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  • #441599

    Hi Helcat,
    I’m glad that you found bhante’s advice helpful. It’s good that you’re able to get some rest now, that helps a lot.
    Hi Helcat,
    I’ve never really thought about ‘the void’, but I do know that I ‘disappear’ during meditation. Maybe that’s the same thing. I’ve never been able to point to any advantages from meditation; I don’t feel any more at peace after; have never had any of the glorious experiences others report, nor any insights that I can attribute to it. So, why do I do it? I’m not really sure.
    Yes, I guess pain is like everything else, it fades over time. That reminds me of the old expression ‘This too will pass.’
    Years ago, after reading the Dhammapada, I came to one conclusion that has always stuck with me ‘Thoughts and mind are the source of all sorrows.’
    I suspect that a therapists advice would be more directed than Buddhist teaching, which are much more general, and not aimed at specific issues. It seems like you’re doing well …… good!
    … john
    P.S. I’m fine.


    You point out something that, I imagine, most people who have not been through what you have, don’t realize; and that is that you would have assumed, for much of your childhood, that this (abuse) is normal, only realizing that it wasn’t when you started to become aware of how other children live.
    … john


    Hi John

    I’m glad to hear that you’re fine. 😊 Maybe it is just nice to disappear for a bit? 😉

    Well I think you’re lucky to be a healthy person. For people who have more difficulties, they can see more apparent benefits.

    When I started meditating I had issues with racing thoughts, difficulty with concentration, not being able to relax and the depression was very strong. Meditation helped me to train my mind to behave a bit. 😂

    The thoughts started slowing down and getting fewer. They can stop for me in meditation now. Space opened up in my mind, allowing me to experience things other than depression.

    My trauma was so severe I had to start with vipassana, because I couldn’t do breathing based meditation (due to the drowning and suffocation I experienced), but now I can do breath based meditation.

    Those are the effects that I have noticed.

    Very true, I do think things can fade in time if you let it. Some people have difficulty letting go of the past. Not a criticism, just an observation.

    I would agree, in a roundabout way. Obviously there are practical difficulties. But yes, thoughts and the mind do cause a lot of suffering.

    It is difficult, psychology has its limits which is why I became curious about Buddhism. Psychology is very structured and rule based. Whilst it has some benefits, it has some drawbacks too. For example, a therapist can lie to a patient.

    I remember when I was anxious about becoming like my mother and I was told that the way she was was not because of her trauma, or her mental illness, it was because she had a bad personality. I actually disagree with this. Research shows that a third of people who have been abused themselves go on to abuse others. Being an untreat paranoid schizophrenic and an alcoholic single mother with zero family support certainly would have been contributing factors. It’s reductive to say that she was just a bad person and frankly untrue.

    It is like ignoring the statistics for mass shootings that reveal the outcome largely ends in suicide either by their own hands or those of police. In my opinion, mass shootings are the outcome of a colossal failure of the mental health system.

    Aside from lying to patients when it is seen as beneficial, they encourage patients to develop various sets of rules in an attempt to teach them to lead healthier lives. It’s all very mind based and conceptual. If you tell people they must do all of these things to be healthy, they start to get distressed when reality doesn’t match up with that. It becomes an obsession in its own right.

    Love, peace and blessings! ❤️🙏


    I withdrew from the antidepressant because I was feeling in a better place, but I decided to go back on it after recent arguments with my husband. It helps me to better cope with the situation.

    It occurs to me that much of our emotional experiences and even our thoughts are dictated by involuntary physiological processes.

    With the medication there is less rumination and my mood is higher.


    Hi Helcat,
    It might be a good idea to stay on it then. Is there a method whereby you can wean yourself of it, a little at a time?
    .. john


    Hi Helcat,
    You can stop your thoughts in meditation? That’s a very big step👍. Nice going!
    Yes, vipassana can be a bit daunting.
    I’m surprised that a therapist would say that; they’re usually pretty non committal.
    I always thought their approach was, listen, don’t comment, don’t judge, let the patient discover the truth or ?? for themselves. I think you had a bad therapist.
    Yes, I’ve heard that abused children usually go one of two ways, pass on the abuse to their children or swear never to inflict it on their children. You obviously took the latter route. Good for you!!
    … john


    Hi John

    Thanks! I’m sure that you could teach me a thing or two. 😊

    Yes, that was how I learned to control my panic attacks. Once I had learned to stop my thoughts in meditation, I figured that there was no reason I couldn’t do it in my daily life. I really only used it for the panic attacks though. I just went, I don’t want to do this anymore, this isn’t good for me. STOP!

    That is one style of therapy. I had that style of therapy as a child.

    The style of therapy I had as an adult was a very intense trauma therapy. You see, when I went to therapy for the first time as a young adult, I didn’t see verbal abuse as abuse. I was still being verbally abused by my adoptive family. Because of the intensity of some of my other trauma I had just seen verbal abuse as minor, ignored it and tolerated it. That phenomenon of seeing abuse as normal was in action you see. I also had difficulty in relationships with tolerating abuse.

    I would describe trauma therapy as a kind of brainwashing almost. She taught me about the ins and outs of various kinds of abuse. Encouraged me to set boundaries with people. Tried to teach me the tools to be my own therapist. It kind of pushed me to the other end of no longer being willing to tolerate much in the way of bad behaviour from other people. I was able to stop my own bad habits (coming from a yelly cursy family) and I was able to teach my sister to stop too.

    At the same time, the therapy also focused on tolerating distress because I was very avoidant. After being assaulted in college by one of my closest friends, I had massive trust issues and regular flashbacks to the assault. This part of the therapy is pretty dangerous in the wrong hands because a client can easily self-harm. I trusted her that it would eventually work out and fortunately, it did. But it was a very intense 3 months of immersing myself in that experience of the assault.

