
Unsure if I should walk away

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    Hi everyone reading,

    I was hoping for some advice on a current relationship (a first relationship for me)

    I have been with my boyfriend for 6months, upon meeting him i was in a space where i was gaining a bit of confidence back after a couple years with debilitating anxiety (social included) and i was still very guarded and even though i fell for him i was still very scared and unsure, assuming he would end up hurting me & not to bother – i have read alot into attachment styles in efforts to heal my anxiety & become open to connection, and have discovered how dysfunctional my behaviour is towards relationships, due to a very unstable, sometimes frightning and sometimes emotionally abusive childhood. So the way i percieve lovers is very negative, hence why i havnt been in a relationship until now (too scared)

    I decided to take a chance with him and challange every fear i had about men, as i felt what we have is very strong and he is a beautiful person, something i saw instantly before knowing him. I have expirienced alot of anxiety seeing this relationship out so far, but i endured as i felt it was worth it, and worth it for me to overcome these ingrained beliefs ive been living with, and he is the sweetest guy ive ever met. We have had many agruments from the beginning all because of one anothers insecurities where i tried ending it a couple of times but he is good with his words & always apologized, though it did raise alarm bells as i knew i was still working through alot personally and this was just alot of added stress for me, he is very passionate when he feels there is sometjing wrong and his reaction/tone of voice & the way he spoke scared me a little and put me right off. But i decided to continue because he always made up for it and though his reaction was irrational his points where understandable, i also understood that he does not either want to be hurt.

    I was doing well (besides the anxiety coming with it) with looking at my behaviour and thinking twice before i reacted, alot of things have come up for me in this relationship & i have found that i get very reactive quickly, i assume he is out to hurt me, with no real evidence(so im constantly looking for evidence)
    In little things and making them a much bigger deal, and interpersting them wrongly, i look at things and other people negstively, as a protection mechanism im always on the look out for things that could be a potential threat (things in their behaviour), i become bery in my head making up scenarios & end up being cold and distant, he noticed early on when i did my usual tjing if i felt a guy wasnt interested (by not acting the way i expected them to) & shut off, stormed out, basically thought “im out” & he was very confused, i told him i had anxiety & apologized for being cold, and that it had more to do with me than him.

    Since then i have become tired of constantly checking in with myself before strong insecurities come up, and in challenging everything i do. I keep on making the same mistakes, snapping at him for little things, expecting the impossible from him & being totally irrational and taking him wrong, i am now at a point where my mind is too tired to think twice, i am too often snapping at him and apologizing AFTER, i feel like im failing with this & i feel depressed, i was on the verge of a breakdown yesterday due to all the stress i e been putting myself through in regards to this relationship (like it shoukd be so hard!) & i basically feel now i just cant do it. He has his flaws but aside from that he has been nothing but supportive of me, loving and overly complimentrary, i feel i cant even focus on these beautiful tjings, i am still scared, still analyzi g him and still judging him and i feel guilty & sad that i am finding it very difficult to just let go & give him love and let him give it to me, i find it hard to take his kind words and often tell him i dont believe him which frustrates him.

    I feel completely unable to be in a relationship & i feel i am & have been unfair to him, the way i have been is now almost looking like a joke & i am surprised he is still with me, i am confused as to why this proving almost imposdible without anxiety & depression and whether i should let it go as i feel it is totally unfair on him, i believe and have believed from the start that he is a genuine besutiful hearted person and have believed to tjis day that he is too good for me, that he deserves someone who is ‘together’ can support him and give him love.

    I get upset when i think like that because it makes me feel so guilty that i just cant be compassionate & loving & to put my crap aside, it is beyond a challange and one im getting through but i dont want to involve him in it.

    Im not sure what to do, everytime i react and apologize he first gets cranky, reminds me of what he has said to me and the nice tjings he has done for me, and then i says its okay & not to stress about it. But i just feel ridiculous now, like a joke, like im the gf with all the problems & he is going through alot & all i want to do is support him, but my thoughts are still selfish and inconsiderate of him. I feel imense guilt & sadness as i revognise these tjings but now feel powerless to change it, my mind is exhausted & i am becomming needy of him, i havnt been getting alot of work (im a freelancer) so i spend most nights with him and alot if energy in the day thinking about him, analyzing him and the situation. It is not healthy but very hard to break out of this habit. I no longer want to do this to him, but i feel powerless. I keep thinking and feeling he deserves better, i dont want to embarras myself anymore and i dont want to be a lump of stress & sadness when im with him, which is more often than it should be.
    He was my teacher in class and he is a little older than me, (6 years apart) but i feel with the dynamic that we met, i kind of try to prove myself to him, he inspires me.

    What do you think?? Am i uncapable of any kind of connection? Should i let him go to sort my life? I love him to bits, we moved quickly & he is just amazing, but this is why i feel i want him to be happy, he says he is but i honestly believe im a pain in the butt, and he deserves better.

    Any advice would be much much appreciated! I am confused & stuck :-/ thank you for reading if you got to the end of this


    i should add that i always have in the past pulled myself out of any potential relationship before i fell to hard for the other person, because of the fears of hurt but also the fear that i would become needy and focus all if not most of my attention on the person im with, loosing interest in my own life & eventually becoming too dependent and chasing them away. I becom e unfocused easily and everytime im seeing someone i find it hard to focus on my own life




    Thanks for your post. I am not going to answer your question whether you should walk away or stay but I will try to provide some clarity around this question.

