
Winter came and went, but the love didn't

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    Dear tidalwave:

    So the correct sentence is: “I can’t tell a 100 percent what other person thinks and how he feels”-

    I can guess what another person thinks, only guess. I can’t read another person’s thoughts, and so I can’t tell 100%, can’t tell 50%, not even 1%. This is why I ask people questions and listen to what they say or write. Otherwise there is no way for me to know.

    What do people  feel? A bit more possible to guess correctly because of facial expressions, but not necessarily. People can smile and look happy when they are not. So again, better ask questions, listen to what people say.

    I do hope you find a way to no longer focus on this man, to gently let go. First form the intent to let go. Then patiently do just that, at this moment and at that moment.



    Hi Anita

    long time no see

    just wanted to tell u.

    i feel much better the past days .

    I met someone else and the pain that i had before just went away. Not right away , but pretty fast. I finally got to know that there can be something better for me than him.

    Best wishes


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by tidalwave.

    Dear tidalwave:

    Good to read from you. Thank you for the good wishes. I am glad you are feeling better and hope to read more from you! Best wishes for you as well.


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