of it. Excessive, lingering guilt does not make us better people. It makes us worse people because our soul is in darkness.

    Some people try to not create any waves by going along with whatever other people need and want: a recipe for disaster because no matter how hard we try to not make waves, we end up making waves, but waves we don’t desire to make. For example, a parent who goes along with whatever the other parent wants, to his/ her own detriment, creates the following wave: having taught their children to under-create waves (be passive) or over-create waves (be aggressive) in their own marriages. So, better we pay attention to the nature of the waves we are creating. Create… Soul Waves. Let the core soul within you, that heart beating in us all,  originate waves that wash over us all.



    These dark nights sound similar to depression. I don’t wish to discuss my experience of depression but I’m happy to share my exploits to recover from it.

    I remember the first time I felt happy. I was walking my dogs, the same as any other day. Watching the same beautiful sunset that I’d often ignored. Instead of my thoughts being painfully present, they had eased. I was simply present and enjoying the moment for what it was.

    My recent foray into Buddhism has taught me to become more aware of triggers. I’m doing my best to watch and sit with the feelings. This does not mean feeding the feeling or allowing it to carry me away as before. A book described thoughts occurring after the initial feeling as a lie. So rather than think about it, the goal is to sit with the feeling, the energy and allow it to dissipate in time without forcing it.

    I don’t concern myself with trying to get rid of my ego. Masterful monks have egos. They just recommend being aware of it and not allowing it to blindly lead us around.

    I think one difficulty with depression etc is that it is comfortable because it is what you know. There is a trap of safety. There is guilt that comes with this, it is hard to admit. And fear of the unknown. But by repeatedly subjecting myself to my fears and allowing myself to experience pain, I have become somewhat desensitized to it. This has helped me develop confidence in my ability to overcome challenges. I still feel overwhelmed and stressed sometimes, but it is good to acknowledge that and allow it to pass.

    Lastly, working to soothe my nervous system has been helpful.

    What is the point of life? Or capitalism? Or purpose?

    We are animals, reproduction and propagating the species is an evolutionary goal. This is our environment, we exist within it. Purpose is what we make of it. My purpose is to take care of myself, my loved ones, my pets, my home, learn, help others and enjoy my experience to the best of my ability.


    Dear Reader:

    Disengage from the-beast-that-never-sleeps, i.e., the egoic-thinking  part of the brain aka Ego. It thinks I/me as an independent, separate entity; it thinks me-vs-them. It thinks rigidly, conventionally, subject to judgments. If a highly intelligent and highly formally-educated person’s thinking is egoic, it is still rigid, conventional  and judgmental, leading to discontent, misery and sickness.

    Switch to Beginner’s Mind, No Mind, a state of awakening, if only for a moment.

    An example of conventional, rigid, judgmental egoic-mind thinking is: do people like me, why don’t they like me, am I less than others, I don’t like this person, who does he thinks he is? etc.

    Very different from Ego (I), Soul is one-heart-beating-in-all,  a We/us. We humans are the same person, really. We are no less and no more than… we. When I harm another person, I harm myself. When another person harms me, they harm themselves. Of course, individuals should be held responsible for their individual actions and society should be protected from those who do such harm as rape and murder, and yet, looking at the big picture: when we harm others, we harm ourselves because in the big picture, we are the same person.

    To increase one’s self-esteem, one has to esteem all people, regardless of different appearances (age, education, finances, gender, height, nationality, race, weight, etc.).

    -more later.




    Dear Reader:

    I am typing this in a meditative state of sorts, not in any rush or with a goal in mind:

    What other people think of me is none of my business, as the saying goes. Does it happen that a bad person (certain world leaders come to mind) are thought well of by many simply because of their power? Yes. Does it happen that a good person is thought badly or poorly of by many because they find something superficial that is displeasing in the person: the volume of his voice, the color of her hair, his accent, her way of walking, etc., etc.? Yes.

    Are there things about me that are displeasing to others? Yes. Does it mean that I am a bad person? No. Is there a way for me to not displease anyone? No. There will always be people who will be displeased by me, including some of the people reading this very post (assuming anyone is reading it). Many people over the years who read my replies don’t like me/ my writing. I myself don’t like my overly-academic sounding writing style, which I would like to leave in the past. I don’t like it that I used to be judgmental of members. But over time and intent I am trying to be a better and better person, healthier, more genuine and a good person regardless of what people think of me. There will ALWAYS be people who will think poorly or badly of me. There will ALWAYS be people who will think poorly or badly of ANYONE, including themselves. Nobody escapes being thought of badly or poorly by other people.

