
Why would he ask me to call just not to answer?

HomeForumsRelationshipsWhy would he ask me to call just not to answer?

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Mark.
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    My fwb I have known for 18 yrs knows that I work so I could call if I am on break or whatever. He knows I have 2 jobs.Sometimes I will text him and he will say call me now. I will leave my office go out and call but he won’t even answer even if it is right after he said call. One time he did that he said in class now. So I’m like why have me call if you know in  2 mins you’re going to be in class or whatever. He is not a kid we are both almost  50 yrs of age.



    You are asking the wrong person.  Why don’t you ask your FWB?


    I go by the maxim: Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.

    After the first couple of times of him not answering then stop calling him.



    Hi Lisa,

    Mmmmmm…. this bothers me. -_-  I agree with Mark, though. Ask your FWB directly and hope for a direct response. Any relationship is better with good, open communication.

    In general though, it’s lame to be asked to “call now” and have no one answer or give an explanation.


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