
In love with my professor!!!!!?

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    Ok, really pouring my heart out here….I am a female attending school In my mid-20s, and although i have never ever had feelings for a girl, i am so over the top with my female professor!

    i would never tell her though as it would be embarassing and wrong, obviusly there are rules since she is a professor, plus it would just be too risky…anyways this situation makes me incredibly sad! i love going to her class and office hours and i get this feeling in me when she responds to my emails. Please help! i wanted to take her class for the next semester but i could not and this made me so sad too!

    i know it is not realistic, but please how do i get her out of my head…its like that feeling when you feel you found your soulmate, but you are overcome with sadness because it will never be possible!

    Feathering my nest

    What specifically attracts you to her?


    Hi Newlifestartsnow,

    It is very normal for students to have crushes on their professors. I’m sure you’re not her only fan, and even if she somehow found out, she would be a pro at handling it. Nothing to be embarrassed about, unless you do embarrassing things.

    AFTER you are a student, and IF you’re quite sure she swings towards girls THEN make your feelings known. MAYBE.

    I would view her as a rock star or movie star that you will never actually know in your everyday life.





    she is so intellegent, funny but in a nerdy way, she is kind when i go to office hours. I do not think she would ever go for girls, i mean i have never even done that! but this is the first time i actually go to office hours and interact with a professor, even emailing. I email her at least two times a week for school related purposes of course, but when her email comes i get so excited.

    more than anything i am really sad that i cannot take her class next semester since it is full.  please how do i stop feeling this sadness that i will never be able to be with her or even see her after semester is over.


    Dear Newlifestartsnow:

    “how do I stop feeling this sadness that I will never be able to be with her or even see her after semester is over”- my answer: the things  you like so much about her, become those things little  by little.

    That way you will be able to be with someone like her: you!


    Feathering my nest

    Anita has some good advice there. This woman clearly inspires you. (She’s good at her job!)


    If it makes you feel any better- some plot lines in Charlotte Bronte’s novels were inspired by a massive crush she had on her teacher. Are you involved in any creative activities, like writing or singing? Using a creative outlet to express your feelings can be really therapeutic. If you’re not, you can just try to write a poem/song, or paint a picture based on these feelings you’re having for your professor. But if you feel that this crush is really causing harm to your peace of mind, it might help to talk to a counselor.

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