    Why would I expect a person who thinks poorly of herself to think highly of me? I wouldn’t like anyone to think of me as superior or inferior, just as I don’t want to think of anyone as superior or inferior to me.

    It doesn’t make any sense, does it, that I should care what others are thinking of me, good or bad. Isn’t thinking poorly of others born out of anger and/ or discontent? When I encounter a person thinking poorly of me, the origin of their thinking is their anger or discontent, not me.

    “One heart beating in all” means that we are all equal, all the same person, different appearances but the same person. People who think poorly of me are the same person as me. It’s just that I am becoming more aware of it now than those who think poorly of me.

    This equality I am referring to, this same-person awareness is a spiritual transformation and I need to not forget it, not keep it on top of a figurative mountain and walk down to the valley of my daily life without it.

    The only way to increase one’s self-esteem is to increase one’s esteem of everyone.

    Spiritual transformation is shifting from ego-living (I vs them) to soul-living (we).

    I think that every person’s soul gets injured within the first decade of life. A severe soul injury becomes evident when a person has gone too far from soul-living and for too long, having committed acts of emotional and/ or physical violence against others that clearly show that the person has no awareness or interest in that “one heart beating in all”.

    It is soul injuries that are behind people thinking of others as inferiors (or superiors). It is soul injuries that are behind treating people poorly, behind being judgmental of people… behind making fun of others, gossiping, mistreating, abusing. When person X injures person Y’s soul, anyone who interacts with either X or Y may pay the price by being ridiculed, insulted, and/ or mistreated in some way.

    We are all soul injured by the time we are 10 (says I), so it is no wonder that we soul-injure others in one way or another in the next decades of life. The nature of soul injury is that it propagates itself by injuring the souls of others. Spiritual transformation is about accepting this sad fact that we did indeed harm others, make amends to them whenever possible or wise, and become more and more soulful people who do-no-harm. Carrying useless, lingering guilt for wrongs done, wrongs that cannot be undone is keeping that soul injury bleeding and bleeding. And for as long as a soul injury is bleeding, it will keep propagating itself and more harm will be done to others.

    We all create waves, no matter how much we may try to not create any waves: we all draw the attention of and make an impact on others in one way or another. Better we make our waves soul friendly.

    The reason our world is in such a sad state is not because there is a scarcity of intelligence and education but because there is a scarcity of soul living and an abundance of ego living. In regard to governments, political figures and financial giants who fail us- they fail us because it is their egos that govern and impact us. Their souls are severely injured and they create and have created a global soul injury, soul injuring many billions of humans, animals, plants and other living things.



    Dear Reader:

    Further processing of my post of a week ago, above:

    Spiritual transformation is the shift from Egoic living (I am) to Soul living (We are). It is the awareness of the “one heart beating in all” (the Soul), the awareness that we are the same person.

    We people and all living things (other animals, plants etc.) have different appearances and yet, we are one life, one soul… one person. There really is no “I am” when it comes to anything that endures and persists. In regard to human appearances and behaviors, still.. same person: same physiology, same biology, same chemistry, same instincts, same needs, same motivations, same emotions… same person. The more aware we are of we (of our Soul), the better we treat us.

    Disliking others for their physical appearances, nationalities, ages, disabilities, etc.,  is egoic, stemming from a sick sense of separation from others. Feeling superior or inferior to others stems from the same sick sense of separation. Since this sick separation is the rule, not the exception, there is so much unnecessary and devastating sickness and sufferings in the world.

    In regard to being liked vs disliked by others: there is no way for me to avoid being disliked. There will always be someone who will dislike me (online and elsewhere). and this is true for everyone. When disliked, I look at what it is about my appearance or behavior that is disliked, and ask myself: is it really offensive or unwise (in other words, do I dislike it myself)? If I I dislike it myself, and I can change it- I will.

    I want to be way more tolerant of people’s appearances, mannerisms, disabilities and weaknesses than I ever was, and to keep in mind that… again, we are the same person, none superior, none inferior.

    It happened just the other day, a man was coughing and I handed him a couple of paper napkins. A young woman voiced her disapproval of me handing the man the napkins, as if it was a silly act, saying that he didn’t need the napkins. The man then proceeded to use both napkins. In this example, I did the right thing for the coughing man and the young woman’s disapproval was about her anger, her discontent. We all suffer so much from others’ misdirected anger and discontent.

    The only way to increase one’s self-esteem is to increase one’s esteem for all humans and living things.



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