    First of all, I am sorry for your suffering. On top of your own fears, you must be battling a constant guilt for being harsh to a guy who is willing to look past your insecurities. Give yourself and your partner a big hug. These sort of men are hard to find in current times 🙂

    What is your biggest fear ? What will happen if this fear comes true ? Whats the worst that can happen ? Now work backwards and see if you can incorporate these findings into your daily living. Most often our fear disables us when we feel that we are not good enough and wont be able to handle whatever comes our way. Now ask yourself this question – is this really true ? Did you not handle coming into this life when so many other babies dont take their first breath for whatever causes, getting education, going to work, getting into your first relationship ? You eat food everyday despite being unsure if one of the bugs in the food could lead you to sickness etc ? When we are able to put so much faith in the unseeable, what is different about your current situation ?

    Always remember one thing – nothing in this life is under our control except for our reactions. Our reactions stem from our predominant thoughts. These thoughts create our reality. Now, You decide what sort of reality you wish to create – one of misery or one of facing your fears and marching ahead with your head held high up ? Our thoughts are influenced by everything around us including our speech, how we treat people, what we read, what we eat or do, what we tell ourselves, what we write etc. Get into a habit of looking at these thoughts regularly as you will realise where the problem stems from.

    Being nasty to your partner, distrusting him, looking at future in a pessimistic way etc is running away from yourself. You are not doing disservice to anyone else except yourself. If you dont learn kindness, compassion, self love and develop faith in other beings, you will keep getting stuck in similar situations repetitively until you learn these lesons. So why not try to learn these lessons in current relationship ?

    Can I suggest that you see a counsellor or a local doctor to see if they can help you move past your anxiety related concerns ? You sound like a young soul so facing your fears and moving past them shouldnt be too hard.

    You are worth it all so give yourself a chance 🙂

    Best wishes,



    Jasmine is right! I also encourage you, as above, to:

    1. Imagine the worst thing that could happen. That would be annihilation or being eaten. It is statistically almost impossible to be annihilated or eaten, especially by someone who loves you. 🙂 That is how I have dealt with social anxiety.

    2. Tell your boyfriend that you have anxiety and are actively treating it. That could be through a doctor, a psychologist, hypnotism, diet (believe it or not), yoga (helped me), meditation, clergy, and/or a mentor.

    I think if you break up with him and wait until you’re “ready” to be in a relationship, you might never be! Who knows?? Why not stick with the one that obviously loves you? Your issues will only get better if you work on them. Don’t get hung up on the old student/teacher dynamic. He is only six years older which isn’t a lot, so that part’s OK.

    Good Luck!!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Inky.


    In addition to the other kind words, consider that he doesn’t deserve better than you, he deserves exactly you. Even as screwed up as you think you are, he is the same. That’s part of what drew you two together. You’re both a huge pain in the butt, and both magnificent.

    Consider that you have a huge, big, open heart, and love him perhaps a little more than you love yourself. So, he farts, no biggie. You fart, OMG. He stumbles, and “how cute”. You stumble, and “what a stupid clutz”. Over time, too much of this weighs the heart, until it doesn’t even know why such a wonderful man would be with such a disaster of a woman. Don’t be fooled, friend, even your disasters are beautiful, and the only reason his errors slide right by is because you have such a fond affection for him. Lend yourself some of that light hearted acceptance, you need it too!

    With warmth,


    Thank you so much to everyone for the insight and advice, it really means alot & have shifted my perspective a little reading this thread. I have told him i have anxiety & tell him im doing my best (i just dont feel that is enough most times) he is also i think expiriencing a bit of depression although he is not very open about it and i think he wears a happy capable face & a good attitude, which i love about him but i can see he is struggling with things in his life and i just want nothing more to be open and be there for him, my mind just gets too caught up in other things and i sometimes dont even really feel good enough or strong enough to even help him, even if i do and im kind and loving ) that notjing i say or do will be of value anyway, in the moment i put alot of pressure on myself to just say the right thing & fix his sadness and do it so perfectly that i end up not being able to think clearly, feel fully & end up not saying much at all, which in the end looks really selfish! here he is with a problem and im stuck in my head about how I can come across, im still thinking about me.. i really dont intend to.
    I guess it comes down to not feeling good enough, overall..?

    Thank you matt your words made me tear, i suppose most of us are messy inside, you just dont see the messyness in everyone. maybe we are both as crazy & i am just more open about it?? lol the more i get to know him the more i see similarities in this kind of thinking and behaviour, i have found that he is the same as me in alot of ways 🙂
    Grateful for this advice thanks so much xxx


    Thank you Jasmine & Inky,

    Thanks so much for your advice, he is definitely rare, i guess my biggest fear revolves around being hurt and left/humiliated, and letting someone in close enough to see my ‘messyness’.
    if these fears come true i guess that backs up my beliefs about myself, that im not good enough so i will be left and rejected, & it’s hard to live with/will be/is. I definately understand, each time i think of giving up because it seems impossible i think to myself well when im a going to deal with all of this then? I may aswell deal now.. Was seeing a therapist am waiting to begin again in relation to anxiety, it has always been helpfull.. i guess this is all just a little frustrating but thats life i guess 🙂 i have definately felt like i have been running away from myself, thank you so much once again,
    kirsty x


    I will add that you are the only one unhappy with how you are. For some reason you think being you and messy is wrong. There is no right way to live your life but living the life everyone else thinks you should live is a formula for unhappiness. Be your beautiful broken self with him and if you are both lucky you might grow old finding new broken parts of each other the rest of your life.:)

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