
Zig Zag Life

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    Hi! I’m writing this to share some thoughts about my situation and I would be glad if someone could help me with ideas. The thing is this week I noticed that I change my mind very fast during my entire life and it’s hard to understand why this happen. It’s like “Sometimes I was obsessed with the thing and sometimes I didn’t want to see or think about that thing anymore.” I’ve been going to the psychologist and this is being important but I keep changing and changing and always raising different issues.

    Last year I got into college and in the same year I left college. Now I have created poems, drawings and stuff with effort and dedicate 100% of my time with them but i can’t finish nothing because the attachment I had ends for no reason. I spent a lot of time thinking that I was detached, but the point is that I don’t know how to deal. My projects have only beginning and middle.

    Also my preferences change very much. Other day I was talking with a friend about it and she said to me that already had realized that. For exemple, years ago I loved a tv show so much and shared with her and until today she likes it, but I don’t like… and this doesn’t happen with one random tv show, but with values of life, beliefs, songs, hobbies, people, sexuality, thoughts, ideas. In a way that I can’t identify myself with anything and if I identify myself it doesn’t last for so long.

    Oh. That’s it.


    Dear idontknow:

    You “projects have only beginning and middle”- but no endings- could it be because if they had endings they will be judged negatively, getting a bad grade, a Fail, maybe? Could it be you avoiding being judged to be not-good-enough?

    Your values of life, beliefs, songs, hobbies, people, sexuality, thoughts, ideas” keep changing- could it be you running away from detection, as in: I like X, but before you tell me I am wrong for liking X, guess what? I don’t like X anymore. I like Y now. But.. before you pronounce me wrong for liking Y, I no longer do.

    Anything like that?



    Hi idontknow,

    This is very common. I read a book long ago and at 3/4 of the book (it was a self help book with exercises) there was a chapter that said “I know you want to stop now”. The author then explained that there is something about the 3/4 mark where most people, yes, MOST, either stop or proceed in a very wishy-washy way. I remember there was a school teacher that said, “The bloom is off the old school rose” in the winter and “Finish up strong, boys,” in the spring of the school year.

    Maybe pick simple, small things you like and FORCE yourself to Finish Up Strong. Once you’ve mastered finishing small things, you can go on to master big things. Soon it will be second nature to follow through on projects.




    Hey that’s my life !


    Thank you so much, Anita!

    What you said makes so much sense! I am perfectionist and super self-critical. It seems that I make my own decisions but also I don’t have enough confidence to play my own thoughts and- – decisions! As if any small internal or external imbalance make me seek a better way.

    I really don’t want to give so much importance to what others are thinking about me but I am so emotional! Even when others are wrong, it’s me who is sorry and feeling bad. Do you have any tips so I can get over it?

    And thank you too, Inky!
    I will pratice finish small things and start to smell the flowers.
    After all, what is the name of the book?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Ana.

    Dear idontknow:

    You wrote: “Even when others are wrong, it’s me who is sorry and feeling bad”-

    This means any negative feedback on your work, even when you know the feedback is not correct, leads you to abandon/ give up on your project, preference, like, ,etc.

    You asked if I have any tips on how to get over caring so much about any negative input-

    No, I don’t have tips. I am recently healing myself from a super self critic. The way to do so is long, difficult, requires at least at the beginning, competent psychotherapy. The process of healing, which requires a whole lot of patience, is about gently (over time) confronting the fear you had as a child: that of your parent disapproving of you. For a child, there is nothing much that is more scary than a disapproving (and aggressively disapproving is worst) parent.


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