    I guess, I can see the benefits of why therapy was handled that way. But there are also drawbacks.

    Yes, that is the way I see things too. Yes, I was actually terrified of having children for a long time for that reason. That and my biological mother told me, that she wasn’t the way she was until she had children and we had made her become like that. I was lacking in confidence as a mother for a while, but I got through it and figured it out.

    After researching paranoid schizophrenia, it tends to develop around about the age of having children. So perhaps she was telling the truth about the onset of her condition, but was inaccurate about the reason?

    My husband is trying to work on his issues, they have decreased in duration and he is better about taking breaks. I think it is hard for him because he has a very unique memory. When I say he remembers everything, he remembers everything. I can tell him a date and ask him to recall that day. It has been a rough time for us in recent years. Because of the short duration of arguments now, he has taken to being a bit spiteful to express his feelings. I don’t know if he will overcome his resentment while he is with me. It is hard to know what to do because of my son.

    It has been hurtful for me when he acts out on special occasions. He was cruel to me on the day my dog died, as well as our wedding anniversary. I gave him a free pass because of grief before. But the wedding anniversary… he asked for a divorce and told me he didn’t love me on our wedding anniversary and refused to celebrate with me. He has habits of saying things that he doesn’t mean when he is upset. I told him that we can separate unless he apologises properly. He hasn’t yet.

    Days before we had argued about his brother, I wanted to confront his brother about the horrible things he said about me next time we visited, because he refuses to apologise. My husband was upset because it would strain his relationship with his family. This was why he was upset.

    The brother was trying to coach my husband into pushing me to have a mental breakdown, hospitalising me and taking sole custody of our son.

    Love, peace and blessings! ❤️🙏


    For additional context, we had previously agreed to decide whether or not we will separate when the baby is older.

    We haven’t had the opportunity to return to a sense of normality yet because of the stress of raising a newborn by ourselves and then in recent months there has been a lot of drama with his family. Everything is just a lot. I’m fed up and in two minds about it. On the one hand, I just want to have a happy healthy home life and want these difficulties to be over, whether or not that means getting my husband back (he was amazing before the baby). On the other, I don’t know whether to keep giving him chances because I just want my husband back, I don’t know if he can get to a good place though. I’m just tired. I guess everything will work out the way it is meant to in the end.

    Thanks for listening! 🙏❤️


    Oh and he gave a half hearted apology where he blamed me in the same breath.


    He tried to do something for the anniversary the day after as well. We had dinner and he got me flowers.


    Hi Helcat,
    It sounds like you’re living in a state of ‘waiting for the next shoe to drop’, with very little, if any, certainty in live, wondering if, or when, you should pull the plug. It’s a rough way to survive.
    …. john


    Hi John

    Thank you for your kind words! I wish that there was something I could do for you.

    Well we have agreed to decide whether to separate or not when our son is 18 months old.

    It is a shame that we haven’t had a chance for things to find a sense of normality.

    I’m not afraid of a future where we are separated anymore. It is just a shame. In my mind there is not much difference between now and 18 months. So I might as well just wait until 18 months like I promised myself that I would.

    He did finally apologise properly. He said that he says hurtful things when he wants to be left alone. I walk away and take the baby through. He struggles to emotionally regulate in a timely way and I was getting fed up of the extended silent treatment and thought it wasn’t fair to the baby to be cooped up in his nursery. I wish that he would take some medication, to help him calm down but he is very resistant to the idea.

    I get that it is a difficult anniversary. It was sad for me too. Quite possibly the last one we will spend together.

    I already knew that he says hurtful things to be left alone. It is just hard for him to communicate and maintain his own boundaries. He doesn’t like me calling out his behaviour when it is inappropriate for the baby. Or protecting the baby from it and taking him through.

    I have to be the person who manages the boundaries in the relationship. It is tiring because if I am not in a good place, I make mistakes. It would be great to have the support of another person who is also good at maintaining boundaries.

    One of my friends is dying. He is like a father to me and ironically also named John. So many Johns’ in the world. It is traditional to name the first born male John here. I wish that I could help the family more. I’m going to try my best. He is a fantastic person, so is his wife.

    It puts things into perspective with my own relationship. If he is happier without me, so be it. I can love him from afar as the father of my child. It is not the end of the world.

    Love, peace and blessings! ❤️🙏


    Hi Helcat,
    Yes, it’s rough for you. I guess the only bright light in this siutuation is your son. I’m sorry to hear about your friend; but it’s nice to see two people who have a loving relationship.
    ……. john


    Hi John

    Things could always be worse. I always have the perspective that things have been a lot worse in my life. All considering, I think I’m coping rather well.

    There are always many things to be thankful for, not just my son. He is wonderful though.

    I’m thankful that my husband stayed to help out through the hard parts of raising a newborn.

    I’m glad to have the opportunity to work on self-love, assertiveness and boundaries as a result of the relationship difficulties.

    I’m glad to have met interesting people such as yourself to talk to and received the kindness of strangers.

    It is a unique experience being a mother, suddenly you are a part of this club. And you’re all automatically invited. I hadn’t known women to be so kind to each other before.

    I appreciate the good days my husband and I have.

    I’m glad to have a roof over our heads and enough food to feed us.

    I’ve been enjoying exploring Buddhism.

    I actually have some free time to myself now, as my son has switched from contact napping to napping in his bed. It has been nice to study without distractions.

    I’m over the worst of the grieving of the pets.

    I’ve been enjoying the new puppy.

    Thank you for your kind wishes about my friend. They are an inspirational couple, and have weathered their share of difficulties too.

    Love, peace and blessings! ❤️🙏


    I forgot to ask how your weekend was? It was in my first draft!

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