Forum Replies Created
July 28, 2015 at 6:44 pm #80686
ParticipantI wanted to chime in from a mans perspective who was once guilty of the same behavior as your partner. I can only speak of my experience but I was working, providing a life and home for my family and we men hunker down. I lost my passion and was getting very little joy out of anything. I wasn’t alive anymore and my wife felt it. I was cold and reactive and did not bring any energy or love to our relationship. I was dead inside and couldn’t even see it. I wasn’t happy and it had nothing to do with my partner. Maybe you can ask him and encourage him to find his own happiness again. Real relationships are tough and have highs and lows. Reach out to him with real love and give him the space to feel alive and you will benefit.
July 28, 2015 at 6:31 pm #80685turquoise115
ParticipantNever trade your life so that you can look like a good person! Explore, live and grow. Someday you may come back and find that the person you hurt at the time was forced to do the same and is better off for it. If he resents you he was always was a bad person and incapable of a great relationship. If he thanks you, he may be worth a second shot. 😉
July 28, 2015 at 6:01 pm #80684turquoise115
ParticipantPlease don’t lose hope in humanity due to the pain you have gone through. Kind, gentle and non abusive people are out there as well. Spend time with kind people and you will learn what you are supposed to feel like when you have support and love with no strings attached to it. Truly kind people behave as such and many are kind long enough to suck you in before you see their true colors. You now know what a bad relationship is and can go forward with the skills to never get into one again. Please don’t see a bad relationship as personal failure it’s just something that happened to you it doesn’t need to define you! Heal by appreciating that you are alive, beautiful and capable. Heal yourself by loving others and it will come back to you. 💙
July 28, 2015 at 5:21 pm #80681turquoise115
We all hit low points and it seems like you have hit one. A quote I read said “Change the way you look at things and things change.” You are educated and have 60 years of living on this earth to your credit! You are a survivor and success is not measured in dollar signs or whether you have the so called perfect suburban life. Don’t ever quit or give up and the right things will happen for you. I take it that an MA is a masters in art. The whole world is in need of artists but you need to take your skills to cyber space. People who can create are in demand. There is no such thing as a low level job its whether or not you consider yourself a low level person. Sometimes the greatest people eek out an existence, are kind to their fellow man and very people ever knew who they were. Their anonymity does not reduce their contribution to our world but our society makes us think we have to be grandiose and get credit for our good deeds. Keep going, create and you will make it. The struggle is the good life because you are breathing and to be alive is great!October 16, 2014 at 4:41 pm #66362turquoise115
I am the husband who had a similar situation to yours. I didn’t see the hurt my family was causing my wife. Long story short, I had to choose, wife and my children or people who never accepted my wife. I chose my wife and the family I built with her. It’s been over a year with no contact with my family and it is better that way. It was difficult at the time but it was the best move for my immediate family. I didn’t realize that I didn’t have her back and I was very conflicted about losing my family but if they could not accept my wife and respect her then they were out of my life. If he won’t do it then the stress will never end and you will pay the price by yourself.October 16, 2014 at 4:23 pm #66361turquoise115
I will add that you are the only one unhappy with how you are. For some reason you think being you and messy is wrong. There is no right way to live your life but living the life everyone else thinks you should live is a formula for unhappiness. Be your beautiful broken self with him and if you are both lucky you might grow old finding new broken parts of each other the rest of your life.:)October 16, 2014 at 4:02 pm #66359turquoise115
ParticipantI have thought deeply about your situation and I have a wife with a similar childhood as yours. I always wondered how she could go so long without showing affection as well when we were younger. What I realized over the years is that she is strong but a wounded little girl lives deep inside her. The problem you are having is an immature male who doesn’t get women yet. Your experience requires a partner who is strong enough to know he is loved and works to love and support you as you are. He wants you to behave as he wants and that is called control. If you are anything like my wife emotionally you don’t need anyone but require a supportive partner. Real love is in your heart but you are weary that it can be ripped away any moment and this is reinforced when you have a partner not mature enough to see the impact of your childhood on your current relationship. A lot of men would be very happy to have a woman like you but weaker men tear them apart to keep them under their control. You have a child who will only be as happy as the mother raising them and you know that better than anyone. Strong is beautiful, wounds heal with time and love. Men are good, just take the time to weed out the selfish ones who want to change you.
October 16, 2014 at 11:47 am #66352turquoise115
ParticipantThe task is not an easy one but freedom lies on the other side. If you ever want any recommendations on what to do feel free to ask. 🙂
October 16, 2014 at 9:36 am #66346turquoise115
Caring about those around you and providing a good life for them is something we all think about. The secret is to enjoy it not fear it going away. I watched a couple of my family members live their lives the way you are describing and it left no room to enjoy anything. The old saying is change the way you look at things and things change. All you really control in this world is your own actions and how you respond to/view life. You have a beautiful son, you are caring and value your family and a life that is meant to be enjoyed. Take some time alone to feel the wind blow on your face, watch your son sleep in the comfort of the space you have given him and know that you are here to enjoy all those gifts even when they are sick. 🙂October 16, 2014 at 6:36 am #66338turquoise115
Words are cheap, actions are all that matter to women. They see through good intentions and observe us men in a way that is hard to understand. Your girlfriend realized that she loved you deeply and that her life would be one of expecting you to understand her but never would so she ended what she thought was hopeless. However here is the good news, women want and need men. The challenge is to be one! I speak from experience so I am hoping you read this many times. Men have emotional control, they understand that a women’s world is typically much more emotionally draining and intense than ours and a man can take all the stress and still make sure he treats her gently. Do your own thing but include her, dress well, eat well and have some discipline in your job or exercise routine. That my friend is the simple formula. I hope this helps it took me a while to learn it.October 16, 2014 at 6:22 am #66336turquoise115
ParticipantChange means taking risks. You are trapped because you fear what might happen if you change what is actually comfortable. You are angry because you know you are better. Accept the hard path and make it happen, that’s what men do.